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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Joy, try a piece of fruit and/or 70% chocolate instead of a sweet. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012 are in Hungary, land of amazing pastry!  Thought of you last night when I pulled the cork on a bottle of Hungarian Gruner Vertlinger.  I would be rationing, but not eliminating my trips to the coffee/pastry shops.  Because if I want pastry or something similar, I find that I will eat everything in sight, and THEN eat what I really wanted.

    I would do what the British are really wonderful at.  Planned walks with a nice stopping point at the 2/3 mark.  Being the UK, it's more often the pub, but it can also be a tea room.

    The person ahead of me in Trader Joe's yesterday afternoon was buying three kinds of hummus and three kinds of raw vegetables to have with, and all I could think was "poor deluded woman, missing out on all the pleasures of life".  My fish with vegetables was just delish, and I daresay, equally healthy.

    Anyway, I am off cycling in a couple of hours.  Need some major miles, but will try to stay dry and warm. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Just did the 1989 Jane Fonda Complete Workout that I got for free. Some warm up, 15 minutes upper body, 30 of aerobics, 15 lower body and a cool down. Great music, fun moves, it was really, really fun. Jane looks like she about 15 years old!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    I am housesitting for my yoga teacher/pilates instructor on her 10 acre property in Putney, VT. I used the spin bike for 30 minutes, did 45 min Cardio Overdrive by The Firm DVD ( I thought of you while doing many, many, many lunges Ruth!!!), and jumped on the pilates reformer for 15 mins. I am back. Gosh it felt good. She's a vegan whole foods chef and cooked alll 3 meals for both days for us. Yum. Nice shiraz to go with our "chicken" scallopini with roasted veggies over whole wheat pasta. Its been a good weekend!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    misswim, if you do the FIRM religiously, you will reshape your legs. Once I got serious about doing their workouts (post-diagnosis, I will add, I was too scared to do much upper body stuff, so did their workouts with no or very light weights for the upper body at first and all the lower body exercises, which are very, very good). I went down several pants sizes without losing weight (turned fat into muscle). It was so amazing and I was so suprised that I thought something might be wrong with me for awhile. Maybe I could go on their infromericals!!!

    If you have bought a notebook and use it, you will be hooked on exercise forever! Smile

    If you want to see a GREAT movie, go to ARGO. Wow!!!!!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2012

    Heading out this morning to a 5k walk/run ( I will be walking) in memory of sweet 6 month old baby Jamie who lost her battle with liver cancer. In her short time on earth she reminded us all that life is so precious. All the proceeds go to Ct Children's Medical Center to help other families who are still fighting this battle.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    Ginger, oh so young, that's a hard reason to walk so thanks for doing it.

    Walked about town doing errands Sat. and logged 4.5 km = 2.95 miles.

    We're starting to plan the Sculpted Sisterhood trip for next year, to Washington DC.  No firm dates yet but we're thinking maybe July.  It totally depends on who's playing the Nats - the Brewers, the Twins, or the SF Giants.  JK but it's likely we'll wind up at a baseball game.

    If anyone's interested in joining in, please send me your e-mail addy in a PM.  Woo Hoo!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    No major bands of orange on the weather map, so should be able to do a really long ride today.  I think a reprise of last Sunday's ride but starting and ending where I live so won't need my car.

    Like Ruth, my legs got reshaped about 15 years ago when I started cycling again.  I did lift free weights throughout chemo as well as walk and cycle.  Actually, it was fun to be the most buff person in the place, and I am talking about the staff, not other patients.

    Misswim.....if you want something that really tones and shapes the body, take up x-country skiing.  Not right now, as woods are unsafe in November, but as soon as the snows come in December.  All those logging roads make wonderful trails, so no need to pony up $$$ to go skiing.  Plus it's great fun and you get to see amazing sights.

    Wonderful for your arms and shoulders too.

    I need to drag my butt into church prior to doing my ride.  The least I can do is pray for everyone in the East.  Still haven't heard from my former business partner who was due back from Switzerland last night.  Assuming she is fine, but she should be home by now.

    Anyway, hoping everyone gets in some GREAT moving. - Claire

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2012

    Ruth, I use to do that Jane Fonda workout. Its a good one.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you that have suffered from the damage to the East Coast.

    I am going to return to journaling my daily calories, and exercise. I can't lose this mid section gain, from anastrozol.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Just wanted to share a nice compliment I received at the gym this morning from a young (mid-thirties) lady who lifts massive amounts of weight.  I had told her months ago that she's my inspiration.  Then, back in July I told her she wouldn't see me for a few weeks because of surgery.  I was back in the gym in September and she was so happy to see me.  Today I ran 8 miles, then off to the gym to do shoulders and my young friend said to me, "By the way, you told me I inspired you to lift heavy, well, I want you to know that YOU are MY inspiration for coming back after what you endured and now you're fit and strong as ever . . ."  This from a 30-something made my day.

    Also today my running partner brought her 25 year old son along.  I thought, "Are you kidding me????" but he actually was fine with our slower pace because he normally runs 3 miles or so in the woods and he had to slow down and take a few walk breaks today because he's just not used to 8 miles on pavement.

    I love (occasionally) working out with and inspiring the younger generation . . .

    Great day to all!!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    We did a 10K Cider Donut Run/Walk this morning in Amherst, MA; My DH and his parents and brother ran 10K, my son and I power walked the 5K walkers loop. Had hot cider and warm cider donuts after. Yummy. The event went through some beautiful neighborhoods and by Mill River Falls, which was breathtaking!

    Ruth, my legs are on fire today! I lost a ton of weight with the Firm back in the 90's. I love them!

    Claire- I asked my husband for x-country skis for Christmas!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies, got out for a lovely long walk this afternoon 5.8 km = 3.6 miles.

    Yummy comfort food supper tonight - meatloaf with mashed potatoes & gravy, acorn squash, roasted brussels sprouts, and homemade applesauce.

    Joy, for a sweet craving I like Constant Comment tea.  It's got orange & sweet spice.

    Needs no sugar or milk and it's very satisfying.  I usually get the decaf version.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    I did something this afternoon that I never do. I took a nap. I know why I don't take them, because I have been groggy the rest of the day. Finally forced myself into a light Denise Austin walking video and some light toning. I would not have been too inspiring to anyone, but oh well, I at least did something. I had a comfort food supper too; squash and a cheesy tomato rigatoni. It was a rather 'orange' looking meal, but yummy none-the-less (mine was heavy on the squash, light on the rigatoni, DHs was the reverse). YAWN!

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Hi.  Can I join this thread again???  I was faithfully exercising and fell off the wagon.  Went to a lecture at work during October on breast cancer prevention and heard AGAIN why it's so important to maintain exercise and a healthy weight.  This is especially true for us post menopausal bc survivors!  So, I'm tracking calories and exercising.  So far I'm 2 lbs down but at least it's a start.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Welcome back on the wagon, Debbie! You might also want to join some of us on the 'Wednesday Weigh In' thread. It's also in the Fitness Forum.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    I was more worried about falling off my bicycle as learned beyond painful.  Wet leaves were everywhere and generally soggy, but stayed on, and did 70 miles for the weekend.  Was just lovely and saw amazing mushrooms. Or perhaps toadstools.  I left them there, and will buy my fungi where safer.

    It is harder work cycling when wet.  My glutes told me that big time.

    Just fine after a hot bath, nap, and a glass of wine.

    Dinner next. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Week one of reducing sugar, and I've noted all of the suggestions - thanks.  It is hard to be good in a coffee house culture. 

    Claire   The Gruner Velts are very limited here in Hungary - glad to hear that you are getting them there.  My favorite Hungarian wines are the bull's blood reds - deep and tannic, great for colder weather.  

    Hour of pilates jump board combined with stretch, felt great.  It's raining again today.  Tongue Out

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    Took your advice, Momine and had dried pineapples with dark chocolate and wasabi for breakfast. Yum.

    Have been doing kettlebell workouts 3 days in a row and I must say it helps a lot with the stiffness.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Heidi, lol and way to go!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    We got power back Friday night, so spent the weekend cleaning and catching up on laundry.  Another storm predicted for Wednesday. Cripes!  Did get up this morning and did classical stretch, but proably won't make the gym for a while, church choir concert a week from Thursday, and we are very behind in rehearsals since the church was out of power last week too.  So I am making it a priority to get out at lunch and walk today.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Good time change morning all!

    Just got back from spinning; hadn't done it in a while and was very nervous that I would not be able to finish the hour...I did great!  Made me feel so good!

    Ann, as Ruth said, please don't worry about the sleep meds.  When you need them, you need them.  My problem was I never gave myself a chance to see IF I still needed them after the crush of my dx, surgery and treatment and kind of blindly took them repeatedly.  Actually, I think it was a perfect storm of sleep meds for a long time and some ongoing buildup of Arimidex, and just being needing to reboot.  My sleep med was Temazapam, far more addictive and problematic than Ambien and crew.  I started noticing that I was becoming more and more apathetic about things and depressed, and I also started doubling the dose to sleep.  I have a strong medical background-degree in molecular biology, worked in a pathology lab for years and in hospitals, so I should have questioned my self, but I just kinda went with the flow.  I strongly believe that if you need sleep meds, you should take them because the lack of sleep is horrific.  My personal situation was embarrasingly just not thinking or caring about it.

    I also think I went through a delayed reaction in accepting my cancer and I didn't want to deal with the emotions.  Ha, I know that is verified by my week of crying last week!  The abdominal twitches were the weirdest thing by far, like an eye twitch, moving all over the place.  They have slowly gone away.  The body is weird.  

    Going to onc on weds. to talk about AI Holiday and change up.  I'm putting together my speech so I don't turn into a doctor pleaser and I strongly talk about the issues I have and my opinions and research.  I want this to be more of a joint project than just me being a good girl and doing what I am told.  I can't believe some of the side effects I just kept ignoring or pushing through.  Heidi I love kettlebells, I feel like such a WORKER when I do them.  Ruth, I'm guessing you took a nap because you needed one Smile, you've had quite a past month.  Hi to everyone else...oh, and Missswim, going to yoga tomorrow and will think of YOU!



    BLAH BLAH BLAH, I am full of chat this morning!  Claire, thought of you in spinning, gonna try to get on the actual bike this month.  Cheryl, that foot issue sounds so painful.  Pat glad to see you have power.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Back from the cabin.  Only damage was a tree across the driveway.  The driveway is a bit over a quarter mile long, and goes up part of a mountain, across the ridge, and then down the backside.  We made it up and across the ridge and were thinking so far so good, but as we started down the mountain - there it was - a large tree completely across the road.  Fortunately were were only a few hundred yards from the cabin, so we carried the cat and the old Chihuahua, and Mikey walked.  Spent the next day chainsawing the tree and rolling the logs down the driveway to the woodshed - like bowling except with large cylinders!  Took a 6.25 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail with Mikey on Sunday - 3 miles out and 3 miles back.  We're still working on covering the 42 miles of AT in Maryland a few miles at a time.  We've done about 24 so far, so we're over half way there!

    Today was my upper body workout day, so got up early to rake leaves before work - now that's a good upper body workout.

    Kim - ah, yes, the "good girl" syndrome.  I've been there and done that, and finally decided that it was doing me no good.  As the saying goes, "Well-behaved women seldom make history."  We can still be polite and mannerly without being "good girls" and doing everything we're told.  Cancer is a partnership between you and your medical team, and while they can make recommendations, you are the senior partner with final decision making authority.  I'm very picky about who goes on my medical team, and if they can't handle that I'm the "deciderer" then I remove them from my team and find someone who isn't threatened by a knowledgeable patient.  My PCP tells me that she loves that I challenge her - not in a bad way, but that I ask good questions and that makes her really think through her recommendations.  Good luck Wednesday!

    Saw my eye doctor Friday as my vision has been not as good lately.  Found out I have a small retinal tear (fortunately that's sealed itself) and have a nasty case of dry eye - both associated with femara use.  Eight months and counting till I'm off this stupid drug.  Also got my DEXA scan results back - I has plus T values before Femara, and after two years on Femara I had osteopenia.  That was two years ago, and this time I showed very little deterioration, which I credit to keeping up with exercise.  But it's still annoying.  Then on top of all that, the vet thinks the cat has lymphoma.  We're doing an ultrasound tomorrow, but based on the blood values and his symptoms, it's all consistent with lymphoma.  The vet mentioned chemo as a possibility, but my quick research says it's likely to buy him only 4-6 months. I've been on two of the drugs they use - adriamycian and cytoxin, and as any of you know, they are horrible.  If a cure was a possibility maybe I'd consider it, but I wouldn't put that little guy through those drugs just to get a few more months.  We'll know more tomorrow after we talk to the vet. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Kim- that's awesome.....I hope you have a wonderful practice!! xo

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Did body step and pilates today at the gym.  We had fun last week in Florence, just magical and Mary, it was a turning point. 

    Today is my birthday and well, it's ok... well, no,I'm worried and here in the kitchen I'm hearing a leaky pipe.  Oh well, can't do much at the moment. Husband has to work late in London so I picked up frozen cooked lobster for dinner.

    It's Bonfire Night here in the UK, a quasi-sort-of-holiday, where fireworks are shot off.  My b'day is equivalent to a Brit having the 4th of July birthday.  Our dog hates any bang, boom or showering from the sky sound, so we don't partake in expensive, store-bought combustibles.  We do make a bonfire and this year nope, as it's rained almost each Bonfire Night, so we burned trimmed bushes bits and old dried out christmas tree bonfire in September, when it was dry.

    I will have a slice of chocolate fudge cake with creme brulee ice cream.

    I'm also outing myself, I have sinned - I dumped letrozole 2.5 during the trip and now one week off the s**t, I feel nearly normal and that is after taking it for only three months.  I hate it with a passion and don't want to go back to 90 year old aches, cracking feet and knee bones, muddled brain, constant achey left shoulder joint, I could go on.  I'm going to see my onc this week and she and I will have a talk.

    LB, x

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Kim thanks for your honesty about the sleep meds.  Mary, sorry about your kitty.  I can't imagine putting a cat on chemo.  My goodness wouldn't they have to sedate and restrain the poor kitty during each infusion?

    Did my usual long walk and hooping practice yesterday.  Saturday we went to a performance of local artists including hooping, fire art, belly dance, aerialists, burlesque, and puppetry.  There was an amazingly strong and fit woman who did an aerialist act dressed and made up as a skeleton (it was a Day of the Dead themed show) with a bald head.  I was so happy to see another bald woman, though I was wearing a wig.  Later I looked up her website and learned that she developed alopecia in her late 30's.

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Ruthbru, thanks for the welcome back!  I'll find my way over to the Wednesday weigh in group.  Hopefully it will give me some accountability! 

    Natsfan Mary, good to see you on here again.  I know what you mean about being ready to get off the meds.  I have a year to go on Arimidex and my last DEXA scan did show movement to osteoporosis.  My onco recommended Reclast which I was really scared to take.  But, alas, I took it in August.  I had some of the wicked flu like side effects but they only lasted about a week.  I sure hope it helps.   I'm also sorry to hear about your cat.  If you're like me, my dog gives me comfort at times when no one else can.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies and welcome back Debbie!  I took today off to avoid traffic downtown Madison where I work.  The Prez and The Boss (Bruce Springsteen) were here this morning, major road closures and I just didn't want to deal with it.  So I finished laundry, read a book, napped, did an hour of yoga, and walked 5.6 km = 3.48 miles.  It was a nice day.

    LilacBlue - Happy Birthday!

    Mary, sorry for news about your cat, that's so sad.  I agree with your thinking.  Glad the cabin was OK.  Scary about retinal tears, I had one just about a year ago and I chalk it up to tamox.  Got the start of cararacts too and that's a known SE of tamox.

    Appt with ob/gyn was rescheduled to this Friday 11/9 so keep me in your thoughts & prayers as we look into that huge (6 cm +) cyst on my left ovary.  ((hugs)) to all

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited November 2012

    LilacBlue: Happy Birthday!!! And Happy Bonfire Night! Enjoy your lobster.

    Mary: So sorry about your eye. And sorry about your cat. Please let us know how the visit to the vet went.

    Hello encoremom.

    Good evening all! I've been keeping up my walking/running. Tonight I "walked" with Leslie Sansone's CD. Felt good to move.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited November 2012

    badger: Our posts crossed. I just said for prayer for you. May your cyst be benign. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Badger, you know we are waiting with you.

    Happy birthday, LilacBlue!

    Mary, hope your eye is OK. So sorry about your cat. I had a cat who had kidney failure. The vet offered dialysis but I declined. She could hardly even stand getting her teeth cleaned, so I knew I would only be making the rest of her life miserable if I forced her to go through that. Very sad, though.

    45 minutes Total Body Makeover with Denise Austin and then walked on the treadmill for awhile.