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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Ended up doing a little Pilates last night to wind down. Did an hour on the treadmill today & 45 minutes of FIRM and Denise Austin toning exercises. I have my annual physical tomorrow, so have been writing down a list of discussion topics. My GP is great & I love him very much, but I still feel queasy anytime I have to go to any doctor for any reason......

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    You will be fine, Ruth!  I got in a quickie....ride that is, prior to the PM rain headed this way.  Then, I went online and ordered myself a new pair of winter cycling tights on eBay.  Sames ones as last year's, but I think cheaper.  Brand new, and a closeout.  I suspect they don't need fleece in CA quite the same way you do here in Seattle.  I find I need a new pair every year, especially since I have managed to take out the knees (spills) and darned ones just aren't quite the same.

    Off to the wine bar (and French music) which means more exercise as will walk each way.  I need to stop at the Market for some fruit too.

    It's a bit warmer now, but was only about 40 degrees and drizzle when cycling.  I am wearing one of my new eBay sweaters.  Nice and toasty.

    Anyway, 80 miles of cycling this weekend should whip my hide back into shape.  You have to tell the flab who's boss or it starts to get ideas about taking over.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. - Claire

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Forgot to mention the news story that made my week.  I think that Dr Pharoah is well-respected.  I checked him out and he is a physician and scientist from Cambridge University.

    So the activity of walking each way to the wine bar could be of therapeutic value as well being as a lot of fun!

    Note the realistic serving size.....who on earth thinks that 3 glasses a WEEK is sufficient for anyone who enjoys wine?  I mean REALLY! - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Did a great spin class yesterday then went up to LAX to pick up a friend from Australia who will be staying with me for the next week, then today we hit the shops so my exercise consisted of walking the mall.

    Joy glad you had a good birthday and had the cake and chocolateSmile  Lulu I miss my Mom dreadfully so I'm always envious of those who are lucky enough to have their parents.  Misswim glad the instructor contacted you, she probably meant no harm but it's a lesson to be learned.  Claire 40 and drizzle I'd be curled up with a book, you're a "rock star".  Ruth good luck tomorrow, have a piece of chocolate you'll feel betterWink

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    I'll be hanging onto and contuining my 22 years of sobriety - regardless.Wink

    Off to the gym for body step and pilates classes and I think the sun my come out for the dog walk later.

    Have a good start to the week Everyone!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Lilac, 22 years! That is great, truly.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Well thank you Momine and that is not to say I don't like wine. Laughing

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    LilacBlue, congrats - you are amazing.

    Claire, I'm loving your posts.  I look forward to them like I'm settling down w/a good book.  You're an inspiration.

    hbcheryl, I know, I'm so lucky to still have my Mom.  Couldn't imagine life without her.  I'm blessed because she's also healthy mentally and physically.

    Just got in from the gym - I did 20 minutes HIIT running on the treadmill, followed by back and tris in the weight room.  Now off to work I go.  Will do a nice, gentle yoga class tonight.  The teacher (a "girl" I graduated from High school with) focuses a lot on breathing and meditation.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    i am sorry if I offended anyone with the wine post.  Major congrats Lilac on your 22 years.

    The reason for my post though was that most of the prior studies say the opposite.  And I was told that giving up alcohol would be a good idea to reduce my risk of recurrence.  This of course meant that I make a decision.  Do I give up one of my great pleasures in life, or do I drink wine and increase my chances of the cancer coming back?

    The results of this study suggest that I may not have needed to make this decision.

    I haven't been able to read this study, but I would expect that there are two things different from the prior research which had the opposite conclusion:

    • Most likely, the majority of ER+ women had undergone hormonal therapy.  It was fewer than 1 in 10 in the prior study who had done Tamoxifen. (AIs weren't available when they were treated.)  This could change the results.
    • The sample frame was different.  So daily consumption vs 3x a week.

    The study also confirmed that weight management is critical in reducing our risk of recurrence.  Which brings us back to exercise.  Which is why we are all here Laughing

    And why it hurts ME to sit down this morning!  Anyway, happy exercising and have a wonderful week. - Claire

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Hi all.  Very interesting research on wine.   There must be other studies that are beginning to show this.  In the past year, my oncologist has told me things that coincide with this research.   His words: "alcohol is not the witches brew that we've thought it is, so you can enjoy it occasionally" and "don't worry about every morsel you put in your mouth.  Your goal is to maintain a healthy weight and exercise.  Those are the two most important things you can do for yourself".   Happy Monday and a week of exercising!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    Hi all.

    Walked for an hour on the treadmill, then went to a meeting (which I forgotten I had until about half an hour before I was supposed to be there...yikes!).

    Had a great physical this morning: * got the shingles shot (thanks to GP and Claire's recommendation) * very good blood pressure (thanks to exercise and dark chocolate) * very good pulse everywhere (due to exercise) * my platelets, which have been low ever since chemo, are finally creeping up towards normal (which GP had warned me could take years, and it has) * my vitamin D went from a respectable 54 to 72 (I am drinking the same amount of milk and taking the same amount of calcium, so maybe it's being done with armidex that gave me the bump * and my cholesterol (which I have been keeping at an 'OK' level with exercise, oatmeal, niacin and weight control) dropped 30 points..not doing anything different so has to be the being done with arimidex that did that. (So for everyone on an anti-hormonal, it is well worth doing the exercises, diet etc. now as it will keep you in the game and give you a big payoff later when you are done!)

    To quote my doctor, "The biggest gift you have given yourself is exercise. That has been THE key to your good health." So HOORAY for all of us exercisers, and a toast (with wine or sparkling cider, your choice) to all of us, for our commitment to enhancing our own health!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    I love that sentiment Ruth! That's one great teacher :)

    Tonight was a very intense 90 minutes of anusura yoga. We did every headstand in creation, then did core plank pulses in headstand. I am going to feel those in the morning. We did a repeated, never ending supply of side planks, camel, etc. It was TOUGH!!!

    Claire- I enjoyed the article alot. Thanks for posting it.

    Lilac, 22 years is major. Amazing!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Great news Ruth.  Lilac that is a real achievement, congratulations.  Did Spin again tonight and yesterday did upper body workout in the weight room  I sure hope I get my restriction lifted next week i so miss my Combat and StepFrown 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Claire - no offence taken what so ever. 

    Trust me, the reproted three glasses a week is well under what  the general population of the UK imbibe and this is the fattest country in all of Europe.  I outed myself as a sober woman to say - not all studies are applicipable.  I'm not holding myself up as a paragon of sobriety by any stretch - there is just another side to the coin.  What you posted is interesting.  Alcohol is not the witches brew, yet some of us do turn into witches when we drink it <grin>.

    On the exercise issue, I've got something to share.  The woman covering for my regular pilates instructor of my Monday class, told me yesterday she was inspired by our last talk after class (I thanked her for taking the time to giving extra thought and consideration to my frozen left shoulder due to recovery of mx/reconstruction) and has sought a room for free at the local, county owned leisure centre to teach a pilates class to women affected by bc, in chemo or any illness really.  I'll put a call into McMillian Cancer Support today and see if there is a way they could help £ wise to make this become a reality and free - to help create another inroad for woman to get as well as they can (out here in the hinterlands of Kent) with what they are facing - in a senstive, supportive environment.  One in eight woman in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. I've been trying to see if there is a way to actually help - on the ground, in real time -  women like us - to experience the benefits of exercise - just as we have.

    I see my PS this afternoon to discuss phase II in more detail.  Foggy, grey, cold brisk dog walk with be todays workout.

    Happy Tuesday (((Everyone)))!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    I am glad to hear the positive doctor feedback regarding exercise. When I was going through my freaking out phase and researching like mad, my final conclusion was also that exercise was key. My doctors are happy I am exercising, but won't say much about it.

    I am in Greece, where exercising is not anywhere near the norm and most people can't be bothered, so I think the docs gave up long ago. The last cardiologist I saw almost started crying when I told him I walk an hour a day at minimum and expressed the fervent wish that more of his patients would do that.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    5:00 AM 8 mile run this morning was gorgeous.  It's 65 degrees here this morning - but rain coming in this afternoon and getting much colder.  Exercising in the warmth really feels good on the aching muscles and bones!  Hoping to sneak out of work early to take a hot yoga class.

    I guess we're all preaching to the choir here!  But keep working out, ladies . . .

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Wow-there was so much good stuff in here since I last posted, I feel like I read a book on how to stay happy, fit and healthy after breast cancer.  Seriously.  If you go back from my post and read, there is an amazing amount of information from all of you.  I can't begin to give you individual props, so I will say thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I told Treece (Vballmom) how lucky I was to be back on here and how positive the support is; she is done with chemo, finishing up rads and hopefully will be getting with us soon. 

    Yesterday was hour spinning and hour Pilates.  Today was hour running and this afternoon yoga.  I've got my labs and DEXA scan tomorrow; I'm expecting a bit worse LDL and more bone loss, but we'll see.  

    I'm going to go back to Claire's link again.  Have a great day!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Hi all, I feel like I skipped a couple days but really I managed a short walk plus a bit of hooping practice, it just didn't feel very deliberate.

    Misswim, your yoga class sounds awesome.  Headstand is one of the only advanced poses I can do yet I never had a class that would do it (fear of injury I guess).  I have a short upper torso which helps greatly with balance in headstand.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Great day today!  First of all, I got a glimpse into all our futures with the conference.  Really cool stuff, and centered around the integration of social media with company practices.  This simplifies collaboration between staff members (plus clients/customers), and gives everyone real time updates.  Fascinating, and so glad I went.

    The downside is that I need to rethink/revamp some of my own professional online participation and messaging.  So more to do with LinkedIn, and I have to decide how much more I want to post on Facebook.  Up to this point, mainly for social uses, with LinkedIn being for business.

    I got in about 4 miles of walking there and back, and then did another mile.  Plus weights/crunches.  So feel well exercised.  Foul day, and am reheating the split pea soup I made yesterday.  Picked up a couple of bakery rolls on the way back to have with the soup.

    I came back to learn that I have a new project coming up.  Thrilled to have this work as was a bit concerned.  So nice to know that at least one meaty project in the pipeline.  I think I will get slammed around Christmas, which is the way things usually go.  The price for being self-employed. happy about your checkup.  I am 2.5 years behind you, and can't wait to be at that point.  I wouldn't say that I am hurting from anastrazole, but I would love to be past this point.  My internist checked my pulse in my feet and thought I was just fine.  Glad you got the shingles shot.  Doesn't work for everyone, but one thing you want to prevent if you can. 

    Back to my soup.  I think I will watch a video from the conference I didn't get to last month.  Then an early night as I know only too well what happens with procrastination.

    On an exercise note, I looked up hut to hut skiing and realize I need to join a group.  So may need to just visit the Methow Valley.  If I leave early on a Friday, I can get in an afternoon ski.  Then all day Saturday.  Then early Sunday AM.  After that, I really won't be able to sit down.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    45 minutes with Denise, 15 on the treadmill, about 2 hours on the phone with my sister. One of her adult children is having some relationship problems and she just needed to vent (hard to be a mom with definite opinions and know that you need to keep them to yourself!).

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    90 minutes of hot Baptiste yoga with Miss Ellen, who is also the pilates teacher I do some personal training with. Her classes are tough, like no other I take. We did a series of plank/side plank/wild thing that was SO long. My sides hurt just thinking about it. Many chair poses as deep as can be. And six wheels held for 10 secs each. in 98 degree heat. I could barely walk when I left. I don'take her classes all that often as they are such a challenge, but it was just what I needed.

    She is also a diehard vegan and a trained natural food chef. Today is day 11 of a total vegan regime for me. She brought me an amazing protein mix (made with brown rice so no soy isolate or soy of any kind, safe for ER ladies), as well as superfoods goji berries, raw cacao, and maca. Blended up a smoothie, adding one part h2o and one part water with two scoops of protein and a teaspon of each of the three super foods. The result? what tasted like the most decadent chocolate shake EVER. I had it for dinner and I am still stuffed. I'm hooked. The protein is made by Sun Warrior, and is available in most co-ops and nayural foods store. Just thought I'd share!

    Ann, headstand is a fave of mine. I can go up freestyle but generally, in my classes that practice it, we use wall support. Makes a big difference.

    Claire- love your post, as always.

    Lovelulu- 8 miles at 5:00 a.m. ? Bless you! That's impressive.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Walked for 1:15 today.  I was proud of myself for doing it-- I'm really dragging emotionally this week.  Tough to make myself do anything productive right now.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Such positive posts here - grateful to all of you for being so inspiring!  

    Trail hike for 2 hours yesterday, not running but tackling some steep hills to get the heart rate up.   Hour pilates reformer session this morning - felt good to stretch out.  

    ruth  Smile on the checkup   Claire  Yum - soup.  I have a batch of gulyas simmering on the stove as we speak. Made it with a tough cut of beef, so it needs to cook for hours.   Ann ((hugs))   

     LilacBlue  So very happy to hear that your pilates instructor is taking a keen interest in BC women.  Before my dx, I received additional certification with the Pink Ribbon program, in order to teach post rehab BC patients.  I had been teaching pilates at that point for 5 years.  Although several instructors in our pilates studio had this training, we did not have much success in attracting BC ladies, I think because of the greater expense of pilates classes.  After getting BC myself, I vowed to teach those dealing with BC for free and so far have taught private sessions to 2 clients in my small home studio.  It makes an incredible difference to survivors to stretch, strengthen, move and heal.  I hope that the new  program works out successfully for both of you!  

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Misswim, your yoga class sounds amazing.  LOVE hot yoga. What is wild thing?  I was just beginning to master wheel before my surgery and can't imagine doing 6 of them.  I'll be happy when I can hold one again.  You sound like you're living the whole lifestyle.

    Our "heat wave" is over here in New England.  Only in the 30's now and will get into the 40's later.

    Did chest and bis in the gym this morning and the great news is I got my bench press back up to 100 lbs.  YAY YAY even though it was just one rep I'm happy - and I was a bit tired because I did hot yoga last night!

    After work I go for my riding lesson.  Look forward to that on Wednesday nights, it's such a fun thing and the horses are so sweet.

    Great day to all.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Ann....I remember dragging and exercising anyway.  I always felt better afterward.  I could feel the difference in my breathing and slept soundly.  So brava!

    I was beat yesterday and did an early evening.  A good thing, as I should be getting a new project momentarily.  Plus, I procrastinated on some of my nonprofit work.  Actually, not that bad, as really couldn't do one of the tasks until I got a critical piece of information.

    I was thinking about whether my routine is effective, and I think it is.  A few years ago, I was in NYC and did an "intermediate" class with my former business partner.  This uses a lot of pilates and other stretching (Lotte Berk Method).  Was just fine, other than the move I couldn't figure out.  Just couldn't make out how to put my body into that position.  I felt fine afterwards too.  I am fitter now than I was then.

    Joy....I LOVE Hungarian food.  I have the old Gundel recipe for Chicken Paprikash, which uses a pound of onions and one of peppers to stew the chicken in.  Plus garlic, tomato paste, paprika (DUH) and dill.  Finish with a bit of sour cream.  Extremely easy and delish.  I also used to make pork gulash with sauerkraut and caraway seeds.  Super yum.

    I have a lot of soup left.  May freeze a couple of portions this time.  There is no such thing as making a small amount.

    Anyway, back to work.  Still thinking through what I learned at the conference yesterday.  An exciting time with new media and connectedness.  I thought that Toyota designing their cars to be an iPhone extension was fascinating.  So is the ability to custom design your own Coca-Cola drink.  (Although not one I would do as don't like soda.)  I did tell people that there are features I don't use.  One is enabling eBay on my phone.  I don't need to be able to "shop from anywhere".  Or at least not until the megabux start to roll in.

    Changes for healthcare too.  The big one is through data mining of online patient records combined with text data.  So the ability to identify shortfalls in healthcare delivery and develop strategies to improve.  Group Health recently did this with meds for relief of chronic pain.  The problem here is, not surprisingly, addiction.  So they cracked the code and rolled out system-wide new practices in 18 months!!!  (This is lightning-fast, and they had been able to prove what worked and what didn't.)  The same will transform cancer research.  I just filled out my annual "Health Habits" questionnaire.  This should be online!  And you should be able to tie back what I report to my critical vital signs and physician comments.  Much richer and better data.

    So exciting times, and so glad I am getting to participate in them.  Exercise is the big one.  So important, not just for the survival benefit, but for quality of life.  Because I want to be skiing in 25 years (like my father's cousin was) and not sitting in a chair watching the world go by.  Which is the ultimate payoff. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Joy - We did get a workout room for free and more planning next week after workout.  I'm glad you relate - it's early days yet, this instructor and I are committed so thanks again for your support.  We would like to launch this after the New Year. More will be revealed.

    (((Ann))) Big, gentle hugs to you.

    Attended high impact freestyle step today and long sunny, crisp dog walk!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    LoveLuLu- this is wild thing pose. Are you in the Boston area? Baron aptiste has amazing studios right in Boston and also in Cambridge. Would highly reccomend them!

    1 hour Hour of Power hot yoga. Takinh tomorrow off! SO sore.

    Hoping all are well!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited November 2012

    That looks like me when I slip on ice Tongue Out.

    Spent an hour with The Firm tonight.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Well Misswim I am in awe, in a million years I could never ever do thatEmbarassed  Lilac good luck on your project, I have to say the McMillan nurses in the UK are absolutely truly amazing. 

    Tonight another spin class - I am truly boring all I do is spin, spin, spin hopefully on monday my restriction is lifted as I've been invited to a special event to Sh'bam and Combat and I really, really want to participate......

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    HBCheryl Vibe cycle are the most-wanted and impacted classes at my gym.  I'm in total agreement with you on McMillian..are you from the UK?

    Planning long, 5 mile walk with bored border collie that is if the weather does not go pear shaped with rain and wind.Wink

    I've always wanted to take a hot yoga class and Misswim, I'll bet you do a awesome wild thing!

    I saw my PS on Tuesday and he is refering me to a orthopedist for my partially frozen left shoulder.  Since my mx, I still have great pain, cannot get my arm all the way up, putting my arm in a sleeve is painful and bring my left arm across my body is painful too including range of motion is now much more limited.  My physiotherapist and I were doing great until week 7 and then bam - a setback and flare up that has not disipated.  So after last week (13th week) she thinks a steriod injection to reduce inflammation would help.  I want to plank and fully downward dog again. 

    Happy Thursday Everyone!