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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    Alright!!! Sculpting the upper body.Will try that tonight going with the ladies for dinner and to see the sex and the city movie. Work those arms!!!Tongue out

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Mum, you will also work the tongue, cheeks (make sure you chew on both sides), throat and your whole digestive system. 

    Slurp and Sculpt.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010


    walked 30 minutes, toned 40 minutes; maybe will walk some more later; am trying to avoid 'Slurp & Sculpt' today!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    This is my check-in for two days. Did Body Combat with the delightful Eduardo yesterday and then Body Step today. When I got out of bed this morning I about hit the floor, then I hobbled to the bathroom so I checked with the half a dozen or so girls who did Combat yesterday and were in Step today and yes all of us were comparing our different aches and pains BUT it was one of the best step classes I have done in ages I busted a sweat in song 2 and kept it going through the whole class, so go figure.

    Nature congratulations, what a fabulous accomplishment and to all of you who moan and say only 2lbs or only a lb when you next go to the grocery store pick up a 2lb bag of flour or sugar and just feel the weight, I think it's because the number is small we don't think much about it but feel the weight and you'll get a different perspective. I was also very impressed with your house cleaning, I sent you a mental esp message to be at my place yesterday morning but you didn't show up so I had to clean by myself. Had a party yesterday for a friends birthday and so went around like a white tornado cleaning and getting everything ready and had a lovely afternoon/evening barbecue, didn't over indulge but did eat cake. Hymil I had to laugh at our post, how wonderful that running up the stairs was done without thinking all that time on the stair climber is paying off. Roseann lovely to see you again and so pleased for you, and welcome to the 60s, don't you remember the 60s were fabulous and so are we when we get there. Patoo don't you hate those little "unexpected" expenses hopefully it will be a quick fix. Mary Louise I can tell you that going to the gym is just a habit and now for me it's a habit that I'm addicted to (along with my addiction to cake) Ruth send me the leftover cakes I'm sure I can consume them for you, hope you had fun at your family reunion. Now I'm off to wash my absolutely filthy car. Goodnight my sculpted tarted friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Plumber just left and will be back to fix it Tuesday evening.  Probably around $400.00 - ouch! 

    Okay, going out for a walk then come back and thanks hbcheryl, think I will wash my car for upper body exercise!


  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Ruth, I would like to join the Slurp and Sculpt class!

    I think I have the stepper-machine sussed, The resistance level was set to Level 1 on a scale of 1 (easy) to 20 (hard) which only allows the pedals to sink desparately slowly even if you're over 80kg.. which I'm not anymore YAY.... it's a reverse resistance label, so as the number goes up, the pedals go down easier, so you can in principle do more steps per minute (that's if you're actually capable of it!)  Set to 1, the thing is impossible, but set to 5 or 6 it's merely difficult!

    So my hour at the gym was quite useful today. There was another of those football match things on, we had two other gym users where there are often fifteen to twenty, "supervised" by four staff where there is usually only one or two. It's wonderful not having to wait for a treadmill!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    After the Ger-Eng game this am (go Germany), I was heading out to get coffee, when I heard your voices and decided to go for a walk instead.  DH joined me.  I remarked several times along the way how much easier this is now.  I added some distance, but didn't overdo, since I'm going out this evening to do some dog training.

    No, Ruth, lifting a fork does not tone your arms any more than my driving around doing errands tones my legs Wink

    Roseann:  Great to hear such a good report.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Okay well maybe the ca wash can wait LOL.  I'm beat but almost made it to 10,000 steps (9309 so far).  May walk in place after I cool down so I can make Mr Monk proud and get to a rounded 10000! 

    Enjoy rest of your evening.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010
    Retrievermom, driving has you moving your foot from gas to brake and back again.  Unfortunately it's only exercising one ankle whereas Ruth can lift with either hand thus getting a better workout.  Wink
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010
    Unless you use the left foot for the brake and the right foot for the gas?!?!?!?  Surprised
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    You'll use more muscles if you use the right foot for the brake and left for the gas!  Especially as you climb out of the wreck.

    Okay, I'm getting(?) silly so think I'll sign off for the night.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Great Job All! I am being inspired to throw the rest of the cake in the garbage can (with something icky on top, so I can't dig it out).

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    In my '86 Volvo, which we call the putt-putt car, I have to step on the gas extra hard when passing, so I get extra toning.  Maybe that's why my right calf is more sculpted than my left.  Throwing cake sounds like a new sport.

    Good workout with the dogs this evening, but I accidentally pushed a button on my pedometer and never found out how many steps.  Sigh.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Then you can estimate something outstanding!!!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Ruth you crack me up...

    No exercise to day for me...except walking around downtown Mpls. so I guess I could count that.

    Tomorrow I will be hitting it again.

    I love to read all the posts, they really encourage me... so thanks



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Hi Tartlet Sisters

    Another great day at the gym. Jim worked me out but good too. It was my make up class for Monday. So I get Jim again tomorrow. My body I am sure it will feel even better tomorrow with that workout. I am sure it well. LOL

    Roseann good report we love to hear good news.

    Ruth, Retrievermom and Patoo I love your workouts. LOL Ruth dumping something on that cake sounds like a great idea. I will remember that.

    Have a good night everyone.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Hi Ladies - Had a quiet weekend at the cabin, taking pains to avoid anything that even remotely looked like a spider!  One exciting thing - on the road just in front of our property, we saw the baby bear crossing the road after mama, so I finally got to see him.  Our neighbors saw mama and baby earlier this year, but this is the first that I've spotted them.  That was neat.  We did go out Saturday to Deep Creek Lake at the extreme western end of Maryland to see some friends who have a place there - they're our former neighbors and we've known them for years.  It was bittersweet to see them - he was diagnosed with bile duct cancer at the same time I was diagnosed with b/c, and we did chemo at the same time, but his last scans came back bad, and they've given him about a year or so.  This is the first time we've seen them since he got the news in May.  But he was in good spirits and still up and about, so it ended up being a really good time with them. This damn cancer.

    I started back walking this morning - I'm still a bit wiped out and only did half my normal walk, but I was out there shuffling along.  DH is still having to clean and dress the wound every morning, so we're having to allow extra time for that in the morning - not fun, but not nearly as bad as the surgical abcess that had to be packed of 2x daily for 6 weeks! I'm hoping it heals up soon so I can hit the pool, but I think I have a few more weeks of healing to go as it's a pretty good size still.

    Cake throwing, huh?  A new Olympic sport?  Laughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Cake Throwing & The Spider Shuffle; new categories!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Natsfan, Ouch! hope your recovery continues. That dirty spider has been wreaking havoc over here too :(

    So, Spider shuffle and stomp please. shuffle: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, WHAMM (two-footed jump)! now 8 to the other side

    Mumyan, I just saw your picture (I must have turned over two pages somehow?) Wow! Anyways, do you know the game "Twister"? I played it once at a party, and ended up like that, but sadly about ten years older and two stone heavier than in your picture.

    (edit) oh yes, forgot to post my exercise. i did do some, not a lot today. A short run after the heat, but running buddy has been spider'bit last week, not quite so bad as yours Natsfan (not yet at least, only about 300mls of gunge YEUCH fingers crossed the antibiotics will work properly soon) and has been off all serious activity for several days, and we had to slow down and come back very gingerly. We will be doing the Spider Stomp next time we go out.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Yikes! Beware, the spiders are on a rampage!

    I was a very industrious lady today. Walked for a hour, sculpted 30 minutes & then went through all the closets and cupboards throwing out old beat up purses, mateless socks, scraps of wrapping paper, asprin that expired in 2008 etc. etc. etc. three giant, black garbage bags full of junk. Now I should run downtown & buy some cleaning supplies to start cleaning everything that is left in the house. Innocent (The halo is from being so good!!!)

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    Why is the rec center so blasted hot?  Went to ride the ex bike, but didn't last long. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    I did a great Body Combat class tonight with the delightful Eduardo, one of those classes where you had to dig deep to keep going but I came out of there feeling fantasticLaughing.

    Retrievermom I know what you mean, the fan in our group fitness room has been broken for a month, it does turn on but doesn't oscillate, they keep telling us they've ordered the part but whew it's hot in there. Nats what a treat to have seen the baby bear, do you think you got bitten by the spider when you were doing all the planting at the cabin? Ruth what a good girl you are now can you come and clean my garage please, please, pretty pleaseSealed.  If any of you watch Wipeout, tomorrow night my Body Step instructor DeAnn is one of the contestants, she filmed it months ago and if I remember rightly she came back with a few bruises so I think she fell off those balls or got punched into the water but I hope she did well as she is a such a lovely girl. She was the one who talked me in to doing my first step class and kept encouraging me to go on. When I was diagnosed she made me a beautiful BC carry bag and gave me a silver necklace with strength/courage engraved on it, she is one of those special people who comes into your life, I just love her.  Have a great night.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Well another wonderful workout with the famous Jim. My body was sore going in and still sore going out. Well be working that soreness out tomorrow. Lots of lunges and squats. Jim swears by these. I know he just loves them. Signed up for another month with him. I probably will stay with him for the year. I love the way he makes me work. I sure did not want to go today. Once I was there though I was glad I did it.

    Ruth great job on getting to those closets. I so need to do that. Maybe I will take your hint and be inspired tomorrow to get things started.

    Best to you Tartlet Sisters

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Patoo, sorry about the leak!  Home repairs are no fun.

    Nats, baby bear, cute!!  Glad you had a good time with your friends.  Yep, cancer sucks.

    Retriever, I can't exercise in too much heat, so I've been grateful for AC and DVD's.  Hope they fix things in  your gym soon!

    Cheryl and Elizabeth, way to go on the workouts!

    We've had a cold front move in after over 6 weeks of heat... hurrah!!  Down to 52 tonight!!  HURRAH!!  I'm actually going to go outside and walk the next few days!  I know I work harder when I do the DVD's but I need my nature fix and it's been too long with too much heat to get out and get one.  Woods, here I come!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    It has been cooler here today (and I guess the rest of the week) too!!  Just got back from my daily walk and the only issue I had was that there was literally no shade!!  It is much cooler, but didn't want to walk in direct sunlight for an hour without sunscreen, but I did!  Cool

    Now will head downstairs for my FIRM workout before we have supper!  Last day of school here, so will have to get used to having the kids around during the day (but I do work most days).  At least I will be able to sleep an extra hour in the morning and still be able to keep up the biking/walking routine! The house, however, will probably take the brunt of having the kids home (and probably the pantry!!).

    Hope everyone is have a great sunshiny day!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Nature - I think your cold front is headed this way next, because that sounds like our forecast for tomorrow and the next few days. We've had something like 9 days in a row over 90.  Hymil - Love the spider shuffle dance!  Hope your running buddy's spider bite resolves quickly.  Cheryl - yep, I figure I got bitten while gardening at the cabin, even though I had on long pants, closed shoes, etc. I want to rename that garden Spider Garden - seems appropriate. Your Body Step instructor sounds wonderful - it's funny how with b/c some people that we think would be supportive drop out out sight, while others like her step up to the plate.  Elizabeth - squats and lunges!! I'd be sore for weeks!  Ruth, impressive closet cleaning. What a great feeling to toss all that JUNK!

    Did half of my normal morning walk again this morning - I'm still a tad wiped out but I did it a bit faster than yesterday, so hopefully I'll feel back to normal soon.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Missed yesterday.  Was going to the gym but got an appt for Xray of my thumb to see if it's arthritis (doubt it) or trigger thumb brought on by meds (probably).  Then came home and crashed.  Tonight came home and waited for the plumber so nothing tonight either.  Did log 1.8 miles today so could have been worse.  Will get back on track tomorrow - it's supposed to be cooler.

    Great workouts all - gardening and cleaning - I do neither although I have been "planning" on attacking some closets.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Did 30 minutes of abs & then took a long, sad walk with a friend who just found out that the cancer she thought she had beaten has spread to her lungs. Please send prayers & good thoughts up for her (Jane) & her medical team; that they will come up with a treatment plan that will bring her into remission for a long, long time. Thanks my dear friends. Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Ruth I will be praying for Jane she is on my list....many blessings

    Went to the gym today another good workout. An half an hour on the ellipitical and half an hour on the treadmill. Did ab workout as well. Tired just taking it easy and getting ready to take a shower soon.

    Have a great night

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Oh Ruth I am so sorry I will keep Jane in my prayers.  Did two classes tonight Body Step and then the cardio dance class but boy am I feeling my 60 years, my knees are hurting and I pulled a muscle in my back, woe is me but tomorrow is another day, now I just have to remember to go to water aerobics in the morning, nite all.