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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    badger  Glad to hear that you're home and healing!  Good news on the negative.  

    Sun is out, so I'm off for 2 circuits on the street climb behind my house.  Should be good for about 45 minutes of cardio.   Haha - pie off the thigh class!   Off to see the James Bond movie later this afternoon.  

    Can anybody recommend some good cardio only DVD's?  No Zumba as I have that already.  I need something for those yucky weather days that are coming.  Until snow comes and stays, inside cardio is what I'll have to do.   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    I love all the FIRM DVDs. Go to and look through. You will find some cardio DVDs and a lot of other good ones too. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Good morning Badger!  You must feel amazing to be past that scare.  Enjoy the moment!

    I did a long walk yesterday, did some shopping, but didn't buy anything.  Need to do an eBay search for the lipstick I want to replace.  I did find a Chanel eyeshadow that is a sparkly mauve-pewter shade and just amazing on.  But not will get later for the holidays.  I also signed up for the Clarins "Models Wanted" makeover plus photo shoot next Saturday.

    These things are fun, and I always learn a few tricks about updating my look.

    I think a relatively clear day, so off on my bicycle.  Planning a much longer ride for tomorrow.  My metabolism is taking a holiday, and it needs a bit of a boost.  My goal is to keep of the weight I have lost since July.

    Anyway, happy exercising everyone.  Now on to Christmas and the New Year!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    Hopefully, you gals won't mind if I join?

    I started on Wednesday with a 1 1/2 mile walk with my husband around or local park, took thursday(thanksgiving day) off then yesterday, yahoo, I did 20 minutes (somewhat slowly) on the elliptical (no arms). I need to get up off my lazy butt and get on elliptical's a far cry from the pre mx 40 minutes of hauling butt, sweating like crazy intensity but its a start right ? :)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies and welcome merlcat, good for you for starting back to exercise. 

    Claire, yep I'm feeling great today.  A shower had a lot to do with it I think! 

    Never knew what a good investment the push-button recliner was going to be when we got it for my BMX recovery.  Not having to crank that arm is so nice when the core is compromised.

    Was ordered not to drive for 24 hours and that's up soon so I'm headed to the grocery store for a few things.  Then back to read and probably nap.  TTYL

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Welcome Merlcat! You'll get back to where you were, just getting started and having patience are the important things right now.

    Just did old (free) Jane Fonda Workout. It really is good and fun. Now I have to force myself to the stores, because I actually do need to buy some things. Hopefully most of the Black Friday shoppers are home sleeping it off!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2012

    congrats Badger on your 3000 goal! Best wishes for negative, yay!

    Heading out for vitD, planning in at least 45mins oceanviewSmile

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2012

    Hi Merlcat ~

    I'm glad to see your post.  I'm  11 days post BMX and took a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood ~ felt divine!  I'm chomping at the bit to get back to exercise but have to be realistic about my energy level.  Glad to see you are back to walking and elliptical within a month of surgery!

    Before being diagnosed with IDC on Halloween, I used to get to the gym once a week (either swimming, treadmill or step aerobics) and did an hour long hike through the hilly park near our home every weekend.  I'm really hoping that in the new year I will be able to increase this ~ although it's quite a challenge between work and raising our three daughters!  

    My cancer was ER+ and I know the 10 extra pounds I'm packing raises estrogen levels and could feed any remaining speck of cancer that might be floating through my body.  I don't meet with an oncologist until Friday so I don't yet know whether chemo will be part of my cancer journey or not.

    I appreciate a community of women who prioritize exercise and am glad to have found all of you! Smile

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Nicole, welcome! Yes, please go easy on yourself. BMX recovery can be a bit of a slog, but walking is always good.

    As for the extra 10, in the course of my treatment, I more or less ended up eliminating most white carb from my diet. That got rid of the extra 10 (or 20 in my case). In fact, it worked a little too well, to the point that my docs complained that I was too skinny. Haven't had that happen since I was a kid, lol. I can really recommend myfitnesspal for keeping track of food and exercise.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    welcome Nicole503, this is THE place to be for women who exercise (a little or a lot).

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2012

    Yay for this thread! A friend from the Canadian thread told me about this one. Positive for me as tough to post exercise on some threads where many have S/E etc. that preclude them from as much exercise as I like to do.

    Today I walked 8 k with a friend and just came back from a short bike ride with my husband who got his first  bike since he was 16! I had not been out for a cycle since just before dx in July so only a short one and it was tough getting up a couple of easy hills. But good to be out on a sunny Vancouver day when rain is what we mostly get in November. 

    I have been trekking lots in the past few years and did two treks in Nepal in May, one pretty high altitude and credit the training, the treks and yoga for being in good enough shape at age 63 to keep on trucking during chemo.

    Thanks all for this sharing exercise site!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    welcome Marian! 

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2012

    Way to go Mariane!  Welcome Nicole and Merlcat.  Okay, I missed two days this week but I did do a 30 min fast walk with mim sis tonite.  I also picked up a new dvd - Brazilian dance - gonna do a little of it tonite too.! 

    My goal is to be as active as you wonderful very very inspiring ladies!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Welcome Nicole and Marion!! This is the BEST thread of all (in my humble opinion Wink). In fact, I just posted the following on the 'Awesome Members! Appreciation Thread' (in forum Acknowledging and honoring our Community):

    I want to give a shout out to all the members of the 'Lets Post Our Daily Exercise' thread. A great, positive group of ladies. It is not only motivational and encouraging to check in there, it is FUN!

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Hello Nicole, Marian and Mericat!  I ate way too much over Thanksgiving but did do my usual 30 minutes of cardio and then 30 minutes of weights/stretching.  It felt good!  Nicole, slow and steady getting back into exercise after BMX.  Walking is wonderful.  Badger, I'm glad you're up and about today.  And, today is my four year Arimidex anniversary!!  My oncologist is thinking 5 years for me, so I can begin counting down in months rather than years!!  I have got to lose these last 10 (well maybe 15) extra pounds so that I can begin life Arimidex free at a good, healthy weight. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies, just posting my new goal of 3,500 miles.  Cool

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Hi Nicole, Mariam and Merlcat!! So glad to have you join us.

    Did the Turbo Fire 55 EZ workout yesterday as I ate like a pig on Thanksgiving!! Hopefully burned some of the two dinners we had off!

    We are visiting my in-laws so today I went to my favorite hot yoga studio in Westerly, RI, called High Street Yoga. There was a guest teacher there who is a Master Baptiste instructor and she was awesome. We ended up doing our entire practice along the wall to help learn alignment and core engagement. Though not the normal flow, it was very challenging, and I got worked!! We practiced handstands which are not my favorite but when I can kick up into one, it is a great feeling. The wall sure does help- I would fall over and break something if it was not there!!:)

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    I can feel in my thighs today (sigh) that I did the elliptical the last 2 days so I am going to take today 'off' and consider walking through the hardware and grocery stores ( I still have the push,pull,lift weight restrictions of 5 lbs) my exercise for the day.....maybe I'll go for a short walk down our street too but ick it's cold here....have I mentioned that I detest cold weather? :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    I am not a fan of the cold either; especially dark, damp, cold...which it is here today. Downstairs to the treadmill or DVD for me.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Dark, damp and cold here too - and this Florida girl is definitely not a fan.  Tongue Out   DVD's will be the way that I go for cardio this winter.  Last winter we had less than a week with good snow on the ground - makes for fantastic cross country skiing when the snow is here, but otherwise I'll need to find something else active to do.    Thanks ruth for the link on The Firm DVD's - there were a lot!  I found a good one and it's on order.  

    20 minutes jump board, 30 minutes pilates mat stretch   

    Welcome to the new ladies!  Hope that everybody is having a good weekend ~ 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    badger   Congrats on 3,000 miles!  Woohooo

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Hi girls, yes this is the best place to be.  Warm and encouraging!

    Getting a little colder here - ran my 8 miles this morning, temp in the 20's but it will get a lot colder than this before it starts getting warmer again.  I have a hard time acclimating every year - the first couple of cold runs are really really tough - I find myself wheezing, but then after a couple of days I'm fine.  I run w/someone younger who kicks my butt, but I guess that's a good thing.

    Followed up with the usual Sunday, bench press and shoulders at the gym.  Got on the scale, not too happy after all the food this week!

    Have a fun day!

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited November 2012

    claire, have you ever broken your arm?  well, this is my 2nd time, but much more painful than the first because is a fracture of the humeral head -which fits into the shoulder - no cast therefore, but no surgery either--thank goodness.

    it happened during a bootcamp class. supposed to rest it for a month---sigh- there goes my recently toned arm.  hope i can still do weight work after it heals----

    any suggestions to promote healing? arm is twice its size and looks like a giant sausage!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Ouch on the broken arm!  I did a hairline fracture on my right wrist once, when I landed on that as opposed to my butt (which has a much broader area to absorb the impact).  Yep, I slid on black ice.  Which is why that is the one condition that will keep me in other than extremely fierce rain and wind.

    That said, I think I will wait for the pea soup fog to lift before I go for today's ride.  This will put me close to 100 miles of cycling for the week, and should be enough to counteract the feasting.

    I am afraid that shoulders take a while to heal.  I have injured both since I moved out here.  More painful than anything associated with BC treatment.  I skied anyway.  I did not do weights though.

    Arnica can help with swelling.  Otherwise, horse pill size ibuprofen.

    Chilly here this AM....40 degrees and foggy.  But not icy so off I'll go in a bit.  Happy Sunday everyone.  I am down to the rest of the pumpkin custard, which is relatively healthy.  Have some cranberry sauce left too.  Hmmmmm, on pork chops or sausages later this week.

    Hoping to see the sun again.  Now THAT would be a treat. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    dogsandjogs - ouch on the broken arm!  If the doc ordered rest, that's what I'd do.

    That's why I didn't do much yesterday, but got out for a leisurely walk this morning.

    3.95 km = 2.45 mi in the chilly sunshine.  Felt good!  So glad I listened to The Voices.

    We're ordering Chinese food tonight, we've both been hankering for hot sour soup.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2012

    45 minute walk in my neighborhood park with my Sunday morning walking buddy.  Definitely slower than the my old pace, but it felt good to have an extended walk 12 days post BMX!


  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2012

    I did the WHOLE Brazilian dance dvd and it lasted almost an hour!  I am very proud of  myself.  Now, did I do it like they did it?  No, but...practice can make perfect! 

    Thanks for being such an inspiration you super fantastic ladies!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Badger so happy for you, now onto healing and then walking to the other side of the countrySmile   Welcome Mericat, Mariam and Nicole it's nice to have you join us.  Oh Dogs so sorry about your break, I have no advice just a gentle (HUG).  Too funny Jenny I know in my head I do my classes like the instructors but looking in a morror brings me back to realityTongue Out

    Yesterday and today I did Body Step class, I'm finding myself a little gun shy about the step and I've started doing the speed step on the floor for some reason I keep thinking about falling and so I'd rather do low options and I still get a sweat going.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Youch, jogs! Yes, do whatever they say to do!

    Cheryl, if you are sweating then you are doing 'enough', you don't need to go for higher impact.

    Treadmill & some lower body toning. I am checking in and then I have to do some school work, which I put off all weekend....

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2012

    13,200 steps on my odometer today and yoga class too. I think I will need to set up a goal as many of you seem to have done.

    Thanks for the welcome.
