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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Patoo, 15 pounds, that is tremendous!!! Wow! You are our walking (aquasizing) advertisement! Hope you are going someplace super fun for your vacation. Cheryl, I am drooling reading about your cheesecake. Night All! Ruth
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    Have a great holiday Patoo and congrats on the weight loss!  We just have a round pool in our back yard and it is about 4 - 4 1/2 feet deep.  It is also a liner, so I don't worry about a rough floor, but I do slip once in a while!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    Forgot to post the excercise for the day. I spent about an hour in the pool again tonight.  My upper thighs are really letting me know about all the stair climbing yesterday also (from the water slides).  Feeling pretty good!  Night all!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010
    Ruth the cheesecake is my speciality but I only make it for other people as if it's in the house I eat it and it's very rich and creamy and delicious if I say so myselfTongue out
  • StacyA
    StacyA Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2010

    Hi, I'm new to this thread. Did any of you work out during chemo? So far I've been walking and doing yoga. I had several lymph nodes removed so I'm weak in the shoulder. Just courious if anyone was actually doing cardio while on chemo and if so how it went. Prior to BC, I was a big fan of Step and Kick box with a little running mixed in. I really hate the thought of being bald and gaining weight. 



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Stacy, I walked during chemo as long as I could but I was finally too run down to continue by the time I hit radiation.  Some women do continue cardio workouts (although sometimes at reduced levels) -- runners, bikers, whatever; if your dr. says it's OK, I'd certainly do whatever you want/feel like doing.  It will help you at the other end as you're recovering after your treatments are over.  I wish I could have done more during treatment because I'm having a hard time now but I'm improving steadily if very slowly.  Yoga has the double benefit of helping with the stress of everything.

    Being bald was... an experience, not all of it negative -- but the one thing I knew was that it was temporary.  I don't know what chemo you're getting but my hair started growing back shortly after I finished A/C and all through my Taxol.  The weight gain has been harder to deal with (for me), both emotionally and also getting it back down (but it's going in the right direction at last!), so again, keeping up with whatever you can will help you.  Don't wear yourself out but do what works for you.

    These women are great for support and motivation. Sending you a warm hug... take good and gentle care of yourself!

    Kim, hug for you too... with people around all the time those emotions don't get a chance to surface...  it's normal and good to get them out.  I hope your hike was incredible.  I hiked around Tahoe one fall and I'm picturing it now and sending you healing thoughts!

  • RegulJ
    RegulJ Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2010

    I probably could have exercised during my good "chemo" days. But I got diagnosed right before winter started and it was just too cold to go outside for any length of time. :(

    Now of course summer is here and it is way too hot!! Actually it is all making me depressed because I am feeling "trapped in the house" again. :(

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Okay, my last post before I log off and go pack (yeah, leaving t'm morning, 5am, and still not packed!).

    RegulJ - just keep coming here and soon you will hear voices pushing you up off the couch.  All it takes is one foot in front of the other and if you only take 3 steps today, it's three more than you did yesterday and for that we will applaud!!!

    Stacy - just take it easy, a little at a time.  Don't push or rush, just move a little more each day or whatever your strength will allow.  You have time ahead of you to get back to stepping and kicking.

    Keep moving my Sculpted sisters - you all rock.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010
    Emoticon - Clapping Hands Stock Images
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited July 2010

    I logged on this morning, while I was debating whether to drive 45 mins/miles to church or go for a walk with DS.  After reading Kim's post, I opted for the latter.  We chatted soccer as we walked, and I thanked God in a non-liturgical way.  I'm sorry Kim, for the estrangement and the difficulties.

    RegulJ:  Love the Shar Pei pic.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Hello Tarts, I walked over & saw my dad & then just wandered around for awhile (nice day here), so about 30 minutes total walking, also did a 30 minute FIRM Sculpting DVD.

    Welcome Stacy, I see we are neighbors. I made a point of exercising during chemo (some studies have now come out that says exercise can reduce your chances of heart damage, which makes sense, but I just did it because I knew I didn't want to gain a bunch of weight & be totally out of shape & have to start from scratch). I mostly walked and walked for the cardio; fast on good days, slow on bad ones (which was better than just sitting there doing nothing and feeling sorry for myself). I also did a lot of lower body toning. I had lymph nodes out too and was scared of the upper body stuff, so started out really, really, really slowly with that. I actually felt good once rads started (comparability speaking, anyway), so could do a more regular workout then. Yoga & walking are great; keep doing them for sure at whatever level you can, and if you feel up to doing more, do it!! I don't know that exercising during treatment makes getting through it any easier, but for sure it will make your recovery easier & quicker.  (And you do NOT have to gain weight during chemo!!!!) Keep checking in here and we will be your cheerleaders!

    Happy Vacation Patoo!!! 

    Night All! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Hello Tart Sister, Well did 30 min on the bike and was so hot cause the a/c was not working at the gym. It is 112 today w/ some humidity. A killer out there. I pray the a/c will be fixed. My workout on the glider tonight. My a/c works.

    Stacy welcome to the group. There are a lot of encouraging woman on here. They have a way of making you move in the kindness way. I did not workout when I started chemo. I had broke my arm & shoulder so I did not do much, then I was dx w/ cancer. I did put on 50 lbs and have had to start from scratch since I lost that 50 before I got cancer. If I knew what I know now I would of workout even a little bit. I think it really depends on your body & what you feel you can manage that day. Some ladies do great. Like Ruth for instance. I say go for it Stacy. Check here daily & you will start hearing voices.

    Night my Tartlet Sisters

  • StacyA
    StacyA Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2010

    Thanks everyone for the feedback! I have been feeling pretty good so I've been walking and doing some mild yoga. I'm still working on my shoulder it got really weak after my surgery. My treatment is 4 x A/C and the 4 x T. I am hoping I can at least keep walking to keep physical, I've heard a lot of stories of people gaining weight and that is an issue for me anyway. 


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Hi Stacy - Like Nature, I exercised through chemo as long as I could, but by the last couple of treatments I was too wiped out to even walk - it was all I could to drag myself to work and back.  But I started a yoga class and got back on the elliptical 2 weeks after my last chemo - I couldn't do much, but it was a start.  And also as Nature says, bald is interesting.  For me, it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. I had a really nice wig that looked great, but after a few weeks I just wore baseball caps with dangly earrings - much easier!  Unfortunately I was a weight gainer - about 25 pounds, which really irritated me since I'd lost 55 pounds just before dx.  I've managed to lose about 7 of it, but it's rough since I'm on AIs which can also cause weight gain - that's why I'm so determined to exercise!  Do what activity you can, but if you gain weight, don't beat yourself up too much - it is what it is.  And yes, we'll absolutely be here as your cheerleaders!!

    Hugs to Kim - that bursting into tears thing is a bear, isn't it?  I hope that Tahoe perks you right back up.  Patoo - fantastic on losing the inches and pounds!  I lost inches off my waist too, but it was because of my DIEP "tummy tuck"!  Tongue out  Elizabeth - wow, you get the heat out there!  We drove from LA to Phoenix once to see the Diamondbacks - we stopped for lunch in Indio and it was 113 degrees and it pretty much stayed that way all the way to Phoenix.  The ballpark had misters on all the entrances so you got a cool misting as you walked in from the street.  Cheryl - enjoy the All Star hoopla for me!

    No formal exercise for me this weekend, but l did lots of gardening and errands, plus a "Nats walk" (from the parking lot to the upper deck and back - about 20 minutes one way) on Saturday night.  And thanks to you all prodding me to do exercise on Friday after work, I could have Lite beer at the game!  Laughing  But I was very good with my eating and had a grilled veggie wrap. Innocent

    My timing on my 2+ mile morning walk was 36 minutes this morning - back to pre-spider bite speeds.  The wound is almost healed - I'm thinking only another week or 10 days before it's healed completely.  I can't wait - I miss swimming!

    Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    I probably was saved from gaining weight on chemo because eating  anything chocolate tasted just like eating CHALK !!!! Stacy, after my surgery a nurse friend gave me a booklet from the American Cancer Society that was titled "Exercises to Do after Breast Surgery", and they were good, easy ones to regain some of that strength in a safe way. Do you have an office of the ACS around, or might your clinic have some? If not, or if that sounds like too much of a hassle, you could PM me your address & I could send you a copy of the exercises if you want to look at them,

    Walked fast for an hour & did 30 minutes of abs. Now I suppose I have to get ready for my doctor's appointment (6 month recheck). Frown (Face represents queasiness and fear! I'll report back later....) Ruth

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Good Morning All-

    Exercise update (after all, I'm supposed to do this on this thread, right? Laughing

    I took my dog Moby for a 5 mile loop yesterday rather than the elevation hike I had planned.  He's getting older and I noticed he gets worn out up here much easier than he used to.  It was still beautiful; it's right at the foot of a ski resort and there are streams, pines and wildlife all around.  I came home and was still in a funk, even after a long conversation with God about things...

    I did prep a ton of vegtables and fruit I had purchased on the way up here from the Bay area...carrots, celery, arugula, parsley, white beans, garlic "stew" (great with whole wheat bread and a little parmesan), stone fruit for a light cobbler (just a sprinkle of cobbler batter!), and tipped green beans, cut up watermelon, washed berries.  Now I have no excuse to eat junk this week!    Still, I felt sad and weird, although not as bad as the day before.

    This morning I did a 3 miler down the road to a Starbucks by the lake with the dog.  I'm cleaning my house up here for a bit, then I'm going to get on my bike and go somewhere, I don't know where.

    Thanks for the hugs.  My older son will always worry me.  Believe it or not, this started over ten years ago when he blew a scholarship to Arizona State (he was a championship swimmer and had already made 4 Olympic Time Trials and was seeded to go into the 2000 Olympics) when he got into crystal meth.  It's been 4 rehabs and a lot of pain over the past ten years.  It goes from drugs to alcohol to gambling and so on.  Sometimes I do wonder how much of the stress affected my immune system.  He's better than it sounds, but it is still not great and he is a very troubled person.  Anyway, don't worry about it, I don't want to use this thread for that, but I just wanted you all to know that I am fighting through all this...Patoo, I hope your vacation is fantastic, GREAT job on pounds and inches.  You are a tart warrior!  Ruth, those vibes are coming at ya!  Hi to Stacey!  Elizabeth, keep up your great work.  Great to see Nats and naturegrrl on here and retrievermom (my rads buddy!) too!  I'm missing the swimmer...forgot your "handle" and I'm sure everyone else, but love to all from Tahoe. 

    Now get out there and get your workout in Wink!!!


  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Running buddies took me out for a run. I nearly died. I hate this heat. Ah, that's what friends are for. Next time we will not be meeting up by the ice cream stall..!!  Good to hear you all sticking with it. Tomorrow is a gym morning i have decided.

  • StacyA
    StacyA Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2010

    I went for a 2 1/2 mile walk today followed by some yoga for strengthening. My shoulder is pretty weak after surgery so I've been trying to strength it slowly and keep it all stretched out. I'm shocked that I've lost weight from surgery date till now however I've heard that the 2nd round of chemo meds are more tough and the one that tends to cause you to gain weight (T). I'm currently on A/C for 4 rounds. 

    Ruth - thank you for the suggestion I will ask for that info tomorrow. I have a cancer resource center at the hospital close to my house. Anything even small I'm willing to do to feel better through this process.   

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Looking for Ms. Ruth...hope it all went well today!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    OK, just got home, everything checked out fine. Whew, whew, whew...............PARTY at my house! Cheryl, bring the cheesecake. Mary, bring the lite beer. Kim bring some of that healthy stuff you just prepared. Everyone else, just show up. (Wouldn't that be a blast?!). Big hugs to all! Ruth

  • bichonlvr03
    bichonlvr03 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2010

    Walked for about an hour and half with friend tonight; exercised both Saturday and Sunday at gym, using elliptical,  treadmill and recumbent bike.  I can see using cardio machines exclusively will get boring.  I guess I need to get brave and try some classes.

    Congrats Ruth on your good news.  I had my first six month follow-up in June and it's a relief to get the all clear sign. 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Oh Ruth thanks for letting us know about the great news. Party oh that would be so great. I will bring the music....gotta have music to do the happy dance....


    My heart goes out to you Kim, My ex did coke & alcohol. One of the reasons I divorced him. Figured something was not right. Then got smart! Sad situation all together. I am glad it is better.

    Congrats everyone on a job well done. Workout w/ Jim today. Oh those Monday's. We did lunges then ellicpital, lunges, treadmill, lunges, bike, then squats, elliciptal, squats, treadmill, squats, bike, then end it w/ sit ups 60 of them. We had 15 lb dumbells while doing the lunges & squats for an hour. Just got to love Jim. He makes me work.

    Ruth also make sure there is lots of chocolate....sssshhhhh don't tell Jim!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Of course there will be chocolate......dark chocolate, so it will even be healthy (if we can manage to eat only moderate amounts Undecided). Love the happy dance! Elizabeth, you are in charge of the music!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Happy dance, happy dance for Ruth, I'll have to bake another cheesecake as the party one is all gone and I was a good girl I only had a small sliver (but I did lick the bowl when I made it itSealed ) and yes I agree it would be a fabulous blast.

    Okay yesterday I walked the dogs for 2 miles and did a Body Step class.  Tonight was Body Combat and it was release #44 so all new workout, after class I had to ask the lovely Eduardo to show me an alternate way of doing the first move as it was face the wall then twist and jump so you face the other wall then twist and jump back and then do it again and then punch, sheesh my knees gave out on that one.  I don't know who sits around and comes up with these moves and then at the end instead of a plain old push up they've come up with a kimodo dragon push up, you are on your hands and kness (or toes) and you bring your leg up sideways then then put it down then you move your hand forward then you go down and push up so you are travelling across the room, like I say who comes up with these moves.  Have a great evening tartletts.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    my goodness, if I tried to do one of those moves someone would have to come and untangle me!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010
    I have to say Ruth the class was packed but half way through a few people left (first time that has eveer happened) and they didn't even get to do the push ups oh and the ab work was also a new one and I'd describe it if I could but I'd be afraid I'd get kicked off the boardEmbarassed
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Surprised..................sounds quite a bit more interesting than my FIRM workouts!!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    I have to get to a workshop so I don't have much time but I just had to say, hurray, Ruth!!!  Happy dance, indeed!!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Hooray, Ruth!  I'll definitely bring the lite beer to the celebration! Cheryl - sounds like some of those moves are right out of the old "Twister" game, but done at aerobic speed.  Yikes!  Hymil - agreed about retreating to an a/c gym in the heat - collapsing on the side of the road is just not stylish.  Bichon - good for you!  I use an iPod when I use machine - rowdy music with a beat when I'm doing aerobic machines, then slower stuff when I'm doing weights - that really helps me with the boredom issue. Stacy- good for you getting out there.  Take it easy and do what you can, but take care of yourself too. 

    Oh yeah, posting my exercise - 15 minutes of aerobic step work plus 30 minutes elliptical after work last night, and my standard walk this morning.  I had 4 bunny sightings, but I saw the same one twice. So does that count as a 3 or 4 bunny day? I also got cussed out by a catbird - I must have gotten too close to his or her nest, so I beat a hasty retreat.

    Happy All-Star Day everyone!  (Baseball's All Star Game is tonight.) I think we're all All-Stars!  Laughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    We are indeed All-Stars!! Thinking of the All-Star game, I remember when they played in Minneapolis in 1985 (actually I just googled the year), but for some reason (can't remember why & can't google it), I had flown in to Minneapolis and when I was going through the airport, it was so busy & and there were all these gorgeous, muscular men and a lot of press milling about. I realized  I had flown in at the same time as all the major leaguers!!! Yum! Cool