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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Hello ladies.   This site is wonderful but so fast paced that it's hard to keep up with everyone!  Wonderland, congratulations on 6 years!!  Marian, thinking about you today and sending positive thoughts your way.

    I, like others, are trying to get out of Thanksgiving eating mode and back into exercising mode.  I think I've accomplished the exercising part but I'm still hungry and eating.  The result is that while I'm not gaining anything, I'm not losing either.  I so want to lose 10 pounds by mid January when I see the onc but it's not looking good this time of year.  I did my hour of cardio/weights this morning, ate oatmeal for breakfast and then ate way too much for lunch.  Trying to keep my dinner hungry pains out of my mind at the moment Undecided

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Wonderland, Yippee x 4Tongue Out!!! Sorry about the job, but good for you for doing what you need to!

    Claire, I was just talking to my husband about you! He's impressed, especially that you cycled through chemo. No paring down the century for him.

    Kim, yoga has done wonders for my spinal alignment and overall back health. It has made me very strong and really helped my range of motion too.

    Speaking of yoga, today was 90 minutes hot yoga. 5 90 minute classes in 5 days and a 5K. I am pooped. However, I have eaten alot and feel pretty bloaty  (like the tight pants mode theory, Ruth- that is where I feel I am heading!)Hoping its water and makes its way off my thighs.

    Marian, hope you are feeling ok after your treatment. Keep moving. You are awesome.

    Pat- yes, we were in your neck of the woods. My hubby has a new jo out of Kinsgston and we are planning a move in June!

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2012

    Hi ladies, just checking in....I did the Firm Calorie Killer, had to modify it because I dont have the step or the stick but it was still a good workout.  

    Way to go to ALL of us!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Hi ladies, did 45 minutes on the treadmill & a little toning with Richard Simmons.

    Marion, listen to your body & do what you can. Some days all I could do was put on my tennis shoes and walk around and around the living room (and that was more for mental health than physical health). You know you will get back at it once you're done.

    Pat, Cheryl can tell you about spinning, as she is a spinner.

    Wonderland, sorry the job didn't work out, but sounds like it was 100% the right decision to make. And congratulations on the 'all clear' from the doctor. Thinking about that stuff puts the rest of it in perspective, doesn't it?!

    misswim, where is Kinsgston (as in what state)?

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Rhode Island :)

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2012

    wonderland, lots to celebrate on your DH's birthday!

    Thanks all of you for the support. I went to a great yoga class this morning and we did errands this afternoon before the 4 PM A/C. Despite no "walk for exercise" today I did 7300 steps. I agree totally that exercise has made me feel good and also empowered throughout. I guess my mx and axillary dissection down the road will derail some aspects but hopefully not for long.

    Chemo done and waiting to turn into my usual zombie on steroids for late evening and through the first night. Taxol already scheduled for Dec. 11 and 24. 


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Wonderland, congratulations on being six years out-- that's great!

    I got back from holiday travels at 4 AM, slept til about noon, and got out for an extra long walk around 6 pm.  I went an hour and twenty minutes.  It felt so good to be doing a long walk again.  I was in a cabin on the Klamath river the past few days and got outside a couple times to poke around, but wasn't really able to go any distance.  There just weren't any walking paths although it was really beautiful.

    It's nice to be home :-)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Pat I'm 62 and it's really only been this past year that I've started spinning, so age don't mean a thingLaughing  my advice would be to get to the class a little early and speak to the instructor tell him/her it's your first time and they will set up your bike and show you how it works, instructors want you to succeed and as with any class once just ain't enough, you have to go at least four times before you "get it" that being said, spinning is really addictive so give it a try, oh and your butt will hurt the first few times, those sets are hard as a rock, and if they say "tap it up" and you don't feel like it you don't have to, do it at your pace, just do what you can.

    Wonderland wonderful news and it's sad you had to give up your job but your QOL is much much more important.  

    Tonight was Body Step class, my knees really felt it but she did a lot of old fun stuff.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012 glad your husband took the bait!

    I am hurting big time, but from smashing my little toe against a chair leg!!  YIKES.  I do not think in any way treatment related.  I walked two miles anyway.

    It's going around.  Major SNAFUs which we have decided are full-moon related.  Other stuff too including that my wine bar friends each thought the other was opening, so not until 3:30 today.  Oops!!

    Unfortunate news about one of the regulars.  She was clearly not well Saturday evening so was taken to one of the local hospitals. Still there, and not sure if neurological or diabetes-related.  Anyway, she is still with us, and she would most likely not have been otherwise.  Such a sweet and fun lady.

    Off to bed to rest my sore toe.  Fresh broiled cod from the market was just delish.  Sweet dreams. - Claire

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Wonderland, so happy for you.  Great day all around! Laughing

    Went to the gym this morning, did chest and bis, some abs and this crazy cable rope thing someone showed me.  Might have to add it to my routine after I catch on and work up slowly.

    Riding lesson after work today in the fresh night air.  Nothing like the sweet smell of horses and the barn!  And I really mean that!

    If only I could curb my appetite!  Too many goodies still left over.  I'll have to take them to work. Undecided

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Wonderland - great news all the way around!

    Yoga last night - last class till January.  2 mile run in 35 degree weather this morning - a perfect temperature for me, AKA Ms. AI Hot Flash!  Wink

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Thanks Cheryl, I'm still thinking about giving it a try, something new to keep me going through the winter months for exercise.  First class is next Tuesday, I'll let you know how it goes.

    Missswim, I live in Richmond and drive through Kingston every day to and from work!

    Wonderland - congrats on 6 years - I agree, life is great!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    Zzzzzzz still sticking with my 20 on the elliptical at least until Monday then I'll increase by 5 minutes...I definitely don't want to over do it plus I have tons of driving to do later...13 year old daughter needs to be carted to piano lessons then to ballet class, 15 year old son need to be schlepped to robotics and an AP scholar meeting, thankfully, the 11 year old son has no extraneous activities tonight. :) of course, husband is still either at work or on his way home for all this and both kids have to be at their opposite locations at the same exact times...sigh

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012

    Hello fitness buffs!

    Anybody work out with a medicine ball? I need some lat/rhomboids work. True there are many ways to work lats with other equipment, but medicine balls look like fun.

    What weight do you use?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies, went to work today and stayed all day.  Lots to do after being gone several days.  One too many meetings but did manage a bit of a walk at lunchtime.

    Wonderland, congrats on six years out and clean bill of health.  Sorry you had to quit your job but it sounds like the best decision you could make.

  • JanetB1961
    JanetB1961 Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2012

    Badger, can I ask you, WHAT were your CA125 results? I have mine, but am not sure what they mean as far as 'negative'. Don't see the dr until the 3rd but I don't like waiting. If they are going to put them where I can see them, then I want to know what they mean!!. LOL.

    Anyway, they show my CA125 is 19 and the CEA is .8,. It LOOKS good; the CA125 says range is <21U/mL and CEA 'Range' says non-smoker is <2.5 ng/mL. Of course, they both say should not be interpreted as absolute presence or absence of disease.

    Am I reading this right? Likely NO ovarian cancer on board?

    Thank you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Hi ladies, busy day here: meeting before school, dentist appointment after, cleaned my house and got ready for my Book Club, which meets here tomorrow, then finally jumped on the treadmill (more like crawled onto it) & did some toning with Denise Austin. It is probably good I did a DVD instead of a class, everytime she announced the next move, I whined and complained.....

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    NatsFan, kudos to you for running in the cold.  LuvLuLu, riding lessons sounds really fun.  Ruth, whining and complaining is fine, just don't give up and sit on the couch (as I tend to do with exercise DVDs).

    It was in the 60's here today so I did some hooping outside.  I have to limit my left arm movements due to the picc line but I got in a good session.  I *almost* have knee hooping working.  

    Also, I finally got new sneakers.  My poor old Adidas are so worn down now it's ridiculous.  After trying lots of different ones I got some Vibrams (but not the kind with the individual toes).  They feel so comfy like little feet gloves.  Way less "cush" underfoot than usual athletic shoes but I hope they work for me.   I'll try them out on my walk tomorrow.

    Rock on, ladies!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2012

    I managed 11,000 steps today and had chemo late yesterday so happy about that.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Congrats everyone.  Just weights/crunches and my walk.  Major accomplishment with my super sore banged up toe.  Foot is unusally square.

    I will try and not share my case of doofusitis (but I hear it's going around). - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    Ruth whining and complaining is all part of the fun of a classTongue Out  I snuck out of work this morning and did a Sh'bam class (30 minute dance class) and then tonight a spin class.  Last week I joined a second gym which is close to my office they have a pool so I'm looking forward to doing some aqua classes.

    Nibbana I used to use a medicine ball but it was before my mastectomy so it's been 4 years, that succa was heavy!!!!! 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Mariane, way to go! 

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    My freakin' running partner had another friend join us this morning - talk about pissin' and moanin' that was me - in the dark, 25 degrees.  I know it's beneficial to run with better runners, but I was so glad when we were done and I met a goal I had set for myself way back a couple of months before surgery so that made me happy.  They were just breezing along, talking as I'm struggling to keep up.  And I kept telling myself, they are in a YOUNGER age group!  (Well, 5 years younger than me, that counts, right?)

    Now off to work to sit at my desk and "recover." Undecided

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Decided to shake up the routine, so found an old Wii My Fitness Coach program - programmed it for a half an hour of a core workout this morning and it was great - I'm going to feel it in my abs tomorrow!  I did the lower body one on a lark a few weeks ago and really felt it the next day, so I think my body has gotten too used to the exercises I've been doing for the last year or so.  I'm going to stick with this one for a while, and maybe look into some of those FIRM DVDs Ruth and others like so much.   Also did the Lebeds this morning - I've been lax about the Lebeds lately and my truncal LE is letting me know.  Frown

    Agree that whining and complaining is all part of the fun - I've cussed out some of the instructors on these DVDs pretty thoroughly on a few occasions!

    Badger - congrats on getting back to work.  Mariane - that's great!  Ruth - Clean N Sculpt!  Nothing like the prospect of company to get going on cleaning . . .

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    I'm on elliptical now for my requisite 20. I have a fill of my TE at 2 today so idk if I will feel up to ellipticalling(lol is that a word?) tomorrow ...?????

    Guess that we shall see....

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Got a brisk walk in at lunch yesterday.  Went to gym after work, but halfway thru my C25K workout I had to stop, knees were complaining.  Listen to my body.  Did some weight machines, then home to find unexpected company.  Was so tired forgot to do my crunches before bed. Started to do classical stretch this morning, but hubby called and was broken down on his way to work, so had to cut that short.  Finally at work, looking forward to another brisk walk at lunch!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    NatsFan  It's interesting that you talk of shaking it up a bit, I'm thinking the same thing.  So yesterday I grabbed an old DVD (another cruddy weather day) and did an hour of extreme cardio - I was super sweaty afterwards, and today I'm really feeling it but in a good way.  We do get used to our routines and it's good to shake it up every once in awhile.  

    nibanna  I have an 8 lb. medicine ball, haven't used it in awhile. 

    Disappointed that I can't get The Firm DVD's here - they don't send overseas, apparently.   sigh .....  

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    Nibbana, maybe the above will help give you some ideas. It does look like fun.

    Wonderland, congrats to you! That is tough having to leave the job but I would have done the same thing.

    Claire, sorry about the doofusitis. Hope the toe heals fast.

    Did some cardio kickboxing.

  • movetomaui
    movetomaui Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2012

    Hi everyone!  My name is Julie (movetomaui) and I'm a noobie!  I've been reading through posts but thought it might be quicker to get some feedback by posting a question and some comments.  You guys are amazing and I will appreciate any comments and advice!

    A little background ... I had a unilateral mastectomy on 10/12 with immediate placement of a TE (learning my acronyms!).  Have experienced some pain associated with the TE and have been wearing a sports bra 24/7 (I feel like it keeps the side boob supported ... my PS keeps telling me that this "side boob" is just a result of the shape of the TE and that once permanent placement of implant happens everything should be fine).  I have reached the point that I am as full as my PS wants me to be (I did got some relief with fills) so now I'm just waiting for time to pass before the exchange surgery.

    My PS and I never talked too much about exercise.  I obviously got the hospital discharge paperwork that included restrictions about lifting and such but because I felt like I was still healing (and then Thanksgiving came and I was diagnosed with Influenza Type A) we never had the discussion.  And now I don't see him again until the middle of January!  I want to start exercising!  I don't have a problem calling the PS and asking but I also want some advice from those going through the process - the real soldiers!  I should add that at this time they do not feel I will need any further cancer treatments due to the rare type of BC I was diagnosed with (rare in type not so much in the ability to beat it).

    I also love the posting of daily activities!  Great way I feel to keep myself on track, motivated and accountable.

    Thank you in advance!  And yes, that's our plan to "move to maui Wink"!!

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012


    Cool video, I ordered a 6 pound Valero medicine ball. Can't wait to get it.