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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Mum, where on earth did you find that picture of me?????  Darn those paparazzi - I told them to go away when I was working out. Can't have any privacy!!!  Frown

    Yeah, right - in my dreams.  Tried to do a FIRM 25-min express workout after work tonight and gave up.  First one want that DVD, PM me your address and it's yours.  I'll still with my LS which I love, and try RS again.  Then I had a meeting so only logged 2.14 miles today.

    Nats, glad you are recovered okay.  Good job keeping up the movement even in the hospital.  Those voices don't cut anyone a break!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Oh Nats, I was worried when we hadn't heard from you I'm so glad you are okay but what a nightmare experience and how great you found a way to keep up with the exercising.  Elizabeth glad to hear Bill is home, now lets hope he follows doctors orders.  Ruth the Nikes say RE^X they have a spring like heel and they are great for all the pounding.  I think I'd rather have cake than a cookie so pass it roundLaughing  Patoo you should try your Firm again just go slowly and build up, we were talking at the gym tonight about newbies you see we had a new girl come in to our step class last night, she did 2 songs and left, well DeAnn our instructor told me tonight that she had seen her today and told her just come in and you'll find that this week you do 2 then next week you'll do 3 and you'll build up I love DeAnn she is the main reason I can do what I do today as she encouraged me from the get go. Well tonight I did Body Combat it was a tough hour as it was hot and humid in that room and that Eduardo is a very hard task master.  Have a great evening everyone.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    patoo, if you want to give the FIRM another chance; I would say to totally ignore the arms at first, just concentrate on getting the steps right; and rewind and go over them if they don't make sense. Once you have the footwork down, then you start to add the arm movements (with no weights at first). It is hard to figure out at first but  if you do get the hang of it, it is a good workout because you get the weight training right along with the cardio. Of course, if you can find an Eduardo, that would be even better Tongue out!
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Thanks Cheryl and Ruth - I'll give it another try.  I think it wasn't so much the routines because some I did "almost" learn, but the workout itself.  Seems as soon as she changed to a new routine she stopped and went on to another.  Whatever happened to the count of 8?  At least by the time she would get to 6 maybe I would have gotten it.  I was more frustrated with the instructor than anything.  But, I'll try again (one day!)  LS also gives a nice weight training workout on her tapes, some have weighted balls and others have the bands.

    Later.  (I think you should send Eduardo so I can judge for myself)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Another nice day here; got up & went for an hour long walk around a nearby golf course. Eduardo could make a ND stop on his way to NJ........

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Did one hour aquacise class and then ran for another 20 mins in the pool.  It was a good workout, both upper and lower body.

    Get him here to NJ and may not ever let him leave - at least until I am fully sculpted which should take about 14 years (after that I'll be way too old to care!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    patoo, I looked at a map & it looks like Michigan is half way between ND & NJ. Maybe we could hole up there with Eduardo? Or move out to CA & Cheryl will be willing to share?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Of course I'll share Eduardo with you two be here on saturday morning at 8am as he's going to teach our saturday class this week, it will be interesting to see if he is as vicious in the am as he is in the pm.  No exercise for me today as I took my goddaughter and her friend to Glen Ivy day spa out in Corona as a part of their high school graduation gift (see  the method in my madness - I got to go as well) had a fabulous day, swimming, hot tubbing and floating in the floaty pool and did the mud baths twice so now I have lovely soft skin and I'm totally relaxed.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Ahhhh, sounds lovely. My niece had all of us wedding people do a spa day instead of a bachelorette party; something one could get used to on a regular basis if the money were available!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    Had a full day.  Started with a dog lesson with my trainer this am for an hour.  Went to the rec center after and rode a bike for 30 mins while watching soccer (not high rpms, since I'm trying to get back into it, but steady, and heart rate was up).  Finished off by working in the garden tonight, once it got shady (weed a bit, throw toy for pup, repeat).  It's been a week since I finished rads, and I am so relieved to have some energy.  I'm collapsed, now.

    Nats:  So sorry about the bite and the hospital time.  Hope you are feeling much better.

    EBAnn:  Is Bill progressing?  Thinking of you, too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Glad you are feeling more energetic, retrievermom. Since it has only been a week, I'd say you are doing great! Don't do too much to fast though & wear yourself out (Sedately Sculpt). Good Night! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Hi Ladies - thanks for all the good wishes.  It certainly was an interesting adventure.  I was pretty wiped out just going to work yesterday, plus I don't want to raise much of a sweat while this thing on my leg is still open, so there's been no exercise out of me.  Soooooooooo, I'm giving myself permission to recover for a few days, then I'll climb back on the exercise wagon bright and early Monday morning.  So I'm a Lazy Tart this weekend. 

    Elizabeth - glad to hear Bill is home -  hopefully he'll be smart enough to listen to the doctors, but he's a grown up and will make his own choices, even if those choices have those who love him tearing their hair out. Frown Retriever - sounds like you have adorable gardening "helpers" - the Chihuahua "helps" me garden, too.  I'm so glad that you're starting to get a bit of energy back. Cheryl - your spa day sounds heavenly!!  And if Eduardo is going to see Patoo in NJ, he's got to swing a little further south to Maryland!  Or maybe we just all need to plan a trip to sunny SoCal to see Eduardo and hit the spa - ahhhhh.  Ruth - sounds like you're getting back into the swing of things after your wonderful trip.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    I'm ready for the California Eduardo Spa trip, just say when!! Here is my new dilema: DS has a new girlfriend who works at a BAKERY, at the end of every day she can buy the leftover food for like 15 cents!!! She then proceeds to bring over various delicious bakery items to our house......I am going to be so fat if this relationship lasts !!! I now have to go exercise off the two pieces of cake I ate last night (a layer of chocolate, a layer of white, with a fudge cream filling and vanilla frosting). Tongue out

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Nats, glad you're doing well, but what an experience!  Yikes!  Take it easy and do some of those relaxing things you don't normally have time for...

    Elizabeth, more hugs for you, family, & Bill... recovery from surgery can be so difficult.    When I had my hysterectomy several years ago I thought being off work for a month would be a bit of a vacation -- wrong!! -- although I didn't have pain after the first few days, it took me a long time to get energy back and feel even remotely normal.  I hope Bill is doing better every day.

    retrievermom, you are doing so great!!!  I could barely go for a slow stroll after I finished rads.   Keep up the good work, but as Ruth said, don't wear yourself out.

    Welcome, Ellen and Dove!  Lots of great motivation here.

    I've had good days and not-great days so my exercise has been sporadic but I keep plugging away with LS. Some small good news:  I'm down 5#.  It's been painfully slow (several weeks) but steadily in the right direction so that's something.

    We had one day of lower humidity and pleasant temps but we're headed back up to the heat zone again.  

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Small - 5# you call small!!!  That's great for only "several weeks".  Keep up the good work.

    Yes, a trip to CA and Eduardo and Spa sounds like just the therapy we need.  Might even motivate us to sculpt lots more before we go so we can look good in front of Eduardo!

    I'm expecting to do lots of walking this weekend and will try and do weights at home as well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Eduardo will never know how much fun he has given us!!!! Did 30 minutes 'Rock Solid Abs' & 30 minutes "Cardio Dance Party'. Hot, humid & thunderstormy out here. Tomorrow we are in SD for the day at a family reunion; so I imagine that will entail lots of food and no exercise!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth, I meant to mention, in response to Bill's unwillingness to change his diet:  my dad had his carotoid arteries cleaned out when he was in his 70's because one was almost completely blocked and the other was also very blocked (can't remember how much but it was way up there, just not in the 90-percentile like the other one was)... the dr's wanted him to change his diet, etc., to prevent future clogging. His response?  "It took 70-some years to build up this much the first time, I figure I've got another 70 years before I have to worry about it again."  I appreciated his humor but mom didn't.  And he didn't change his diet, either.  So yeah, the wise thing would be to do what the dr's say.  But I also temper that with knowing that at some point, it may be just as well to enjoy what we enjoy. And, men can be so stubborn to address health issues.  I hope he's feeling better and I hope your mom isn't too stressed out dealing with caregiving.

    Now:  I didn't exercise officially today.  But wow, what a day I had, and I'm still hopping around and wondering where this energy is coming from, and LOVING it:

    I cleaned out my mom's closet, got all her clothes, coats, shoes, bagged, loaded in the car, and to Goodwill... did 6  loads of laundry that included stripping the sheets off 5 beds, washing them,  and making the beds up again (family coming soon)... cleaned the oven... cleaned out one of my closets... got groceries... did some gardening... and cleaned the downstairs bathroom.  I don't know how many times I was up and down stairs but it was a lot!  And I'm still feeling GREAT!!  WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 

    OK, I'm going to take a shower (I stink!) and fix something for dinner and then sit down and relax... but boy am I loving this energy.. and even more, I'm so grateful!  It may be gone tomorrow but today was a GREAT day!

    Oh, and Patoo, thanks for applauding my 5 pounds... I guess it doesn't feel like much, given how more more I want to lose, so I appreciate your reminding me that it's good progress!

    Hey, Ruth, I'd be glad to take a little of that cake off your hands... (yeah.  There go the 5#!) 

    Happy weekend!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Nature, to repay me for the applause, can you come over and expend some of that energy on my house?  It's the least you can do, I think.  I promise I will applaud you as you move about dusting, wiping, folding...

    Went to gym and did 5 mins on torture elliptical, 25 mins resistance training on weight machines, 60 mins in pool doing upper and lower body work and running. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Holy Cow, Nature; I believe you can count today as a Triple Bonus Points Workout; I was tired just reading about all you did. Send some of that energy here too, as I need to do some major house cleaning myself!!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Hi Tartlet Sisters,

    Well Bill is doing better. My mom's shoulder and PT is going well. Hard with one arm. Nature thanks I do know what you mean. I have been the caregiver for both of them right now. Took a break on Thursday. My mom's friend Patty came in to help. I am having my daughter's baby shower there tomorrow. Patty is getting Bill out of the house like taking him to the movies. Which will be nice. Excited about the shower.

    Well I went to get weighed in and I lost another 6 lbs. Jim's goal was for me to lose 5....yea!!! Now he wants me to lose seven this time and get out of the 20's. I can do this!!! I lost inches all around too. He gave me some more things to change up in my exercise routine. I worked out and cleaned my mother's house from top to bottom and set up for the baby shower. Yesterday all I did was run around. Well have a great weekend everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Wow, you are going to get skinny tarts! I'm off to the Family Reunion/Eat All the Good Picnic Food activity! Have a great day! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    Wow... reading about all the cleaning and excercising has made me feel.... lazy... and motivated!!  Undecided  I guess that I should go downstairs and do my FIRM workout again.. I have been good this week and have done it twice which is now added into the routine of biking/walking/biking before work every day and the 45 minutes of running/kicking/running in the pool at night.  With all of this excercising, I find it hard to keep up with everyone on these boards and be able to post.... I still try to lurk though!!

    Ruth - like the new pic. Enjoying your time off??

    Ebann - glad to hear dh is on the road to recovery. Make sure to take care of yourself!

    Nats - My biggest fear is getting a spider bike!! Yuck!  Hope you are feeling better!

    Nature - Congrats on the loss - five pounds is great.... I have remained stagnant in the weight loss since Feb - but will keep plugging away!  I just love food too much!! lol

    Patoo - glad to hear you are still moving!  How is the hip?  Like others have said, give the video another chance - sometimes the routines are frustrating to follow, but once you get them, you will be having some fun! 

    Retriever - Congrats on gaining some energy back - it is a long road, but it is amazing how quickly you will start to feel like yourself again!

    Cheryl - Your dedication to your exercising (probably Eduardo!) is amazing!  I sometimes still want to just do absolutely nothing but sleep and eat, then I remember how good I feel after working out and I always think of you guys on this thread. That usually gets me up and out of the house!

    Mum - That pic looks just like me in my wildest dreams!!!  You know I am at my perfect weight if I was about 12 feet tall!!!

    Welcome to the Newbies - this is a great thread to be on to get the encouragement to get moving and yet the understanding (for a little while) if you are not motivated enough to get excercising.  This thread keeps me moving!!!!!

    Thanks everybody, have a great week end!  I am now heading to the basement to my FIRM workout!   Cool

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Ooh my, you have all been so busy! I definitely have not got the cleaning gene, but I managed to clear out two large boxes of unused stuff from under the stairs, and am feeling good about the extra space. (I can now go hide in there if I need to??)

    I have been at my exercise faithfully, today being my "rest day".  Yessss honestly!  I am struggling with the step machine at the gym, it's like i'm not heavy enough - which I most certainly am!! Other that that, I have found an hour t the gym gets me rid of about 300-350 calories - Collected up over a week, that's going to be quite a feast :)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    "I work for applause" -- hey, that might be a good ego-building thing.  But I think I'll pass, thanks anyway, Patoo! Smile

    Elizabeth, I'm glad you're getting time for yourself (exercise) -- do take care of YOU.  I don't think I've done anything harder than being a caregiver, and I've only done it for one person at a time.  I hope you're finding some time to kick back and relax.  My "me" time used to be a bubble bath every night... it wasn't much but it was all mine.  Take care.  And congrats on the weight loss!

    hymil, hiding space sound great :) Ruth, enjoy the family reunion -- best food at those!  Enjoy!! You've worked hard, you can indulge a bit!

    I have a few muscles telling me I went up and down the stairs a lot yesterday, but not too bad... just finished my tea so I'm going to hit the LS DVD again...  I don't have yesterday's energy but I'm feeling pretty good.  Maybe I've turned a corner... that would be so great!

    Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    you will laugh at this one: yesterday I went to the gym, and on the way home my bladder was getting desparately uncomfortable. Hot weather, water-bottle, uhhh oh-oh trouble ahead! So i got home, tumbled out of the car, raced indoors and up the stairs, sat in blissful relief Aaahhhh. and then the brain finally kicked in. WHAT did i just do - Run?? UP the stairs????

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    hymil, you had proper motivation, for sure Smile... but doesn't it feel great to have that much energy again, regardless of motivation?!  I went to box-store today for some exercise shorts and as I was walking the 6-mile trek back to the registers, I realized my steps had some power and muscle to them.  Loving it! 

    The Tart Sisters are fabulous! Laughing

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    It is amazing that as we get used to exercising things or movements that were once difficult become easier.  What makes it such a bonus is that it just creeps up on us, like hymil realizing that you ran UP the stairs - awesome!   And, Naturegirl, okay, more applause although I guess I will have to eventually give in and clean my own house but you also could tell the difference.  You are all amazing.

    Went out with some friends today and just wandered, in the heat, around acres of a garden featuring 250 sculptures and all types of trees.  That was my exercise for today. 

    (edited for typos)

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited June 2010

    I'm still doing it!  I haven't posted in several weeks but I'm still doing 45 mins. on my eliptical.  I'm up to 4.5 miles 5 or more times per week.  I also do weight work 3 times a week.  Had my physical last week and my doc was really pleased.  I've dropped 10 lbs. and feel great.  By the way, I had my first 2 breasted mammo on Friday and there was NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER.  It has been 1 year and 4 months since my diagnosis.  I was surprised to hear from my doctor that I am still in the recovery stage after my treatments.  Cancer treatments can take a toll on our bodies so isn't it great that we are excersizing?!  I can't believe I'll be 60 in Nov. 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Yea Roseann! Exercise does help with both the physical and emotional parts of healing. How could we not feel better when we look so FABULOUS Kiss?!

    P.S. Does lifting a fork to one's mouth continually for a whole afternoon count as an upper body sculpt activity (the fork was heavy because there was so much food on it)? Cry

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Roseann - Way to go on NED and also for continuing on that torture machine.  I know I can't get over 5 mins because I don't do it often enough. 

    Ruth, lifting the fork only counts if you alternate hands.  Otherwise you will have muscles in only one arm. 

    Planned on going to the gym after church this morning but came down to a leak over the table in my dining room so went to church and now waiting for the plumber to arrive.  Always something!  Can I count exercising my brain cells to figure out how to pay for this?  May take a walk later or do a DVD (it's really hot outside today).