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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2010

    Bike ride today and some yoga and weights tonight....Kettlebell class in the morning


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Hi all.  Tooth is a little better today.  Have temp crown after root canal.  It's my fault for neglecting my teeth for years so I've started now to get them all taken care of.  That will probably take a couple of years to complete, and several thousand dollars (and that's after my dental insurance!)  I'm the biggest baby and actually have to have novocaine to get my teeth cleaned (and if I ever find another dentist that still uses nitrous oxide I just may switch!)

    Anyway, did aquacise class this evening = 60 mins then ran an additional 30 mins in the water. 

    Night all.

    (edited darn typos!)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Tonight did the Zumba class I got a bit of a sweat going, not a combat sweat but it was fun.  After class packed my clothes (and laptop) as for the next four days I am dog sitting for a friend of a friend in Newport Beach and when I got here there was a lovely note and a wad of cash, I knew they were going to pay me but they left me twice as much as I thought I was getting woohoo, oh and the dogs are lovely, they are curled up on the couch with me.

    Sounds like you had a fun time Ruth, you're on vacation so chocolate, cookies and cake are considered free food, well in my world that is the caseWink  I'm glad you are feeling better Patoo, you can be our "Tooth Fairy Tart"Sealed.  Elizabeth I love Subway sandwiches and usually have them for saturday lunch, I don't like mayo but I have to have the sweet onion sauce yumm.  Careful with those kettlebells Balsie.  Retrievermom I am sorry to hear of your work colleague.  Hey Nature one foot in front of the other and one day at a time you'll get back on the wagon and we're all here to help you up.  Night all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Cheryl - you're spending 4 days in Newport with adorable dogs and they're paying you too???  Good job!! Laughing  Nature - up and at 'em!!  Patoo - I also had let my teeth go - I was a tad busy with b/c and the dentist was waaaaay at the bottom of the priority list.  I finally got back on the health wagon this spring and made all those appointments I'd neglected for the last couple of years - dentist, eye doctor, colonoscopy, well woman exam with my gyn, and a full physical with my PCP.  Good luck with all your dental treatments - I hate that drilling sound even when I'm all numbed up - ick.  Retriever - I'm so sorry about your co-worker.  It hurts to lose any one of us.

    Yesterday was the first time I was able to do a full 45 minutes on the elliptical since being in the hospital - I'm still not back to my normal speed and resistance, but at least I've got the duration back. And I've been dutifully walking every morning, but even at 6:30am it's so hot and nasty and humid that I'm soaked when I get home and ready for a nice cool shower.  A front should be moving through this afternoon and tomorrow with rain and cooler weather on Sunday - is that a present you sent East, Ruth? Smile

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2010

    Did you say drink alot of Beer? Just kidding Ruth but it sounds more fun than water. I have been exercising in the swimming pool all week because it has been so hot here in Toronto.Badgirl I know all about the mosquito problems.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Yes, I am working on sending that cold front east Wink. If anyone has about an inch of rain to spare, they could send it here 'cause we are getting dry.  Drink beer with a water chaser......or water with a beer chaser, your preference! I need to do some toning today.....not at all in the mood......but now that I've typed it, I will have to do it. Later ladies!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Did an old FIRM tape called "Total Sculpt plus Abs", (60 minutes long) so I have covered all my bases for the day! The tape was soooo old that it snapped apart as I was ejecting it!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010
    Anyone who checks in before 5 eastern time today - please kick my butt! I really don't feel like working out after work today and I need a good smacking around to inspire me.  I'm just not hearing the voices today for some reason.  Frown
  • bichonlvr03
    bichonlvr03 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2010

    I'm new to this thread but really like the concept.  I've been on tamoxifen for a little over three months now and am too readily blaming my weight gain on it!  I need to exercise not just for weight control but also to relieve mild depression.  Posting keeps you accountable.

     NatsFan - get up and exercise!  Go for a walk on a nice summer evening or hit the gym!  You'll feel better physically and mentally!  Then come back here and report on what you did.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Mary - PUT YOUR SHOES ON AND GO FOR A WALK - is that good enoughSurprised (you really need Ruth as she carries a big stick and she has that teacher voice) okay now pretend you're at the Anaheim Convention Center (it is massive 3 halls) and this weekend is it totally all decked out for Fanfest in anticipation of the all-star game, our news shows have been there all week as it's being set up and I know if you were in town that is exactly where you would be.  I took the dogs for a mile long walk this morning before work and did lots of oohhing and ahhing at the gorgeous houses.

    Welcome Bichonlvr03 you're right if you exercise it blows the cobwebs from the corner of your mind, I sometimes feel silly for posting every day as I'm on a schedule and do the same classes day in and day out but I go and do them so I feel good.


    PS The people I'm minding the dogs for even left me a gas card as they know I'm going to go to the gym on saturday and sunday so they're paying for my inconvenience!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Cheryl, I would also be available as a dog sitter for your friends!! O.K. Mary, get out there and do something or else NO BEER for you at the next baseball game Surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Bichon.....this is a great thread and will keep you moving!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    You guys are good.  Bichon - you got me started thinking that maybe I could do this.  Then Cheryl - perfect "pretend" scenario - I'd LOVE to be in Anaheim for all the All-Star hoopla, so that got me going even more.  But then Ruth chimed in with the best answer - NO BEER????  SurprisedSurprisedSurprised  That did it - I'm reaching for my sneakers now . . .


    Have a great Friday, everyone!  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    I did 15 minutes of step aerobic work and 30 minutes on the elliptical!  There's a special satisfaction in doing a workout when I was ready to skip it - thanks ladies!!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    It's 10pm, where were you all when I needed prodding today.  My voices have also been quiet or maybe they are on mute - have to check.  Well, at least the pedometer logged 2.1 miles today.  I'll do aquacise class tomorrow morning and should get some 'Shop Sculpting" done in the afternoon. 

    Nats, I also did PCP full physical and have appt tomorrow morning with colon doctor as that's overdue by a few years too.  So between the exercise and these doc checkups/exams, I'm putting myself together again.  Gonna be a brand new me.

    Welcome Bichon.

  • bichonlvr03
    bichonlvr03 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2010

    Went to gym this evening; 50 minutes on elliptical and 15 on treadmill.  I feel quite peaceful and ready for sleep.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    Hey Everybody!  No "formal" excercise yesterday, but our family went to "Canada's Wonderland" yesterday and I think I probably got more excercise yesterday than the formal kind!!  It stopped raining as we got there (around noon), but remained cloudy all day (there was noone in the park!).  We actually were able to hit all the rides and had 1 1/2 hours in the waterpark area also! Great day AND my legs are killing me (probably from funning up all the stairs at the waterpark! - and I do mean RUNNING) Laughing  Would never of had the energy that it took yesterday had I not been excercising regularly!!  Finally left the park at close (10 pm).  Great day.

    Now I am off to run in the pool.  Thanks Ruth for the cold front the humidity has broken (for now)and we are now having beautiful sunshine!!  Must get out to enjoy it!  Nats & Patoo - it is ok to not hear the voices once in a while, but you know that when you check in to this thread, they come in LOUD and CLEAR!!!  Cheryl - I love hearing about your work outs - they actually keep me motivated to get out and do something daily!!  (I also like hearing about Eduardo!) Kiss

    Balsie - finally seen what a kettle bell was and don't know it I should EVER be swinging something like that around!!!  Retriever - sorry about your news on the co-worker. Bichon - Welcome.  This is a great place to come to stay motivated or to get you motivated!  Mum - hope you are feeling a little cooler today!  It is here!   Nature - I think I still like your origianal name better (you will have to get rid of the Badgirl ways though!!)

    Have a great week-end everyone!  Keep Moving!!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Worked out hard yesterday. My legs & arms are telling me about it today. I will be going on the treadmill this morning. Need to walk out the soreness.

    Bichonlv: Welcome to our group. It keeps you motivated....

    Mary:  Sounds like you had a lot of fun....those kind of days can really ware you out.

    Ruth: You always make me laugh and inspire me!

    hbcheryl: Enjoy dog sitting..along w/ the extra money.

    Balsie: checked out what kettleball is as well. I agree w/ Mary don't think I will be doing that.

    Have a great one everyone. Exercise away Tart Sisters!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Hi All, Hot here today so I stayed inside & did a 30 minute 'Cardio Dance Party' & 30 minute 'Lower Body Sculpt'. Last night DH & I went out and wandered around at an old fashioned county fair so got some waking in that way. Patoo, anytime you need voices, just log on!! Mary Louise, I love theme parks and especially water parks!! I need to kidnap a kid and force him/her to go to one with me (I don't suppose my 21 year old DS would want to go to a water park with his mother Cry). Carry On! Ruth
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Hey, all.

    Today I made up for my week of nothing:  I spent over 5 hours moving furniture (over shag carpeting, if that means anything to you) and vacuuming.  I got this weird idea to rearrange furniture and once I got going I had to carry it out to the end.  Every muscle in my body felt like it was getting used, even my abs.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  I just know I'm beat tonight!  

    I realized today I'm much better at doing something physical when it has a more direct, immediate goal, like walking around the woods or moving furniture, rather than standing around in front of a DVD moving my arms and legs... but that has a long-term benefit that I need to keep in front of me.

    bichon, welcome!  Ruth, I'll do the water park with you -- I love playing!  My inner child is probably more of an outer child that I like to admit!Smile

    Oh, and PS:  I was only kidding about changing my name to BadGrrl, but it certainly does fit me at times! 

  • RegulJ
    RegulJ Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2010

    So I have been attempting to exercise everyday..but that is not working. Before I had all the free  time in the world and now it seems like everytime I try to get back to my former "state of normal" there is some obstacle.  Over the last 10 days I think I have only managed 3-4 days of exercise and it is annoying me.

    Our master bathroom needs a remodel (the sink leaked all over the place) and my husband can't pick out of piece of granite because he likes everything. GRRRRRRR

    I have more stress with this bathroom project than I did from my cancer!!!!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    RegulJ; I understand about not getting motivated to exercise or much anything else. I was this way for 3 years. I got a buddy w/ me to help me get motivated & be accountable. Exercise of any kind is better than none. Yeah you exercised 3-4 days out of 10. That is better than nothing. I am proud of you. One step at a time. Come on here & the voices will start talking to you. These ladies are very encouraging. Sorry to hear about your master bathroom. Maybe you can  pick out the granite instead. Since he likes everything it is okay if you pick it out then. You cannot go wrong. LOL Good luck check in each day...and get motivated w/ us.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    RegulJ; is your dog a shar pei....absolutely adorable.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Two more days at the gym, 300 and 350 calories. i don't really feel like it at the momenet I think the hot weather is making me so lethargic. RegulJ i agree, it is hard fitting everything in, but if you look on it as part of the medical treatment, not really optional, it needs to go higheer up the list, and sadly it's not somthing you can delegate to someone else.

    Okay, one question about running in the pool. I had tried this exercise-in-the-pool class but i had a problem with bubbles from my spongey (don';t ask!) and have been too embarrased to go back...  i tried running in the pool on my own but it seemed i couldn't grip the bottom - how deep should the water be, shoulder high, waist high or what? Or should i be wearing socks with clingy bits on the bottom?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    I am laughing envisioning clinging socks in the pool Laughing! I took a couple aquasize classes years back & it seems like we were about waist deep. How about it, you who are current Water Wonders?

    Put getting exercise right on the top of the 'Things I Do No Matter What' list.......and when you really truely can't fit it in; make sure you double up the next day or exercise more ahead (if you know you will have to do that, it's amazing how you CAN find the time most days). Besides possibly saving our lives, and keeping us sane;  think how good it feels when the clothes fit a little looser and/or you have to go down a size, or people say, "Wow, you look good!" and they are right Smile!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Hi girls-

    I'm in Tahoe again, by myself this time.  My goal is to take a picture of the "TART" bus and post it for y'all.

    I had the weirdest day; I think it's because I was alone for the first time in a long time.  I felt very sorry for myself BIG BABY TODAY!  Tears and the whole works.  I know why some of it is occuring...I'm estranged from my oldest son (long story; he's had drug and alcohol problems) and thought things were better but they aren't.  So tomorrow I am going to take a big hike and go look at the lake from about 2000 plus feet up from here and get some perspective.

    I read all your posts, and tomorrow I will be more personal.  Also, tomorrow is...drum first day of Arimidex.  Ta DA!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Sending you a big hug, Kim. I think that this experience just brings all your emotions to the surface, and if you didn't cry sometimes; well, that would be very strange and unhealthy. I will probably be doing the tears tomorrow too;  I have a 6 month checkup Monday & I always turn PSYCHO beforehand..... we'll just all keep hanging in there! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    ditto that.  I'm down a size and have lost 2 inches off my stomach!  Also down 15 lbs from December so it works.  If occasionally we just can't find the time that's okay as long as you get back with it.  3-4 days is good and just look at it as a beginning towards getting to 5-6 days.  I started by saying I would allow myself one day off and my week started on Sunday so if I took Sunday off I knew I had to find a way to get in at least 30 mins of something the rest of the week.  Sometimes that 30 mins was only marching with hand weights in front of the 10 o'clock news but it was burning calories.

    Did 60 mins aquacise class this morning.  The pool goes from 3.5 feet to 4 feet which is about top of breast height to neck depending on your height.  I like the water to be up around my shoulders because that way I can use water weights for upper body at the same time (the weights stay underwater so it's easier if the water is higher).  I also have water shoes that I wear although the others don't seem to have a problem with slipping.

    However, Monday I'm off on vacation so not sure how much exercise I will get in and I won't have the benefit of your voices because I don't think I will have access to a computer.  I will keep a daily diary and report back when I return.  Keep up the good work Tartlets!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    took me so long to write that (I tend to write some, watch TV, get a drink, write some more, mind wander and then finish the post.  By then 30 mins have passed (so I started before Kim posted) and then I'm out of sync.  So my post was 'supposed' to be right after ruth's, hence the "ditto that".  But I'm too tired to just go and edit so, FWIW!

    Dazd, I'm also having issues with my DS - not sure if he's using but now has legal troubles - and I only get news of him through my nephew.  HUGS.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    This morning went to my Body Combat class, some days you just don't feel like working out and I started out with only a half harted attempt but the music cranked up and I got into it, now of course you know I was scared that I'd be late so I'd been awake since 4am, walked the dogs at 5am and then went grocery shopping for my friend who is once again house bound taking care of her partner, after class I went home for an hour and made a cheesecake to take to a birthday party tomorrow evening (it needs to sit for 24 hours to be really yummy) and then I walked the dogs again this afternoon.

    Kim ((HUG)) you wouldn't be normal if you didn't lose it every now and again and it's probably being alone as you feel you don't have to keep on the "happy face" and make everyone around you feel good. When you hike tomorrow look at the majesty that surrounds you and know that all of us are holding your hand (or pushing your butt up that mountain) you see we all understand. Hymil I usually go to about my underarm depth in the pool, I've found that the skin scrapes off my big toe with all the jumping around so I really should get some water shoes. Mary Louise best time ever to go to a theme park is Christmas Eve, very few people there and rainy days are second people tend to leave but just buy a poncho and ride, ride, ride. Have a wonderful vacation Patoo. Goodnight tarts.