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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Today's exercise? Getting ready for tomorrow. Lol.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2013

    L'Shana Tova Badger. Welcome TammyT and mrtw43.  Reporting here has definitely kept me on the program!  Dulcigirl, allow me to admire your shoes!  Are those your exercise heels?

    I started my year with a 14 mile ride.  Felt like more. Hills, traffic, bugs and heat.  I kept going only to try to catch dh and whip him with a bicycle tube. Claire, how do you keep your neck and shoulders relaxed?

    Time for the hot tub and some ibuprofen.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    SAB, those are my cycling shoes. Can't you see the clips? Lol.

    My neck is usually ok, it's my wrists and thumb joints that do me in. :-(

    Good for you!!!

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2013

    Walking my 2 blocks and going to sit and watch my son's soccer game then off to a kids birthday party. I should be exhausted by the end of the day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    30 minutes of toning & walked. I should go out and do a rain dance; it's cloudy and we really need some rain!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2013

    got out early and walked for 90 mins before it got hot.  8.7 km = 5.4 miles

    GREAT old cassette tape with Latin-influenced guitar music got me going and kept me going - Santata (Abraxas) on one side and Al DiMeola (Casino) on the other.  Love my Walkman!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited September 2013

    Walked the dogs this morning and did strength training at the gym this afternoon.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2013

    SAB....tried posting last night, but something went wrong, and then dinner called.  A few things to help with shoulders:

    • When cold out, lots of hot baths.  They really calm down muscle aches.
    • I think you will build up a lot of resistance.  That is, your body will build up muscle and you will be less sore.
    • Notice I don't have any problem taking aspirin....I find helps a lot with minor aches.
    • Taking your hands off the handlebars and changing position.
    • Weights....I work that area which both loosens it and makes it stronger.
    • Arnica gel, if all the above fails.

    I would start with a lovely soak and a glass of wine.

    On another note, just got in from a ride.  LOVING my new tires!!!  Tread is a beautiful thing and so is traction.  Only did about 20 miles as backed up work-wise, plus going to a telethon.

    Nice to feel exercised. - Claire

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Best exercise day EVER!! Spent all day with my daughter dressed in Victorian clothing riding our 117 year old bicycles. Fun, fun, FUN!!! If I could do that every day I'd be super skinny. Ha!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    yesterday, 3254 steps/1.23 miles; today 5861 steps/2.22 miles.  Will be off the boards for a few days.  Keep moving, friends.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited September 2013

    Dulcigirl, that does sound like fun! I can so picture doing that with one of my daughters.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    I wish we could do it every day! We are blessed to live within driving distance of Greenfield Village, Michigan, and we get to do this a few times each summer. Close enough for special occasions, but not quite close enough to work dream job.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited September 2013

    Badger, loved my walkman too but my family insisted on upgrading me to an Ipod.

    Only exercise today was climbing a ladder to crawl in a window after my dog accidentally locked me out.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2013

    LOL odie16, bad dog!  I bought this one new a year ago when my ancient Walkman Sport finally quit. The saleschild at Best Buy looked at me like WTH is that.  I'd love an ipod and maybe some day.  This'll do for now and that's OK because I have all these great old cassettes I can only play on the Walkman.  This one isn't a Sport so it's not waterproof and doesn't have auto-flip so when a side is done I have to flip the tape manually.  That's how I know I go 45 mins + 45 mins.  'Night all.  ♥

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited September 2013

    Odie, I would love to hear how in the world your dog locked you out - LOL! With three dogs myself I'm trying to picture that.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2013

    Badger, LOL at "saleschild".  If the Walkman is working, more power to you!

    Did a bit under 2 mile hike with the spouse tonight, and haven't yet given up on the idea of hooping.

    ((Joy)) wishing you moments of peace in your grieving.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited September 2013

    Badger, I may have to go to Best Buy to get one as I have a bunch of cassettes still too...

    Annie, let me tell you how this happened. Funny now, not so much earlier.. I have two dogs. One loves to be outside while the other is a true fan of air-conditioning. So before leaving for a local sisters luncheon, I thought I would take them out one last time. Missy ran right out as usual but Busby chose to stay in. As I walked over to cut the pool on, a bird or something flew by so Busby decided he wanted out and proceeded to jump up on the sliding glass door to scratch and get my attention. He managed to hit the door lock latch in his pawing thus locking me out. Hadn't left the house yet so none of the other doors were unlocked yet so I had to get the ladder from the shed and climb in one of the open windows. Still made it to lunch, only 10 minutes late. Needless to say, I stopped at the hardware store on the way home to get a spare key to hide outside to prevent future incidents. Good thing he is too cute to stay mad

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2013

    Loved the dog story, it reminded me of the time we got a new front door and I was not use to the handle lock yet (I had only used the deadbolt) so I locked myself out and had to use the extension ladder to climb in to the second story bathroom window.

    I was wondering since I am beginning my exercise, if it was easier for many of you to begin walking or riding bikes or something else?I am going back to my PS at the end of the month for my "all clear" (hopefully) but I am trying to get back into exercising before then, I do plan to take it slow, but at this point I feel like walking doesn't make me feel like I am exercising.

    Are there other exercise routines that that have worked? With my surgery, I am still wearing the compression belt.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2013

    Thanks,sab. One hour of tennis yesterday and bridge for 4 hours, didn't get a chance to report here. Running a 5-mile race today. Have a good one!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited September 2013

    Mrtw 43,

    I started walking post surgery which my PS said was fine. Started short and slow then increased my pace and distance as I healed once I got the all clear. By the way, the lock is new. DH just replaced the handle on the sliding glass door last weekend..ha ha...

    Tammy, good luck with your run today! Happy Sunday to all my sculpted sisters.

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2013

    Got my walk in today.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited September 2013

    Great story Odie. Yes definitely the kind that's funny in the retelling, but not so much during the experience.

    We walked our three dogs this morning and I will probably walk some more this evening. Having a lazy Sunday.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2013

    mrtw, I started with walking, then to hiking, then running.  For variety I added kayaking and cycling at the end.  Took 2 years but now very active (4-6 days per week for 1-3 hours per day.)  

    Yesterday, hiked 9.75 miles. Today, nothing! Spent 9am-3:00pm looking for a car for my daughter.  Drove all over the bay area, and zip.  Does walking around cars count?  Have made a walking date for tomorrow.

    Claire and Dulci, the day after that "long" ride I did have numbness in my thumb and forefinger.  Have ordered some well-padded gel gloves.  Thank you for input...I think when I relax a little more some of the neck tension will ease. Meanwhile, aspirin sounds right.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Yes, start with walking & some light toning too.

    I have not done one thing today, but am posting so that I will have to now do something....will report back before the evening is over.

    Love the dog & ladder story. It reminds me of a 'locked out' story that happened to me when I was just out of college: I was visiting a friend who lived in Minneapolis and we went out to dinner with another old friend, who happened to be a guy who was going into the ministry. We picked him up, had a lovely, long (and purely chaste) meal, but we visited so late into the evening that it was past his curfew (which I'm sure even seminarians don't have anymore), and his dorm was all locked up. No cellphones then, but we all climbed up the fire escape to sneak him back into his room through an open window.....thank goodness, we were not caught breaking into a seminary!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2013

    Exhausted after the race.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited September 2013

    Annie: I'll be thinking about you all day tomorrow. Hope you don't have to wait long for results.

    Welcome mrtw43 and Tammy (enjoy your rest after the race!)

    Odie: lol on your dog story! I've had to climb in a window or 2 because of a locked door but never because a dog locked it. I bet the ladies at your lunch loved your story!

    Ruth: I have a vision of you "breaking" into the seminary dorm and it's really funny! 

    Fast walked late this evening.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Walked around our church parking lot for 45 minutes while waiting for my daughter. Lol. Thankfully our church has a huge parking lot!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Did Arms, Abs & Buns of Steel.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2013

    Odie LOL on the dog story, of course not funny at the time it’s happening and yes get yourself a key to hide, there might not be a window open next timeWink and I doubt Best Buy would have a cassette player these days, it’s hard enough to find a CD player, I listen to a lot of books on tape at work and last time I needed a player I had to order online.  Mrtw43 I started on the recumbent bike just used to sit there and pedal slowly and just built my way back day by day   Ruth that would have been a sight to seeSurprised

    Well yesterday I had a wonderful experience at the Les Mills Super Quarterly.  Started the day with Body Pump, then did Body Step next came Body Attack but I only did 15 minutes and I stopped cause I just felt it was too much, after lunch I did what they called Sh’Jam which was an hour dance class combining Sh’bam and Jam which I just loved and then followed with RPM, final class of the day was Body Flow, I did the Tai Chi part and then when they started on the sun salutations I just went and sat on the side I was done….Tongue Out But I have to tell you about what happened in Body Step, the guy who was supposed to shadow the main presenter had an accident and so they asked my young Vietnamese friend to go on stage and be part of the shadow team so I moved up front to the second row so I could take some pictures of him.  So the class is going on and we get to the burpee part, well I’m an old lady and don’t do that but my Bootcamp instructor has me  reach high then touch my toes then reach and jump while everyone is doing burpees  so I was doing that and the presenter screams out "look at her, she’s an inspiration" I have to say it made my dayInnocent

    This is me with my young Vietnamese friend and my adorable Sh'bam instructor Jericho.

    And then to top it all off I actually got out of bed this morning and went to Body Step class.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Cheryl, the presenter is correct, you are an inspiration!!!