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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • evergreen9
    evergreen9 Member Posts: 25
    edited November 2012

    I have tried eating a cut-up apple with lots of cinnamon. Also tried sprinkllng it on toast, over a light spray of olive oil. Don't miss my jam anymore!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Happy Birthday Lilac Blue, my goddaughter Hannahs birthday is also today, she turned 20. We went out to dinner last night to a place called Buffalo Wild Wings, her choice, here in CA restaurants have to put the calorie count on the menu --- 8 wings 1300 calories I gulped as I placed my order, trouble is I’d had friends over for a Bar-B-Q lunch and then this, I think I exceeded my entire weeks worth of calories in one dayEmbarassed.

    Kim I don’t think I said "welcome back" it’s good to see you again, and I agree lack of sleep is one of the things that seems creep up on us all and at least you recognized what was happening. Mary so glad your cabin was safe but so sorry about your kitty, after having gone from 4 cats to 1 I keep thinking I’d like to get another but Frank is so happy being an "only" I don’t think I can rain on his parade. Badger you need to do a countdown as you get closer to the 3000 mile mark, we need to have a virtual party for your "coast to coast" walk.

    Tonight I did a modified spin class, no jumps = oh my poor sore buttCry

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    thanks, sisters, and welcome evergreen9!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Cheryl - chain restaurants in our county are required to put calorie counts on the menu as well  - it put a whole new spin on that Outback Bloomin' Onion! Surprised   Badger - good luck with the appointment.  And I agree we need a countdown for you for 3000 miles!

    Thanks for all the good wishes about Sullivan, our cat.  He has an interesting backstory - several years ago on November 11, employees of the veterinarian's office came to work and found him wandering around the parking lot.  When they opened the door to the office, he marched right in like he knew what he was doing.  They realized quickly that he was in distress, and when they examined him they found that his little urethrea was completely blocked - that can happen with male cats and is life-threatening.  They unblocked him, but a few days later he blocked again, so they performed surgery to remove the penis and create a wider urinary channel.  He's been fine since.  He recovered at the vet's as they looked for a new home, and that's how we ended up with him.  Since he walked into their office on November 11, Veteran's Day, the vet's office named him "Sullivan" in honor of the WWII Fighting Sullivans.  We're dropping Sully off at the vet's this morning for an ultrasound - that's as definitive as we're going to get without a biopsy.  The vet is pretty sure already, but wanted to do the ultrasound just to confirm.  We knew the news wasn't going to be good.  He used to be a big boy at 11-12 pounds, and he's dropped down to 7 in just a few months.  As long as he's eating, drinking, pooping and peeing, and most importantly purring, we'll just do whatever we can to keep him happy and comfortable with the time he has left.  

    2 mile run on a frosty morning today - our first frost of the season.  With the time change it's daylight again between 6:30 and 7am when I run, so I think I can get a few more weeks of outdoor running in before it's too dark outside.  15 minute Lebeds after that.   

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Got a great walk in at lunch yesterday, and got up this morning and did classical stretch.  Another cold but sunny day here, so I see another walk in my future today.  So hard getting home after dark, it's so depressing. And a noreaster heading our way tomorrow, yikes, it's barely been a week since Sandy.

    Natsfan, sorry about your cat.  I understand your decision not to put him through misery just for a few more months.  I've been dealing with a chronically ill cat for about a year now, very expensive and also heartbreaking.  My thoughts are with you.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Forgot to add - I want to encourage all you US ladies, get out there and vote today!  People have died to ensure our right to vote, and we need to respect their sacrifice by exercising the rights they secured for us.  So get out there vote.  Stand in those lines if you need to, but VOTE!!!!!  Laughing

    OK, off my soapbox now. 

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Hi girls-

    Mary, voting CHECK!  (Did my mail, but indeed I did it!)  Give the mighty Sullivan a pet and a treat from me!

    Badger, thinking of you this morning with love!

    Got my 4 mile shuffle in, this afternoon yoga.  My sister in laws birthday is today and she wants to go see a movie...tee hee, it's Wreck It Ralph she wants to see.  Couple of middle aged women in with moms and their little kids...I like it!

    Hope you all are having a great day!  



  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Thank you for the kind birthday wishes lovely ladies!Laughing  Dinner was a success and now trying to keep up in results and looks like a long night. 

    Mary, what a wonderful story of Sullivan and you have done by right by him.  I voted over a month ago and know it was counted because a email was sent from the registrar of voters in Marin County.

    Cheryl, I got that 1300 calories, oh dear!Surprised

    evergreen9 Welcome  and good that you found a workable alternative to jam.

    Still trying to figure out how to fix the pipe leak and sure don't want a huge water bill.  I saw my onc today and for now, off tablets until we decide and a second opinion to be scheduled, on her request. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Happy birthday Lilac!

    Mary and Badger, sending healing thoughts to both!!

    Yoga/pilates mix last night; 20 minute HITT workout this morning, hot yoga tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Hi girls, I did the treadmill for an hour while watching the results. I early voted. Miss the election-day buzz but like the convenience.

    One of my oldest friends called me tonight, her husband died today....totally unexpectedly. It must have been a heart attack or stroke. She has lots of family and friends where she lives, so that is good. What can one even say?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Oh Ruth I'm so sorry what a shock.  I worked long and hard to pass that citizenship test so I sure as heck exercised my right and voted and boy was the polling place busy.

    Spent 75 minutes on the recumbent bike tonight, looking lovingly through the window at my step class Frown

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    I'm so sorry about your friend, Ruth. I saw pics of some of the lines in NYC and was glad I could just mail my ballot in, which I did more than two weeks ago. 

    Tuesdays are Superfit days for me, just before Wednesday Weigh-In. I did an exercise class with the T-bow in the morning, kettlebell in the afternoon, and Zumba in the evening.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Got a nice walk in at lunch yesterday, and even managed a few crunches before bed, first time in weeks!  Needless to say, I didn't do near as many as I had been :(  Got up this morning and did classical stretch.  No walk today, a big noreaster coming in.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Ruth - I'm so sorry about your friend.  What a terrible shock.  Cheryl - I'm impressed that you passed that citizenship test.  I've always thought that we US natives should have to take that test now and then, especially when I read about these surveys where a majority of US citizens don't know basic stuff about the US, like being able to name the 3 branches of government.  That kind of stuff drives me right up the wall.  By the way encoremom - it's good to see you again and to have another Marylander here!  Fear the Turtle! Cool  Pat - batten down the hatches.  Again.  Frown

    30 minutes core/weights this morning plus Lebeds. 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Up early to watch the final election results roll in.   Was happy to be able to send in absentee ballot, several weeks ago.  What's up with Florida, again??  

    Had a 2 hour hike with a friend and our dogs in the field near my house.   It was so fun to see the dogs romp about and socialize, even better to have a good walk with a friend.  Heel is still bothering me Yell so no running yet.  

    Third day of less sugar, and doing pretty well.  This afternoon I managed strong cravings with dark chocolate, 2 clementines and a cup of spice tea.  

    Ruth  So sorry to hear of your friend's husband, shocking to be so sudden.  Badger  Thoughts and prayers to you on your  Friday appointment.  Mary  Sad to hear the news of your kitty.  

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited November 2012

    (((HUGS))) So sorry about your friend's husband, Ruth.

    Good evening Ladies. I walked/ran at the park tonight. It's so dark now!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    hour on the treadmill and 15 with Richard

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Pat hope this storm is easy on you, Wonderland tonight when I came home from work and before I went to the gym I fell asleep for 20 minutes, when I woke up the house was pitch black and it was 5.15pm, yikes.  An hour spin class tonight, love love love to spin.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi sisters, forgot my pedometer yesterday so posting 5.12 km = 3.18 miles for Tues.  Polling place was very busy with cars so I walked there and back.

    Did an hour of yoga when I got home from work last night, sat down to watch a PBS special on how animals think and promptly fell asleep.  Too bad, that was an interesting topic.  Dogs do not feel guilty when you scold them, they give you that face as a response to your tone of voice and body language.

    Ruth, sorry about your friend, what a shock.

    Cheryl, I'm proud of you for passing the citizenship test.  

    What a great bunch of women you are, love you ladies!  ((hugs)) to all

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Think I will start to post - see if I can keep up w/you amazing ladies.

    Took our outside run inside today because of the Nor'easter - really messy and slushy and windy out there.  Did 20 minutes treadmill HIIT, followed by legs for an hour and stretch.

    Hope to be back on the road tomorrow with my faster, younger running partner.  We try to keep it outside as much as possible, until the temp drops into the single digits!

    Time to shower and off to work!  Have a good day Smile

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    We got about 2 inches of snow, but did not lose power. Life is good Laughing.  It is still windy as all get out, and occasional freezing rain to rain, but otherwise life goes on as usual.

    No walk yesterday, or today either by the looks of things, but I did all my crunches last night (100), and then did some classical stretch this morning.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    2 mile run this morning, plus Lebeds.  Loving the extra half hour of daylight in the morning, although coming home from work in the dark is no fun. Frown

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012


    Pat, good to see you checked in here and surviving the storm and WAY TO GO on doing your exercise in spite of it!

    Mary, I think I have missed the definition of Lebeds, so enlighten me please!Embarassed

    Ruth, so sorry about your friend's husband...such a shock and really hard to comprehend.  I know she will find comfort in a friend like you.

    Badger, thinking about you as well!

    Went to the onc.; she is really nice but very non commital.  Regarding twitching/abdomen/withdrawal-she had a really serious face while listening to me, so I started to panic, but then she said she did believe it was a response to the withdrawal...and MIGHT GO ON A COUPLE MONTHS! Yikes!  I did notice because I was antsy about my onc visit, I had a bad time with it yesterday and last night, but today I'm much better.  Re Arimidex-she thinks I tolerate it so much better than her other patients.  She said that almost every single one of her patients my age have the vaginal hell, complete with bladder issues.  She likes using Vagifem because it doesn't have to be all the time.  She hopes I will not have to take holidays, and really didn't say anything more about it!  I was too amped up about the twitches to really discuss.  I decided I would stay off it one more week, get my labs and DEXA done, get my colonoscopy done this month, and get my mammo at the beginning of the year-then see how I feel and what my results are, and when I go back, more discussion.  She said that when her patients are young and in good health (like, best complement I have had in a while), she feels it is important to stay on the med for the 5 years.  Right now I just want to get over my twitching!  One step at a time I guess.  

    I had 30 min on treadmill yesterday and hour of Pilates.  Today I ran my 4 miles and will have yoga this afternoon.  I am feeling better each day with the exception of yesterday.

    Happy to be back on here!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited November 2012

    Some need it more than others but hugs and the warmest thoughts to all you ladies.

    C25K W6W3

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Oh Ruth, so so sorry!

    Pat, I am so glad you were missed by the worst of the weather. My husband is working on the RI/MA border and it was miserable where he is. We got ZERO here in VT.

    Kim- I had all kinds of weird twitches in all kinds of weird places while adjusting to tamoxifen and recovering from chemo. Freaked me right out. Luckily the oncologist calmed me down, and she was right. It all subsided.

    I did the Firm 500 Calorie workout last night- OMG, that's a toughie Ruthie! That instructor does not screw around!

    Tonight I changed up the routine and went to Zumba at the local rec center with girlfriends. It was great! Good workout and we laughed our butts off because we all looked so silly!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    I LOVE the 500 Calorie Workout until she gets to those pushups....then I am begging her to stop!

    30 minutes on the treadmill & 45 of an old FIRM toning tape (one with 'The Fanny Lifter' you know that is hard!).

    Tomorrow after work two other friends and I might take off for my friend's husband's funeral, which is Saturday morning. The reasons we would leave tomorrow are: it is 5 hours away, and a winter storm is headed straight towards us. We will check the forecast and make a decision by noon tomorrow. (So if I don't check in for a couple days, it means I'm stranded someplace). If it looks too bad we just won't go Frown....which will make us feel awful. I suppose I better go pack somber looking clothes, snowboots, and extra underwear, just in case.

    Thinking of your appointment tomorrow, badger.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    I loved Zumba,the workout,  but totally forgot to mention one very uncomfortable thing that only you ladies might understand- The freakshow teaching the class was like the energizer bunny on crack. Her favorite move was shaking the boobs- something which for me is sort of impossible. My implants don't move- no jiggle AT all. She keeps saying "Woohoo....shake those jugs girls, shake what your momma gave you!" I am trying as hard as I can to shake the jugs that cancer gave me and she looks at me and says" You aren't even trying, come on, shake it!" Then proceeds to get two inches away from me and shakes her (saggy, I might add) chest at me while I am trying to do the moves. I was mortified. There were 15 ppl in the class and I did not want to blurt out my diagnosis......I just wanted to punch the woman in the face. 

    Just had to get that off my 100% silicone chest!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Rant away Misswim, I have to say I have no filter on my big mouth, I'm the one singing the loudest and of course flat and off-key in spin class and if an instructor wants audience participation I'm always willing, that being said one time in Body Step the instructor was yelling "shake your girls" I just shot back with "sorry I've only got a girl" poor girl she was mortified, I was just eh whatever!!!!!  Ruth weather permitting take care on the drive.  Badger thinking of you and sending good wishes for your appointment tomorrow.  Welcome Lulu.

    Tonight was RPM class, it was a really good heart pounding, sweaty workout.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    misswim, I sincerely hope that you will go back, find that 'teacher' and give her a piece of your mind. NO ONE who is putting themselves out there by doing a group exercise should be told that 'they are not trying'. How the hell would she know? There are about a million reasons why a person could not exercise to the level of her holiness. As a teacher she should be encouraging, glad that people are out there giving it a shot and never demeaning of ANYONE! I'd probably complain to whomever runs that gym too. Not a way to attract clients. (Can you tell that my 'teacher' claws are out?)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012 could always check out the Academy of Burlesque here in Seattle, where Miss Indigo Blue would, I am sure, come up with a new technique for you.  Just kidding.  (She does have a talent that way though.)

    I have been AWOL, but got in good walks the past three days.  Lots of meetings, but a fun time at the wine bar last night when I popped in for just a glass on my way back from the bank and discovered a spread of the most wonderful food for wine club members.  Lysle used to be a chef, so things like caramelized onion tart with butter pastry.  Just wonderful as was the grilled zucchini.  A feast.  I was beyond touched.

    Today, was a meeting at the Edgewater Hotel, so finally got to see the inside.  Sam the Seagull was commenting outside the window as the slide show was going on.  Quite amusing.

    Ruth....I would pack skis.  Then ready for whatever.  Certainly wintry here, but hoping for dry cycling this weekend.  Need miles after last night's feast and today's breakfast where I went for the (quite yummy) pastry.

    I think I am wound down and my pillow is calling.  Made a prawn/veggie sauce for pasta tonight.  Was delish, and the best is that I have a lot left.  Now that is great.

    Tomorrow is a busy day, with a trunk show at a coffee house later.  So will sneak in a walk.   Drive nearby before rush hour traffic and then a 3 mile walk around Green Lake.  Am catching on.  Leave half an hour early, and sneak in a walk.  Better on the wallet, the envronment, the car, and the body. - Claire