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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2012

    Whoops meant my pedometer!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Sure, it is easier if you are driving! Wink

    If you are keeping track of miles, it might be fun to have a map and track how far around the world you have gone. Badger, what place would you want to visit that is 3,000 miles away from Wisconsin?

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    I did just under 100 miles of cycling for the weekend.  Today started out chilly and foggy, but then the sun came out and was just the most glorious day ever.  Nippy though, but that's what scarves are for.

    Only complaint now is that it hurts to sit down!  I will take that anyday over major holiday bloat.  Plus my skin is glowing.

    Tomorrow, back to work.

    Need some dinner as only had some tapenade at the cycling club meeting.  Now everyone else was fine with light fare, but I had cycled 35 miles.  Makes a difference! - Claire

  • ainemw
    ainemw Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2012

    Hi All, thanks for the interesting forum. I would be interested to hear your views on vibro plates: they are suposed to improve bone density, circulation etc. and as such I speculate should be beneficial for someone recovering from breast cancer with minor lymphodema due to lymph node loss and poor bone density (female). There are the possible pros - can you think of cons? Would one lose too much weight using a vibro plate? Thanks in advance

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Aine, I checked out the vibro plate. Sounds like a scam. It won't do anything for you, as far as I can see, that a nice walk around the block wouldn't do just as well or better.

  • ainemw
    ainemw Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2012

    Thank you, Momine. I'm not sure that they (vibroplates/power plates) are a scam - it's my understanding that they were origianlly developed by NASA for astronauts' use in space - counteracting effects of zero gravity and limited mobility. The science behind the benefits they offer is fairly basic but I do agree that going for a walk offers many benefits that a vibroplate cannot (and indeed vice versa). I'm wondering, though, in cases of cancer survivors, if there are contraindications..

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    ainemw   Contraindications for cancer survivors re. the vibro plate could be anything that would aggravate lymphedema.   I can't think of anything else that would contraindicate its use by cancer survivors, but would wait until well healed after surgery and radiation to use it.  Also would be really careful using it if you have significant osteoporosis.  What does your MO say about its use?  

    To help with osteoporosis, strength training and weight bearing exercise is the way to go.  That being said, if you've not had this type of training before it needs to be eased into very slowly and gently to not aggravate LE or further complicate osteo issues.  

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Back from a wonderful weekend at my daughters for Thanksgiving.  Ate way too much LOL.  Wednesday we got a lot of walking in at DC, but the rest of the weekend was eating and drinking.  So I have my gym bag in the car for after work! Did classical stretch this morning, and hoping for a walk at lunch today.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    Ack! Gained 4 lbs since Saturday morning....I'll *assume* it's water retention....had salty Chinese food last night 8-/ just finished 20 minutes on my elliptical a few strides more than last time I did it on Saturday....just broke the slightest "glow"

    Feels good!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited November 2012

    Went for an hour and a half trail hike in the drizzle with a friend and our dogs.  It's a very dreary day - my friend hikes regardless of the weather and I have to say it wasn't so bad.   Maybe there's hope for those super yuck days to get out there!  

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited November 2012

    i am trying to do some leg exercises while watching tv. hope the doc will allow some exercises soon- tomorrow it will be a week sice the fracture---time is moving slowly -wish i could have a cast instead of a sling -i bump my arm and the sling wont stay in place while i'm trying to ffed the dogs, do laundry. etc

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited November 2012

    Was yucky here, too. One-hour bike ride in the rain and then a one-hour workout in the gym.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2012

    Nicole503- Easy does it and you are doing really good!

    ainemw - My PS made an extra point in telling me to stay off the Power Plate at the gym when he gave me the green light to go back to working out.  At that point in time, he said the the vibration would ruin the internal microsurgery. I have no interest and actually, I rarely see anyone at the gym using them. For me, I'll steer clear and do my old school classes.

    Trudged to the gym this morning and did body step (Cheryl, I went through fear of falling -thenI did fall and got over it, lol) and pilates.  Just back from seeing the orthopedist - who did a x-ray and a big fat corticosteroid injection in my left shoulder that has not been able to unfreeze since surgery. Fingers crossed, this should do the trick and be able to raise my left arm all the way up.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Hi Girls!

    Scanned through the posts quickly to look for Badger's update-yay Badger!  You are amazing and 3500 miles...I may have to figure a way to join.  I'm jumping on everyone's bandwagon these days.

    Hi to all, looks like lots of eating then greeting (scale numbers that is) then deleting by exercise.  Good job girls.  I got in a ton of hiking during the break and just got back from Tahoe today.  

    I got my labs and while my cholestrol was up by 30 points in past two years, my HDLs were 100, so my ratio is still good.  That is the power of exercise.  I hate that the LDLs still go up thanks to my pal Arimidex, but I keep combating them the best I can.  My bone density not great, especially in the spine, but I think part of that is tall girl blues.  I wonder how bad it would be if I didn't exercise.  T score -1.5, so I'm firmly in osteopenia now.  Gonna keep at it.  Had my colonoscopy scheduled and was gonna be ALL DONE WITH TESTS-but it was rescheduled, so now I have to wait.  Oh well.  Nothing earthshattering.

    What is the past week, good friend of mine dx with stage 3 ovarian cancer.  Another good friend of mine dx ADH.  In fact, I'm going to the breast surgeon with her in 15 mins.  Studied up on it to see what questions to ask; any of you have good referal links or info?  Found a few links in here but harder to get info on.  I'm more ticked off than ever about cancer today.  Really would like to swear but you are all such nice girls I'm gonna hold back.

    OK back to exercise...Claire, amazing weekend on bike.  I missed who had the broken arm, but OUCH!  I'll go back and find you!  Hi Joy in Hungary, hi Cheryl, hi everyone!  I'm gonna hit the gym and the bike and the running hard this week.  I have some stresses to work out!



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Whew - catching up after being at the cabin all last week.  So much news, but congrats Badger on getting to 3,000 and getting through your surgery.  And welcome to all the newbies - great to have so many here adding to The Voices.  (For the newbies, on days when you don't feel like exercising, just think of everyone on this thread urging you to get out and do something - if you listen hard enough you'll hear our Voices encouraging you!  Cool  ) Kim - so sorry about your friend's dx.  Dogs - ouch on the break!!  Cheryl - we didn't have turkey for Tkg either - instead we splurged on a rib eye and grilled it to perfection.  We did all the rest of the traditional foods, though.

    Had a wonderful week - hiked 7.5 miles one day and 10 on another to finish the entire Maryland section of the Appalachian Trail.  So much Civil War history is around that area - I've really gotten to know a lot about that period in history just by hiking through so many battlefield sites.  Spent one day knocking around Harper's Ferry, and did a 5K Turkey Trot Tkg morning - it was pet friendly, so even Mikey ran the 5K!  He was so cute trotting along that the local news did film of him that was shown that night during the coverage of the race. 

    But also indulged waaaay too much, so need to get back on track with the exercise.  Listening for The Voices to get me going!!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Speaking of cholesterol, mine has higher good than bad cholesterol. I am not complaining, but it seems weird. Does that mean that I can "afford" to have higher overall cholesterol?

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Exhausted from driving home yesterday.

    Yesterday did a 90 minute basic heated yoga class. The teacher said several times "basic does not mean easy" and she was right. She is a dancer and had such splendid alignment, she had us all working on ours. I learned some neat alignment tricks between the two classes I went to over the weekend. Also got alot of walking in- my DS and I walked all over Mystic, CT and took a two mile easy hike in Rocky Neck State Park.

    Tonight was 90 minutes at a new studio called Inner Heat Yoga. The owner is a trained pilates instructor as well as yoga teacher so our cores got whomped! We did crunches squeezing a block between our legs, legs straight in the sky. It was killer.

    Glad you had a nice time at the cabin Mary!

    Badger, hope you are feeling well. Great that you are getting out and exercising.

    Claire- great job on your 100 mile weekend. I know that is par for the course for you but I find it totally impressive. My husband and his cycling buddies do a "century" - which I think is 100 miles in one day- at least once a summer. They did a ride on the CT coast this summer. DH thinks he might have to dial it down to a half century next year. I think he needs to dial down his junk food intake!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2012

    hi ladies, checking in after a day spent reading & napping.  Finished Gone Girl - good book!

    Taking it easy one more day then back to work Weds.  My carpooler will drive but even so I'm off the narcotic pain pills (TG for MOM!) just taking Tylenol.  Incisions look good and it only hurts when I laugh or cough.  Really hoping not to sneeze!

    Thanks for the card Cheryl Kiss ((hugs)) to all

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Misswim....tell your husband to get it in gear!  I did the Seattle-to-Portland w/i six weeks of finishing radiation.  This is a double century.  True, I did it in two days, but again two days in a row of 100 miles.

    I did two double centuries this past summer.  Oh, well not quite, as the ride to Vancouver was 192 miles.  However, I'm counting it.

    Laying low today, sore of butt and dragging.  My story is that I'm entitled and I'm sticking to it.  I did do the minimum of weights/crunches/1+mile walk though.

    Loving this crisp winterish weather, and can't wait to ski! - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    Yes, your overall cholestroel can be higher if your HDL is good. It's all about the ratio.

    Kim, sorry about your friends. For which one are you looking for information? I have two friends in treatment right now who I'm keeping a check on; one with BC who is doing chemo before surgery & having a rough time of it, and another with ovarian cancer, which is even nastier stuff.....sigh.....

    Walked for an hour on the treadmill while watching Dancing With the Stars. I am putting in a full week with meetings before and after school every morning and night, plus I know I'll be there Saturday too (sigh again).

    I am still in the 'Thanksgiving Eating Mode', but need to knock it off before I am in the 'Tight Pants Mode'!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2012

    I still have 3/4's of a pie left over from the weekend, I need to cut it up and freeze it causeI need to get back up on to the wagonInnocent  Kim so sorry about both of your friends.  Lilac we've had two broken wrists and two sprained ankles in our step class in the past year and we have a pile of mats for cool down all stacked and one guy fell off his step, tumbled but landed on the mats and just got up and brushed himself off, me I'm too old to chance it, hope you haven't been flooded in your region, saw it was really bad in places.  Nats that Mikey has turned into a real athlete, I remember when you got him and he was a roly poly because of his circumstance.  Ruth I'm in "stretchy pants" mode, sounds like you have a hectic week ahead, keep some chocolate in your desk drawer for a "pick me up"Surprised.  Badger glad to hear you are taking it easy enjoy the rest-up time.

    I did another spin class tonight BUT I should have kept my big mouth shut, before class i was saying how good my foot felt then our class was 90% out of the saddle and my foot ended up cramping and numb.....

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2012

    Nice 8 miler this morning - my running partner had "tired legs" so we got to go at a more comfortable pace.  Hot yoga this afternoon if I can sneak out of work.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2012

    Good morning girls-

    Up way too early, but plenty of time to get my exercise in this way!  

    Ruth, I was looking for more ADH info.  I went to the doc with my friend yesterday, and it seems that until she has surgery to rule out the presence of DCIS and/or IDC, there isn't much they will tell her.  I do know that the ADH puts a person in the high risk category, but what seems a bit complicated is the "limbo" aspect...and the surgeon obviously isn't going to lead her down any follow up until he knows what he is dealing with.  I just took careful notes, she'll have surgery soon, and then we will see what happens.  The good news is she is a really fit person, very inspirational and realistic, so she'll do fine.  The friend with ovarian cancer, well, she's well on her treatment way, so the help to give her are meals, cards, positive vibes, etc.  She is surrounded by loving people and the Caring Bridge meal schedule and tasks are all set up, so if love can help her, she will do fantastically.

    I've never been so motivated to get in shape-really good shape.  Claire, I'm really dead serious about a tri.  MissSwim, I am convinced that yoga will play a key role in helping my spine.  Cheryl, Mary, LuvLuLu, Ruth...all of is just so inspiring to come on here and see the primary purpose of this thread is fitness.  I just want to take it to the next level now and in the coming year.  Yahoo!

    Badger, I'm getting ready to read Wild and Gone Girl for book club.  Kindle is locked and loaded.  Glad you are continuing to feel good!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited November 2012

    What? I thought the primary purpose was to exercise so that we can eat more!!!! Wink

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    I am typing as I am doing my 20 on the elliptical .., sigh down 1 lb of what I hope is 4 lbs of water weight

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2012

    Missswim, it looks like you were up in my neck of the woods, I live in SW RI.  I however was down in the DC area visiting my daughter for Thanksgiving.

    OK, got back on the exercise bandwagon.  Went for walk at lunch yesterday, then to the gym after work for a C25K workout and some weight machines.  Home for a lite supper, and my 100 crunches.  I am really afraid of what the scale will say tomorrow, 2 weeks ago I was up 4, and I ate with abandon the last two weeks! Got up this am and did classical stretch, felt good.

    At the gym yesterday I noticed a level 1 spinning class starting next week - any of you ladies ever try it?  I am not a biker (proably go once every 5 years), and I'm 59 and not in horrible shape but not in 20 year old shape either.  Think this might be something I should tackle?  I have no idea what to expect.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2012

    I did just over 10,000 steps yesterday. But also got my bloodwork in advance of today's A/C. Neutrphils were OK but I asked about hempglobin as have been finding even slight uphills just a little harder and have had to have my friend/husband back off. Hg 92, minimum is 120 and if it keeps sliding below 80, then blood transfusion. Well no wonder I was not quite myself! Yoga this morning and may take it easy pre chemp which is at 4 PM.


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2012

    Hi Marian,

    Yes, it gets harder as Hgb drops.  However, I discovered that with exercise I felt BETTER as suspect from getting oxygen into my system.  No, not as much as normal, but I did get an endorphin high from cycling.  Anyway, if you are doing dose dense, this should be 4 of 4 AC.  My levels rose with Taxol to roughly the low normal range.

    Anyway, this is the infusion where you should expect to be dragging most.  You will most likely be feeling tons better for Christmas.  And have enough energy to join the fun.

    Just so you know, the way I kept up my exercise regime all through chemo was that I took the postiion that I would be dragging anyway, so I might as well be "dragging and exercised".  It worked, and I didn't miss one single day.  Like you, I exercised before chemo on chemo day.

    I did find that I needed water and energy bars to do Christmas shopping.  Again, I did all this on foot.  The big casualty was that I drowned my phone so had to replace plus buy a serious water bottle!  But otherwise, no worse than dragging.

    Good luck this afternoon! - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2012

    Hi Marian - we all react differently to chemo, and you know your body better than anyone else.  Many of the women here were lucky enough to be able to exercise every single day during chemo.  Others of us suffered devastating fatigue and other s/e and were unable to maintain any regular exercise schedule despite our best efforts.  Do what you can, but chemo is terribly hard on many of your body's systems and some days just getting out of bed is a victory.  But as Claire says, once chemo is done you can start to recover and get back into an exercise program. 

    Good luck with the chemo today - hoping for minimal s/e.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited November 2012

    Good advice Mary!

    Welcome all new ladies!!! This is a great thread and an even greater motivating and supporting one.

    I started feeling under the weather on Saturday so no exercise for me. Today I'm back to my normal self.

    Bad News: I had to quit my new job. It required sitting for 8 hours and working on the phone and computer with very little movement. My mastectomy arm that had 36 lymph nodes removed just couldn't take it. It started hurting within a week of starting the job. It hurt like it did after my mx: it felt like I had a vice gripping my upper arm. Plus my shoulder and side of back started hurting. Don't know if I was starting to develop LE, or nerve pain or whatever. I tried and my arm just couldn't do it (even with stretching it throughout the day).  A week and a half after quitting it is getting better so I made the right and only decision I could make.

    Good news: 6 years ago today I had my mx. Smile This morning I had my mammo and it was good. Smile This afernoon I had my regular onc appointment and all checked out good. Smile And best of all, today is my dh's birthday. Smile