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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Well Elizabeth sounds like you've been kicking butts and taking numbersSurprised keep up the good work(outs :) ).  Nature good on you for getting a jump on the day, it's been absolutely beautiful here today lovely and sunny.  This morning I did a Body Combat class and once again it was a packed room on a saturday morning, guess everyone is thinking swimsuit body, we had two new people who came in and lasted 10 minutes and left, it really is a hard workout but it is my favourite class.  They are trying out Zumba at my gym this week, I don't know if it going to become permanent or not but I'm going to do the class.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    slow day today.  rainy and cool.  just logging 1.6 miles on pedometer today and don't expect to do much more today.  Well, maybe I'll do some vacuuming, that counts!  Yeah, going to do that right now while I'm thinking about it.  Thanks voices.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Oh, and clean Garfield's litter box - he'll really, really, really, appreciate that.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Okay, vacuumed 2 flights of steps and downstairs hall.  Emptied, washed and refilled the litter box - ever see a cat smile!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Body Step class for me today and I think I lost a lb in sweat alone.  Patoo I'll send you some of our sunshine, another perfect So Cal day today.  Went shopping this afternoon and bought myself a swimsuit - cheap and cheerful from WalMart so I'm all set for my aquacise class - yeah!!!!  Everyone in the house glued to the telly watching Lakers so I'm going to the garden to work for an hour or so then I'm going to barbeque. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010
    I think I can do aquacise without a pool, it's so humid here...  Undecided
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    No formal exercise this weekend, but lots of outdoor chores and gardening - Till and Tone as Ruth would say.  Did my normal 2.25 mile walk this morning - only one bunny today and no sign of the Day Lily Thievin' Deer. 

    Nature - LOL - sounds like you have the same humidity we have here in DC - I always feel so sorry for all the tourists walking around wilting in the heat and humidity.   Jenn- welcome and you're definitely in charge of Butt Kicking around here if I get lazy! Patoo - one good thing about chemo is that I got out of litter box duty for months!Cheryl - send some of that SoCal weather here too!

  • jenn1975
    jenn1975 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    I gave myself a much needed weekend off. The most physical thing I did was float in the pool... I even had a few Skinny Girl Margarita's on saturday. But today I am back to normal. Several laps of lunges around my yard and 100 body squats. I tried to get on the treadmill but every time I did someone needed help (that is the bad part about working out where you work) I will try again before I go home and then tonight while I watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey I will do my crunches and arm workout.

    I am here to help if you all need it with your workouts or nutrition. My speciality is the nutrition part as I spend a few hours each day researching it.


  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Sunday: gentle stroll into town turned into 7 mile round trip, past the dragon boat races and the cancer support run and along the waterfront. Mostly flat and not fast. Resisted the many opportunities for ice cream. Today made it to running club and actually did some proper running, not just plodding along in a sluggish amble. Progress!

    I get to see my onc tomorrow, first recall after finishing active treatment. Where did that time go?

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010
    50 minute walk again this morning and ran and did excercises in the pool for 45 minutes tonight.  Steam cleaned our carpets over the week end as we were getting new furniture.  Didn't do much else over the weekend though. Embarassed
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited June 2010

    Did 4 miles of intervals on the treadmill this morning and then a 2 mile walk with my friend this afternoon.

    My cat was attacked by a raccoon this afternoon.  The coon bit her tail.  She's normally an indoor cat who got out via a faulty screen.  Wow, it was a wild scene.  But she's okay.  We were up-to-date with her rabies shot so she just needed antibiotics and a rabies booster.  Very scary!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Busy today so only normal walking which logged 1.5 miles.  So I promise to make it to aqua class tomorrow.

    Jennifer, what is the single most important nutrition tip you could give to us?  I'm awed that you are into nutrition research.  There is soooooooooo much information out there, lots of it contradictory or good for you today but in 3 years no longer good for you.  Makes my head spin and God knows I'm dizzy enough!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Hey Girls~ I have been absent for a while from the boards....have been checking in but not posting.  I have been doing lots of exercise though...Yoga. Kettlebells, walking workout dvds etc. just been so busy since school got out.  grad parties etc.  I have really been juicing too!  Still on my journey to stop eating processed foods and trying to stay away from processed sugar.  It is hard but going ok for me.  I feel better for it.  

    Glad you are all doing so well....Patoo you are on a marathon

    you all inspire me!



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010
    Body Combat class for me tonight.  Nats it was like a humid day in DC in that group exercise room, the fan is broken and it doesn't oscillate and the windows face west so hot and humid, we are all moaning and whining to management but it doesn't seem to do any good.  Your doe has probably stripped all the day lillies in the neighborhood and moved on!  Oh Lorrie your poor kitty, probably needs cuddle love tonight.  Glad you're doing well Balsie, I'm impressed - kettlebells, I'd be afraid I'd knock myself outSurprised.  Have a tarty tuesday everyone.
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Lorrie sorry to hear about your cat and glad to know she is okay.

    Patoo keep up the good work and don't get to dizzy

    Balsie good to see you.

    How about you guys. I miss Ruth. Be nice to see her again. Bet she is enjoying the beach.

    Well did not make it to the gym to workout with Jim tonight was stuck in traffic. So I have a make up class on Wednesday. My friend Tracy said he kicked her butt but good this time around. She was not sure she could make it though. She did! Good for her. Still taking care of my mom. Bill is having his surgery the 21st next monday. So I will be staying at my mom's for a few days. Driving her around cause she cannot drive with her shoulder. Well I am going to read a little bit. Have a good evening.

    Blessings everyone

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010
    Elizabeth I second that motion - I miss Ruth too, hope shes having a lovely time splashing in the ocean.  Good luck with Jim on wednesday make sure he knows you didn't miss session with him intentionally otherwise he'll work you twice as hard for not being there todaySealed
  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    I was wondering where Ruth was....glad to hear she is on a trip! Raining here today, so I might go into a class at the center or do a DvD or jump on the tread mill. I really want to  lay around and read a  good book.  

    I asked over on Foobville but no one responded:  Anyone here have there tatoos done yet? How long did it take to heal?  Mine look like pieces of pepperoni.....I know this has nothing to do with exercise but just thought I would ask.  Now what to do.......



  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Feeling good cos I did my swim again, further than last week and not exhausted. Maybe its cos junior oncologists must be the most frustrating people in the hospital, i still have enough energy to stamp one to smithereens.. .anyways i seem to be finally losing some weight at last so I better wear this costume out before i need a smaller one (Optimist!)

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Had my tattoo's done. Yes at first they look like that and I was not sure I liked them. Then as I showed them off more and more said wow they do look like nipples. Thought about having the little bump put in so it would give it a more better effect. My husband sees more of a difference now. It has been a month now. Keep them moist with neosporen.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2010

    Hi all-

    I'm having a down in the dumps day, so I thought I would come see you guys!

    I've been doing well with the workouts-spinning and training with a personal trainer that specializes in osteoporosis.  I already have bad bones and I know the arimidex I will be taking soon won't help. We even went on a great trip this weekend to Yosemite and I did two aggressive hikes, one five miles with a 1000 foot ascent/descent and one 8 miles with a 2500 foot ascent/descent.  Yet today I just feel down-sad, actually.  Maybe it just hits you from time to time?  I'm not even three months from dx, and on my 20th rad, and don't feel bad physically.  I just feel really down...

    Anyway...EB Ann, there is so much tension in life with kids/husbands, and add cancer to boot...not fun.  Keep up your workouts!  That is good energy and keeps the brain going.  Hymil I envy you swimming, I can't do it for awhile yet, but I think it is one of the most relaxing things to do.  HB Cheryl maybe I need some good ol' kicking like a body combat class...take out some aggression I'm probably stuffing down.

    Hi everyone else...hope you are staying fit and tarty, as y'all say!


  • jenn1975
    jenn1975 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    my normal workout today but tomorrow the trainer is getting a trainer. I have been unable to do abs forever since I had mets to my spine. Now that i am all "cured" (I am convinced that I am cured) I started doing abs 2 weeks ago but I am wanting more help. Yes I am a trainer but I need someone else to push me so I am going to be working with a trainer that trains body buliders and women for figure competitions because I want my 6 pack as fast as I can get it! I am giving myself 6 weeks to get there because I am probably going to have my ovaries taken out in August.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Went to workout today rode the bike for 45min and did abs. It felt good. :o)

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Hi Everyone~ another raining day...I love them ....really!  Went to the center and did a Yoga did she ! was great!  Tomorrow will be kettlebell class.  

    I hope everyone is having excellent day ~ Balsie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Hey Dazd - you are going to have those days.  It's just natural because of all you are going through and the treatments and meds do a wonderful 'workout' on our bodies and heads.  Take it one day at a time - this too shall pass.

    Did one-hour water aerobics class.  Substitute instructor did not push enough but at least I was moving.  She said one hour constantly moving in the pool burns a minimum of 400 calories and that would change, go up, depending on your weight.  Hmmmmmmmmm, at my size, maybe I'm burning 1600 calories in that time!  (don't I wish).  Logged only 1.3 miles though. 

    Night everyone.

    (what is kettlebell?)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Did Body Step class tonight and then Zumba. I felt so bad for our cardio dance class instructor, she does lots of promoting and gets 8-10 people per class, well they put Zumba in her timeslot and I'm not kidding there had to be 60 people turn up for the class, probably because it was the first class but it has to be heartbreaking for her as you know they are going to give her spot to Zumba, it's all about the numbers.

    Kim what you are feeling is perfectly normal, you're in active treatment and your hormones are totally out of whack I'll bet if you polled every one of us you'd find we've all felt exactly the same way at one time or another, and given time you will feel better. Jenn I have a six-pack - it's just hidden under my belly rollSurprised, you'll have to let us know what your trainer has you do.  Night all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Kim -- the up and down is part of the process.  I was mostly down for nearly the whole 9 months of treatment, and beyond (didn't help that I was living with and caring for my mom and watching her die during that time) -- I know it feels like crap but it'll pass.  Keep up the exercise -- that helps.  And I'm sending you a warm hug!  I love your hikes, I miss the mountains so much!

    Balsie, I love rainy days, too!  I loved fall-winter-spring in the PNW for all the gray days.  Actually got tired of the constant sun in summer!  Crazy, huh?!

    My energy is up and down but heading back up overall... still plugging away mostly with my LS DVD's, I wish I were doing something more spectacular, some days I think I'll come home and tackle the longer walks but by the time I do a mile or two I'm worn out.  Progress is slow right now!

    Keep up the great work, tartlets!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    (((Kim))) I find when I am depressed getting my butt into the gym always makes me feel a little better.Keep up your hiking or anykind of exercise. Also come talk to us whenever you need to.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Went to Kettlebell class again tonight.  Boy did it kick my butt...Great workout.  

    good night to all


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010
    Hello everyone, did Body Combat class tonight and it really kicked my butt, third song in I was absolutely covered in sweat.  Finally convinced my 17 year old goddaughter to come to class with me, now she is an athlete, she is going to college on a soccer scholarship and when she is on the eliptical she does 5 miles in 22 minutes - well half way through the class she said to me "my new vision of hell is this room with him (Eduardo) on the stage" but I think she was impressed with her old godmum Innocent 
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Greetings fellow Toned Tarty Temptresses; I just got back at 11pm last night and now am washing loads of clothes and catching up with you all. I had a great trip and worked like crazy. (The whole thing kind of reminded me of the movie, 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'!!) But everything came off well; the weather cooperated (the wedding was outside), the wedding was beautiful and very meaningful, the couple are delightful young people who seem well matched, the dance was a blast (the band was made up of family members who flew in early and practiced for a week in the garage), the day after the wedding my sister & hubby hosted a big picnic at their house, which the bride and groom stuck around for, and then we had a couple glorious days at the ocean. SIGH!!! I actually got a lot of exercise in; somebody wanted  to walk with me just about every day and I also threw some toning rings in my suitcase and would sneak off every once and awhile to wave them around, do some crunches etc. and at the ocean, all the walking on the beach, bobbing about in the waves etc, definitely counts as exercise in my book!! I ate MOUNDS and MOUNDS of food; didn't even try to be one bit good in that department. I believe that I better quickly become reacquainted with my Richard Simmons Food Mover!! The dryer just 'binged' so it's back to real life. Later!! Ruth