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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies, been busy prepping for time off so haven't been on the boards much.  Will check in tonight.  Just wanted to post 9.51 km = 5.91 miles for the past two days.  33.47 to 3,000!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    Maybe you'll reach 3,000 in 10 days! At 1,852 km you walked the total boundary length of Switzerland. Now you're about 400 kms short of walking the entire Appalachian Trail. You go, badger!

    Pushed my bike uphill with the groceries. Off to the gym in a little while.

    edit: oops, that's 3000 miles so you have covered all of the Appalachian Trail's 2,184 miles and more! Yay!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    OH, thanks for the pic, misswim - it almost looks like when you flip your dog???  I'm still trying to master some of the basics, like a basic crow and a wheel, among other things.  That's the beauty of yoga, you work within your own skill level.  Thanks for the recommendation - I am just a couple miles out of Boston and Cambridge.  Right now I go to a place called Prana Power Yoga - they have classes in MA and also NY and the studio where I go has plenty of parking, which is always an issue in Boston/Cambridge . . .But I've heard of Baptiste and great things about them.  And I love the way the heat makes you so much more flexible.

    8 mile run this morning, then food shopping (no one home to help with the heavy bags) and now off to sit behind a desk for 8 hours.

    Have a good day, all!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Misswim - that's an impressive pose!  Nothing like my little gentle yoga classes!  Thanks to LE I can't attempt poses like that - too much risk of a flare.  Cry Lilac - that's fabulous about your Pilates instructor.  Cheryl - here's hoping you get those pesky restrictions lifted!

    Interesting how so many oncs stress the importance of exercise.  I changed oncs after chemo, and when I was doing a consult with my new onc, she told me she wanted me to do 3 things - exercise 30 minutes a day, maintain a normal weight, and take a baby aspirin every day.  She said that those are three things that are associated with the best survival rates, and she gave me links to the studies.  Last year she added a 4th thing - take a D3 supplement daily to maintain good Vit D levels. 

    Had my 6 month visit with her today - all is well.  Counting down the remaining months on letrozole - I take my last one June 30, 2013.  Can't WAIT!!! 

    She also said if all goes well, I'll only have one more 6 month appointment, then I'll move to annual appointments since I'll be 5 years out.  She had a really good suggestion about scheduling my annual physical, my annual gyn appointment, and hopefully soon to be my annual onc visit.  She said try to schedule each one at different times of the year - about 4 months apart.  That way you're seen by a doctor at least once every 4 months.  I thought that was a really good idea, so will try to get those other appointments scheduled that way.  She also said something really interesting - she said that at this point my risk of b/c is not much different than the general population of women, and the biggest risk now is the same one as other women - heart disease.  That's why she's so pleased that I exercise regularly.  So hooray for all of us!

    3 mile run today.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    I love that pose-- the Wild Thing!  LilacBlue, sorry you're having frozen shoulder.  I developed that in 2010 out of the blue and am just now getting back full ROM.  It was a frustratingly slow process but it did heal.  I hope you don't get a bad case of it.

    Well yesterday I put on a favorite CD and tried actually dancing with the hoop.  It went pretty well except I kept banging into furniture and such.  Having music makes a big difference.  The challenge is to line up the movements with the beat of the music.   I need to rig up some sort of ipod/headband or something so I can have music outside where I won't be whacking into things.  I think I actually injured something (pulled muscle in side of waist?) and had to take Advil this morning.  Today is Taxol #7 and I am planning a long walk later.

    Happy exercising, ladies!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Mary......funny, as this was list I came up with just as I was finishing chemo, which was just after the aspirin study was released.  I was already on the exercise one, because I did not want to take bisphosphonates unless really necessary.  And my question was: could I accomplish the same thing via exercise?  No one was able to answer me.  I ended up not doing the trial. 

    Weight management also came out from all the reading I did.  I could see too that it was most likely correlated to exercise.  (DUH!!!)  The ongoing joke was that my oncologist was the one with the hurting head after we would meet (as opposed to me having chemo brain).

    New oncologist now (my original one's had a new baby in their house and a mother with cancer so he took a more local gig) and she is just fine with everything. Basically, her role is to monitor everything, and make a few notes.

    I see my internist again in 2.5 years.  At that point, I will be done with EVERYTHING, and we can assess where I ended up post treatment.  I am expecting all to be just fine.

    My goal is to remain as healthy as I am now for as long as possible.  Again, exercise is critical.  Interesting about the risk from breast cancer piece.  But as we go out in time, the risk of recurrence is less and less.

    Which is why I choose to believe I am and will be just fine.  (I only ate half the chocolate molten cake at the luncheon I attended, and planning on soup for dinner.) - Claire

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    What I love about this discussion board is how everyone's so positive and upbeat.  No pity parties here.  Maybe it's all those endorphins running thru our bodies!! xoxox

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Luv- It's just like flipping the dog. I still struggle with crow- I can get up into it but can't hold it for very long- I think it has alot to do with the way my muscles are now after my bmx. I like to push myself into a tripod headstand from crow, and then come back into crow that way. It looks fancy, but in reality, it is way easier than holding the crow itself!

    I did Pump Revolution- 40 minutes with the barbell this morning. I am super sore- probably should have taken the day off.

    Mary- those three steps are just what my onc says!

    Claire- Molten lava cake!!! Yum, I am jealous!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited November 2012

    Badger, when is your surgery and how long will you be out?

    Signing off to exercise!!

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    I love this thread!   And I am also in awe of what you ladies can do.  My humble goal is 30 minutes of brisk cardio and 20 - 30 minutes of stretching each day.  On alternate days, I try to throw in some weights.  Yay -- today I made it!  I'm taking this one day at a time.  I have an appointment with my onc in January and I want to at least be where I was weight-wise at my last 6 month appointment. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    I love this thread, too!  So positive and so motivating. 

    Walked at lunchtime 3.63 km = 2.26 miles.  31.21 to goal.

    I'd better put on some serious miles this weekend because my surgery is next Friday 11/23.  Doc said the ooph is a harder recovery than the appendectomy and I was out three days with that (surgery on Mon, back to work Thurs).  This time, with surgery on Fri, I'm not planning to be to work until probably Thurs 11/29 but we'll see.  I have a critical deadline looming on 11/30 so I've been working like a dog to get ready, just in case I need a few more days off. 

    Post-surgical appt is 12/7 and I should get path report & CA-125 test results.

    Six-month onc visit next week, should be an interesting discussion...

    Keep on keepin' on ladies!  ((hugs)) to all

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Oh ladies.....forgot to mention the OTHER REASON that drinking wine can be good for one's health.  One of the wine bar staff is going to help me learn running!!  Now....what have I done, as she is half my age and was a high school track star Innocent

    So in the spring, I will do that on top of my cycling.  Or at least try, no make that one "tri".

    So fun times ahead......

    Hoping everyone is having an amazing evening! - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited November 2012

    Treadmill for an hour & then talked for a long time with my friend who just lost her husband. She is a smart, sensible, really neat lady. Among other topics, we talked about 'Stupid things people say to you in a difficult situation' (from a humourous point of view). I imagine each of you could add a few stories yourself!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Badger- I found the ooph was pretty easy. But stupid me, I had surgery on a Tuesday and thought it would be smart to try to go to work the next day. I went home in tears......but by the weekend, I was ok. Just take it easy, and take your pain meds if you need them. Overall, it was the easiest surgery I have had.

    Claire- congrats on picking up running!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Encoremom, that's hardly a "humble" goal, it's a great goal.  So many people never get off the couch!  Claire, you're such an outdoors person, you will love running.

    This morning, 20 minutes treadmill, HIIT which is always killer, followed by legs.  Meeting my best girlfriend from high school in Boston's North End tonight for dinner - so looking forward to that, we just laugh all night.  Then maybe we'll walk around a bit to burn off some of those pasta calories.  I can taste the garlic already . . .

    Happy Friday.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Yes indeed, this is the thread that keeps us sane!

    Badger, glad you posted the surgery date, now I can send those healing vibes in force next Friday!  

    Claire, I'm in with you on getting ready for a tri!  Maybe since we live on the same coast we could meet up for one in Portland, OR next year?  I do swim, run and bike, but my biggest problem is the bike clips.  I use clips in spin class (where there is no fear of falling over), but I have a really hard time with them on my bike.  Do you think they are absolutely necessary or could I be a geek and just not use them?  I'd love to have a tri training partner.  Maybe even doing a Team in Training one, or a See Jane Run one?  Danskin has one in your area, but I think that is an Olympic distance.

    Spin and Pilates on Weds, run and yoga yesterday, and today something...not such what I am going to do yet.  I feel really good.

    Hi to everyone else.



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Gray.....I found that two things really help.  I have a super effective routine of weights/crunches that I do weekdays prior to getting into the shower.  Works for me and keeps me strong and supple.  Other ladies exercise in front of the television.  I have been known to lift while watching webinars.  I do a lot of "reverse engineering" of exercise into my life.  I live downtown and do most of my errands on foot.  Sometimes super weight-bearing when I drag back a haul of fruits and vegetables from the market.  Then I do long rides for endurance. clips aren't absolutely necessary.  I use mine mainly on long stretches of flats.  This after landing on a very sore shoulder a few years ago (skiing injury), so I don't use them on hills.  I haven't been able to ride clipped in at all since bashing my ankle.

    Team Survivor Northwest will train me FREE for the tri, so need to take advantage of that offer.  No shortage of events as Seattle is a major outdoor place.  Not just runs in the winter, but people drink coffee outdoors when 40F and sunny.

    Portland gives out BEER to marathon runners around Mile 24.  Then again I could do Eight Lakes Leg Aches in Spokane cycling event next year.  Plus, I still haven't cycled the north coast of the Olympic Penninsula, nor in Idaho.  Both are on my "must do" list.  More mountains to hike too.

    So much cool stuff, so little time.  It was funny.  A friend was showing me his Danube Cruise pix a few months ago.  My comment was "don't they have flat cycling paths along it".  And of course they do!  For me, that would be tons more fun.  I suspect cheaper too.

    Anyway, adding running into the mix will be fun.  But am thinking early spring for this.  I need a new sports challenge, and this one should be it. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Did freestyle step and body balance at the gym this morning.  Feeling good to go! My older sister who is 58 does tri and now in training for ironman.  One leads to the other and she loves the competive spirit and said she will quit when she takes a 1st. in her age group! I doubt that.

    Misswim - the woman on the next mat did the most perfect crow, no tremble total control with ease - me- I fall on my nose that is when I could place wight on my arms.  I have crow envy big time!

    Grayn - Welcome and walking is a good place to start.

    Encoremom - Welcome and you are doing good!

    Ann- Just want to hug you  and thanks for realting - I think this shoulder will give

    Mary - June 30th - check- and let goes flying out of your life - I'll be here cheering you on!

    Badger - You rock the busy and nothingis keeping you down.

    Ruth, Clare, Dazednfused, Luvlulu, Joy, Cheryl have a good weekend - everyone!

    LB, x

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Luvlulu and LilacBlue, thanks for the encouragement!  I walked/jogged on the treadmill for 30 minutes today and then did another 20 lifting weights.  Badger, I had an ooph and it wasn't too bad.  There wasn't much pain but doc wanted me to take it easy for a few days.  I'll be sending positive vibes your way on Friday when I'm out with my daughter Black Friday shopping :)

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2012

    still managing my 3x week , heading to the exercise clinic for 1hr of weights, stretching and cardio

    have a great weekend all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited November 2012

    Just to let you know: I am being very bad tonight....sitting here eating a huge bag of carmel corn for supper (a Boy Scout MADE me buy it), and then I am off to a high school play (which will probably be of medium quality and way too long....but I know some of the kids). Probably will not come home and exercise after that, but will double down tomorrow. Happy Weekend!!!

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    We all have days like that Ruthbru. Enjoy your evening and wake up tomorrow with a fresh start to the day. P.S. I was very bad today too. Even though I exercised I was craving a burger and gave in and went to Five Guys. Very bad for me but will try to be better tomorrow.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies and welcome grayn.  Walking is my exercise of choice.  It's easy to do, and free.

    Walked at lunchtime and logged 3.4 km = 2.11 miles.  29.1 to 3,000! 

    IDK if I can do it by Friday but will try as will be on exercise restriction after surgery.

    Thanks misswim and Debbie for encouraging words about ooph and recovery.

    I'm not so much worried about the surgery as I am the consequences.  I may not have been cranking out very much hormone after chemo but really appreciated that little bit.  Concerned mainly about the effect on libido, bones, and heart.  And not necessarily in that order. Wink

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    All three of mine are in tip top shape.....and in that order!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Mmmm caramel corn!  I've been known to have dinners of blue corn chips and Haagen-Dazs Embarassed

    Badger I hope you adapt to the hormone disruption.  I kind of dread the anti-hormonals, but Claire's comment is encouraging!

    Walked a bit over an hour and about 25 minutes of hoop dancing.  Now I'm off to see the new Twilight movie.  It's a solo trip as for some reason the hubby isn't interested in seeing it.  Go figure!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    yes, very encouraging!  Smile

    headed off to walk to the library and the market.  Sunny and 50 today - nice!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2012

    Lilacblue- I had a frozen shoulder all of last year. So very painful! Cortisone shots and physical therapy improved it a lot.

    Dazdnconfused- I did the danskin sprint Tri a few years ago for my 45th birthday (before all this breast cancer crap). It was awesome and I am hoping to train for another one that is at the end of this summer. Got to lose the 30 pounds this journey has packed on me. You will love the feeling of success!

    Badger- I had my ooph last December and the recovery was not bad. Letrozole, on the other hand, has given me some crappy SE. Good luck!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2012

    Lol...sounds great Claire!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    nice long walk today, 6.6 km = 4.1 miles.  25 to go to 3,000!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited November 2012

    Did 40 minute FIRM Super Body Sculpt this morning, walked with a friend for an hour this afternoon, will now do a 20 minute Rock Solid Buns DVD, and then will be caught up from yesterday when I did not exercise at all, and ate an entire large bag of carmel corn all by myself!!! Embarassed