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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    So I got back to spinning last night - new instructor - didn't care for her as much as the old one, but I'm going to give her a few more classes to see if she warms up.  Still a great workout, love the way I feel afterwards, a little sore but not achey, and my legs feel like they are alive!  Got up and did classical stretch this morning, some limberness slowly coming back.  No walk at lunch today, going to give blood instead.  But planning a trip to NYC this weekend to visit my son who works there, so expect a lot of walking there.  Have a great weekend everyone.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Ruth - your DS must have made a great impression for them to offer him a real job complete with bennies.  And never wait on champagne and chocolate when there's good news!  Ann - you're really lovin' that hooping - it's great.  Cheryl - hooray for outlasting the 20-somethings.  I've noticed something similar during my little 5K runs - at the beginning of the race, all these 20-somethings go sprinting past me as I chug along at my own slow pace.  About half way through, I'm still chugging, but they're out of steam and are walking, and I start passing them.  At that point I tend to pick up a crew of what I have dubbed "inspiration runners" - young people who are out of steam and are walking until I pass them.  I think they get embarrassed to have this overweight 57 year old run past them, so they're inspired enough to sprint till they get 20 yards or so ahead of me, then they are out of gas and have to start walking again.  Of course I eventually catch up and pass them all over again, and they get mortified and are inspired to sprint ahead of me again.  This can happen for several cycles - it's really funny to watch!  

    30 minute dreadmill run last night.  This morning I'd normally elliptical, but just couldn't stand being inside anymore.  So I bundled up and took a 30 minute power walk in a hilly by my house.  I really pushed the pace, and it felt good getting out.

    Off to the cabin this weekend.  The weather should be around 40, so hopefully we can get in a good hike.  And sorry Claire,  but GO 'SKINS!  BEAT THOSE SEATTLE SEAHAWKS!! Cool

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2013

    I took a break from exercise and a healthy diet over Christmas and New Year. It felt quite nice and as a result I gained another kilo. This means I have finally reached the weight my docs wanted (they thought I had gotten too skinny and I could see "mets" dancing in the back of their brains).

    Back in the gym today for the first time in two weeks and it feels good. Had a virtuous chickpea soup for lunch.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited January 2013

    Zumba for me too, kept me sane during treatment

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    Nicole, congrats on the 5 flights. We have to remember that in this group, there are many people who are ahead of us either in treatment or in recovery from treatment so we have to recongize different limits. I am here because of their encouragement! I have had days and weeks when I was sick and hardly got out the door but then I had a good day yesterday and walking between appts. and a walk after my appts. I managed 12,749 steps. Last week I barely got out the door. 

    Thanks to you all for being here. This was a site that someone suggested as it provides postiive energey and ideas.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2013

    8-km hike in beautiful spring weather. A bit painful on the knees going downhill but well worth it.

    Here's a photo from Sasso Rosso of Lake Lugano and the mountains:

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited January 2013

    plantars faccitis flared up after zumba yesterday so for the first tie I took a cardio slam water aerobics class. it was great. I could hardly keep up. The instructor kept checking on me in the deep end I guess she was afraid I might drowned. My feet feel way better after the class. I am going to try to go to that class whenever I can. I am going to need a good bathing suit though, my tankini kept falling down.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    hi ladies and welcome Lily55.

    Heidi - GORGEOUS pic!  I admit to a tinge of jealousy.

    Ruth, congrats on your son's new job!  Remember, dark chocolate is health food. Innocent 

    Mary, loved your anecdote about 'motivating' the youngsters.  When I did the Jingle Bell 5K (walking), I passed a mom with a couple of kids who were flagging toward the end of the course.  I heard her say, "C'mon kids, let's pick up the pace."  Guess it's not cool to be lapped by a gray-haired middle-aged lady!  Little did they know, I was one week post-ooph.

    Cheryl, you go girl, kick their little 20-year-old butts!

    Got out and walked at lunchtime, feels good to be back on track with diet & exercise.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2013

    Kim- sounds like we had similar holidays. I had an endoscopy on Christmas Eve. They found polyps in my stomach. biopsy results came back ok but acid and possibly gastritis continue. I am waiting to hear from the dr. How did they treat you?

    Sporadic exercise for me. LE is acting up along with stomach issues.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Had a very tough day today as DH and I attended the funeral of his 46 year old niece, who died as a direct result of her life-long addiction to alcohol. Very devastating for her whole family, who tried to intervene, but feel like they should have 'done more', when, of course, ultimately the decisions she made were her own. Sad, sad, sad...walked on the treadmill and did some lower body toning when I got home.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Well, promised I would come back in the new year and it's here.  

    Missed you all but it was nice to take the months off as the computer had taken on a life of it's own.  Nothing much to report as I've just laid low all this time.  It was not good for my motivation so glad to be back if only to report, hopefully daily, that my eating and exercising are getting back on track.  Tomorrow is already busy so my pledge is, starting Sunday, to get back on to get the eating under control and back to exercising at least 4x/week, if not more.  So looking for those voices as they were very faint. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    OK, here is a post on a brigher note:

    First: beautiful picture, Heidi!

    Second: I am SO GLAD to see you, patoo!!!!!

    Third: Mariane, you are so right about the positive energy and ideas here. That is one reason why I LOVE this thread (some other reasons are that we are all so extremely witty, fun, intelligent, vibrant and sexy....did I leave anything out? Tongue Out). And, doing what you can is the important thing; after a surgery, during treatment, or when you just feel crummy, walking around the block (or around the living room) is as least as an impressive feat as running 5 miles (or walking 5 miles, in my case) when you are well!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Ohhhhhhhh, long time since I've been called SEXY!  I'll take it even if from the same gender!

    Thanks for the welcome back. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    People who sculpt are sexy, ergo we are sexy! Cool

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    PATOO welcome back!!  We missed you!

    ((Ruth)) sorry for your tough day.

    I'm so glad to be a part of this group.  Exercise, it does a body good.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    ouch so far - pilates bending stretching - aching, when will i ever become flexible is the question.

    now going for power walk with ankle & wrist weights, lots of music to blast out the grey lumpy stuff from my head.


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    I am so sorry Ruth.  Some people don't allow themselves to live.

    Glad to be at the end of this week and on the mend.  Will try to get out cycling or skiing this weekend.  I did get some kick-butt dress boots (black and gold) so the first item on my resolutions list done.  It's only January 4th!

    I went to see the women artists show at Seattle Art Museum.  Mostly a major yawn.  A few great works, and a lot of anger from the mid-century feminist contingent.  I was underwhelmed.

    Some of this is situational, and it was heartening to hear two engineers from Boeing talk shop at the wine bar.  One of these is female, and I never knew.  Now, that one impressed me.  Also all the wonderful work Boeing is doing to move air travel forward.

    Came home and made myself a yummy curry with the leftover chicken.  Loads left for tomorrow evening.

    Catch up with all you lovely ladies tomorrow. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Just got over two days of the stomach flu. THAT was fun with a full set of stiches from my recent surgery........said no one, ever. What a pain. 

    My exercise has simply sucked. I am going to a spin class tomorrow afternoon with a friend. I need to whoop myself into shape!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2013

    Feel better Misswim! Looks like we are both sleepless tonight.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    Made a huge pot of chicken soup to bring to 3 people who cared for me when I was recovering from surgery: My running partner (has the flu), my mother (no particular reason, just because she's my mother) and my middle son who's been working hard and is starting to feel under the weather.  Nothing like homemade chicken soup . . .

    Rest day today - back  out on the road tomorrow.

    Luv to all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013


    Did a walking DVD and some toning.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    (((Patoo))) sooooo glad to see you again, we’ve missed you. Lulu you can drop some off here too if you likeSmile Liv hope you got the cobwebs blown out on your walk. Ah Ruth you are the best, sorry you had such a crummy day yesterday. ((Ginger & Misswim)) hope you both are feeling better.

    This morning did Body Combat class our Saturday teacher is finally back after a 3 week absence so our class was packed, mind you getting out of bed was very hard as it’s brrrrrr cold here although you east coaster/mid westerners probably will laugh at what we consider coldTongue Out

  • FriendGwen
    FriendGwen Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    1.4 mile run and then 1.4 mile brisk walk back. It felt great! Excited to run a 5k in April which will be four weeks PFC!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Hi Patoo: YOU were so missed!!! So glad to have you back. 

    Ruth, congrats on your son and his accomplishment!! Awesome! So sorry about your loss.

    Cheryl, you are awesome and inspiring! Just ordered the home Combat dvd set. Excited!

    Went to a but kicking spin class at my girlfriends new fitness studio. It was tough but I feel great.

    Back on the fitness horse! 

    xo to all

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    a.m. yoga and an afternoon walk in the sunshine.  Got my vit D for the day.  Cool

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2013

    Wish I had been able to squeeze swimming in today but too many errands (the hazards of life with three tween/teen girls).  Settled for a brisk 40 minute walk instead.  And I do mean BRISK




    1. Active, fast, and energetic.
    2. (of the weather or wind) Cold but fresh and enlivening.

    Dx 10/31/2012, IDC, 4cm, Stage IIa, Grade 1, 0/6 nodes, ER+/PR-, HER2-

    Hormonal Therapy Tamoxifen

    Surgery 11/13/2012 Mastectomy (Both); Lymph Node Removal: Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection (Both)

    Chemotherapy 12/27/2012 Adriamycin, Cytoxan, Taxol
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Hi, still here.  Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life and coming here should get me on track with my exercise.  Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back; I'm looking forward to being one of the group again.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    hbcheryl - always cobwebs up there, only clear them after a good power walk with music to clear the airways.

    patoo thinking of you getting into it tomorrow.

    misswim - awww -  glad your feeling great but how are the stitches after the kick class?

    today - Power walk then lower half weights more junk from xmas, back to healthy & thank gawd for that.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Great trail hike with my dog yesterday - temp was 45 and the skies were gorgeous, clear and blue!  And today we are expecting snow!  Tongue Out   Pilates mat class with DH later today.  

    welcome back patoo!  

    Excited for the Skins/Seahawks game tonight - will record it and watch tomorrow because of the time difference.   

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2013

    Happy New Year to ALL my Sculpted Sisters!!

    I have been running along beside the wagon (literally!) for the past few months.  Have kept up very well with the  C25K program.  Just can NOT make myself run the full 20 minutes (Week 5 Day 3)!!  Have been bouncing back and forth from Week 5 days 1 and 2 for the last few weeks!  Will have to try it soon - just very daunting (but whoever thought that I would be able to run 8 minutes straight?) Have not actually walked for the past 2 weeks (still in holiday mode!) and am very excited to get back to 'normal'!  Actually bought the snow picks that you wear on your shoes for my Mom and I to try out as it has been quite icy here!

    Also tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD.  1st time, I couldn't walk or go up or down the stairs for 3 days!! 2nd time, I got a charley horse type of pull in my thigh that went away the next day.  Today is day 3 - hopefully all goes well!!

    Patoo - Great to see you back!!  I too am hoping to be posting a little more regularly in order to get fully back  ON the wagon.  My eating has gotten a little out of hand over the holidays - but I am hoping that the excercising has kept the scale in check!!  Will know for sure on Wednesday when I officially weigh in again!  Surprised

    I have spent the better part of the holidays catching up on the thread, and then all the information has gotten jumbled in my head!  Just great to see everyone marching on with their excercise programs!  ((HUGS)) for anyone who needs one!

    I am wishing EVERYONE all the best in 2013.  May we all enjoy the benefits of regular excercise for many, many years to come! 

    Love you all, my Sculpted Sisters!