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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Sending up a quick prayer! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    (((hugs and prayers))) Elizabeth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Thinking about you Elizabeth.

    Way to go, Ruth - didn't yell at the instructor - good for you!

    Did 1 hour water aerobics class and logged 1.5 miles on pedometer for the day. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    very nice day here so also walked for 30 minutes before supper

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth hope everything went well for Bill today, you're in my prayers.  Did Body Combat class tonight, think I have to get new shoes again it's been 4 months and tonight my feet were burning.  patoo my water aerobics class starts on wednesday and I'm sooooooo excited - hope I can drag myself out of bed to get to the class on time as I'm not much of a morning girl these daysSurprised. Ruth you are such a good girl working out when you are technically on vacation.  We are also missing Nats, she hasn't been around for over a week, hope everything is okay - Nats if you are reading please check in, we miss you.  Have a great evening everyone.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Update on Bill. Bill is in icu. The surgery was suppose to be an hour it was three hours long. The artery was really difficult to get into and had a hard time handling the stress so they had to put in a pacemaker along with 4 stents. He has been in a lot of pain and they are doing there best to make him comfortable. They are thinking maybe Wednesday he can go home if they can get the pain done and remove the pacemaker without complications but it has to stay in him for 24 hours.

    thanks again,,,,no exercise for me. heading to bed it will be another long day at the hospital tomorrow,

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth~I am keeping you and Bill in my prayers!

     Just did some weighs last night....but off for a walk this morning!  Then to my computer class! 



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Warm hug, Elizabeth, and continued good thoughts and prayers for Bill & everyone.  Those surgeries can be so hard on a person... but it sounds like you've got a good team working for him and they're staying on top of things.  I'm sure they'll get that pain under control soon... warm hug to you all.

    Send some good weather our way, it's been very humid & in the 80's and 90's for most of the last 6 weeks (well above normal), and for the last 3 weeks we've had rain or storms several times a week... Sunday night two waves of severe storms went through, last night there were at least 5 waves of storms, lasted all night, complete with almost non-stop thunder and lightening! Tornados but not too nearby.  Even my cat got tired of it and hid under the bed!  Anyway,not to be a wimp, but I AM a wimp, I'm tired from two nights of rough sleep, so I'll do the best I can to stay on my feet today but that's all the exercise I'll probably get!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Thanks for the update Ebann, prayes for Bill and continued progress. We have another heatwave here and I feel quite drained, am goin to the gym later this evening when (if) it cools down a bit. Finally got to see my physiotherapist yesterday, she was really kind and didn't laugh and said to stick to stretches for a fortnight not to bother with strength just yet. I will be a flexi-tart in two weeks!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Hope Bill is feeling better! When I have to sit with someone at a hospital, any time they are doing something where they want the family out of the room, I go walk the halls or climb up and down the stairs or if there is a safe tunnel to a parking garage I go walk and walk (then you can  have your cellphone on and they can call you when they want you back), it's a good stress reliever plus moving is good anytime! We had a big thunderstorm about 4am and it was still stormy looking this morning so I walked 45 minutes but stayed close enough to home where I could have gotten in quickly if it had decided to pour down. Also I did 30 minutes of 'Rock Solid Buns'. Remember if you are exercising outside in humid weather to drink, drink, drink water and slow down the pace a little. Cheryl, go buy those new shoes! We must protect the feet! I love summer for many reasons, one of them being that I can make exercise a priority instead of just squeezing it in amongst other 'stuff'. Book Club tonight; so I will be forced to drink wine, nibble appetizers and eat some sort of high calorie dessert. Poor Me! Laughing
  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Ruth I think I got kicked out of book club!  Seriously I think I couldn't make it a few times because of treatments or appts. and I never get a notice when they are meeting.....oh well! enjoy your wine... I am headed out for a walk!


  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited June 2010

    Hi everyone! 

    I would like to join you.  All winter I looked at this thread and didn't join because I was doing nothing but going to work and coming home to sit on my you know what.  Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I rejoined the gym and  I have been going everyday with my daughter.  I also have restarted my yoga stretches.  I feel so much better and so grateful to God for giving me this motivation.  I do about 2 miles a day on the treadmill.  So, I look forward to getting to know you all and supporting each other!! 


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    Thinking of you, EBAnn, Bill, and all your family.  Hoping they get the pain under control, and he can go home.  It's always better to recuperate at home.

    I'm keeping up with dog training, but not doing much else that is active.  The AC is broken in the wing where I work, so I am probably sweating off some weight :)  

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Thanks ebann for the update and hoping Bill is getting stronger and is comfortable.  Also hoping he can go home soon as that will be good for both of you.

    Welcome, lovemyfamily - the more the merrier.  You have already learned that you start to feel better within only a couple weeks of exercise so keep up the good work.  It's nice that your DD goes along with you.  I can't get my DS out of his room other than to go to work! (yeah, I know that's a good thing).

    Came home from work and did a 2 mile LS DVD before a meeting.  Then left the meeting immediately at end forsaking the dining room table with goodies.   So mileage today 2.6. 

    Hello to all my Sculpted tartlets.  Keep it up (or the voices get louder)

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    Welcome lovemyfamilysomuch!!!  I yoga stretches... 

    Walked tonight and did some weights.  



  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2010

    I meant I love yoga stretches...silly me



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Ellen!! This is an awesome and fun thread, and we like to have more people joining us in the 'fun' (and it is fun because the more you do, the better you feel and look, and the healthier you are physically and emotionally). I did not foresake the goodies tonight so will have to turn over a new leaf tomorrow......Hope they get your AC fixed Retriever, that is miserable. I think about people in the olden days when everyone worked outside all the time and cooked over big hot fireplaces, and did everything by hand, no AC invented; I don't suppose any of us would have lasted very long! Night All! Ruth

  • Dovehome
    Dovehome Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2010

    first time in this thread. I did about 22 minutes on stationary bike tonight.  Does standing in kitchen for an hour prepping vegs count?  :)  This weekend I'm going to start a trial week at the gym to go swimming and see how it goes.  I work a very stressful job and at the end of each day I'm exhausted  and hoping I can get in a couple days at gym and still do bike each day.

    Reading some posts, you all are doing great!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Dovehome.  Actually since you have a stressful job, exercise is the best thing you can do.  It releases (endorphins?) something that helps to calm you.  I think it's really just about doing something for yourself and it gets to be fun (well, at least the voices tell you that!) especially if you get to do some classes at the gym.

    Come often.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Welcome Dove. Patoo is right, you will feel more refreshed if you do exercise. Maybe the vegetable chopping could count as an upper body workout under the heading of 'Slice and Sculpt' Wink.
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Ellen and Dove, it's lovely to have you join the "Terrific Tarts" of this thread. Elizabeth I can imagine you were worried out of your mind about Bill when the surgery went from 1 hour to 3 now he needs to rest and heal, and remember to take care of yourself. Well tonight I did an hour of Step and then stayed for half an hour of the cardio dance class. Ruth last night I went online to Kohls to get new shoes - you guessed it the kind that I have, they no longer stock, typical!!! I'll do some retail therapy this weekend and see if I can find them, first time I've been able to wear Nikes and they have really served me well lovely and comfy, I also have East Spirits and Avias but I'm really partial to these Nikes (that's why I've worn them out). Hope you had something lovely and decadent at book club tonightSurprised.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    I am back to dragging my butt again ladies but I am going regularly even if its just 30min on a machine.  Welcome to the newcomers  these ladies will inspire you to get fit.Do any of us look like this?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Not even in my wildest dreams do I, or have I ever, looked like that!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Okay at the gym that I go to there are girls that look like that and can do that - I am not one of them, besides that I have started using the excuse in class "hey are you trying to kill an old lady"Wink.  Okay so part 1 of my day, I did a water aerobics class this morning, used to do this 10 years ago, I got into the pool and the instructor came up and said to me "haven't you been here before?" wow either she's got a really good memory or I haven't changed from 50 to 60 (except for the snow white hair)Sealed.  I was so paranoid about not waking up on time that I didn't go to sleep until 4.30am, so I'm operating on 1-1/2 hours sleep, I know I'm going to crash this afternoon, fortunately I can turn the light off in my office and take a nap - the up side of being self-employed.


  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2010

    Mumayan...yeah, right!  Ha ha ha!  

    I'm fired up about exercising again.  I saw the med. onc. on Monday and she was really letting me know that I could have some fun and games with Arimidex.  That being said, I felt like I had a game plan.  Right before I was dx'd I lost about 20 pounds.  I could stand to lose another 10 or so, but haven't because of rads, etc.  I just want as much body fat out of here as possible-I hit menopause at 41, have had less than 5 readings of estradiol in my bloods since then, but still wound up with this and weak bones to boot.  

    I'm encouraged that if I need to, it looks like Zometa infusions have the benefit of bone building and cancer protection.  But more than ever I want to try to keep healthy.  I had been spinning a great deal, but I'm now going back to my walking/hiking regime.  I have a bad knee (surgery last year at this time) but I'm determined!  

    I did get good news on my vit D levels, they were pretty good no additional supplements necessary.  

    Did I say I was determined...ha!  I just want to be as healthy as I possibly can to deal with SE of Arimidex.  I have to admit I'm pretty nervous about taking it.

    Keep up the good work Tarty Ones!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Hi Ladies - I've missed a week, but not on purpose. I had what was probably a venomous spider bite - it went really really bad really really fast, and I've been in the hospital hooked up to IV antibiotics for the last 6 days!  Surprised  But the weird thing is I felt perfectly fine with no fever or pain.  So, I figured out a "hiking trail" that started in my med/surg ward, rounded through the new orthopedic wing, then looped around the Intermediate Care Unit, then from there back to my room - 500 steps.  I tried to do three of those at least 3 times a day, so I think 4500 steps a day dragging an IV counts for something! Innocent  The nice part is that early on they thought it was MRSA, so I got moved into an isolation private room with two large windows and a beautiful view (everyone had to gown and glove up before coming in the room), but once the MRSA came back negative and the isolation was removed, they still let me keep the room.  I've also become a soccer fan - I had a lot of time to watch the World Cup.

    So much news to catch up on.  Welcome back Ruth!  Sounds like a wonderful time, and that you did get in a lot of exercise.  And that is a nice new avatar - is that the dress you wore to the wedding?  Hooray on finishing rads, Retriever. Now you can start building up again without being zapped anymore.  Dazd - great on the power cleaning idea - there really are creative ways to get exercise out of almost anything if we think about it. Cheryl - sounds like you've kept busy.  I've also noticed in classes I've taken that everyone settles into "their" spot and it really is disconcerting to find someone's taken "your" spot - really weird when you think about it. Elizabeth - sounds like Bill had a rough time of it in OR - I hope he gets to come home soon - I was reminded again this past week that hospitals are not nice places to be either for patients or families.  You must be exhausted.  Nature - you are getting the storms, aren't you?  I went to college in Iowa for a year, and I can remember huge storms that just seemed to go all night.  Hymil - congrats on England advancing in the World Cup - I was flipping between that game and the US game this morning. Welcome Ellen and Dove!  This is a fun group.  Mum - where did you get my picture??  Tongue out

    Great to be back - I missed you ladies!!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Kim, I have been arimidex for almost 3 years with hardly any SE; some hot flashes at the beginning which leveled off and just a little creaky, which exercise really helps! I have 4 friends in my little town on arimidex, none of whom have had horrible SE; so think good thoughts (I think people who talk about it alot are those with SE, everyone else is just going about living their lives). Did 45 toning & 30 minute walk today. Cheryl, hope you got your nap, I slept crummy too, possibly because of all the food I ate in the evening?! What Nikes do you like? I always get Nike Pegasis, anytime I buy a different shoe, I am not happy & go back to it. My DS is going camping in a few weeks so set up his tent in the backyard, so I'm going out for an inspection! Later! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Mary, we  must have been posting at the same time. Yikes! That was not a fun week for you. My DH ended up in the hospital for a week with a bacterical infection in his knee a couple years ago. They thought it was MURSA too (which, thank goodness it wasn't); so he had all the gowned, masked people, IVs etc. also. Glad you didn't feel horrible, and that you could keep up your tartly treks! Yes, that is the dress I wore to the wedding. Stay away from spiders!!! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Hi Tart Sisters, Bill is home and is weak and not comfortable. They gave him all kinds of rules exercise and eating right. Which he does not. I asked him today what he had for lunch cause I was gone and had to take my mother to PT and he said he had ice cream and a banana. I pray that he takes this seriously. You would think after going through this you would be serious about making good choices. My mother is going to do her best in helping him out. He will return to work in ten days. He actually took time off. He has a stressful job he is a Director of three hospitals. He works long hours and just does not know how to take breaks. Anyway's those are my concerns. I am back on the road to exercise starting tomorrow. I do get weighed in on Friday. Hoping that I still have weight lose and inches come off. Did pretty good with my food choices. A little over on the carbs. Carbs are everywhere you go to eat. Amazing when I see it. Carbs can be good and I eat them everyday but there is an amount to take in. Well thank you everyone for caring and thinking about Bill. Greatly appreciate it. I will catch up with everyone tomorrow. ;0)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Glad Bill is home; he must be feeling better if he is being crabby and uncooperative! Your mom will have to crack the whip on him. Men are rotten patients in general, I think. I want to eat a big piece of the cake that my DS girlfriend brought over to the house (she who probably weighs 100 pounds soaking wet!), but am trying valiantly to resist! She also brought over a plate of chocolate chips cookies (of which I've eaten two), this relationship may be a problem for me!!!