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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    I'm a bit behind on this thread.  Ruth, I'm so sorry for your friend.  It made me think of Joan Didion and her book The Year of Magical Thinking that came out a few years ago about the year after her husband's sudden death.  Misswim, that was just inexcusable behavior from that instructor, for so many reasons.  Kim, I had the thought that it might be good to consult a psychiatrist about withdrawing from the benzos.  They're likely to be more knowledgeable about those meds than an MO.

    Monday I did hoop class, Tuesday I walked to vote (probably maybe a mile?) and did loads of hoop practice and dancing, Wednesday I took the day off.  Today I walked 70 minutes after getting home form Taxol #6 and did some gentle hoop practice.  I am definitely noticing better fitness.  An hour walk used to feel tiring, now I'm easily doing an hour or a bit more.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Misswim, now I know why I never did classes like that, LOL. Gaaahhhh. Even when I had boobs, that would not have worked for me, and I would have been mortified by the whole experience.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    My favorite Zumba teacher is a man - he wouldn't try a stunt like that. ;-) I just love watching him.

    Yay, Ann! You'll be just like Claire - better than ever!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    5:00 AM ran 8 miles around the pond w/my running partner.  Dark to start, the sun just starting to come up as we headed home. Great way to start the day.  Happy Friday, all!!  Smile

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Good morning all-

    I just read MissSwim's post and my mouth dropped open (bad morning breath and all)!  What is with some of these exercise instructors?  I agree with Ruth; go back and tell her.  It just kills me when people are trying to do something for their health, getting up the nerve to go to class and the instructor feels it his/her place to "critique".  MissSwim, you are a fit person who can set that woman straight for the others to come.  GEEZE!  I'm still shaking my head.  

    My twitches are leaving the building.  Ann, you are right, I should have gone off of these sleep meds entirely differently, but I didn't really think about it.  As of yesterday, I started feeling better and better and don't have any more than a random squiggle feeling.  THANK THE LORD!  I read a story about a woman who had hiccups for over a year and she almost went crazy.  I can see why, things like this have a way of making you nuts (especially when I already have a few nuts rattling around in my head anyway Wink

    It's raining here today, so it's the gym for me-a little treadmill action and then Pilates.  The Voices have kept me on exercise all week; thanks!  I love this place!  Badger, hope to hear from you soon...many xxxs and oooos today.

    Have a great weekend all!  

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Beautiful cold friday here - got a nice walk in yesterday at lunch, even though it was cold, overcast and blustery, the remnants of the noreaster.  Got home late last night from choir practice, poured myself into the shower, and then realized I had neglected to do my crunches.  I thought of you Ruth, always squeezing your exercise in even if tired. Needless to say I didn't do my crunches, and just finished my shower and veged with some tv before falling into bed.  Did do some classical stretch this morning, and forsee another walk this lunchtime.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Great day today, my birthday.  Got a cute haircut, lunch with a friend, Spanish class (something I really enjoy!), a dog training session, and dinner and cake at home with my family tonight.  Today is also the one year anniversary of my BMX - yes, I had surgery on my 50th birthday last year.   I'm still wondering how in the hell it worked out that way.   I'm grateful to be in a much better place this birthday.  

    No time for activity today - planning on pilates and a long dog walk tomorrow.  

    OMG misswim - that instructor is beyond inappropriate!  badger  Hope that the appt. went well today.  

    Hugs and Happy Weekend ~

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi all and welcome back LuvLuLu!  Walked 4.7 km = 2.92 mi yesterday after work.

    misswim, jaw dropping at the gall of that zumba 'teacher'.  Wonder what she'd do with me, I have nothing to shake at all.

    Just back from the ob/gyn and I am going to have surgery.  Cyst must come out and L ovary with it, might as well have the R ovary out while I'm under.  Crap.  There goes the last of my girl juice.  Should make my onc happy, he wanted me to have an ooph but I resisted.

    Although the chances of ovarian cancer are small (under 5%) he wants me to have the CA-125 (cancer antigen 125 protein) test aka tumor marker for ovarian ca.

    And to top it off, I broke off a piece of filling while flossing my teeth this morning and have an emergency dental appt this afternoon.  I have a couple of hours until then so am going to go take a walk.  Later ladies! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Misswim - if you're up to it, you really need to take that instructor aside and let her know in no uncertain terms that she embarrassed you in class publicly, and the exact reason why you weren't shaking to her satisfaction.  Get really clinical and use the word "amputation" for shock value if you think that will help get through her thick skull.  With any luck, she'll be mortified and apologize, and will have learned a hard lesson.  If you are met with anything but an abject apology, the owner of the gym needs to be notified.  You're a strong person and handled the situation at the time as well as you could, but what if this instructor had done this to a b/c newbie who still hasn't come to terms with b/c and her new shape?  That kind of treatment could easily set a more vulnerable b/c patient back months in the mental and emotional healing process - especially if this was one of the first times she'd gotten up the courage to exercise publicly after surgery.  If I ran a business, I'd certainly want to know that one of my employees/contractors was embarassing cancer patients because treatment had left them incapable of doing certain moves. 

    Kim - Lebeds are therapeutic exercises for lymphedema - they're a series of slow tai chi like exercises designed to open lymphatic channels and move lymphatic fluid along.  They also feel wonderful - even if I didn't have LE I'd incorporate them into my normal workout routine as they stretch out the neck, shoulders, and torso and are great to increase and maintain ROM.

    Ruth - be safe on your sad trip, and if you can't go for safety reasons, you can't go.  Your friend will not want others endangering themselves on her behalf. 

    Pilates plus Lebeds this morning.  Off to the cabin after work for the long weekend - it's supposed to hit 60 (!) over the weekend, so hopefully we can get in some good hiking.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    badger Frown......get it done so you are fully recuperated for summer fun!

    I'm taking a quarter day off from school and we will make a run for it. Talk to you all later. Much love from the stormy mid-west!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Badger - we posted at the same time - so sorry about the upcoming surgery, but good that your doc is being pro-active.  And I'd do the same thing about having both out - not fun to think about, though.  And yikes on the broken tooth - sometimes it never rains but it pours . .  .

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Joy Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and thanks for the inspiration.Laughing

    Misswim You have restraint my dear and on the sly you may want to mention a little something.   The instructors at my gym know what I've been though and one I'm rather close to because I take a number of her classes over the years, had called me and emailed before, through surgery and when home for four weeks after.  I think if this woman knew, you would be met with greater understanding and perhaps an apology. 

    HBCheryl In body step a month ago, I had my added prosthesis (to balance my left bulky mound) leap out of my bra, go straight up and land straight down with a plop on the step.  I was in the front row and my teacher saw it all, we both cracked up and I picked  my chicken fillet back up and stuck it back in my sports bra and carried on.

    Badger I'm with Mary and sorry to read of so much hitting you at once. 

    Ann You are doing great!

    Ruth Drive safe and I'm sorry about the loss of your husbands friend.

    Mary You too inspire me and thanks for explaining Lebeds.  Have a fun weekend at the cabin!

    I did  a few hours at the gym this morning, freestyle step and body balance.  Off to relax this chilly but clear night.

    Have a good weekend (((Everyone)))!

    LB, x

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    Thanks, sisters, I appreciate the support.

    Joy, ¡Feliz cumpleaños!  (Happy birthday!)

    Ruth, good luck and Godspeed on your trip.

    We're on the warm side of the storm that's pounding ND.  Maybe 65 tomorrow.  Cool

    Enjoy the cabin, Mary, looks like great weather for hiking.

    Walked 2.25 miles before dental appt, to clear my head.  It worked!  Only thing is now half my mouth is numb.  Ended up getting a filling.  A small cavity was just starting under the spot that broke off so it was actually good luck it happened today, when I was already off work and the doc had a cancellation and fit me in.  Scrambled eggs for supper tonight.

    Have a good weekend everyone!  ((hugs))

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Badger....relieved that only something relatively minor.  I am saying this, finally being on the other side of "treatment plans".

    I am off to a trunk show at a coffee place in a bit.  Will go early to avoid traffic and also do a 3 mile walk around Green Lake.  Just gorgeous sunshine today.

    Tomorrow is a major cycle which I think will be ~60 miles total.  Not sure as don't know how long the new section of the Centennial Trail is.  Need an early start to get back before the sun is still shining.

    Reminder to dress warmly.  Happy weekend everyone. - Claire

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Good afternoon-

    Badger, sorry for more surgery, but I am so glad your team is taking care of you.  You have such a great attitude.  And the tooth-yes, really lucky to get that done and not suffer through the weekend with it.

    Ruth safe travels.

    Thanks for the lebeds explanation Mary; I thought it was for LE, but didn't want to assume. Speaking of LE, I got a cool lymphdiva sleeve for exercise, really helps.

    Claire be safe on the cycle, such a cool ride!  Sounds gorgeous.


    Have a great weekend everyone. 


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2012

    Mary- how do you learn Lebeds? Are there videos or classes?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Oh Badger so sorry, you’ve had one heck of a day, sending you a big (((HUG))) do you have a surgery date? Mary it’s funny we have just plunged to 60 and it’s windy and cold here, earlier this week it was high 80s it’s like we’ve gone from the furnace to the freezer, I still have my lightweight quilt on my bed but I’ve pulled out a blanket for tonight. Lilac you made me laugh out loudLaughing. Misswim if the zumba class is something you’d go to again then I’d pull the instructor aside before the class and explain to her that she made you feel very uncomfortable the last time you were in her class I’m sure she just didn’t have a clue.


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Badger, glad you got your tooth taken care of.  Joy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Everyone, stay warm and keep up the good work.  You all inspire me every day.

    Today I did some dancing in the house, some hoop practice outdoors (what a relief to not be hitting the ceiling with the hoop), a 3+ mile walk, then some gentle yoga to stretch out.  Time for a hot shower and bed.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012

    missswim, you should have knocked her on her a@@. Outrageous.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    ((hugs)) badger  what a week that you have had.   

    Had a heartwarming trip with a school group to a dog shelter today.  This shelter is on the outskirts of Budapest, and was featured in a dog documentary that is currently on Netflix.  I was overwhelmed with the love and care given to over 200 mostly street dogs of all shapes and sizes.   A one-eyed senior dog cozied up and became my buddy for several hours.  Almost came home with a new member of the family!   I will definitely make a return trip to help out, very rewarding.  

    Thank you for birthday wishes - had cake and chocolate too!  Laughing

    One hour of mat pilates, 20 minutes of jump board.  Feeling good.  

    ~edited to add thanks

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    Happy birthday, boldog születésnapot! (translation courtesy of google), Joy!

    Badger, seems your onc and ob/gyn are in cahoots. Sorry you have to go through all that. I wish there were gentler alternatives. ((Hugs))

    Zumba today with another male instructor. He is much harder to follow but still nice to look at.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    OH my . . . you are all so inspirational - great reading your stories and seeing all your support of each other. 

    Totally in agreement that Misswim must set that instructor straight.  She probably meant no harm and just wanted to get the class going, but really she was clueless.

    I went back to hot yoga the other night and spoke to the instructor before class just to give her a heads up that I would be modifying and not to do any "hands on."  She couldn't have been kinder and kept an eye on me during class.

    Love reading Claire's posts - your workouts for the day and then the food afterwards - always makes my mouth water.

    Ran 8 miles this morning, went to the gym and did shoulders and stretching, then home for my pepper and goat cheese omelet and Dunkin' coffee and newspapers. Aaaaaaah . . . Now I must do laundry, dust and vacuum.  Does that count???

    Saturday at last.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies, got out for an hour-long walk this morning 5.17 km = 3.21 mi.

    Not my fastest time but felt good.  Gorgeous morning.  39.38 miles to 3,000!

    LuvLuLu, sure housework counts.  One reason we're the Sculpted Sisterhood is that we sculpt while doing chores.  Dust & Sculpt, Sweep & Sculpt, Scrub & Sculpt, Shop & Sculpt LOL.

    Cheryl, there are two possible dates: 11/23 (Black Friday) or 12/7 (Pearl Harbor Day).  Undecided

    Either way, it's a date which will live in infamy!  

    I'll know next week.  The doc has to put together a team and also factor in a 2-week follow-up appt given my trip to FL to see my mom over the holidays.  I see my family doc for annual exam and pre-surgical physical the same day I see my onc for a six-month check-up.  I'm going to ask them to coordinate orders for any lab work so I don't have multiple blood draws.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Raining, windy and general crappyness outdoors... so LUVLULU I'm indoors, reading the Saturday paper and thinking of doing some mat exercises ...does that count? Wink

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Read & Sculpt, Turn Pages & Sculpt, Think & Sculpt, Mat Exercise & Sculpt - I guess it's all good!! Laughing

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    Snooze & Sculpt is one of my faves, in fact I did 90 mins of that this afternoon! Wink

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Well ladies.  Just had quite the day of cycling.  The most glorious day ever, if a bit on the brisk side.  I got to see the new section of the Centennial Trail which was even more gorgeous than I imagined.  I was right in heading out early because I wasn't fast today.  Got back just before sunset, and the temperature was dropping.  Said 35, as I drove past a bank on the way home.

    Having a cup of tea and the most divine chocolate biscotti I found en route.  Were left by a running club for other trail users.  I wisely took 2.

    Hot bath in a few to thaw out.  Have a bit of frostbite on my finger tips....usual winter malady.

    Off to the tub I go.  Trying to figure out dinner, thinking most likely sausages.  They have such amazing ones here in Seattle.  Roasted beets sound lovely too, and I need to roast part of my stash.

    But what a day! - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Hi ladies, I am back home again. Long drive, bad weather, bad roads, but really glad we went as it meant a lot to our friend.

    Back to exercise tomorrow.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Hi All! First of all, thank you so much for allowing me to vent and for your words of wisdom and great advice. I called the recreation center and had a lengthy conversation with the assistant director about the details of the incedent. She was a student in the class as well and had a sense I was upset but did not have the details to piece it together. I simply explained that I have limitations due to my surgery, just as any other person may have limiations due to a number of health reasons. To be called out like I was in front of a large class of people was rude and inaapropriate. She wholeheartedly agreed with me, and contacted the instructor to discuss the incident with her. I received a phone message yesterday from the instructor with what sounded like a very sincere apology. I will call her back on Monday to discuss. Hopefully I am able to help educate her and some good will come of this.

    I have weekend residency at school all weekend so not much on the exercise front. Friday night my favorite local yoga studio put on a Girl's Night Out event; candlelit 90 min vinyasa yoga class, then complimentary facials and make-up application, chair massages, intuitive readings (that was weird.....) and lots of health appetizers, and of course, wine a champagne. Their were about 30 people there, all ladies, and it was such a nice time!

    Ruth- so glad you made it to be with your friend.

    Claire- another beautifully descripted ride. I often feel as though we are right there with you. Such a gifted writer.

    Badger, fingers and toes crossed for a good outcome!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    "Rest" day today - nice 4 mile walk at a comfortable pace.  Stopped at my mother's - she's 93 years young and bright and spry as ever, God bless her.  We sat outside for a bit, then she sent me home with some Swiss chard she had sauteed in a little olive oil and garlic.  Looking forward to that as I finish up the Sunday paper.

    Good day to all!