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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    The gym I go to is small, lowkey and part of an old tennis club that has seen better days (meaning the average age of the members is around 70). It is nice and quiet. They also offer various gym classes, and today it was pilates, so I went. I had forgotten why I never did gym or dance classes once I was old enough to decide for myself. I can't tell left from right, I don't understand the instructions, and if I can't do the exercise perfectly, I would rather not do it at all. Way too much anxiety for me. Never again, LOL!

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2012

    ruth has been inspiring  me to get pro-active. So for someone who totally is against exercises, for the last 3 days I walked about 3 miles each day. Plus a couple of dances here and there. I live in a 4 lever split, so if I counted how many times I go up and down, I am sure it could add to something.

    Then, to reward myself I ate  a Red Velvet cupcake!  Now I feel soooo guilty....


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Go Mena!  Now, you do need to reformat that brain of yours.  From deprivation to abundance!

    So rev things up, and THEN eat the cupcake.  Works every time.  No guilt allowed......just pleasure.

    Just spoke to a friend of mine who I am inviting to Thanksgiving.  He was AMAZED that I got in a long ride yesterday.  But really that important.  I am hoping that just showers, not torrential rain on Thanksgiving so I can get in a ride.  Plus enjoy the weekend.

    Just a walk later.  I did do my weights/crunches so where I need to be that way.  But do feel better when I get in more, not less exercise.

    Happy wet Monday. - Claire

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited November 2012

    Good evening everyone! I enjoy reading how active everyone has been. I continue to either walk/run or "walk" with my Leslie Sansone CD when it's too dark to walk outside. 

    Keep up the good work, ladies!

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2012

    One of my good friends just invited me to go away with her for this coming  week-end!  After asking my husband for his blessings, I accepted and Friday early morning we are off to Lancaster , PA to hit every outlet store in sight! We also got tickets to a Xmas Show.

    The only reason I am really going is so that I can walk, and walk, and walk!  I should be able to put in a good number of miles on my sneakers....right? 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Hi Mena! Great to see you here (do I get paid for recruiting? Wink). Claire is right, if you exercise, you get to eat!! And we call your weekend plans Shop and Sculpt. Cool

    It is unseasonally mild here, so I zoomed home from school and walked for an hour before it got too dark....I walked with my fast neighbor whom I hadn't seen for awhile, so we walked and talked as fast as we could.

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2012

    I think I am going to like being part of this group... YEP!!!!


  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2012 too.  I am signing off so I can do some FIRM...going for 35 mins tonite!  I will do it.  Tongue OutLaughing

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    I only got hosed at the end of my walk today.  Think a break Thanksgiving Day so glad I scheduled 4 pm for dinner.  I can get in a fab ride AND cook up a storm.

    Picked up Cornish hens and milk/cream for Thanksgiving.  Veggies will be at the cheap place.  Thinking that 'shrooms will be a good add to the stuffing.  Thinking about parsnip soup too.  Mmmmmm.

    Will get the pumpkin etc tomorrow at the cheap veggie place.  Wonderful food and 60% the price elsewhere.

    Anyway, tons to be thankful for, and one of these is the ABILITY TO EAT DESSERTS!

    Got in a bit of extra exercise fumigating the place starting with the vacuum cleaner. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    I wanted so badly to start my new commitment to Turbo Fire today. However, my attempts at the climbing wall rendered me useless. I found that I had muscles I was not aware existed. Ouch.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    My company left today but I was good while she was here and went to the gym every day BUT if I never hear the words "let’s go out and get some coffee and pie" again it will be too soon OMG she’s a size 2 and eats like a truck driver and those of you who know me know I have absolutely no self control when it comes to cakeTongue Out.

    Welcome to all the new ladies it’s great to have you here. Lilac I’m Australian but my BFF was from Yorkshire and was cared for by McMillan nurses and I got to spend time with them when they were caring for her. Badger you’re almost across the country woohoooo. Misswim all I can say is WOW, I can barely touch my toes. Claire I love parsnip soup too mmmm.

    Had another shot in my foot this afternoon and tonight I defied doctors orders as I had been invited to a couple of special classes – Misswim I did Sh’bam with Jericho, she was amazing and then Combat with another Master Instructor, it was a great evening.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    I'm so inspired by you, badger, that I went out and walked 10k yesterday with my SIL.

    That pose is unbelievable, misswim, particularly with one foot tucked into your chest.

    Cheryl, glad the foot was good enough to get through the special classes.

    Welcome, Jenny and Mena!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    You ladies all inspire me . . .love reading everyone's daily routines and it's so obvious we all love good food!! AND we deserve it!!

    8 mile run this morning in 26 degree weather.  But it didn't feel bad - once you get over that first 1/2 mile and start to break a sweat.  And it really was a pretty morning.  It will get a lot colder than this . . .

    Plan to skip out of work early for a 4:00 hot yoga class.  Warm the aching bones and muscles and nicely stretch everything out.  Hmmmm, then what's for supper???

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012

    Ok, I'm a loser. :(

    Didn't do yoga last night but did some yin this morning since this is my rest day from weights.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies and welcome Mena.  Got in a lunchtime walk yesterday 6.03 km = 3.75 mi.

    Pre-surgery physical with family doc this a.m. & 6-month follow-up with onc this p.m.

    Planning to get in a nice long walk in between.  Hoping to do 6.84 km = 4.25 miles.

    That would put me at 12 miles to goal which is still a lot for the next two days!  Foot in Mouth 

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2012

    Ladies, reading about the distances you all walk, makes me wonder "  Why would anyone need  a car?" LOL!!!

    Really,  I admire all of you for your dedication and committment  to improving your health! 


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Mena, we don't have a car actually. We get around mostly by foot and also have 3 dogs who need to be walked 3X a day. It all adds up.

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2012

    Momine, that's could be my problem.... WE have 4 cars!!!! LOL


  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Brisk trail hike with the dog for an hour.  On the way, did a steep climb on the street behind my house to rev up cardio.  Some of it feels like it's at a 45 degree angle!  I'm huffin and puffin by the time I get to the top.  Tongue Out  Also got in 30 minutes of mat stretch.  

    We were lucky to find a turkey (8 kilos!) this year, the past 2 years we have not had luck in getting one.   Will start preparing tomorrow for Thanksgiving feast for family and a few friends on Thursday.  It's a regular work day here but kids are off from school and DH is taking the day off.  Can't believe it's the holiday season already!!  

    Welcome Mena

    Hugs ~

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Welcome Mena!  These ladies will keep you motivated.  I did a 45 minute walk yesterday and a bit of hoop practice.  I'm noticing it's a lot harder to get myself outside when it's cold (i.e 50's) and dark.  Hmmm perhaps I should think about adjusting my schedule?  I had to cut back the serious hoop practice for a bit.  My knees are complaining majorly from all the butt-to-waist practice which involves some pretty violent shimmying.

    I'm getting a PICC line put in tomorrow for my last 5 Taxols.  I was tired of getting new bumpy sore (and unusable) vein after each infusion.  Then later that night we're hopping in the car to drive 12 hours to Thanksgiving dinner with friends at the California/Oregon border.  I bought this big plastic "cast protector" thing to cover the picc line so I still may be able to use the wood-burning hot tub that's the main attraction of the cabin.  I'll be 50 miles from the nearest urgent care, so really hoping for the best.  I haven't been sick during chemo yet!

    Claire I have to agree exercise is the key to being able to eat what you want.  The only time in life I was truly lean and could eat like a horse was when I was running and swimming several times a week.  Whenever I was exercising just a little bit and dieting I was always struggling with hunger and hanging onto the last five pounds.  I'm actually surprised how lean I've gotten from dancing and normal pace walking.  My tummy is almost flat! There is a real difference from daily walking versus 2-3 times a week for me.

    P.S. sorry to gush but I got some great news from my BS yesterday.  With my response to chemo so far she recommends lumpectomy instead of mx for me, and I agree.  It wasn't possible before chemo due to "small breast big lump".  So I get to keep most of my boob and am hoping for faster recovery and fewer clothing hassles afterward.  I also get sentinel node biopsy instead of full dissection due to dramatic shrinkage in axilla lumps, so less LE risk (although I'll have risk from radiaition).  This is the best news I've gotten since dx.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Wonderful news Ann!!!  I found surgery to be a breeze, even with a full dissection.  In fact, I scared my neighbors to death as looked none the worse for wear the next day.  Good move on the PICC line too.

    Let me tell you, sitting in soggy Seattle, that Hot Tub sounds wonderful about now.  I kept my breast out of the water during radiation when taking hot baths.  That was the deal I worked with my radiation oncology NP.  The upshot was that she was equally chilled running, so she now takes hot baths!

    I bought sexy stretchy black camisoles to pin my surgical drain to.....none of this hideous stuff they initially showed me.  They looked so great that a friend of mine got some as regular wear!  Another selling point was $13 each at Nordstrom Rack.  You will need two.

    I lost weight during chemo too with all the regular exercise.

    I am so excited that you can just do surgery and radiation.  Great news, because with the last radiation will be DONE! - Claire

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2012

    2.5 miles on the treadmill, lazy moring

    last Taxol and onto rads. I was instructed not to gain or lose weight after my mapping session yesterday so this translates to;

    more food with exerciseSmile.  So happy to exercise WITHOUT chemo.

    No weight loss though chemo but no significant gain either. I started in good shape, slowed down and will end in good shape.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    Great news, Ann!

    Cheryl, so glad you got to indulge in those classes.  I KNOW you've missed it.

    I put on the Walkman and my Road Trip '95 tape and cranked out 6.99 km this afternoon.  I like round numbers so when I got home, I jumped up & down until it went to 7 km = 4.35 miles.  New total is 2,988.1 miles walked and 11.9 miles to go.

    Date night tonight, mex & margies mmmmm  Cool

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    30 minute interval (incline, run, walk) on treadmill followed by 30 minutes of stretching. 

    Welcome Mena!

    Joy, I like the inclines on my treadmill and it sounds like you have a ready made one.  They really do get the heart going.

    Ann, CONGRATS on the good news!

    Badger, enjoy the date!

    Everyone, thanks for the inspiration on here!  I will need it to carry me into Thanksgiving.  I will eat, but will exercise!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Great news, Ann!

    And congratulations, whaevah, on being done with chemo! I found my energy bounced back so much once I was done (probably because I slogged along during it). I found radiation to be 'a piece of cake' after chemo (notice, of course, the food reference Tongue Out).

    Badger, try to fit in those last few miles between the margaritas and the turkey! Smile

    Did 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin and a little treadmill. Now watching Dancing With the Stars.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Whaeva and Ann- great news for you both!!! Wonderful. You guys amaze me, with your exercise commitment throughout treatment.

    Badger- you rock sister!!

    Hi Cheryl!!! So good to hear from you.

    I did 20 minute HIIT Turbo Fire this morning; 75 mins hot yoga tonight. Off to the onc for a check up tomorrow. Hoping all have a great day!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    HIIT Turbo Fire looks very interesting. Burns 9x more fat. Wow!

    Zumba last night.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    5:30 AM hit the gym for chest and bis.  Then off to the supermarket....GRRRrrrrrrr!

    Hot yoga was awesome last night, but I felt tired this morning after all those planks, low planks, etc. etc.

    Now to hit the shower then to work.  Will leave early to make my stuffing - then go for my riding lesson tonight.

    Enjoy the day!

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012

    Did some hatha yoga this morning. Today is supposed to be lower body day so when I get home I'll do some deadlifts and kettlebell squats.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Whaeva and Ann - You women rock!

    Cheryl, - I'm from So. Cal and Huntington Beach was part of my old stomping grounds.  Small world.

    I did a very fast a difficult freestyle step class today and feel it!Tongue Out

    I went and got a small turkey this afternoon, my mother's handwritten recipe cards out and later will make her pecan  sausage that tastes better if it sits in the fridge over night.  Beyond me why I do Thanksgiving (husband and son are Brit - they really don't care one way or the other)  other than being a nostalgic ritual for me.