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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Good job, hymil; when you exercise AND eat naughty at least you come out even! Elizabeth, hope you are feeling better. I've had food poisoning, and that is nasty stuff Frown, not the diet plan you want!!! I did 45 minutes of toning this morning and that will be it for the week. Company will be coming in a couple hours. It is SO hot & humid here (and everywhere, it sounds like) that everyone either should be in a pool, lake, ocean or in an air conditioned setting. Have a great rest of the weekend, sweet tarts! Ruth
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Well I feel better & ventured out to exercise this morning. Tried a new class Mucsle Step. Wow what a workout. I had a hard time keeping up but I kept on moving.

    hymil..yum & you worked out too, 2 yummy brownie points for you. LOL

    Ruth I hope you enjoy your company. 

    Have a wonderful evening Tartlett Sisters

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Did a Body Combat class this morning and bless his heart the fabulous Dave had gone in an hour early and had the fan going and opened the emergency exit door for cross ventilation because at 8am it was blazing hot.

    This afternoon helped move furniture back in to my friends house, she had paid a contractor to move everything out do work and move everything back, well of course that didn't happen as her SO got out of hospital before they finished painting and now they can't as it will compromise his lungs and so we helped bring her bedroom furniture in from the garage (her SO is on a hospital bed in the living room).

    Elizabeth glad you are feeling better and you were able to get in your workout.  Hymil dear Hymil I sooooooo envy you english chocolate - it is the best, although if I was to land in the UK right now for me it would be an apple pie (from Morrisons) and double cream, I think it's the Bramley apples yummm. Have a great time with your company Ruth. Night all.

  • Alicia
    Alicia Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2010

    Hi, I'm new on this thread. It seems like a very good idea. I walk a lot every day, but my legs are so stiff from walking, and I can't seem to get myself to stretch or do yoga. How ironic because I used to teach people how to exercise. I'm not sure why I have such a why bother attitude, but I think I have to change things soon. I'm limited in what I can do now because of an infection over my expander. My doc doesn't want me to do any stretching with the upper, but this week I will have a lat flap, and I'm already feeling stiffness and pain in my back and shoulders.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Welcome to the thread Jacinta - I started here to try lose some weight in the fight against oestrogen and Yay it's working the girls here are so encouraging.  You can rest your arms and still use loads of calories from the waist down, that's where I store most of mine anyway! Good luck with your flap and recovery.

    hbCheryl, furniture shifting does sound like the sort of job I will now wimp out of. I've never been one to turn down a heavy job before, or say Do we really need a man for that? but I have come to a point when i think Now, do i really want to get LE as well as having had BC? Hope you don't regret your kindness. And please do share my chocolate and especiially the cream! Im a real sucker for apple pie with cinnamon and/or cloves.

    Well today was a rest-day after yesterday's dodging the showers to get to the gym. I sneaked a little go on the cross trainer, had been warned off it because of the arm thing but I found you can actually turn off the arm movements and just do the stepping - isnt it a weird bouncy movement? i am so going to have the perfect buttt by Christmas at this rate! Im working to get my BMI down to 25 (24 would be nicer) It's stuck at 26+ for now but down from 29 pre-surgery - real progress. Agree with you about the boredom though, I do need to find a class to join. The stepper and stuff must be working because i found walking up the hill from church much easier than last week...

  • RegulJ
    RegulJ Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2010

    Walked another mile today in 90degree heat...

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    Haven't posted in a while... last week was quite busy!  Have kept up with the daily walking and almost daily excercise in the pool. I am really quite enjoying running in the pool - too bad I would probably have a heart attack if I tried it on land!!!

    I found out last Tuesday that I do not carry the BRCA 1 and 2 genes - Wahoo!!  BUT  he still wants me to see a Gyn about an ooph as I had a 2nd cousin that we have been unable to verify whether she died of ovarian cancer or not and he wants me to talk this over with a gyn.  I am considered peri-menopausal..... has anyone else had an ooph at this stage??  Just wondering about the SE's involved.  Also turned 46 last Thursday and just realized that I already thought that I WAS 46!!  Surprised

    This week DH and I are on holidays, but I will be heading to NJ for a wedding this weekend and will try to get over to NYC for part of a day for some quick sight seeing!  Isn't Patoo from NJ??

    Hope everyone enjoyed their week ends! Cool

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited July 2010

    I've been able to get out and do brisk walking thru the dog training every day recently, and participated in a small local show this weekend.  I'm happy to report having lost my chemo weight, but I need to keep going another 5-10.  Running even a short distance with my dog still takes too much effort. 

    Gonna lift some hand weights while watching Design Star.  

    Have a great trip, Mary Louise!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Well I worked out this morning. Did the bike for 20 min, the elliptical 20 min, & then the treadmill for 20 min. Also did weights. Tommorow is my day w/ Jim...oh how I love those days. Smile especially all those lunges & squats.

    Retrievermom: that is great that you have been going on walks. Dogs are great for that.

    fmakj: do not understand what ooph is...Nice to know that you are working out in the pool. Keep it up it makes you feel so good when your done. I wish I had a hot here 117 w/ 50% humdity just wish it would rain.

    Jacinta: welcome to the group....we are here to encourage you in your adventure. Great women here.

    Cheryl: do you take body combat as a class or is it a dvd that you use at home?

    Ruth: I do not even want to go outside to take my trash to the curb. Did get out today though it was nice have not gone shopping in awhile. Did baby shopping which is a lot of fun. Had to get a car seat for my SUV.

    See you tomorrow & I will let you know our class goes w/ Jim tomorrow. Night Tartlett Sisters

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    I have running club tonight, but it's so hot.... come on voices, make me do it!

    Fmakj great news on your genes, good luck with the next lot of plans. Retrievermom well done on the weight loss, stick at it! Elizabeth, you were buying babies?? I won't ask!!

    Will write again later about my "run".. only acceptable excuse would be rain. Claire makes us do lunges which im really bad at. I keep thinking, no such thing as a free lunge There you go, food again...(sigh)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Did my morning walk this morning - a 3 bunny day plus a box turtle!  I haven't seen a box turtle in a couple of years, so it was nice to see him.  But the heat! Frown I'm walking at 6:30am and it's so hot and humid that I'm wiped out after 40 minutes.  My morning walks used to wake me up and invigorate me, but now they're having the opposite effect.  I think until this heat breaks I may do a shorter walk, then go back inside the a/c and do a workout there. 

    Hymil - I don't use the arms on the ellliptical most of the time - even before b/c if I used the arms, I'd get an ache in the back of the elbow and that happened on a couple of different machines. Now I only use them as a warm up prior to doing weights and my LE therapy, so I'm only doing 10-15 minutes and going slowly. Good groaner on the "free lunge". I hate lunges too. Retriever - impressive on losing the chemo weight - I still have most of mine 2 years later, thanks to Femara.  Yell  Regul - Walking in the Florida heat?  Wow!

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    ebann - an ooph is an oopherectomy (ovaries removed).  Nats - maybe try to walk in the evening as it might be cooler, however you may have more pests (black flies, mosquitoes etc..) then?  Hymil - get out there and run (if it is really hot, make sure to stay hydrated and take it a little easier!)  Retriever - congrats on the weight loss!!! 

    No walk this morning - we are on holidays, and we slept in till almost 8:30!!  Will try to walk again in the morning and if the thunderstorms allow, will get into the pool again this evening!

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Confession: I didnt make it to running club. Excuse: I was tired. Feeble, isn't it. Actually what happened is I got in from work, sat down and woke up three hours later, having missed club and my supper. But I knew I had promised to post again later, so I got myself out to that good old air-conditioned gym instead. my arms were pretty stiff so I gave the row-boat a miss for once. Elizabeth I'm so impressed with your 20 minutes'es, my concentration span has a max 15 and that's only if I can see the telly; from the treadmill it's too far away and I can't read the subtitles. Maybe I should bring music... but knowing me I would remember the headphones and forget the trackshoes! I'm going to be in trouble next week with the running buddies... You girls rock!

  • bichonlvr03
    bichonlvr03 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2010

    I haven't posted in a few days but want to do so now as I walked and sweated my butt off in NYC where my daughters and I celebrated their graduations (one from college, one from h.s.)  We walked so much and it was so hot and humid that I feel I must've lost at least five pounds.  I've had dehydration headaches the last few days though. 

    Well, time to rehydrate and go to the gym!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    I'm back -  A great place.  People who started to live once retired - that's me (when I retire in a few!)

    Last week:  Mon - (travel day) logged 3.4 miles walking; Tues - water aerobics (no class) 45 mins, logged 2.7 miles walked; Weds - biked 20 mins, water aerobics class 50 mins, logged 3.3 miles walked; Thurs - pickleball in 90 degree weather for 20 mins, aerobic class (on land) 50 mins, walking logged 2.9 miles; Fri - LS tape (one of the activities) 3 miles, exercise in pool (no class) 75 mins, walking logged 4.8 miles; Sat - pool 30 mins exercise and then 60 min water aerobics class, logged 1.9 miles walking; Sun - travel day (home - phooey!) logged 1.9 miles.  Today - cleaned DS room while he is still away on vacation and pedometer reads 1.4 miles. 

    Just posting this made me tired so off to bed - night my Sculpted Sisters.

    Oh, yes, welcome Jacinta.  And, yes, Mary Louise, I'm in NJ.  (but as soon as I can figure out how to rob a bank without getting caught, I'm heading to FL!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Hi everyone! Welcome Jacinta! I only have about 5 minutes so will do a 'quickie'. I was busy with my company all weekend. My sister (from N.C.) is staying until Thursday, she thinks it is very COOL here, as it has been SO hot & humid there. We have been doing ALOT of eating & I have gotten arm exercises from hauling my 200 lb. dad all over the place in a wheelchair and trying to get him in and out of a car multiple times ( pretty much dead weight as he really has no strength left; very sad!!). But is really great to have my sister around for the week. We did a little 30 minute walk this am, will try to get in a little more the next few days and then really hit it hard once she leaves! Try to stay cool and hydrated ladies. More later Kiss! Ruth
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Well missed the workout w/ Jim. Instead I spent the day in the hospital w/ my mom. She went to the ER in the morning. She had a hard time breathing and felt numb from her spine to her arms. She got a severe headache & her blood pressure was 178 over 84. They thought she might have a blood clot. We got a scare. They ran blood & the blood came through as positive cause of that they had to run a CT w/ iodine. So they did that test & it came out negative. Thank the Lord. So she has acute bronchitis. They did a breathing treatment & that makes a difference. She has to go see a pulmonologist. She is the worst patient I have ever seen. She refuses everything imaginable &  does he best to talk herself into being okay. I just pray she starts taking better care of herself. If I was not there she would of just ignored it. She has had this hacking cough & breathing issue for a long time. It was just one of her worst attacks I had seen. I was driving so I took her to the hospital cause her Dr.'s were not able to see her.  Well check w/ you all later. Your doing great tartlett sisters.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Patoo - Welcome back!  I'm moving in with you at the Villages - it looks wonderful!! Mary Louise - unfortunately it's even hotter and more humid at night, so no go on walking at night. 6:30am is about as cool as it's going to get in daylight hours here this time of year.  Good for you for sleeping in - we all need vaction now and then. Hymil - good for you for getting out to the gym.  The voices worked again!  Bichon - being a tourist is very hard work - I bet you sweated off even more than that.  Sounds like you had a grand celebration of the graduations.Ruth - I bet your sister is appreciating your cool ND weather! Elizabeth - I'm sorry about the scare with your mom, especially cuz it sounds like she's out of the "ignore it and it'll go away" school of taking care of herself.  You've really had to deal with family health issues lately.

    I sensibly stayed in this morning.  We have a Wii exercise program called "My Fitness Coach" so I did a 15 minute flexibility and a 15 minute yoga routine this morning, and feel much better. The DVD also offers cardio, upper body, lower body, etc. workouts but I wanted to start slowly.  I also ordered a Gentle Yoga DVD from Amazon which should be here in a few days, so I think I can pretty much cobble together a morning workout program to replace my walks until this heat breaks.  The heat has really increased the night hot flashes too - last night I decided to count how many times I woke up in a sweat and had to throw the covers off and turn the ceiling fan on high - I counted eight!  No wonder I'm feeling more tired if I'm getting woken up every hour on the hour!  Yell

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    I have a fan blowing on  HIGH right on me at night!!! Hope your mom is OK, Elizabeth (don't you just want to run away sometimes..... I do). Walked for an hour, now back for more quality time at the nursing home Frown. Keep Cool! Ruth
  • bichonlvr03
    bichonlvr03 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2010

    Went to the gym last night and did elliptical for 35 min. and recumbent bike for 25.  Trying to avoid treadmill as I still have blisters on my feet from trip to NYC last week.  NatsFan you are right; being a tourist is hard work!  I'm still in recovery mode and don't feel like working out today.  I really should though because tomorrow my youngest and I drive 5 hours for her college orientation and registration for college and I don't know if I will get a workout in before we leave.  I just don't feel very energetic right now. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Did a Body Combat class night and was so tired when I came home ate dinner and went to bed and of course also did the hot flash dance like Nats but only a couple of times for me. 

    Welcome home Patoo we missed you, the Villages looks fabulous so you'd better get a big place as I'll' take the room next to Nats.  Elizabeth Body Combat is a class, the company that owns it is called Les Mills and they are out of New Zealand and they license the classes all over the world.  If you go to their website you plug in your zip code and it tells you where they have classes in your area, they are in gyms and rec centers and YMCAs but we have one advantage as we have the wonderful Eduardo none of us can tell you what it is about him but he makes you work harder than you think you can (just like Jim pushes you beyond your perceived limit).  Ruth I know what you mean about your Dad, every morning I go to my friends house and we transfer her companion out of the bed into a wheel chair, take him to the garden, remake his bed and bring him back.  He has no muscle tone at all left in his legs and she was doing this by herself but she pulled a muscle in her back - dahhh so I started going to help her, he is down to 145 (my fantasy weight) but when you are transferring him it feels like 300lbs.  Well the heat has broken for us and this morning we are under cloud cover hopefully it will be on the way to you all but one thing about the heat my roses are in heaven.  Have a great day all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Well hellooooo it's me again, in the post above it's supposed to say last night obviously some days I can't string two word together....  Tonight I did two classes I did an hour Body Step class and then stayed and did Zumba and now I am completey exhausted.  Nite all.

  • Sable43
    Sable43 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2010

    Hello Ladies,

    I'm new to this region of the site. Exercise hasn't been my cup of tea but having lost 10 pounds after chemo ( I cut back on the carbs; drank more water and took in more fruit ) since starting Tamoxifen the weight has started to climb. I'd like to lose 15-20 more pounds.

    I don't feel as if though I have the energy. My docs have informed me that the side effects from chemo. could take up to a year to wear off. I still deal with neuropathy; particularly in my legs and feet. I have returned to work; I work 12 hour night shift 3 times a week and between 7p to midnight I walk a lot. After getting off from work the last thing I want to do on my days off is exercise.

    I've purchased toning shoes; thinking that might help a bit. I've got the Reebok "SimplyTone" and the Sketcher's "Shape Ups." I just seem to have lost my motivation.

    I'd appreciate any words of encouragement from you ladies. I don't want to go down the same road again as I promised myself and my family that I'd take better care of myself. I feel as if though I'm letting my family down. I don't want to use the post chemo/radiation effects as an excuse but that's exactly what's happening.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Sable, we understand wanting to keep the pounds off or losing the remainder of the weight. When I did chemo they added steroids to mine and I put on 50 lbs instead. The thing that sucked  was that I had already lost all that weight when I went on Jenny Craig. Very frustrating. Do not beat yourself up. We are our worst enemy. Chemo/Rads are not an excuse it is the truth and it takes us awhile to get the energy to get motivated to do it. We need healing. Hopefully as you get into a routine it will become a habit. I was not big on exercise myself. Always wanted to go the easy way out. Now I look forward to my exercise & even if it is only 15 min better than nothing. They have DVD's for chair exercises & lite weights that is something you may want to try out. I got the toning shoes & I love mine. I do not wear them to the gym though. I use my cross training shoes instead you have a better balance when exercising. That is my experience and recommendation from my trainer. Changing your way of eating is big. I eat very little processed food. I eat protein, good carbs and fats in limited portions.  Portion control is a lot of it too. Just need to find something that is going to work for you and your family. It is easier when you can get your family involved. I at least hope you do have the support. One thing for sure you will get the support & care here. You start hearing voices here. LOL Wish you the best stop in any day. Everyday for me it is good keeps me accountiable. Blessings to you along the way.

  • eileen1955
    eileen1955 Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2010

    I love   the exercises are gentle; yet empowering.    I am lucky enough to live near a Feldenkrais practioner who does weekly mat classes for $15 each session.    It is very soothing and healing; kinda like yoga but helps you explore new ways to use your body to its fullest potential.     The method is based on the principles of physics!   You don't need to know physics; just try a class or DVD with an openness to movement.  

    It is not a cardio-vascular workout. But it centers you so that you are more effective in whatever form of exercise you choose.   It is movement therapy.  Greatly helps with stress associated with illness; tho perfectly healthy people reap rewards as well.      You learn that you can make a conscious choice about whatever you choose to do.  We all have habits- physical and emotional- and we don't even realize that there are other choices.     

  • Sable43
    Sable43 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2010

    Ebann and Eileen,

    Thanks so much for your input. Advice that's truly appreciated. I guess the only one who can truly kick me in the butt is me; but it's great to have options and input from you ladies on this board.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Welcome New Tarts!!! Jump on in and get moving, you will feel (and be) so much better off physically and emotionally both once you commit to an exercise plan (Sable, tell us what yours is going to be, and we will send voices to 'haunt' you if you don't carry through!!). I got up early and sneaked in 30 minutes of toning; once my sister leaves tomorrow afternoon, I will have to FAST and EXERCISE (or exercise fast!) to make up for how bad we have been. But it is so very nice to have her here that it will be worth all the work I have to do once she leaves. Keep Moving! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited July 2010

    Hi Ruth, Hi Patoo, Hi Cheryl, Hi Nats!!  I am still lurking but trying to get back into it.  Hello everyone - I've been awol since March and have lots of work to do.  Thanks for the inspiration.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Sable, if you can kick your own butt then you must be very very supple!