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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Hoop class Monday, took yesterday off, more hoop practice tonight and a walk planned for later.  I finally got the hang of hooping at shoulder/chest level.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    Mary, LOL at your tale of two doggies.

    Windy & cold here so walked at the Capitol yesterday & today at lunchtime.

    Logged 7.54 km = 4.69 miles for the past two days.

    I have a drink with dinner on Tuesday which is date night.  Usually, it's a margarita. 

    And maybe a nice glass of wine (or two) throughout the week.  Innocent 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Sonson I would not do Pump with the bar, when I first started back I just used 5lb handweights for biceps, squats/lunges I did with the weights in my hand and triceps I just used the bar with no weights - are you doing it in a class setting or the home video? BUT I had been cleared by my doctor and I did a Body Flow class which really helped my ROM unfortunately now my gym only has Flow through the day when I'm at work.  Mary glad to hear you didn't have too much damage and I hate to laugh at your doggie experience but LOL.

    Didn't make it to the gym tonight as I have been helping out a friend at his business for the past few days and tonight we didn't finish till 8pm but I have been on my feet for 8 to 10 hours the past 3 days and walking back and forth that entire time filling boxes I sure wish I had been wearing a pedometer I know I have been logging miles, the only bad thing is that I didn't even buy and candy....... oh maybe I can get some at half price tomorrowSealed

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2012

    This past month , I have had two bad colds, broke my toe two weeks ago and tweeked my knee a week ago, but I have been limping to zumba. I love those ladies, what a positive group. I was only moving my upper body, after the toe & knee injuries, but they kept the usual energy up.

    I taught class in a gypsy costume yesterday, only one other lady of my 14 who came dressed up. It was fun, but that costume made me sweat way more than usual Laughing

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Inside day today as it's cold and raining - organized and sorted the utility room.  I now have a pile of give aways, have tossed some junk, the shelves look neat and I'm feeling really good about it.  

    zumbagirl  Way to go, you're inspiring with what you're dealing with and still staying active.  I've been really lax about exercising lately, in the past month have had a cold, dealt with shingles, and plantar fasciitis.  If you can do Zumba in a gypsy costume than I'm dragging my sorry a$$ to pilates!!    

    Is it November already?!  

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2012

    ok, joyh, now you have inspired me. It is also raining here, and I am sitting in my pj's reading all the recent posts on here, and thinking what I should do today, before I teach my zumba class tonight. I need to sort out cluttery piles, and do a give away box as well,, thanks Laughing

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    I got in three miles of walking and from the supermarket, to and from the wine bar.  Had the most fun Halloween ever.  We had a party with wines renamed to things such as "Venomous Viognier" and "Bloody Barbera".  Then we told ghoulish stories based on a card game.  It was a blast!

    There were all sorts of costumes in Post Alley and a marching Dixieland Band.  So major mayhem.  I thought a late night, but things were still going strong as I walked home.

    No candy.  I admit to being in slow motion today, but definitely would do again, but this time with a costume. - Claire

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Zumbagirl, I know that feeling of wearing a costume and dancing (I wasn't teaching a class when I did this a few years, well, maybe teaching people how silly I wasEmbarassed)-so sweaty and fake fabric stickiness!  Fun though...

    Joy, I have the same drive to organize when it's raining out.  My problem is I pull out the junk then keep finding reasons to keep it.  I'm pretty pared down, but I still have stacks of books I should give to the library.  And "coffee table books"...they seem cool, but who EVER reads them?  I have about 20 of these things, and with the exception of my Beatles Anthology book, I think they need to go...

    Claire, the wine bar party sounds fun!  We had the Giants World Series parade in San Fran yesterday (sorry Mary-heh heh) and while we didn't go, we did watch it on TV.  We love our Giants, and their orange and black colors went perfectly with a Halloween parade.

    I did an hour of slugging running today and it seemed to help with my "withdrawal" jitters.  My goodness, I never knew getting off of a sleep med could be like this...EVEN though there are warnings all over the place.  I still can't believe I used it off and on for so long.  Not beating myself up, but it was foolish to not pay attention.  Sometimes I think I have more control over things that I really's always my downfall.

    Rain here today, which is welcome.  Was happy to see that my strong east coast friends have been dealing so well with the storm aftermath.  It's incredible what we humans are capable of!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi all, went out to lunch with friends (walked there & back) then did a quick spin around the block when I got home from work while the sun was still up.  3.85 km = 2.39 miles for the day.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    I saw the doctor about my foot today, he said I have a Morton's Neuroma and gave me a cortico steroid shot and I'm to stay out of the gym till next monday and then for 3 weeks I'm on restriction - spin only, no combat or step until I see him againFrownFrownFrown

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    oh, Cheryl, I looked that up and they said it feels like walking on a marble. 

    ow ow ow!!  ((hugs))

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Badger it was funny cause he put pressure on the bottom of my foot as he was explaining it and "moved around" what actually felt like a marble.....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    FYI, courtesy of Dr. Google -

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Yup  explains it perfectly, won't worry about the high heels seeing as though it's been many years since I was a "high heel gal" at the moment my foot is completely numb so the shot is working.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Youch, Cheryl!!!!

    Did a new Denise Austin DVD called Sculpt and Burn Body Blitz. It was good, all cross training moves.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Ouch Cheryl, sounds very inconvenient.  

    DazedInfused, I'm not sure if you're new or just returned since I started posting, anyway, "Hi!"  I did a book purge and boy it was hard.  Take it a bit at a time.  Sometimes I'd just give myself a quota, like fill one small box with giveaways.  On sleep meds, I imagine I'll be hooked on them when this is done as well.  Were you taking them round the clock?  I ask because one doctor advised me I would not get addicted if I only took them at night.

    I asked the chemo nurse what she thought was causing the insomnia and she said it's probably the steroids.  It's odd to me that they stay in my system all week though.  Anyway the only thing that works consistently is 2 mg Ativan, and I feel so awful after a night of sleeplessness I figure I'll just keep using it and deal with withdrawal after treatment.

    Worked on my hooping tonight and scoured YouTube for videos for new moves to try.  It got dark on me before I managed a walk.  I realized I'm getting hooked on the daily exercise.  I get really antsy if I don't get my long walk.

    Question for you ladies-- does anyone else walk, run, or cycle alone at night?  I don't exactly feel afraid doing it but I do feel conspicuous.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Got in pilates yesterday and felt oh so much better afterwards.  Will keep the momentum going today, a hike with the dog and mat stretch.

    Agree about the give aways - some are easy, others, like books, so much harder to pass along.  It makes me feel better thinking that somebody else is getting good use out of what is just taking up space in my house.   My biggest obstacle in purging is DH - he goes through everything and wants to keep half!  Tongue Out

    Ann  Thanks for the reminder about sleep meds, and sorry that you've had such a struggle.  cheryl  Ouch!  Great that spin is still okay.  badger   You're getting so close to that 3,000 miles!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Yoga last night. I've gained 5lbs and feel like a flub. Need some voices...... so unmotivated and tired lately!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Cheryl - I have Morton's neuroma as well.  Mine doesn't sound as bad as yours, but I know what you're feeling.  I'm blaming the letrozole since I never had anything like that before.  Mine tends to flare during long walks, runs, or hikes, or on the very rare occasion when I have to wear grown-up dress shoes.  I found that when I'm about to do something that I know will aggravate it, if I really manipulate the foot before I put on my shoe on, it helps.  A good 5-10 minutes of bending it, rippling it, moving my fingers between the falanges from ankle to tip treating each toe separately, moving the toes back and forth, squeezing the entire foot and releasing, etc. makes such a difference - it flares a lot less when I take those few moments ahead of time to work on the foot. 

    During long hikes, usually after a couple of hours, I sometimes have to remove the hiking boot and manipulate the foot some more, and then I'm good for another few hours.  It's actually gotten much better during runs since I finally bit the bullet and got properly fitted for good running shoes at the local running store. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Still without power, but my job reopened today so I'm finally online again.  Spent Tuesday cleaning up yard debris from the storm.  Not a lot to do around the house without power, so the last two days I drove to various beaches and walked them, looking for treasures from the sea (didn't find any) - but got some great photos of the power of mother nature.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Hope you get your power back on soon, Pat. 

    Off to the cabin this weekend - first time we've been there since the storm.  Hope there's not a tree sitting on it or something.  Surprised  The sun should finally come out for at least part of the weekend, so if we're not removing errant trees, I hope to get out and do some hiking - Mikey and I both need the exercise!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hey Pat, thanks for checking in.  Glad you're OK and hope your power is restored soon.

    misswim here's a Voice saying you are strong and beautiful and hey girl get some exercise!

    Ann, I walk alone all the time but not usually at night.  I could, though.  I live in a small town so it's safe but there's no anonymity.  Everyone is into everyone else's business, and when they see me out walking it's something for them to talk about.  Really, people have mentioned to my DH that they saw me out walking.  So I guess I'm conspicuous but not in the way you meant.

    Joy, yep getting close to 3,000 miles - 61 miles to go so I'll be there in maybe a month!

    3.33 km = 2.07 miles for today.  I'm thinking about signing up for a Jingle Bell 5K in Dec.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    misswim, do it even if you are tired and unmotivated!

    Speaking of tired and unmotivated; I complained my way through two FIRM DVDs tonight, Rock Solid Buns and Calorie Killer. The little girls on the TV did not seem to care that I was not in the mood!

    pat, glad you are OK. Mary, hope you find your cabin untouched by Sandy.

    Ann, be careful if you are walking alone at night. Stick to well-lit places etc. I live in a safe place too, but don't think I'd want to be out there alone after dark. Also, take the sleeping pills during treatment and don't worry about it. You have to be able to sleep to cope. I probably would have dropped dead of exhaustion without them (and I am not exaggerating!).

    Have a good weekend, all!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Mary, good luck with your cabin.  Misswim, here's a voice saying keep up the exercise and add more fruits and veggies to your meals.

    Taxol #5 yesterday and the nurse encouraged me to use the sleeping pills as well.  She said it could be the steroids causing the insomnia.  That makes sense as it's been worse since going to weekly infusions.

    One hour walk tonight (before dark) and quite a while hooping in the back yard.  I used to be unable to cope with the uneven surface out there but now it's a piece of cake.  I had fun.

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2012

    misswim- YOU know you want to and I know you will ...Smile

    Plus, if you do, I will try a yoga class this weekend ! You have until Sunday, I will check back ;)

    60 mins of crosstraining; 30mins cardio, 30mins weights/ stretching and 55 minutes of chemo sweats LOL

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Thank you girls! I took Ruth's advice and bought a book today. I've decided to stick to my 3x week yoga, but add 5 days a week of 30-40 mins cardio. I planned out which DVD's to do and I'll mix them up each week. I picked my faves from several different programs!!

    Also, removing sugar and white flour. That will make a big difference I am sure. Its just been a rough few weeks! :)

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    A book to record my exercise, that is!

  • evergreen9
    evergreen9 Member Posts: 25
    edited November 2012

    One thing that really helps me is having a workout friend. Three times a week, I pick her up, we go to the Y, and work out, cardio and weights, for an hour. Twice a week, I go alone and swim laps. I LOVE swimming, it's as if I am being supported and surrounded by comfort, but I get great cardio. And then I work in the garden. I was never this active before cancer. But I keep reading that physical activity that makes you sweat has been shown to reduce recurrence, so that's what motivates me. And I have to add it I feel great afterwards. One advantage I have is the fact that I'm retired. My heart goes out to the moms out there who are trying to do it all, under not the best circumstances.I hope your partners are supportive!

    During chemo however, I was weak as a newborn kitten. Walking 50 yards wore me out.

    It does get better, for those of you still in chemo!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    I trudged up Queen Anne Hill and got fixings for a fish dinner with artichoke-tomato bruschetta on top.  But will put under the broiler as opposed to baking next time.  Still a major yum.

    Feeling sad and disappointed at the news in NYC/NJ.  A time for the politicos to get in and make people feel better, and that is not what I am seeing.  At least, Bloomberg finally called off the NYC Marathon.  I know my ex husband is OK now, and that was important to learn.  One of my online friends is driving down with food and other stuff from Albany on Sunday.  I am so proud of her.

    THINK I will be doing a ride tomorrow.....and suspect that "wet" is part of the deal.  That is fine.

    Feel so odd and dislocated tonight as unable to help, and so many could use a friendly face and a hot meal. 

    What an odd week!  Still taking in what happened. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Hour of pilates concentrating on abs Surprised and a long hike in the drizzling rain with the dog.  It's good to get cardio going again, looks like another inside option will be needed once winter sets in though.  

    My thoughts are with those suffering with devastation in the Northeast.  I went through Hurricane Andrew 20 years ago, so know the terrible hardship of what it's like.   Help is needed and fast to prevent even more suffering.  

    Trying to figure out how to go sugar free but it's sooo hard.  Every day at around 3:00 I crave something sweet, and usually don't stop at just a little!