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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    I hear you on the avoidance.  Washed the car which raised my heartbeat so came in to "relax" for a bit.  Need to go to grocery store so that may be it for exercise today - we'll see.

    Thanks for the tip about niacin.  I'll check into it.  Unfortunately neither my PCP nor my med onc seen to be up on supplements.  As far as they are concerned, if my report says I'm in the normal range that's all they care about. 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited July 2010

    Had a great morning dog training with a friend, tho my main trainee was lousy.  This friend inspires me to move briskly and really works on speed with her dogs.  Afterwards, we had healthy salads.  The temps are in the 90s here, and I think we will hit the 100 mark soon.  We usually have an over 100, dry spell in July.  Can't get out in the garden to weed until evening.  Big chorus of "but it's a dry heat," and no telling me how much hotter it is in Arizona!

    Really feeling fatigue, I suppose left-over from rads, so I'm patting myself on the back for maintaining the dog work every day.  Sunday, my DS said "you're going for a walk?"  He is amazed.  Happy Fourth, Canada Day, and Go Germany!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Cleaned most of the day, walked over & visited my dad, then 45 minutes lower body sculpt. Just took a lovely cool shower, and plan to do ZERO else tonight (unless my DH comes home and wants supper, in that case we will be going out to eat Laughing)!! Patoo, if you do the niacin, you will want to do the 'Slo Release' not 'flush free', as flush free doesn't work as well. And it is something you should check out with your doctor & have monitored to see if it's actually working, and/or if you need to adjust a dose etc. I don't think most oncologists know anything about supplements at all, and I'm the one who researched and suggested the niacin to my GP. Night All! Ruth

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    What a day! I got back to the gym this evening for my 350-400 calories, tonight I have decided to bore you with the gory details of this mysterious treatment. Here's how it breaks down in a typical go: Bike set to level 9/20 12-15 minutes, 120 cals which is usually about 6km. Stepper at level 5 now for around ten minutes which takes me the equvalent hieght to the Leaning Tower of Pisa using about maybe 50-60 calories in the process, then row about 10 minutes set to level 6 at about 30-33 strokes per minute, using aobut another 100 cals and covering typically 2.5km. Interspersed with a few breathing-respite activities that look like they should be strengthening my legs but really im just pushing very gently while i get my breath back! Session is rounded up on the treadmill with whatever is left of my energy, i might get five minuites at 9km/hr after a one minute starter, and after another minute at walking pace 5km/hr to breath i might then do a few more minutes at speed to get to 100 cals here too, or i might just collapse! Today was up to 2km because I was watching Ghana score in the first half and didnt realise how long i had been walking! Garnish with some stretches and deduct two calories for the bottle of water!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Okay so a light day with car wash, walking around the grocery store (logged 1.2 miles today) and just did 15 mins upper body weights. 

    Hanging with a friend tomorrow so will probably get in some walking although it will be stop and go. 

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Walked for 45 minutes right away when I got  this morning (as it was already 86 degrees!), then did a nice, gentle 30 min. pilates DVD. Now am running around like a maniac doing errands. If I don't get back on......have a wonderful 4th! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Actually got to 9am water aerobics class so did that for one hour.  Then walked with a friend but that was stop and go in and out of antique and other stores so only logged 1.9 miles today.  No plans for tomorrow so will try to get to gym and do some walking (maybe because it's supposed to be in high 90's tomorrow).

    Have a great 4th all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Got to gym and did about 45 mins running/upper/lower body exercises in water.  I say 45 mins but it could have been more, definitely not less.  The wall clock I was initially watching seemed to be moving very slowly - ha, it was - it wasn't working at all, so I was checking to see how much time I had worked against a broken clock!  Okay, so I'm a little slow.

    Also logged 1.8 miles in church and at the store. 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Happy 4th Tartlet Sisters!!

    Workout this morning w/ Jim. Again a great workout. Always can count on Jim. I decided to do it twice a week w/ Jim instead of once a week. I think I will see more improvement then. Have a wonderful firework day!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Happy Belated Canada Day to our Canadian sisters. Hope everyone had a fabulous 4th, I went to a party up in Los Angeles where they had the Taco Truck come it was fantastic then came home and had a neighbor drive us half way to the beach and we walked the last mile to the pier to watch fireworks with like a million people but we had bought tickets to sit on the pier as my friend is here from the UK so I though that would be a nice treat then we walked home, it was a great day.

    On Saturday morning I did Body Combat and there were two young girls who came in, it was their first class they got in the front row directly in front of me and then proceeded to talk to each other and not pay attention to Dave at all and he tried his hardest to reign them in but after a while he gave up and he is fabulous at nurturing new people, I think he figured they'd never come back so why bother. One of them almost kicked me in the face as we were supposed to be swooping forward (which I did) but she kicked backwards and we almost collided, I came out of there mumbling under my breath so I think I am now officially an old curmudgeon uuggghhhh!!!!! Then yesterday I did Body Step class worked extra hard so I could eat. Now I am off to spend some time in the garden. Have a great day eveyone.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Well got down working out with Marie. Her class was awesome and what a workout. It is called pure step strength. I am going to feel it that is for sure. I never sweat so much. Found out she teaches 3 other classes was excited about that. So I will be using her more as well. Really getting this routine down. Love it! Hope you all had a great 4th of July. I was so tempted to have some margaritas and said no...though would of worked them off after  today's workout.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    HI Girls! 

    I'm back from Lake Tahoe...didn't get in as much exercise as I would have was a zoo there with about 8 million people.  I thought about all of you and laughed...the name of the transist buses they have in the area are called TARTs...Tahoe Area Rapid Transist...and they are anything but rapid...

    We have a home up there, so we just stayed put and watched the fireworks, etc .  The weather was beautiful, fresh and clean.  I'm headed back up there in about a week, gonna bring my bottle o'Arimidex with me and commence Arimidexing up there.  

    Cheryl, I don't blame you for curmudgeoning...GEEZE!  I'll bet you showed them a thing or two in class though.  Ruth, what in the world is an Oreo salad...I have to see this...I think I'll google it.  FUNNEE.  Patoo I laughed too thinking of you in church adding 1.8 miles...heh heh Wink  

    OK my husband is out watering our garden.  One of these days I'll have to tell you about my vegetable garden and all the great stuff I have growing out there.  In the meantime...Keep working it Tarts! (and I don't mean rapid transist either...)


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Kim, what did  you think I meant - that I walked around - outside! - the church for 1.8 miles?  LOL

    Our praise and worship is about 45 minutes before service and I get up front and just move about praising the Lord.  It's really a good time of exercise as well with arms and feet moving.  Now if I had the chutzpah to add weights to my wrists or ankles - don't think my pastor would be amused.

    Been procrastinating all day today and trying to decide to go for a walk but it's still in the high 90's out there.  So walking in that would be a double dose of exercise, right?  Maybe walk over to the post office and drop off 2 cards.  That's only about 1/2 mile round trip but at least it's something in this heat.

    Later.  Hope all are enjoying themselves whatever you are doing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Patoo, if you added weights at church you could call it 'Spiritual Sculpt'! Kim, some of us tarts probably fit the 'anything but rapid' catergory too!Tongue out We had a fun 4th. The weather had been hot & humid but broke just in time so we had a lovely day in the lower 80s. We had about 20 people over for a picinic, all good friends & a very congenial group. So a really, really nice day. I ate like a maniac all day (I think some of it is 'stress eating', as I have a 6th month recheck the 12th & you all know how crazy, freaked out that makes a person!!!!!!!). I walked 45 minutes today & did an hour's worth of FIRM sculpting DVDs. Tomorrow my Book Club ladies & I leave early for our annual summer outing. We are going to go to the lake cabin of one of the gals; just one overnight, coming home late Wednesday. Some of us will no doubt walk Wed. morning, so I will at least have a short pause in the eating activities. Oh, an Oreo Salad has  crushed up oreos & vanilla pudding & cool whip......a salad in name only! Much love to you all! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Did a Body Combat class tonight and worked really hard as Eduardo insisted we all work off what we ate and drank yesterday, well I don't fit in the drank category but I ate and then ate some more. 

    Kim that is funny about the TARTs, see we follow you everywhere.  I know I was terrified when I took my first Femara I had read all of the blogs and scared myself silly, but I've been taking it for 20 months with little or no side effects and I think the exercise really helps, Patoo it sure has been hot in your neck of the woods so maybe laying on the couch fanning yourself can be your exercise today.  Have fun on your girls trip Ruth it sounds like fun.  Goodnight all.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Patoo Yes I was visualising you and jealous of your huge church... :)

    Yesterday was an evening run, but not too good as I was tired to start with; today I did a better session at the gym. My physiotherapist is very pleased today and has given me some easier stretches to contiunue with, so no more chest/boob sculpting for a while! Have definitely decided to keep my best aspect behind me so those who pass me and go Wow what was that? and turn for a second look, will get a bonus.  Just in case anyon ever does...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Cheryl - I hear you being a curmudgeon.  Remember the song from Bye Bye Birdie - "Kids!  I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!"  I find myself muttering that song more and more these days!Tongue out  Ebann - you're a better woman than I - I can NEVER say "no" to margaritas!  Dazed - now I have to get back to Tahoe just to ride that bus.  Ruth - laughing about the Oreo "salad" - yum!!  Patoo - like the idea of the spiritual weights - maybe you could start a trend for a healthier congregation!  Laughing

    We had a great long weekend at the cabin - did some puttering and did get to our two baseball games on the 4th, but the rest of the time we relaxed and got in some serious hammock time.  Good news - I saw my onc on Friday, and since everything is going well, she said I could now come back every 4 months instead of every 3.  Woohoo - you take these small victories as you get them.  She does want me to get a dexa scan now after 2 years on Femara, so we'll see how my bone density is.  I managed to do my entire 2.25 mile normal walk this morning - the first time I've been able to do that since the Great Spider Bite Incident. Another small victory!

    It's 100+ degrees here.  We have a Nats game tonight - I think we're truly crazy for going out in this heat . . .  

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Whew - hot here.  Hope there's some breeze at the Nats game.  Never did get out to walk yesterday.  Did something better - got in my car and drove over to Dairy Queen and bought my DS and I ice cream sundaes.  Spoon to mouth is exercise!

    Went to gym after work tonight and did 60 min water aerobics class and then ran another 30 mins in pool.  Will do some more weights before bed - promise!

    Night all.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Had a good day. Worked out this morning at the gym. Took a class & it was very good. Did a lot of resistance. That was an hour then I rode the bike for 30 mins.  Was thinking maybe after I  reach my goal and lose all this weight and sculp my body. I will become a exercise instructor. I really enjoy exercise and it would be very rewarding to help other people reach their goals. We will see if I still feel that way in another 6 months. Well off to bed. Have a good night everyone.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Did Body Step class tonight, new routine introduction tonight so it was very challenging but a good workout.  Zumba classes started at my gym tonight after step but I didn't stay as I had to do some shopping for my friend who is taking care of her bedridden partner and so she is now completely housebound.  

    Patoo hopefully I'll make my water class in the morning, you are my inspiration.  Nats I loved Bye Bye Birdie, you know I get along with all the young girls in the classes but these two just got in my craw, I think it was the disrespect they were showing not paying attention and yabbering away, we'll see if they show up for Eduardos class tomorrow night, he'll give them what for.  Hope you had fun at the sweltering ball game tonight.  Elizabeth I see you're becoming a gym rat - you go girl.  Goodnight tarts, see you tomorrow.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    It's early morning...yawwwnnnn....and I'm coffee-ing up getting ready for spin.  Wanted to check in with my favorite group and see what the exercise scene was like.  

    Patoo, I'll bet the DQ ice cream melted before it got to your mouth.  Hey, I went to church one time in Camden New Jersey.  A woman I worked with in Cherry Hill (I lived in San Diego, but was in Cherry Hill for a visit to the head office) invitied me to go with her since I got in on a Saturday.  It was so much fun and the church was like yours...a long praise service to start with great gospel singers.  Then she took me to my first diner...I had never been to one before.  She was the best!  I can totally see getting a workout in church.  We have nice hymns in our church, but they don't cut loose too often.  I'm always the loudest, off key, singer...I love music.

    I need to change up my workout routing after reading about all of yours.  I admire all of you for working out in the blistering heat.  In Northern California, our weather is pretty mild and nice.  Very lucky.  Nats, I'm so glad to hear you are healing so well.  And Elizabeth, you are sticking with the program so religiously...that is great.  Yes, you will see a big change in 6 months because you WILL stick with it.  Hymil, that is right, people will see you pass by and go WOW who was that ;)  Ruth, why, oh why did I ask about Oreo salad!  Mmmmmm how will I not attempt to make that as a healthy alternative (ha ha!)  

    Today is spin in just a few minutes, then a "osteo" workout.  I think my new friend Arimidex is supposed to arrive in the mail today as well.  Yesterday I jumped on the treadmill for about 35 mins and did a light jog and got in some upper body weights and stretches.  Diet has been so-so, I need to clean up my act...story of my life!

    Hope you guys all have a great day. 

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    I am getting a few odd looks, not because of my stunning beauty or figure (ahem heavy sarcasm here) but now that i'm showing my face at work occasionally...looking for my department, the builders have been in big time since i left... so I'm pre-empting them with a line from the Dumbest Thing People Said thread - I'm telling people, Hi Ignore the rumours, i didn't die!

    Gym tonight: my gym buddy has been at the flicks this afternoon, so i will be trying to concentrate on cycling and jogging (and staying alive!) against the dual distractions of the best lines from Shrek-4 and the best saves from the Football.  If I fall over, it's with laughing Ok not because i can't work a humble treadmill.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Hi Ladies - great Nats game last night - walk off homer for the Nats in the bottom of the 9th. (For you non-baseball people, that means that during the very last chance to score for my home team, the Washington Nationals, one of our players hit the ball out of the ballpark, scoring the winning point.)  Very exciting!

    Since we didn't get to bed till close to midnight, I opted to skip my morning walk in favor of an extra hour's sleep this morning.  But I will work out after work.  100+ degrees again today in DC, and of course the a/c at my workplace has been broken since yesterday. Fortunately it's a very casual workplace, so shorts, t-shirts and flipflops are considered perfectly acceptable attire in the summer.   I have my fan going and am downing water by the gallon!

    Hymil - agreed that sometimes the best defense against stupid remarks is being pre-emptive - it just defuses the situation for all concerned.  Patoo - DQ - yummmmmmmmmmmm! Dazd - my diet is my downfall too - I enjoy exercising and am pretty consistent about it, but resisting bad eating is a whole 'nother story.  Tongue out

    Stay cool everyone! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    I'm baaaack!  I just can not believe the heat out there!!!  Thought I would get refreshed by jumping in the pool and was shocked to find that it is 94 degrees!!  I don't think that I will be refreshed and am hoping that I will be able to excercise in it and not keel over by heat exhaustion in the pool!!!

    Glad to see that everyone is still keeping at their preferred programs.  I was able to keep up with the walking and actually went to a water aerobics class while we were at the trailer and went to an outdoor dance and did a few line dances (enough to feel the burn!!).

    Am heading out now to run in the pool and try out some of the new moves I learnt while away!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Had dental work today and feeling under the weather.  Most I would want to do is walk outside but it's still too hot so will take off today and try and double up tomorrow (or at least do extra).

    Going to pop some advil and climb into bed.  Night Sculpted sisters.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited July 2010

    DS went with me on my walk yesterday evening, once it cooled down.  Did some time on the total gym tonight and may still go out and walk.  Dog trained this morning, but I had my pedometer on and found out I do not walk nearly as much as I thought. 

    I had a shock this afternoon when I got a work-wide email saying a former employee I'd known quite well but hadn't seen in a couple of years was diagnosed with BC 3 mos ago and passed away over the 4th.  I have been feeling really bad about not knowing and trying to find out what the arrangements will be.

    I am a loud singer in church, too, but I switched churches and find myself floundering to follow along.  The spirit is willing, but I can't read music!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Did two classes today, this morning went to the aquacise class and then tonight Body Combat, woohoo.  Dazed I'm a great exerciser but my diet lately has been lousy as my friend is here from the UK and he likes to barbeque, the day after he arrives we're off to Costco for meat and he cooks dinner while I'm at the gym so I can't complain but boy am I sick of meat.  Welcome back Mary Louise glad you were able to keep up while you were away.  Sorry you're not feeling great Patoo hopefully by tomorrow you be up and at em again.  Goodnight all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    It's official: I'm changing my name from NatureGrrl to BadGrrl. Haven't exercised at all in a week. BAD!!!!!  I was pretty tired most of the week but still.  I didn't even TRY to exercise.  Very bad.

    As penance, I've printed this quote out for my bathroom mirror to hopefully remind me what I need to do, and thought some of you might appreciate it:

    "We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."  Aristotle.

    You all are excellent exercisers!  Shame on me, and thank you for being such good role models.

    Patoo, ow!!  I hate dental work!  Feel better fast!  Mary Louise, good for you for your exercise, and yeah, doesn't it seem unreal that it can be too hot to swim?  I spent a summer in Dallas like that.  Awful heat and the pools were too warm to swim except late at night. If you swam during the day you still roasted (boiled?).  Who'da thunk.  Cheryl, I know what you mean about getting sick of meat... can you sneak some good summer veggies on the grill?  Nats, that must've been a great game, that's what the fans love, isn't it!?  hymil, you always make me smile, I love your "preemptive strike" with your comment!  and retriever, I'm sorry about your colleague.  Considering that someone is diagnosed every 3 minutes with bc, I'm surprised everyone doesn't have it.   Sigh.

    OK, BadGrrl signing off.   It's actually cooled off here a bit so I'm going to the woods and walking for 30 minutes, no excuses.... hope the mosquitoes don't carry me off.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Hello All! Just got back from my little 'Book Club Retreat at the Lake"; lots of eating reading, game playing, talking, laughing etc. got some good walking in too. We've had a nice stretch of nice, refreshing weather that I will try to send east. Drink lots of water all you hot chicks!! And spray yourself with bug spray if you are walking someplace 'buggy'. If we are what we repeatedly do, then, at the moment, I am a very large piece of chocolate....or a giant french fry......or a vat of coffee........later. Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Did not exercise yesterday. Jim says to at least take 2 days off if you are exercising 5 days a week. So that was one of my days. Today I rode the bike for an hour. Felt good after my subway mayo or dressing on it. It was good. Everyone sounds like they are doing great with there workouts.

    Naturegirl we all have moments like that no big deal. Just get up and move foreward.

    Retrievermom sorry about the loss. Never easy to see one of us go.

    Ruth sounds like you had a great time at your retreat.

    Pattoo sorry to hear about your tooth. Hopefully you will feel better soon.