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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    BOBCAT!!! Hello! Great to hear from you!!!  We've missed you!!!

  • StacyA
    StacyA Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2010

    No workouts for me today, it was my chemo day. Mon and Tues I went for a 2 mile walk and also went swimming with the kids. I hope to have some energy back by Sat so I can get out and walk again. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Bobbi, Bobbi, Bobbi, it's GREAT to hear from you, we've missed you, WELCOME BACK how are you doing?

    This morning I actually made it to the aquacise class and then tonight spent an hour in Body Combat class. As we were leaving the gym two PYTs were moaning "I have to go home and ice my knees, I said heck, I'm 60 years old I'm the one who needs to ice knees and one just looked at me and said "you're our rock star" made me feel reallllly good.....But I still have to ice my knees!!!

    Sable just do what you can, exercise is one of those things you build into. In the last two years I've become an addict BUT I don't have a family to take care of so exercise is what I do of an evening after work, and you have to find out what suits you, classes suit me but it took me a long time to find that out, I spent years plodding along on a treadmill and sitting on a bike, didn't enjoy it, I just did it.  Goodnight tarts.

    PS.  My keyboard keeps sticking so I have to go back and edit grrrrrrr

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Hi Tart Ones!

    Man, I've been MIA but been thinking about all of you.  I DID get a picture of the TART bus in Tahoe, but I have to shrink it and post it as my profile pic to get it on here...and I will do!  I was so happy to get a good pic of it.

    Day 9 into Arimidex; the only side effect so far is a headache I get about 6 hours after I take it.  It feels weird.  I'm sure I need many more days on before I really "know".  I'm retaining water as well, scale jumped up about 3 pounds, so I'm just going to pay attention.

    Exercise wise, I'm in the zone since I got back.  Monday spin with weight training, back, chest arms.  Tuesday spin with weight training, abs, squats, shoulders.  Weds 5 mile walk.  Today it's spin and weight training-"the ladder" which is a bunch of jumping around and bouncing a basketball at the same time, then abs again.  Friday walk 5 mile then swim then more weight training.  I'm so determined not to lose more bone.  What's funny is I sure don't look fit with all the work, oh well, I'm hoping inside I am.

    I will say that when I don't work out, I feel cruddy.  Tired, achy, moody.  And food-well, I guess the good thing is even a sip of wine makes me sick.  That is WEIRD.  I have never had that "problem" but I'm going to take it as a blessing.  I need to clean up my diet.  Darn, it seems like you can't get away with anything when you have had BC.  Oh well, I'm going to enjoy other things.

    Yesterday I went to San Fran to see the Impressionist Paintings from the Musee D'Orsay in Paris (they are on loan while the museum in France is being renovated.)  I took my elderly widowed neighbor, she loved it.  I did too; it was so strange to see some of these paintings!  Whistler's Mother-it's huge and very weird believe it or not.  Kind of creepy.  The artist had a love/hate relationship with his mom, kind of like something out of the movie "Psycho."  She has a very strange look, but what an incredible painting.  And another one, "Birth of Venus", its over 5 feet all and 4 feet wide, and looks like a photograph.  Unbelievable that someone could paint that well.

    It's kind of funny because not one of the paintings I saw from that period had any woman with a large bust!  Very small chested.  I don't know if that is because it was the ideal from 1870s or if they truly were smaller then.

    I know nothing about art, but it was cool to see.  

    OK, I'm off to the races.  I HAVE to go back and see what all of you are up to.  Get your workouts and healthy diets in today ladies (And me too ;)



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Kim, in the 1870s they liked BIG BUTTS (think of the bustles they wore)......I was born in the wrong century..........

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited July 2010

    Just home from a spin/abs class - I have lots of work to do!!  Just happy to finally have the time to commit to exercise again.  Anyone ever do P90X - probably a little aggressive for me right now but I'd love to try it in the fall when it's cooler.  Have a great day all!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Bobcat - Good to see you again. I did the original Power 90 (predecessor to P90X) some years ago 6 days a week for several months.  I lost about 30 pounds.  I moved on to other activities and over the next few years lost another 30 pounds, but it was the Power 90 program that really got me started to a healthier lifestyel.  It was very effective, but when I tried it again last year to try to get rid of the chemo pounds, it was too high impact for me and it made my joints ache too much. Maybe it's the Femara or maybe it's old age, but right now I really can't use it anymore.  Frown  Dazed - you're an inspiration!!  I've been a slug this week - the hot weather has really gotten to me - so it sounds like you've been exercising enough for both of us!  I'm like you with art - I don't know much about it, but it's neat to see.

    Did 20 minutes on the elliptical yesterday plus a 20 minute flexibility routine.  I got my new gentle yoga DVD yesterday so did that this morning - 30 minutes.  It would have been more effective if it had just been yoga, but this morning it was Yoga with Cat Assistant - the cat kept rubbing me and dropping his toy mouse at my feet for me to throw for him (he plays fetch like a dog with it).  At one point I was in a rather precarious pose and the cat rubbed against my leg so forcefully he actually toppled me! I think I could do without the Cat Assistant tomorrow. 

    I am leaving on vacation Saturday to see an old friend in Vermont, and she has lots of mountain hiking, touring, and other outdoors-y, healthy, Vermont-y things planned, so I hope to make up then for my sluggish behavior this week.  Have a great day everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Vermont sounds very fun. Did an hour FIRM 'Complete Aerobics and Weight Training' tape after my sister left this afternoon Cry(me missing her). I also tried to eat all the leftovers still in the house Embarassed(me being embarrassed to admit it!). Tomorrow I begin anew!! Good Night All! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010
    Hi Tarts, tonight I did Zumba followed by half an hour in the weight room working on biceps, triceps, chest and back.  Sounds like you had a nice visit with your sister Ruth.  Bobbi I saw the guy who created the PX90 workout on the Kirstie Alley show on A&E and he modified a lot of the moves for her as she wasn't in the best of shape but I don't know if they show you modified moves on the DVD, can you rent from Netflix or the library to have a look?  Have a wonderful vacation Nats and enjoy your time with your friend.  Kim you are really giving it your all and isn't it funny that you do feel blah if you don't work out.  For me the gym is a very social place, guess cause I've been going for so long and you do tend to see the same people.  Confession time - tomorrow night I'm going to the fair and I'm going to eat funnel cake and all of those yummy fair foods, you know anything that is battered and friedEmbarassed . 
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Cheryl, you enjoy being 'bad' tomorrow as you really have rocked the gym! 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Thanks Ruth, I love the fair it's so fun just to people watch ohhh and the 'Carnival of Products' you know all of the junk you think you need, like that $50 mop that does a fabulous job on the 12" x 12" square that the guy cleans over and over again!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Spend your money on the funnel cakes, cheese curds, walking tacos etc.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited July 2010

    Thanks for the info regarding P90X.  My girlfriend just loaned me hers - it's sitting on my desk staring at me but I am going to give it a try.  She said they do show modified ways of doing the harder exercises so I will go with that.  Nats -  I hope I have good results like you.  I think Arimidex is causing some weight gain as my diet has not changed.

    Funnel cake - OOOHHH!!  Enjoy.  I am off on a bike ride along the river before it gets too hot!!  99 degrees here tomorrow!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Well today is suppose to be weigh in but had to cancel it and do it on Monday instead. Spent last night at the hospital. Bill got sent to the hospital by ambalance. They said he had a heart attack and they kept him under observation. They are running test all this morning. Will hopefully find out more of what is going on. It just seems to be one thing after another. My parents just need to get well and take better care for themselves. Stayed with my mom her coughing is still out of control she does not like her inhaler. She is very stubborn when it comes to doing for herself. she is great at giving the advice just not good at applying it to herself. Check with you later tartlett sisters

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2010

    Cheryl - enjoy the fair and that yummy funnel cake!!  We have to be bad now and then, just so we can be good most of the time.  And as Ruth says, you've really rocked the gym lately. Bobcat - I'd be interested to hear if P90X has alternative moves - if so I may check it out again.  Elizabeth - I'm so sorry about Bill.  You really have a lot on your plate right now.

    I did my new yoga DVD again today - the Cat Assistant only showed up at the very end today.    I also did 15 minutes on the elliptical this morning.  I'm off to Vermont in the morning - can't wait!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    [edited to correct lousy spelling]

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Have fun, Mary!

    Elizabeth, would your folks listen if the doctor gave them severe lectures and got mad at them and laid everything on the line. (A smoker friend of mine had a heart attack & his doctor told him if he didn't kick the habit, he (the doctor) wouldn't see him anymore, as it would just be wasting both their time, and it wasn't any use expending medical resources on him because he'd be dead anyway!!! This would be a terrible thing to say to most people, but it shook my friend up so much that he quit cold turkey!) Maybe they need some 'tough love'.

    Walked 40 minutes, did 30 min. lower body & 30 min. upper body. Now, if I can make myself just eat healthy stuff (and not much of it), I will be doing good. Have a tartly day!! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited July 2010

    Have a great trip Nats!  Elizabeth, I'll keep Bill (and you) in my prayers. 

    Spent 10 hours in a car yesterday.  My sister and I decided to go for a quick walk last night and it was still really hot, but still enjoyed it!  Were heading out again this morning to tour NYC and it started pouring!  We will have to try again tomorrow if I can move cause we are going to a wedding late this afternoon. Maybe we will be able to "dance the night away"! 

    Have a great day Everyone!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    I had one of those wasted days too (as far as exercise goes) spent pretty much the whole day sitting on various trains going to join Mother on her six-monthly trip to see her specialist. But i saw it coming and managed to fit in an early walk, on the map it measures about 4.5km, and seems like the system has hundreds of staircases!

    Elizabeth do your family even know that you have been quite ill too? You are so good to them, I think i would have run away by now! Hoping things improve for Bill, and for you too.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    update: Bill is going in for procedure in the morning. They will be doing a angoplasty (?) If it is something more then it will turn into a surgery. Staying with my mom missing my husband. Hymil thanks for your concern. I am ned now and on to a really good road of recovery. My mother has taken care of me for the last 4 years. It is good to be there for them. Bill has been there through all my surgeries.

    Exercise is not something I am thinking about right now. I am doing my best to watch what I eat. It is easy to think of something fast but I have not fallen on that path. My mother is craving chocolate. Though I have to admit that is very tempting and an ounce might do me good. hmmm Well night tartlett sisters. Thanks again hymil :0)

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2010

    (((((Elizabeth))))) Sending out healthy vibes for you husband.

    I just returned from holiday must get back into a healthier routine next week.Keep the good work ladies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Dark chocolate, Elizabeth, and just walk around at the hospital when they send you out of the room, it will keep you from getting too creaky and cob-webby (which is how I feel when I sit at a hospital too long). Sending a hug from here too! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Just finished an hour long walk; 72 degrees here, partly sunny with a nice breeze. Why don't all you ladies who live in broiling hot places come out and visit me in ND during the summer, as we really have lovely weather (and then I could come see you in the winter, when we have really rotten weather!)

  • Sable43
    Sable43 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2010

    I like your sense of humor hymil! And actually it was my 19 year old daughter who sat down with me last night and told me that she would do all that she could to help. Even if it meant cooking healthier meals and exercising with me to get me motivated she said she would do it. I was so touched by her sincerity, I just knew that I had to do this.

    And to ruthbru; you'd be so proud of me. Although I know we've only "met" just recently I went to the gym this morning and did 45 minutes of the recumbent bike. (Refused to go outside; I live in the metro/Washington D.C. area - well over 100 degrees here today!) That might not sound like a lot, but it's truly a big deal to me considering I've been so sedentary and fatigued post chemo. and radiation. But it felt so good accomplishing something; just felt so much better about myself. No one can take that away from me.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Sable, good job!! You are ON YOUR WAY!!!!! Cool
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2010

    Update: Bill went in for his procedure this afternoon. They found that he did damage to his heart and passed a blood clot. The blood thinner they gave to him was not working. It is suppose to metabolize in his liver. So they put him on a new blood thinner that should work for him this time. He will be staying over night. I will be bringing him home tomorrow. My mother is exhausted. Though I brought her over a memory foam wedge for her bronchitis. I used the wedge for my mx. It really helped a lot we both go a good nights sleep. It was needed. No excercising. Good choices in eating.

    Sable way to go. We are so proud of you...unstand about wanting to stay in. Our state opens the mall up at 6am so that people can walk cause it is to hot here. It is a great idea.

    Ruth hope you enjoyed your time with your sister. I am going to have to try your cookie recipe. Thanks for sharing that. :0)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Did Body Combat class this morning, came home had breakfast and went back to the gym and did a Zumba class (wanted to try the Saturday Zumba instructor) and no, the yummy fair food that I consumed last night had nothing to do with it!!!

    Elizabeth I was sorry to hear about Bill but glad that everything went well. Congratulations Sable I know it's hard to start but you did it and it does get easier over time and what a wonderful daughter to want to change her lifestyle to help make yours better how proud you must be.

    It is absolutely gorgeous here today, I spent the afternoon in the garden watering, weeding and deadheading roses and then I got an emergency call from my friend, she had managed to get Charles out of bed into his wheelchair but couldn't get him back so I had to run over and help her.  Hey is Ruth making cookies - I want someLaughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Elizabeth, thanks for the update, I've been thinking about you. Such draining stuff!! I had a lovely time with my sister and am sad that she lives so far away.

    CheryI, am going to have to look for a Zumba class this fall. ( I just like to be outside now while the weather is nice to much to think about an indoor class). We posted some cookie recipes over on 'The Next Person Game'......I have a really good cookie cutter cookie recipe I typed out. I am needing NOT to make or consume cookies at the moment! Surprised

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    Yesterday was a little cooler and it was a day of the long walks, mostly because i was a) badly organised and b) too mean to buy a bus ticket, (would rather spend it on chocolate) so i walked home from town, then back in and out again, i think that must be nearly nine miles all told. The hills are getting much easier since i have been doing the stepper machine at the gym.

    Today is a rest day, apparently you shouldn't work out seven days a week and I know tomorrow is going to be very busy at work. My body is actually keen to get out to the gym, which is a new feeling that will take some getting used to! Good to hear from you all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    9 miles; wow hymil, you deserve the chocolate! Speaking of which, I did squeeze in 15 minutes of abs last night in between talking about chocolate all night with Cheryl on the computer!!! I did 30 minutes of toning this a.m. before church, and went for a 50 minute walk this afternoon. Still really nice weather here, hope I can send some east (and south). Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Hello Chocolate Tarts, well today I did an hour Body Step class and did lots of sweating and oops I also fell off the step but I was able to quickly recover.  Another beautiful day here so this afternoon I went to the beach for a walk and then washed my car.  Hope everyone has had a great weekend, take care.
