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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2012

    Merry Christmas to all!  

    Yesterday's exercise: an hour of hooping and a walk.  Got an iPod shuffle from Santa so I can attach it to my headband and have music while hooping outdoors.  Yay!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2012

    Merry Christmas!  And wishing everybody a healthy and happy New Year!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2012

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Special hugs for all who are in active treatment - no fun at any time, but especially during the holidays.

    Work was closed on Monday, so we were up at the cabin for 4 straight days!  My birthday is Christmas Eve, so we celebrated with a feast that day, then did it all over again for Christmas.  We did some great hikes, and wonder of wonders, it started snowing on Christmas Eve night, so we awoke to a white Christmas!  It was a rare treat for this area.  Back at work today.

    3 mile run yesterday, and 30 minute elliptical this morning.  With all the festivities, I've gained 1.8 pounds this week Surprised, so I need to start working it off!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2012

    Mary, that sounds like a magical birthday/Christmas combo.  

    I tried out the new iPod and it works wonders with the hula-hoop-- keeps me going a lot longer and picks up the pace.  I'll probably strain something on a fast song :-)  

    Driving up to visit the parent-in-laws today.  I'll take my walking shoes.  Mom is quite fit so I'm hoping to have a walking partner.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2012

    Mary - Happy Birthday beautiful Capricorn.

    Ann - Hooper extraordinaire to the beat of a new ipod no less.

    Boxing Day here so hubby piled us in the car and off to see Life of Pi.  Excellent film and our 14 year old loved it too.

    Our gym had shortned hours today so I just did my best to stay away from the chocolate and guss what, chocolate won!

  • movetomaui
    movetomaui Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2012

    I'm back on track ... 3 miles on treadmill 1/2 walk, 1/2 run!  Think my original goal will not be obtainable (100 miles by January 1st).  It really wasn't too realistic considering the time of year (holidays).  Some days I'm just too busy for exercise!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for the good birthday wishes.  Five years ago on my birthday I was having my biopsy that showed I had cancer.  This year's birthday was MUCH better!!!  Cool

    30 minutes pilates/stretching this morning, plus Lebeds.

    Ruth - nice interview with Denard Span on the MLB website. He seems like a really good character guy.  He sounds a bit wistful about your Twins as he starts to realize the full impact of being traded:

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited December 2012

    Hi all,

    Finally got daughter, fiance and 3 pets on their way back to Maryland this AM, so we are back to a normal household for a while.  Had a wonderful Christmas, but no exercise, unless you count chewing as exercise Cool.  Back at work today, the place is deserted. The people that are here are bringing in all their leftover goodies (me included!).  Tried to be strong, but caved for a piece of red velevet cheesecake, was oh so yummy but now I feel it depositing itself on my already full hips.

    Natsfan - I dvr the classical stretch shows to do, but I know they also release them on DVD's, usually a season at a time.  The instructor, Miranda Esmonde White, is a BC survivor.  They really are good to limber you up and help you stay that way.  There are varying combinations of stretches, floor work, and chair work.  Sometimes she uses resistance bands, but primarily it is body weight exercise.  It is a fabulous addition to any exercise routine, and she chats away making the time go fast.  See if you can find it on your cable.  Ebay is a good place to look for the DVD's for a lower price, they tend to be really expensive on Amazon.  Here is her website

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2012

    Got home from my first AC treatment and seized a sunbreak to enjoy the end of a successful first treatment with a neighborhood walk with my husband and my 16 year old (aka. giggly girl, due to her developmental disability). Watching those two play and walk lifts my spirits high.  I'm hoping to be able to walk every day, and prepared to accept that there may be some days where staying in bed is the wiser course of action.

    Now it's time to check out that Netflix subscription I got for Christmas. :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2012

    Hello, survived the holidays and am back home. My niece has a big dog & my nephew just got a husky puppy, so we had two furry reasons to walk a lot (there were also 4 cats in the mix, but for some reason they do NOT like to be 'walked'). We also did lots of walking through the airports because the flights to and from North Dakota seem to be WAY down at the end of the terminals! Anytime that I was not walking, I was don't dare to get on the scale for awhile.

    Happy Birthday, Mary! And you can tell from his interview why we are sad to lose Denard Cry.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    No exercise for me today as am slammed with the bug that is going around.  I have slept something like 18 hours of 24 so far.  I didn't know a body could need this much sleep.  Bummed as I was planning on getting in some serious skiing.  I did meet a new person in my building who wants to go cycling/skiing with me, so should be fun.  She is going back to school to get a nursing degree, after doing hospice care.

    So if you see someone coughing......RUN!!!  You don't want this one.

    Suspect weekend exercise will be walking, which is much better than no exercise.

    Ready to hit my pillow again.  And I'm not at all hungry.....a sure sign that all is not well.  Hoping I get to enjoy New Year's Eve. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2012

    Nicole503 -  Tracking your wise words and admire your great attitude. 

    Misswim - Thinking of you.

    Claire - The norovirus is making it's rounds over here and to be avoided at all costs - simply horrible.

    Ruth- Welcome home!

    Off in a bit to the gym for a freestyle step class and then physio with Sarah.  Can almost raise my left arm all the way up. 

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited December 2012

    Good morning, all.....Hope everyone can stay fairly healthy - poor Claire, that sounds terrible.  I had it last year and I usually catch something right around New Year's - but I'm trying to keep that thought out of my head, LOL!

    "Ran" my 8 miles this morning.  It was more like a shuffle.  The temp was in the 20's and breezy so that wasn't bad at all, but we had a light dusting of snow and there was lots of ice under it.  I've had a few falls in the past like every other runner out there, but it's usually from trippping over something (like my feet) and not due to icy conditions.  But I'm a little more nervous this year, I have more on the line. (What if I twist wrong??? What if I come down too hard on my left side???)

    I'm starting to think that the dreadmill (UGH) might be the way to go when conditions are like this.

    Happy Friday, everyone.  Keep on moving!

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2012

    great thread

    nicole you are so right that was one of the hardest things for me that i couldnt accept that im not and probably will never be the same person as i was before diagnosed and that i needed to accept that when i felt good, to go for it and when not so good, to be gentle on yourself.

    ive traded  my usual 1hr power walk in the park for a long walk down the beach as way too hot here in aussie land.

    recently rejoined gym which i went to before diagnosed.  need to do some weights for bone strengthening and hopefully will join in the floor classes, want to do Pilate's, im so inflexible.

    today i did 30 minutes of light weights and felt that was ok, one day at a time.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2012

    30 minute treadmill run last night, plus 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning and the Lebeds.

    Claire - yikes - hope you feel better soon! Lulu - I'd so much rather run outside too!  But I can only run before or after work, and when it's dark at both times, I worry about injury from slipping on an acorn or something stupid like that.  So I hit, as you call it, the "dreadmill" at work (I like that term). I'm hoping that I can get an outside run in on Sunday, but we're supposed to get snow Saturday and I don't want to run on icy/snowy sidewalks.  We shall see. Liv - good for you for re-joining the gym - have fun getting back into it.  Your hot weather sounds wonderful instead of our cold and snow! Tongue Out

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I do feel a bit better this AM.  The good news is that my weight is down, a major silver lining this time of year.  Not the norovirus, as no tummy issues, but the "ILI" or "influenza-like illness", which I think is a catch-all for "it looks, walks, and talks like influenza, but not one of the official categories".

    Liv - great news that you are out there, and you will regain your core strength.  I am now fitter than ever (well, not this week).  You have had one punishing chemo regimen, and it takes some time to recover.  Exercising will get you there faster.

    LuvLuLu - I have landed on my affected side twice cycling which is why my ankle is still swollen.  I got my shoulder banged up a bit too, but that healed right up.  I won't do the combination of downhills and wet leaves for that reason.

    All this snowy weather is what skis are for!  Like taking a blow torch to the flab.  EVERYTHING gets sculpted.

    Happy exercising......hoping to get in a major walk as have errands including depositing major consulting fees in my checking account.  Now THAT ONE will get my hide out there. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2012

    Good afternoon, ladies.  Glad to hear many are exercising through the cold and holidays.  I'm visiting the in-laws, managed to get in a walk around the neighborhood yesterday and today a good session of hooping in the driveway with my new ipod attached to my headband.  The setup works pretty well and didn't get ripped off even with the hoop going around my neck.  Success!

    Stay warm and dry everyone!

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2012

    I feel so lucky.  Chemo Day 2: I enjoyed a grilled cheese and tomato soup lunch and then my walking buddies (husband and giggly girl) accompanied me on a 1.5 mile walk to the top of Mt. Tabor (the tiny extinct volcano that we live on).  Being able to eat with only a tinge of queasiness and walk with only a little bit of breathlessness is more than I had hoped for today.  I feel rejuvenated and ready for whatever Chemo Day 3 brings!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2012

    Good for you Nicole!

    Hope you are feeling better, Claire.

    Liv, I think you will like pilates.

    Speaking of which, last night I did an hour Target Toning DVD with Denise Austin, and an hour of pilates today.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2012

    Good for you Nicole. My experience was similar. I would also remind myself that even when perfectly well, I may not always be eager to go for a walk, for example, and then I would go anyway and find out that it was really OK. I hope chemo continues to be kind of you most of the way.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited December 2012

    Way to go Nicole. Keep up the walking it will help reduce the side effects of chemo. Drink plenty of water too. I was able to work out all through chemo until maybe the last week when I was a bit tired and got a sore throat. I think now that it is 2 years PFC I hardly work out at all and I am having trouble getting back into it. SO good for you and keep it up!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2012

    Walked for an hour on the 'dreadmill'.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2012

    Thanks so much for the support, ladies!  I am definitely feeling the chemo slump today but am heading out for a gentle walk anyway ~ in part because of all your encouragement.  I really do appreciate this forum - probably moreso on days like today than on days when I get to celebrate "real" exercise.

    Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing weekend.  Kiss

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    Nicole....glad you are getting out there.  I always felt better after I did.

    Well, I got out today and did about 3 miles of walking and finally ate some noodle soop.  Still not much food, and not very hungry.  I feel ever so much better, so think I am past the worst.

    Washing everything as in great need, and wanted to get there before my nose comes back to life.

    I also got out and back before everyone was out for the pre NYE festivities.  Not ready to deal with any of this.  So nice to have everything quiet and relatively OK weather.  Think I am in for the rest of the day. - Claire

    p.s. Benefit of two days of zero exercise is that some of my chronic muscle strain seems to be waning, plus my sore toe (doofusitis victim) feels better.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited December 2012

    I agree with the walking/chemo but have to say that I felt so vaguely crummy for so long and then freinds here last 6 days (leaving soon) that I just have not kept up to what I was doing on A/C. But yesterday went for a 3 k walk at a local bird sanctuary then yoga and today just back from my 5 k usual walk so there is hope. Next Taxol Tuesday so at least a day or so of steroids to keep me going!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2012

    hello my Sculpted Sisters!  Back from vacation in Florida.  It was so nice to see my mom and spend some time with family.  Walked every day at least 45 minutes, logged 44.88 km = 27.89 miles.

    Up very early this morning and just home.  Running on empty so need to find food, unpack and go through the mail before I crash but wanted to check in and let you know I'm home safe & sound.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2012

    Welcome back, badger! I figured I better post quick before the Vikings/Packers game, because one of us will not be happy once it's over! Did an old FIRM Complete Aerobics and Weight Training tape. Very hard and good.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2012

    ah, Ruth, we wouldn't let a little thing like football get between us.  Especially now that that little peckerhead Brett Favre retired, from BOTH teams.  Wink

    30 mintues of yoga & meditation this morning.  Thought about a walk but balked at 6 degrees and spent the rest of the morning catching up the newspapers DH had saved up for me. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2012

    Hi Girls- hoping you are all well. Finally on the mend from the creeping crud that hit our family (the flu) ovre Christmas, and my surgery.

    Got out for a snowshoe today. Felt great. I have gained 3lbs and I want it off! 

    Saw a big group of x-c skiers out on the trails and thought of you Claire!

    Going to try yoga tomorrow but with MAJOR modifications to upper body moves!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    I only WISH I were on the x-country trails, which was my plan for this weekend.  I am feeling better, which meant I did a walk to Pike Place Market and back.  But not the same thing as getting out to the mountains.

    Did a couple of errands including getting real eggs, and then back home.

    One nice thing I learned is that the local meats guy was bought out of almost everything for Christmas.  Important that these people are supported. 

    Need to plan so that I get out there NEXT weekend, when I should be totally recovered.  Can't wait.  The good news is that I am relatively svelte.  So no resolutions to "lose weight" etc. this year.  I am almost there. - Claire