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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Good Job, patoo! I ate a great Mexican meal, but only had twelve appetizer chips and salsa (which I believe counts as one serving) and I did NOT order a margarita but just drank water; so I am feeling quite saintly indeed!! Innocent
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    You are saintly to pass up a margarita at a Mexican joint, Ruth :)

    I could feel and hear my knee pop every time we got up and/or sat down today in church.  Did some dog training tonight, but no extra exercise.  Dropping my DH at the airport in the am, then going on to meet some gals for group dog work.

    Patoo:  Hope that thumb pain calms down. Sometimes a cortisone shot is just the "kick" that's needed.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Hi girls, did Body Step  class today oh my poor legs, on friday night in the Body Pump class there were lots of lunges and squats and today it was like ow ow ow ow but DeAnn said that the step class would push the toxins out of the muscles and she was right as my legs do feel better now.  It was such a pretty day today that I did a little gardening and got my vitamin D.  Hope everyone has a fabulous week.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Hey, Ruth, YUM, I was going to offer to take some of the calories if you'd eat some Mexican for me but I'm too late :) Guess I'll have to go out myself one of these nights. I'll look online for tapes. I wish I could remember what style of Tai Chi I learned those years ago so I could narrow down what to look at!

    Patoo, as always, your exercise program wears me out just reading about it!  Great work.

    I only wanted to inform about the petitions, not try to convince anyone they should or shouldn't sign, I find I have a real activist streak when it comes to BC now, hope I can direct that energy in a positve way!

    It was a pretty glorious day yesterday, nice to be out in the park along the river, I needed the nature dose. The heat is back today, though, so back inside with DVD's.

    Good work, Tart Sisters!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Hi Ladies! Hi Patoo!  I've been awol for a couple of day.  Had my onc appointment on Friday and all is well.  Went to the beach on Saturday and did a nice double kayak for about an hour.  Came home Saturday night and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom tossing my cookies till dawn.  Fever of 101 until last night and then this morning awoke to a soaked bed so I guess the worst is past!  What an experience. Through all the surgeries and chemo I've never been sick (not even a cold!) and now got hit by this dreaded bug.  Only good thing?  Lost 5 pounds!! I will try to build on this little bonus.  Just started eating again this afternoon and plan to bike in the morning.  I have fresh bluefish from Montauk for dinner tonight.  Kim, good luck to your son.  Mine did Australia last fall and loved but it was hard sending him off after the previous year.  He came home more grownup and worldly than I could ever imagined.   BTW - I join you all in the belly wars - can't get rid of that area!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Congratultions on the appointment, Bobbi. Getting the flu is not such a good weight loss plan, is it? Frown

    It is SO hot and humid here today that I stayed in a did the dreaded 500 Calorie Firm DVD. OMG, you'd think I was in one of Eduardo's classes for all the sweating I did!!!! Staying inside in the AC, I may (or may not) do a little more ab work tonight. I think that is an area you almost have to hit daily, and even then with limited results. Cry

    Stay Cool! Ruth

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2010

    So glad you're over the flu Bobcat.  That's no fun, but glad you're recovering from it.

    It's hot and humid here too, so I contuned my walk on the treadmill today.  Another mile, another half hour.  lol I'll get there.  I start rads tomorrow so it will be interesting to see what they have for exercize equip.  Have a great day everyone and thank you ladies for welcoming me.  :-)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Ditto on recovering from the flu - but that's not fair that you used that to drop 5 lbs!  Wink

    Just did 60 min water aerobics class tonight and logged additional 1.45 miles on pedometer.  Wish I could push myself to do more.   But like I've told others, something is better than nothing.

    Great job my sisters.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Bobbi, firstly great news about your onc visit and then what a lousy way to spend the weekend but I'm glad you're feeling better now. Body Combat class for me tonight and Ruth, Eduardo came back from vacation and confessed that he ate his way across the United States so we got to pay for his sins...... it was an hour of huffing and puffing and sweating but it was terrific to have him back and the class was jammed, seems we all love and miss him. Isthis, great job just one foot in front of the other doesn't matter how long it takes you, you're doing it and that's what counts. Patoo it's so good to see you back with us, I really missed you while you were gone. Nature go on to youtube and you can see all of the different types of tai chi and you might find the kind of practice you're looking for. Goodnight my tart sisters.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Hi ohmightytarts...

    I'm just checking in.  I'm coming up from the blanket of being know, that period where you wake up and think "Hey, I'm over this" only to start moving and hacking!  Darn cold.

    You guys are doing great and I will need the motivation when I start moving normally again!  Hopefully another day of snorting and sniffing and then I'll get out for a laid back walk to start.

    Bobbi, sorry you got that flu, man throwing up is the WORST!  It must be going around, my mother in law has the same thing right now.  HBcheryl, I'm happy Eduardo came back from sinning and made it such a fun class.  I know what you mean when you get an instructor like that!  Makes the class so much better.  Patoo, I think you are doing great!  That's a lot of exercise.  Ruth, I think you are right about the abs and I've been kidding myself there about the amount of work it's going to take to get the flab out.  IsThis, good luck with the rads and keep us posted.  Retrievermom and I just got done with our rads.  I found working out through rads made all the difference in my energy levels. NatureGrrl it will be interesting to see what you find out about Tai Chi...I'd like to try that as well.  How is EBAnn doing?  Gotta go back through these threads and see what is happening!

    Take care all!

    XO Kim 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    bobcat, ugh.  Hate the flu.  Glad you're better!!  Someone I work with had it last week -- it's all over the place!   Hurrah on your good news!!

    Cheryl, thanks for the youtube suggestion (where is my brain?).  The very first video I watched was kind of funny, not "ha ha" funny... but I wasn't 30 seconds into just watching the durn thing and I remembered doing the moves and felt this calmness melting down over me.  I think it would be hard to learn from a DVD but I'm hoping since I've done it before it'll come back easily.  Now to pick a DVD!

    Rain today (AGAIN), and 90, inside DVD for me!

    Kim, good to see you, and glad you're feeling better as well. 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
    Kim - glad you are feeling better.  Welcome back to Eduardo - he didn't pass through my town on his US journey!!  Patoo - you are doing great.  Isthisfore - keep up the good work.  Ruth - you continue to amaze and inspire me as well as everyone on this board.  Thanks Kiss  I just did my 20 mile bike along the river and now off to work.  The biking seems to have knocked the last of the stomach bug out of me and I will sleep well tonight.  It's going back to hot and humid in PA this week!!
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Oh and I just ordered a couple of VS bra top dresses for the end of summer!  Hope they look as good on me??? My SIL told me I was dressing inappropriately on Saturday - WTF?  Thanks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    After treatment, I decided I was going to wear whatever I wanted; appropriate or not!!!!!! I now have a bunch of cute skirts/tops/pants I bought at Maurices, where I haven't shopped in years, as I thought the clothes were too 'young' for me. Lets all dress inappropriately together; after all, we are called TARTS for a reason Cool!

    Oh yes, up early and took a 45 minute walk before it could get too sultry. Extra agility points should be added because I was darting between trees to stay in the shade. Also did 30 minutes of abs. Now, I must do a list of errands. Later, Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Hi Gang - I'm back from a wonderful week in Vermont visiting an old chum (30+ years of friendship).  We hiked incredible mountains, visited little Vermont villages with cute shops and fun little restaurants, we went to the Dog Chapel (a must for any dog lover) and even did a day trip to Quebec to sample the wines they produce there. 

    I was really impressed by how much healthy food is available in Vermont - even the smallest dive will have locally produced fresh fruits, veggies, free range chickens and eggs, etc. and wonderful vegetarian options which were really really good.  I had portabello sandwiches, fresh tomato and locally produced feta sandwiches, and even mushroom fajitas at a Mexican restaurant - really healthy and wonderful!  And it was wonderful to have a whole week to catch up with my dear friend.  She's a life coach specializing in people 50+ who are nearing retirement and are starting to think about what to do with their "third age" of life.  She's wonderful at it and has really helped a lot of people.  Of course her husband is a Yankees fan, but nobody's perfect I guess!  Laughing

    And of course while I was gone having a fantastic time there were terrible storms here in the DC area, and poor DH was without power for about 60 hours.  I kept calling bubbling about what a great time I was having, and he was miserable and hot.  Poor guy, but I'm glad I missed out on that.  

    It's taken me a couple of days to catch up here - you all have been busy.  Some notes:  Dazed - my dh is a Redlands alum.  Has your son done that "gazolly gazump" Redlands chant for you yet?  My dh can still recite the entire thing by heart 30+ years later. Real - welcome.  Doing a mile in 30 minutes so soon after chemo is phenomenal  - I remember 2 weeks after chemo I hopped on the elliptical and managed only 5 minutes!  Nature - if you haven't been to Vermont, I bet you'd love it. It is BEAUTIFUL!!  We hiked some mountain trails and were rewarded with spectacular views.  And nature abounds.  Ruth - you must be WonderWoman to turn down a maggie at a Mexican restaurant - I haven't quite mastered that trick yet! Tongue out  Cheryl - you just keep going with all your classes.  Wow.  Patoo - hope that thumb improves!!

    OK, I'm back in the saddle.  40 minute walk yesterday, but now the heat and humidity have returned, so I did a 30 minute gentle yoga tape this morning.

    Great to see how active all of you have been - you are inspiring!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Good to see you back, Nats!  Loved your dining options and I agree that the east and west coasts have made far better use of locally grown produce and food than the interior, although I know many areas are working on it (interior friends, don't get mad at me -- but if you've been to either coast and done some good dining and trips to farmer's markets, you'd be impressed.  And I say that when we have a terrific, local-produce-only farmer's market here!).   I roll my eyes that our local grocer advertises "locally grown produce" -- and then it's from Ohio.  Nothing against Ohio, but that's not my idea of local. 

    I, too, have a friend of 30+ years (she's a soul coach, kinda sorta a kind of life coach); we've been planning a 30 year trip for a couple of years now but my life derailed plans for awhile. Maybe we'll put Vermont on the list!  Isn't it wonderful to have that kind of time with an old friend?  When my friend and I get together, no matter how many years we've been apart, it's like it was yesterday and we just fit right back into the friendship.  She's too many miles away to see often (8 hour drive) and although I only saw her once during treatment (she gave up family time and came to IN so I wouldn't have to spend Christmas alone), she was one of my guiding lights. 

    I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip!

    My knees are crap today (and my back); got my aspercream and got it on and got a one mile walk in with LS and then some light yoga...  Think Eduardo would come rub some aspercream on my back? Wink

    I'm sure I'll feel stupid when I hear the answer, but... what's a VS bra top dress?  (mainly, what does VS stand for?  I understand the rest).

    I've only worn bras to job interviews, not even to work, since I started treatment.  Talk about inappropriate! Smile but you know what?  I don't care!

    Heat index is 105 today.  Be careful, everyone in the heat zone!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    I'm guessing Victoria's Secret; do I get a prize?

    I've dressed inappropriately for Utah for years.  I am not giving up my tank tops for anyone.  And I like Maurice's, too, Ruth.  

    Rode the exercise bike alongside my friend this morning and realized while riding and talking that the time was going by faster this time.  Tomorrow morning is dog training, so it will be bike day again Thurs.  Came home and weeded galore, then crashed.  DS will be coming home from work soon, wanting dinner.

    I've seen photos of the Dog Chapel.  The trip to Vt sounds lovely.  

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2010
    Running yesterday, I am *still* bottom of the class after five months. Boo. Gym today, 300 calories rowing, cycling and a bit of treadmill, followed by at least 95 calories of unhealthy (yummy) English Dairy Milk chocolate. And that was as well as supper, not instead.
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Welcome back Nats - your trip sounded wonderful.  I love Vermont so much and haven't been back in years.  You inspire me.  I've always wanted to take one of those Vermont cycling tours.  Maybe now that I'm a cyclist instead of a runner I can convince SO to book one for next summer - would love to see all that again.

    hymil - good for you and hang in there - doesn't matter what place you are in, you are in it.

    retievermom - you win the prize.  It is Victoria's Secret.  Totally inappropriate for my age but I don't care anymore.  And I now longer own a bra - just cammies when needed Kiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi all.  Need those voices to start screaming.  Not motivated today so came home and sat.Did log 1.9 miles today - don't know how!  Tomorrow's another day.  Somebody give me a push, will'ya.

    Haven't worn a bra since rads ended a year ago.  Only camies now.   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    OK, patoo.....get moving!!!! Sending crabby voices your way Yell!!!!! Report back............
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Had my annual mammogram today, standing there in my paper top the technician told me my surgeon did a beautiful job!!!!!  Did Body Step class tonight and then 45 minutes of Zumba but my feet gave out and I had to leave.

    Okay Bobcat what's up with your SIL if you want to dress like the VS supermodel you are or a 15 year old schoolgirl then you go right ahead, tomorrow night in combat when we are doing push kicks I will picture her behind on the bottom of my shoe - so there!!! And Patoo I'll give you a push as well but yours will be a gentle push.  Nats, Vermont sounds beautiful I'm glad you had a great vacation, good food, good friends you can ask for no more. My friend of 40 years is English and lives in Australia but when we're together we just pick up like we've never been apart. Hymil pretend I'm you're running partner then you'd be second last and I'd be last, I can't run to save my life (but I can kick and punch).  Come on Ruth it's summer, no reports in summerLaughing

    Okay confession time, my goddaughter got home from Hawaii about 20 minutes ago and I am sitting here eating the macadamia nut chocolates she brought me .... ahhh she knows me well, she leaves for college next week I am going to so miss that kidCry

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    My oncologist once made a comment that my surgeon did a nice job too; and I was "Whew, that's good." ('cause how would I know if it were otherwise?).

    Cheryl; chocolate is good for you, nuts are good for you, spending time with young people is good for you......that is one of the reasons you exercise, so you can eat yummy things!!! Your goddaughter is going to play college soccer, right? Tell us where again, (too lazy to scroll all the way back but I'm thinking it's someplace in the midwest, correct?). It is so exciting, but sad (for us) when those kids go off to their futures.......

    Speaking of the eat/exercise/eat cycle; I'm going to coffee with some teacher friends this morning and have Book Club tonight, so I will HAVE TO get some moving in between the two feeding events!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    hymil, I'm behind you and Cheryl -- look how you're moving up! :)

    Victoria's Secret is never inappropriate for women!  I can't wait to get back into some of my slinky stuff!

    Cheryl, yeah, enjoy that chocolate!  Everyone works so hard here -- don't forget to enjoy the good stuff, too! 

    Patoo, you do really well (excellent!) every day, don't worry about one day with "only" 1.9 miles logged (to me that's a good day!), just keep moving and you'll be back in your grove!

    80 at 8AM, and steamy from yesterday's rain -- UGH. 90 and more storms later.  What is with this summer?!  I did some yoga stretching this morning and will walk inside this afternoon. My few days out outdoor activity have me itching to be back in the woods, but not in this kind of weather...

    stay cool, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    And I'm right behind Nature in this running marathon, so hymil you're moving up fast! Cheryl - macadamia nuts -yum!!  And I have all kinds of VS underwear too - since my DIEP I can wear the low bikini type now - I never could wear those before because of my tummy roll, but now that it's gone, I can wear them.      

    You ladies rock.  I wasn't going to work out last night (I was using the "too tired from the trip" excuse) but after catching up here I was inspired, so I did 30 really good hard minutes on the elliptical last night.  This morning I stretching out those aching leg/glute muscles with my 30 minute Gentle Yoga DVD. Still waaaay too hot and humid here to take morning walks or do much of anything else outside. I'm with you Nature about itching to get back out there, but not until this horrible heat breaks.  

    Have a great Wednesday everyone! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Well - I frittered away the morning working on my computer - downloading, updating etc all the while wearing my cycling clothes.  Next thing I know it's 11am and time for a shower and work.  Maybe when I get home tonight I'll grab a quick ride but feel good about all that accomplished at my computer.  Happy Wednesday!!

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2010

    And a happy Wednesday to you too Bobcat :-) 

    I'm just trying to get into a new routine here at the Cancer Pt. Lodge and so it's a bit different.  Can't say I enjoy being away from home but the people and pt's are absolutely wonderful.  The food is great with everything being cooked from scratch - mMMmm - Nummy.  I managed to find the exercize room and hopped on it and did my usual 30 min/1 mile workout.  Hopefully I'll be able to step it up just a notch next week but we'll see how it goes.

    Have a great hump day everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Weird and nice thing happened here; the day started out hot & humid and about noon a cold front 'WHOOSHED" through and the temperature dropped into the 70s and the humidity disappeared! Hopefully it is headed from here your way!!! Since it was so nice, I walked 45 minutes, then came in and did a 30 minute tape called "Jiggle Free Arms" (I wish!!!). Now to get ready for Book Club, where I, no doubt, will eat, drink and be merry! Have a tartly evening! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Came home and walked tonight.  Logged 4 miles today.  It was pretty humid so I think that counts as extra work!

    Have a great evening my Sculpted sisters.

    Ruth, I have lost some of the "jiggle".  Probably the water weights I wear in the pool. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Good job, patoo. I think I'd lose more jiggle if it didn't eat so much jiggley food! Frown