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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Blah!!!  But the GOOD NEWS in all that is that your sore throat in NOT an Arimidex SE and will go away with antibiotics and you don't have to have a sore throat for five years. Buy and use a bunch of fans for the next couple months until your body adjusts to arimidex; I can almost promise you that the hot flashes will get better with time. AND remember that you just had a great checkup! Not that bronchitis is any fun at all, but it beats anything else you've been through this year!!! OK, was that tartly enough? It is all true. Cuddle up (with a fan), drink lots of fluids, take your medicine and get better! Kiss Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010
    Just did a hard FIRM DVD intervel training DVD; the cute little instructor's five favorite words were, "Let's not waste any time." Tongue out (me panting)
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2010

    (((hugs))) Try to rest this weekend we don't want you to develop pneumonia. A big pot of chicken soup is what you need. Exercise can wait.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2010

    When I was leaving the gym today one lady asked if I live there.LOL My response was if I did I would not have this big belly.  I swear no matter what I do this belly is al.ways there.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited July 2010

    When I heel with the dogs, my left hand has to be centered and against my body.  Boy does that remind me I have a roll there! 

    Great morning dog training with my best friend in a shady park. 

    I treasure any time with DS; during the school year he lives in NJ.  He is very surprised I am exercising, and recommended I do a spin class.  Not sure I could keep up at this point, but it sounds fun.

  • Sable43
    Sable43 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2010

    Zumba seems to be real popular on this site. My gym offers Zumba and I have to look into it. A friend of mine goes to the classes and she swears by it.

    Sorry for taking so long to get back. We were w/o power for a while because of the storm and then I had to be rushed to the hospital because of severe leg pain to r/o DVT. Turns out the pain is post/chemo related and/or caused by Tamoxifen that I've been taking.

    I still intend to work out though. Haven't given up. I figure losing the weight will help me to cope better with my symptoms.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    I walked almost an hour in the woods and just soaked it all up.  Wonderful to be in nature, to see the blackbirds flocking in preparation for migration, to see summer's end wildflowers, and to hear birdsong and smell that woodsy scent.  Life is good!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    I found why dark chocolate is better for you - it doesn't have that "I really want some more" aftertaste. Oh well.

    Day of the short walks today after work, but i was at the gym yesterday and got my 350 calories in. Doc in occupational health section at work has said I can lay off the exercise a little bit while I adjust to getting back to work, and I'm nearly down to my stage one target weight, to stick there over the winter and set new proper target in the New Year (!) It's very odd, thinking about 2011 already - and yes it will probably be the same target, to get back down to where I am now, after I put it all back on at Christmas?). Strangely, though, I want to keep it up if I can  - i think it must be the voices... that and the fact I am paying monthly and I want to get my money's worth!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Hi friends and new tartlets. 

    I've been occasionally lurking the boards without signing in and so the voices are getting louder and louder.  The bad news is that these last 2 weeks have been minimal workouts but did get in two 1-hour water aerobics classes this week and came home and walked tonight to pick up script for anti-inflammatory for my trigger thumb.  So logged 3.25 miles today.  The good news - haven't gained any weight so I've now convinced myself that getting back to my 6-days of exercise will start the pounds (okay, ounces!) to dropping again.  I do know that I have to make sure to come here daily to remain accountable to you all (and therefore myself).

    So, hymil, I'm joining you on keeping it up and getting every bit of the monthly gym cost used up.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Hi patoo, good to see you here!!

     I have been using my Richard Simmons Food Mover all week to keep me honest about how much food I am eating. So far, I have been very good. I even went out for coffee this afternoon, and only had COFFEE!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    Body Pump weightlifting class for an hour tonight and right now I am ‘feeling' my arms.

    Hello Patoo and Nature we've missed you, welcome back. Kim take care of yourself and spend the weekend curled up with a good book and a big bowl of chicken soup and rest up. Hymil agree with you on the dark chocolate yukky, milk chocolate yummy and English milk chocolate extra yummy and my gym loses money on me but they make it up on my neighbor who bought a 3 year membership 2 years ago and has been about 6 times, she talks about going all the time but never does. With all of this talk about bellies I can tell you girls, "I win" you see with only one boob when I look down I get to see mine in all its glory.

    I never lose weight just stay the same, on wednesday night I was talking to a woman from combat class, her sister was diagnosed last year, doesn't bother with exercise and has gained 30lbs on her AI so I am going to give us all kudos, you know we don't always feel like exercising and sometimes we fall off the wagon but we at least try, we can do no better than try and we all do, so hip hip hooray for us, the girls (or in my case old lady) of the exercise thread.Kiss.  Nite all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Morning all.  For some reason eyes popped open early so I'm up, showered, walked 1/2-mile to Dunkin Donuts for coffee.  Going on Gospel Lunch (buffet) cruise with friends today and hopefully will work it off later today.  Walking this morning made me realize how much I missed exercising so I think I'm back on the wagon. 

    Beautiful day today - everyone enjoy your Saturday and keep moving.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Oh, a Gospel Buffet Cruise sounds like so much fun! I'll be right over! (And yes, it sounds like something one will need to 'walk off' later Tongue out).

    Just listened to the weatherman who says we are to have a 'sultry' weekend, so I am going to quick exercise now.

    Cheryl, I think most of us here are into our 'mature womanhood' (sounds better than 'old lady' Wink). But, I think you are young at any age if you ar engaged, active, having fun and learning new things. And that certainly describes YOU! And really all the rest of us too...we have a fighting spirit; and when we lapse, we shake it off and get back on the mat, track, bike, trail, pool or in my case the 'Richard Simmons Foodmover'.

    Everybody, get in some exercise today! (Except Kim, you just heal!). Off I go! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Up early and planned another outing to the woods (it's only 65 out!) -- until it started pouring down rain.  Yoga inside instead. Felt good if awkward and creaky :)

    I used to do Tai Chi and love it but can't remember the sequence of moves and our library doesn't have any DVD's... anyone have a recommendation?

    Good to see you again, Patoo!  Feeling any better, Kim? hymil, congrats on being so close to your target weight!!

    Everyone on this board is amazing and inspiring.   (Watch out, I might launch into song, "Wing Beneath my Wings" or something!) Smile  Keep up the great work!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Please excuse my co-opting this thread for an OT issue, but I think this is important. 

    There's a great post on the Stage IV forum and a link to a petition.  The FDA is trying to remove Avastin for non-safety reasons.  It doesn't help all metastatic BC people but definitely does help many. Don't let the FDA take hope and life away from our sisters!

    (link deleted, sorry)

    Link not working, copy and paste this: 

    or go to the stage IV forum and look for the thread about Dr. Touhy.

    There are really two topics going on there (Dr. Touhy's need for research money and the FDA/Avastin thing), along with a link for the petition.  Please read and consider signing the petition, post it on your FB page, tweet it, blog it, whatever you can think of to get the word out. 

    Apologies again for co-opting this thread.  I find I'm getting a bit activist now that I'm past treatment and getting some mojo back.

    I now return you to your regular programming Smile

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    Hi tartties (my new name for "hotties")

    I am indeed feeling better; yesterday was "Poor Poor Pitful Me" (a song from back in the day by Linda Ronstadt...shows how old I am...)

    I'm a hackin and a sneezin but I'm up and moving around.  Coughing is exercise! No fever today, antibiotics must be working.

    I told y'all about my older son and problems, but I didn't say much about my younger son (21) who is leaving for a Study Abroad/IES 4 month session in Argentina today.  I didn't get to hang with him yesterday but I'm glad I'm better to see him off.  I stayed clear of him so he wouldn't take a little virus with him to Buenos Aires.  He is the polar opposite of the older son; loving, thoughtful and just a good boy.  He's in his senior year at the University of Redlands in So California (close to hbcheryl!) and this is part of his Global Biz major.  I thought I would say something about the positive in my life today.  I'm asking the good Lord to keep him safe on this amazing opportunity.  I can't wait to hear about what it is like there.

    You know, you guys are great.  I've said it before, I'm so happy I found this site and you in particular.

    I hope you all have a great day and I'll breeze back through the posts to see what tart is doing what!  



  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2010

    OOhhh NatureGrrl-I so agree with you.

    Avastin...a quick story.  I have a friend who, six years ago, had her husband come down with brain cancer-stage IV gioblastoma.  He had part of his frontal lobe removed, radiation and traditional chemo.  At the time, Avastin was in clinical trial for brain cancer treatment, and she was able to get him into a program at UCSanFran, a renown cancer treatment center.

    He was given a dire prognosis of course, but was on the Avastin for two years.  Well, his six months of life has turned into his six, beginning of seventh year of life.  They are crediting it to the Avastin.

    As an aside, while my friend was going through this hell, she was diagnosed with breast cancer...within two weeks of his dx...and had a mx with 1.8cm tumor, multifocalDCIS.  She went through chemo and is on AI now.  Their life has been question.  He was a successful landscape designer, own business and was not able to continue, but she has kept the business running.  It isn't the best situation but they are surviving.  Our community helped them through the first year-meals, helping the kids apply for college (at the time they had three kids in high school), cleaning the house, shopping, redoing parts of the home so he could navigate more safely (there were sight and sound issues lost as part of the brain cancer/surgery.)  As horrible as it was, it was a great example of how people help each other.  She would be the first to tell you this. 

    I don't know what the safety issue is so I'll have to bone up on it.  But I do know that all credit his life to the Avastin therapy he received.

    Thanks for keeping us informed NatureGrrl. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited July 2010

    Sorry, I wasn't clear in my Avastin post, I was trying to be brief (not natural for me) :) and therefore messed up a bit.

    Avastin isn't being removed for safety issues. It's being removed for NON-safety issues:  clinical studies have apparently shown that it doesn't save as many BC lives as the FDA had hoped when it was approved for BC so they're considering yanking it for metastatic breast cancer.

    As others point out in the avastin/Dr. Touhy thread, people with metastatic BC should at least have the option and have the drug available.  There are plenty of drugs that don't work for everyone but at least they're available to try; why take something that has been highly successful for some off the market?? 

    And as  33skidoo points out, BC isn't one disease, it's many, and more research is needed to clarify exactly which BC's might benefit.

    Looks like my link above isn't working.  You'll have to copy and paste this: . 

    or look for "I spoke to Dr. Touhy today" in the stage IV forum.

    Kim, glad you're feeling a bit better  Your son is off on a great adventure!  And thanks for sharing your story about your friends.  Caregivers so often get serious illnesses -- and  yet the studies say stress doesn't cause/contribute to cancer.  Like heck it doesn't.  Cancer sucks, pardon my French, but I'm glad he's having such a great response to Avastin, and glad she's doing OK as well, and I'm always renewed by the stories of community helping people.  

    I hope this is clear but if not, the thread should help with details.  Please help our stage IV friends.  And now, I'll get off my bandwagon :)

    (see what happens when I don't post for awhile?  Now you can't shut me up) Smile

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2010

    This morning did my Body Combat class but that weightlifting class last night really kicked my butt and my upper body was on fire so I guess I need to lift weights a little more than I do.

    Kim glad the antibiotics are working and you are feeling a bit better today. How exciting for your son to be heading to Argentina what a wonderful adventure, maybe he'll come back a fabulous tango dancerTongue out

    Nature I found the thread and followed the link and signed the petition. I also love tai chi, my gym used to offer it but now the only classes that I can find are in the middle of the day no good for me as I'm at work, it is so centering and it is what I did after I was cleared to work out after my surgery. Patoo hope you enjoyed your gospel brunch it sounds like so much fun, food and friends who could ask for more. You know Ruth you haven't mentioned Richard lately so I'm glad to see he's back in your life Wink.  Well I am off to finish laundry then out to a movie and dinner. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2010

    Hi again. I had a fun morning because as I was strolling by, a lady I work with was coming out of her house with two beautiful, large Siberian Huskies. Her dog and her daugher's, whom she was dog sitting. I said hi and she remarked that she didn't know how she was going to be able to control the two of them on a walk. So I volunteered to take the calmer looking of the two, and off we all went for a nice, long doggie walk (with the dog more walking me than the other way around!). Then I came home and did 30 minutes of abs.

    Nature, about the Avastan, that is one of the drugs my friend whom I've posted about is on. Right when she heard the news she called he doctor. What he told her (and she told me, so I may be screwing it up some) was that what the FDA means is that for many BC patients it has not worked; so they don't want it to be 'standard of care', what a patient almost automatically is recommended, but that they really need to evaluate whether or not it would be appropriate and helpful to an individual patient or not. In my friend's situation, the doctor feels that it is helping her, and could explain why, and she will continue on it (and she is relieved that she wasn't taking it just for the 'enjoyment' of it). Definitely, signing the petition is a good idea, but I don't think (maybe) the situation is as dire as the headlines make it sound.

    Kim, what a great opportunity for your son. My niece spent a semester in Spain and had just a wonderful experience. Of course, for us mothers, it's always bitter sweet to send them off. I remember a Mother's Day card from when my son was just a tiny boy. It was a pastel painting of a little child boarding a school bus with the caption, "And the bus drove off, with her heart inside."

    OK, this is a long one too. Have a great night all! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi all.  Yes, the lunch cruise was fun but only 2 hours and too short.  But it was good food, good music and good fellowship.  After that we stopped at a Christian book store and browsed and so I got home later than expected and didn't walk so only logged 1.77 miles today.  Having lunch after church with another friend tomorrow so will put my gym bag in the car and try to force myself over to the gym after that.  If not, I'll have a date with Leslie Sansone or RS instead.

    Today was an absolutely beautiful day.  Hope everyone got out for awhile.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    You'll have to let us know if you end up with Gym, Leslie or Richard!

  • Sable43
    Sable43 Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2010

    Hi Patoo!

    You mentioned that you're taking an anti-inflammatory specifically for your "trigger thumb?" I've been having difficulty with my right thumb "locking" along with intense right wrist pain. If you don't mind my asking have you been experiencing this sort of trouble? I've started back on Vicodin again because the pain gets so bad.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, time on the water sounds so peaceful... I might have to go sit by the river today!

    Up early, early, early again, and it was only in the 60's so I took a good walk in the neighborhood.  Too wet from yesterday's rains to slog around in the woods and mud!

    Ruth, here's what I understand: they aren't considering withdrawing Avastin for all cancers, just metastatic breast cancer, because it isn't as effective for BC. If I understand correctly, and it is withdrawn, women could still take it but it would be at their own expense, which is $1000's per treatment.  I think it's getting enough heat going that the panel's recommendations to withdraw it *may* be overriden.  Certainly, as you point out, more reseach is needed because BC isn't one disease, it's many, and it looks like it may be most effective for triple negatives or other groups.   The problem with the FDA panel recommendation is that when they looked at the research they lumped all BC's together.  But for some women it adds good quality of life and time, and for that reason I support all metastatic BC women (and men) at least having the option of it being in their arsenal.  HER negatives in particular don't have many options but this is one.

    Really, I'm done with soapboxing for now :) 

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2010

    Hi All -

    I am so ready to start exercizing again!  I just finished active tx of TCH on July 5th, and have been having some issues with swelling in my legs, but here goes!  I have a longggg way to to as I could only do 1 mile in 30 minutes.  Used to be able to do much much more, but it's a start!

    I signed the petition also.  In my opnion if it does help some women it should be available to them.  To burden women with the cost of the drug is not right - cancer is expensive enough.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Isthis, wow, welcome (at least I haven't seen your posts, if you've been here before, sorry!), and terrific!  I was so wiped out from treatment that I couldn't imagine exercising much at all for weeks, good for you for getting out there so soon!! A mile in 30 minutes in some ways doesn't feel like a lot to you, I know, but it really is a fantastic start given all you've been through, and you'll be amazed at how quickly you reduce that time and start feeling better.

    Nats, you back yet?  I want to hear about your vacation -- it sounds like it would be so perfect!

    We've got a break from the heat for one more day (it's been so nice to have windows open) so I'm packing up some water and snacks and headed for the parks... 

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Hi Isthis! Welcome aboard. We all have to start with that first step, and you are on your way. And it will help speed your recovery both mentally and physically. Got up and did a 45 toning tape, that will probably be it for the day as I have a bunch of things to do. (Including visiting my dad, maybe after typing this I will walk there and back, instead of driving as I had planned!). Have a great day all! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Bad girl today no workout but started a major clean up of my basement.What an undertaking!I am sure it will take me all week and several truckloads of Junk. It is amazing how much stuff we accumilate when we haven't  moved in over 13 years.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Checking by for only a minute. Did walk to and from my dad's and watched the Twins Win their 8th game in a row (hooray!); only 15 minutes to get there and back, so no medal for me, but more exercise than driving, right?! Nature, check for Tai Chi tapes/DVDs on They have a wide collection of all sorts of things, so may have some there. Or else, you could check e-bay or just goggle them (the new age of computer shopping!). We are going to a birthday party at a Mexican restaurant tonight; so I imagine Richard Simmons will be unhappy with me no matter what I choose from that menu Cry! Mucho Fatso and Hasta la Vista! Ruth  (I will track down that petition, nature).
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Nature, soapbox away - it's for a worthy reason.

    Sable, I had right wrist pain as well but using a wrist splint, softer during the day and more stable at night for several weeks helped and now I don't need anything.  The trigger thumb is on my left hand and the anti-inflammatory has helped tremendously but it was after the ortho doc gave me a cortisone shot (ouch!)  There's a knot at the base of the thumb that is still a little sore but I'll see how it feels after about a week.  But I no longer have to wear the finger splint.

    Ruth - my friend cancelled so I ended up at the gym.  Did 5 mins on torture elliptical; 15 mins on stat bike; 10 mins on resistance machines and then 45 mins in pool running and upper body water weights.