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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Ruth - I'm so sorry about Jane.  I've read that there are new targeted therapies for lung cancer which can really help improve survival, so I'm so hoping one of them is right for her.  This damn cancer.

    I got back on the elliptical last night, very gingerly. I cut back on speed and resistance, and managed 15 minutes.  I also did my 20 minute walk this morning.  I have a follow up appt with the infectious disease specialist today so hopefully he'll be pleased with the way things are going and I can get off these antibiotics soon - they really mess up your system.  The wound area itself is healing nicely - it's still open and about 1 x 2.5 inches, but improving a bit every day.  

    Cheryl - hopefully the water aerobics class will help ease the back - or maybe a good soak in a hot tub - it seems everyone out there has a hot tub!  When my dh moved out here almost 30 years ago, one of the first things we had to get was a hot tub because he missed having one so much.  Hot tubs were considered quite exotic and a bit racy in Maryland back then, and we were definitely the talk of the neighborhood for a while.  Laughing

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    I am off to the gym again this morning this is what i look like doing my abs. No wonder my back hurts.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Did a good, hard 40 minute FIRM DVD called 'Get Chisel'd' with a bonus 15 minute "Kick It Up" cardio workout. I look more like mum's panda than the instructor on the DVD!

    Ladies, here is your laugh for the day. My church puts out a monthly newsletter. In it there's always an article featuring an elderly member. This month it was about an 88 year old woman who was a member of the choir for many years. Unfortunately, the person typing the article left the 'g' off one word; so this is what was written: "Lois loved music. Her greatest passion in life was to be able to sin." !!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Walked to gym and did resistance machines.  Only managed 3-1/2 mins on torture elliptical but hey, I walked to the gym and back home.  Pedometer logged 12,000 steps or just under 5 miles - YAY!  But I'm whipped and know I better pop a couple of advil.

    Ruth, so sorry about your friend Jane.  Will keep her in prayer (see my signature line - one is going up already).

    Mum, if that were me it would be a permanent position because if I were able to bend like that I would not be able to stand up again.  LOL

    Night Sculpted sisters.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Oh ruth, that's one of those classics - wonder who proofread it!  Hope that senior has a sense of humor (tell her to come read some of these threads - we have some pretty funny typos too).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    I think she must be a fun person because it also says, among other things, that she joined the navy during WWII (the Waves), was stationed out of Washington, DC, and that "she had many good times at the USO and danced there to Guy Lombardo". Maybe it WASN'T a typo!? Wink Interesting also is that after Franklin Roosevelt died, she was there and saluted his casket as it made it's way to the Capitol.
  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited July 2010

    Hi sisters!  Yesterday 3 miles on treadmill and today 8 mile bike ride.  Thanks for keeping me going!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2010

    Did Kettlebell class tonight!  I still love it.  The instructor told us that 10 mins. of kettle bell is worth 1 hour on the treadmill.  Now I can see why, what a workout

     Enjoy your evening


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010
    Mum has been peeping in the window and taking my photo again!  Did Body Combat tonight but did hold back a bit as my knees are still feeling a bit sore.  Well this morning I woke up with the alarm, plenty of time to get to my aquacise class, well it would have been if I hadn't fallen back to sleep, woke up at 7.05 - five minutes after the class had started - see my nightmare came true on week twoEmbarassed.  Gosh Nats that wound is massive, you are one lucky girl so just take it easy and you'll come back strong.  LOL Ruth I'll bet someone proof read that piece 20 times and missed itSmile.  Good job Patoo almost 5 miles is fabulous.  Okay Balsie one question, when you swing those kettlebells around any chance you could knock yourself out, you see that is the one thing I would be scared of doingSurprised.  Good night my friends.
  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Hi! Wow!  I'm off of here for awhile and lots o' and happening!

    Now that rads are over, I'm going after my workouts with a vengance. (OK I say that first thing in the morning, we shall see how I do today.)

    Ruth, I didn't see your post about your friend, but I'm with Patoo...prayers for her.  I have to laugh about the kettlebells...I see guys in my gym just going to town with those things, and yes, I am afraid they are going to cause major damage someday.

    Today's workouts (I did power housecleaning again on Tuesday naturegrrl I think it was...)

    Weight training class with a bunch of giggling 50 something women (we do work hard though); spinning at noon, yoga at 4.  It's a power workout day.  These workouts (I used to do this regularly before BC) have rewarded me.  I got all my bloodwork back a week or so ago and while my overall cholestrol was somewhat high 220, my HDLs are 98!!!  That's really good.  Exercise is key, but losing weight definitely helps.  Kudos to all of you that have been working hard and losing weight.  

    I was brave yesterday; worked out with my "osteroporosis" trainer and she had me do jumping jacks, running while bouncing a basketball, etc. using the "ladder" in the gym.  There were a ton of 20 something boys playing basketball so I had to swallow my sagging 50 something pride and even more sagging burnt chest and go with it.  The hardest thing about jumping jacks at my age is not having a little accident in the urinary department...see, I can really let my pride go these days! HA!

    OK tartlets.  It's off to a great day.  I have to go read about Nats wound...I've been thinking about that since her original post...Healing prayers to her!


    EDIT:  Nats, wow, you have a great attitude!  I just went through several of your posts across the have been through enough!  I'm really glad to see the wound is healing...sounds like you really got on the issue and prevented a much tougher situation.  You are a trooper!  And I don't blame you about avoiding anything that even LOOKS like a spider from here on out. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Thanks for all the good wishes everyone.  Had my follow up visit with the infectious disease specialist yesterday, and he said things look good, I can stop the antibiotics after tomorrow, and I don't have to see him again.  Hooray! I did a 40 minute walk this morning, not covering as much distance as I usually do, but at least I was able to keep going for that long.  The doctor said it'll probably be a couple of weeks before I'm back to normal, but I'm under no restrictions and he said it was great that I was trying to get active again. Upon hearing about this latest medical adventure, one of my cousins was teasing me that someone must have cursed me at my baptism. But another cousin chimed in and said she was there when I was baptized, and she thinks she'd probably have remembered if something like that happened. Laughing

    Ruth - your "sinning" church member sounds fascinating.  What a life and what a role model for us all.  My mom was a WWII "government girl" in DC - she told similar stories about that era - it sounds like a great place for a young single gal back then.  Balsie - I've been wanting to try a kettlebell workout - it looks great.  But I'm probably one of those who would knock themselves out cold as Cheryl said.  Kim, great on the bloodwork news!  It's always nice to get some concrete results that all this hard work is actually doing some good.  Patoo and Love - you guys are racking up the mileage - you go girls!

    Happy July Everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Good Morning! Here's my story of the day:  My crazy 'exercise like a maniac' neighbor, Pam, just had oral surgery, and is suppose to 'take it easy'. So she called me & asked if I'd like to go for a nice walk around the lake (actually dam) just outside of town. I said yes, she picked me up & off we went. To her a 'nice walk' is more like a sprint to me, so we raced up and down the hills and around the whole walking/bike path in an hour. I wish I would have worn a pedometer! Whew! Now I really, really have to clean the house......or burn it down! Awesome Work Ladies!!!! Later, Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    Today is a a holiday here, so I was able to sleep in and then went for my daily walk (DD3 decided she wanted to join us and I think we almost killed her!! ha ha).  Just hoed my whole garden and now am planning on running in the pool.  Tomorrow we are off to a trailer close to Ellicottville, NY, so do not know if I will be able to get on again until next Tuesday!  I will keep your "voices" close by and will strive to continue the daily walking.  May get on again before we leave, if not, Happy Canada Day (today) and hope you all enjoy your July 4th festivities!!  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian Tarts, and Happy 4th to all in the US!

    I'm having super energy again, hurrah!  No housecleaning blitz (oh, the end to that story:  I was cleaning last week because my SIL and nephew were coming over for Freshman Day on Campus with two of my nephew's friends and their 4 parents... and then all the "guests" didn't come!  It was just as nice to have the time with just my SIL and nephew, and it's good the house is clean, right?) but I'm doing other stuff, including a nice long walk in the woods (heaven!) and just plain enjoying feeling HUMAN again!

    Nats, good news on the wound!  Ruth, prayers for Jane, please keep us posted.  And I hope you aren't too worn out from your "stroll" to get your house clean!  Kim, your routine wears me out just reading about it!   And everyone, I'm afraid that picture that mum posted is my tubby self....

    I may be out of town for at least a day but I'll be walking and wish you all a great holiday weekend!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Mumyan, I so love your furry leotard! It's a great look!

    I did a short swim today, not too enthusiastically but got out and did it. Three days together at the gym was enough, and I had increased the stepper to 8 minutes, boy do my calves hurt today! I have discovered most of the machines can be adjusted to give you a calories-burnt-today readout, and most days I am getting through about 400calories, between bike, rower and treadmill (and now stepper too). I'm saving up for a big slab of chocolate cake :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Thanks for your prayers for Jane. She is getting a bunch of scans done to see exactly what they are dealing with so they can plan what to do next.

    I decided not to burn down the house, so have been cleaning and cleaning all day. I think if I do the same all day tomorrow; I will call it good until my DH cleans out his den so I can paint (I bought the paint last fall....I'm not holding my breath that this will happen any time this decade!).

    Kim, I flipped my cholestrol numbers through exercise too (can't be losing weight because I just lose & gain the same 5 pounds over & over, can't be diet because you all know how bad I eat!). My family has a history of high cholestrol & mine is still over 200, but like you, my HDL is 98 (greater than 55 is what you want); the LDL is in the normal ranges & triglycerides are very low (less than 150 is normal & mine are 53). With those numbers my doctor says you don't even have to worry about the total Laughing.  So we are doing really good things for ourselves outside and in!

    I'm quiting the housework & going to a high school musical tonight. Take Care, Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Ruth rather than clean or burn it down I just pack it up, sell it and move!  LOL

    I'm a little confused about the numbers.  My cholesterol is also a little high at 222 - I get it. Triglycerides are 141 so that's okay.   But you say HDL should be greater than 55; my report says HDL should be greater than 35 and mine is 35.8.  Dr did not seem concerned.  For LDL, report says I'm too high at 158 and reference range needs to be less than 130.  My LDL/HDL ratio is 4.4 which the reports shows 'average risk'.  Friends of mine says cholesterol used to be considered high at over 300 but pharma companies were not getting enough customers so dropped it to 200 - wonder if that has some truth to it.

    My eating has been getting better and seems I've started losing wt again even if it's only ounce by ounce. 

    Oh, yes, this is the exercise thread - Did 60 min aquacise class tonight and logged 1.9 miles on pedometer today.  Hopefully will put in some extra workouts this weekend.

    Night ladies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Patoo, I looked up on the chart my dr. gave me.This is what it says (hope your '300 is high' friend is right, then I'd be in great shape!!):

    Cholesterol: less than 200

    HDL: greater than 55 (the sheet originally said 45 but my doctor crossed it out and hand wrote in 55)

    LDL: less than 100

    Triglycerides: less than 150

    Ratio: less than 4.5

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    My cholesterol has been bad news for me. I have been on cholesterol medication (vytorin). My Dr. told me I was a walking heart attack. My triglycerides were way to high. Glad to tell you do not no what my stats are but I am off my medication now. I have changed the way I eat, and I exercise on a regular basis.

    I workout today at the gym. I rode the bike for 45 min then did some weights on my legs and arms. Tomorrow I will do the treadmill and do those wonderful lunges and squats. Just love those! Not! But Jim swears by them and she they are the best way to lose. So so be it.

    Have a great night tartlet sisters.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Hi Ladies-

    I'm gettting ready for a little weekend jaunt to Lake Tahoe...hip hip hooorayyyy!

    Regarding cholesterol-getting the LDL (the bad one) down naturally can be done by eating less saturated fats, more plant based foods, adding good fats like fish oil, avocado, and a small amount of nuts, and...drum roll...losing weight.  Even a loss of 5 pounds will make a slight difference...I lost twenty right before I was dx's and my LDLs dropped by 25 points.

    HDLs (good cholesterol) are increased primarily by exercise.  Specifically the more aerobic exercise you get, the better chance you have of increasing them.  So each time you are breathing hard and sweating, remember how good it is for your heart! (If you aren't swearing too much...ha!)

    Menopause, and the lack of estrogen, tends to increase LDLs and decrease HDLs. That's why we tarts on Arimidex have to pay close attention.  Since Ruth is on the drug, she is a textbook example of why it is so important to watch weight and exercise.  Ruth, like I told you, you are my hero.  The fact that you are on Arimidex and have such great numbers gives me confidence I can do it too.  Patoo, I'll bet that as you continue your workouts and have a closer relationship with your dreaded elliptical (hahahah) you will see your HDLs go up.  And ounce by ounce is the way to do it.  

    Elizabeth, you are doing so well!  To have your husband's health issue, your issue and do what you are doing is fabulous.  I love reading all the workouts on this thread and the women here are so positive.  As much as I have not liked getting BC, I do love being a warrior and kicking some major behind by working out.  It's not like I love the time commitment, but it seems to make the rest of my day go better. 

    I'm sure glad I found you ladies.  Have a wonderful fourth of July.  When y'all see those fireworks going off, give yourself a toast and know they are for YOU!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Patoo, I wouldn't be surprised if your friends are right.  Sigh.  Love the drug companies for what they give us to save our lives and keep us strong, but don't like them for some of the other stuff they do.  

    I'm like many of you on cholesterol numbers:  very high HDL, borderline LDL, so my total is a bit on the high side, but not enough for meds and I think it'll get under control anyway. And the HDL being so high bumps the total up, so I don't worry about the total that much.

    What the dr. told me for me is similar to Ruth:  above 55 for HDL, below 130 for LDL, and I don't remember the rest... the paper they gave me said below 100 for LDL but the cardiologist crossed that off and said below 130 for me, I think how high your HDL is and how many other risk factors you have for heart disease may impact that recommendation so that may be why we get slightly different numbers.  Medical stuff is made up of a lot of science, but sometimes there's some "art" in it, too. 

    I asked the cardiologist if my terrible diet during treatment (I'm not telling, but it was bad!) made my LDL go up (it used to be much lower) and he said maybe, but he said diet usually impacts the numbers by only 10% or less, so he doesn't consider it a big factor.  Interesting, huh, especially since he still told me to watch my diet for fat intake, etc. (like I don't already).  I know, a low-fat diet is healthy for a lot of reasons that don't have anything to do with cholesterol, but still.

    I think exercise is possibly the most important thing we do for our health on many, many levels and y'all confirm that over and over! And I don't care what the cardiologist says, I think diet is pretty darn important, too... with room in there for the "non-healthy" stuff from time to time, too :) Kim, Elizabeth, and Ruth, your stories certainly tell the importance of taking care of those things!

    Patoo, ounce by ounce is how you get to pound by pound.  Remember, my 5# took weeks and weeks (months)!

    My exercise today is sitting in my Bug and driving to n. Indiana and back, I'm going to take my sunscreen and put the top down on the way back and enjoy the day!  Our last cool one for awhile, it looks like.  If I get back before late I'm definitely heading to the woods again for another long walk..

    Wrens are singing up a storm this morning and telling me to get off the computer and get ready to go!  I babble....

    Thanks for being there and inspiring me, Tartlet Sisters!  Y'all are the best!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Kim, we were writing at the same time, just have to say your post is a great example of what I believe and why I don't always agree with my cardiologist.

    And... Tahoe.... can I come?!  I hiked around there one autumn... it was gorgeous!  Tell the lake and mountains I said hello!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Tahoe!  We honeymooned in Tahoe!  It'll be 28 (!) years this September.  We had an idea of recreating the honeymoon for our 25th, but then the place where we had a special lunch was gone, the hotel we stayed at is gone, etc. so we figured it wasn't going to be much of a re-creation since everything was gone.  Tongue out

    Interesting how so many of our numbers are similar - 226 overall for me, with 119 triglycerides, 62 LDL, and like everyone else the problem child of HDL - 140.  My PCP started me on 2000mg of fish oil a day, and we talked about lowering the bad fat in my diet and moving towards good fat. I have a 6 months follow up in September, so we'll see how I'm doing then.  

    Managed 30 minutes on the elliptical yesterday - granted, it was at the lowest possible resistance, but I stuck it out.  And I did my 40 minute walk this morning - no bunnies, but I looked up and two beautiful great blue herons were flying overhead in that stately way of theirs.  

    It's beautiful weather here - quite welcome after the heat and humidity of earlier in the week. I conned dh out of his convertible this morning, so I'm driving around "topless" today, so I hear you Nature about your drive with the top down.  My next car is definitely going to be a convertible - I think I'm entitled to a midlife crisis car. Laughing

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    My Bug (formerly my mom's, 2003, only 6000 miles on it!) wasn't exactly a choice for me -- my car was totaled by an idiot uninsured driver a couple of months ago -- fortunately I wasn't hurt at all so I'm grateful -- but it pushed me into the decision to take my mom's car (we were trying to decide if anyone in the family wanted it).  But it's definitely great, if impractible, I'd forgotten how much fun a convertible is! And yes, if anyone asks, I dub it my midlife crisis car -- I deserve it! :)

    Nats, I wonder if you have your HDL and LDL reversed, because an HDL of 140 and LDL of 62 would be more what you want than the reverse... LDL is the "bad" and you want the number low, and HDL is the "good" and you want the number high.  If you had an LDL of 62 that would be great!

    Blue herons are one of my favorite birds.  I always take it as a good sign when I see one -- my own personal superstition, I guess :)

    Can you tell I don't really want to do this drive today?  Tongue out  Well, definitely time to go, so have a great day, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    When I went in for my first regular checkup with my GP (whom I love) post chemo & he commented my cholestrol was up, I quite hystercially screamed, 'DUH, I've been living on MASHED POTATOS covered with BUTTER and MELTED CHEESE (the only thing besides really hot, spicy Mexican food that appealed to me) this has not been my main focus lately!!!!!" Luckily he is a calm man & said yes, that was to be expected, but now it was time to get back to work on this end of the health equation.

    Before it gets too hot, (like right now) I am going to go outside & clean windows, sweep the cobwebs off around the house, sweep off the deck and scrub down the picnic table. I think I'll do toning this afternoon as it's suppose to be in the 90s and humid today.

    Sounds like everyone is doing fun holiday things. We always have a bunch of friends over & have a big pot luck picnic in the backyard. Visit, play crocket & other lawn games, then go watch the fireworks at night. It is always a very nice, fun, reconnecting day.

    Much Love and Tartiness to You All Kiss! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Duh, of course I reversed my numbers - I never can get that LDL and HDL thing straight.  I had a 62 HDL and a 140 LDL.  Frown

    We're off to the cabin for the weekend.  We're celebrating the Fourth by going to two baseball games that day - we'll drive to DC to take in the Nats v. Mets during the day, then we're back out to Western Maryland to see the Low-A Hagerstown Suns that night (complete with fireworks after the game).  Hagerstown is only about 20 minutes from the cabin, so we'll be ready for a good night's sleep after our day.  Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but heaven for me!  Laughing 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2010

    Well I am off to the gym I think I will try the eliptical for a change this morning.

    Happy 4th  of July to my American Tarts remember now don't eat too much Barbecue meat. Eat the salads first. ((YYaahh RRight)))

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    potato salad, oreo cookie salad, crab salad, pistachio pudding salad, macaroni salad........

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    now, now ruth - think of your GP and be good!

    Getting off work in about an hour so will drop DS home and go out to walk.  Maybe will get to washing the car for upper body workout as well.  Water aerobics class did good workout with water weights last evening and I can adapt that to dry land as well as I think increasing my weight workouts has started the ounces to coming off again.

    Great discussions about the LDL/HDL levels.  I have 3 months before my next check so hopefully I can get my HDL levels up by then.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    I forgot to add (because it is just part of my routine) that I do take some extra niacin each day, which increases the HDLs. When my numbers hadn't come back good after treatment, my doctor said I could try that instead of a statin (which I did NOT want to do), so exercise and niacin is what has worked for me. Swept off the cobwebs, carefully in case one of Mary's spider friends was lurking about. Now I'm doing windows (which is why I'm checking in now......avoidance!)