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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Well I actually made it to the water aerobics class this morning, then tonight slogged through body combat and it was a tough one, by the way Bobcat how did you SIL like my size 6 Nikes on her behind?

    Ruth my neighbor is visiting her son in Missouri and she called tonight to tell me last night when they went out to eat it was 105 then when they came home it was 107, says she's looking forward to coming home where it actually cools off at nighttime. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Cheryl, I think you have the best weather year around. We usually have really nice weather in the summer & it generally cools off at night too.  It's 61 degrees right now! Of course, it's our winters that are the 'let's all move to North Dakota' killers!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Ruth our weather has been absolutely beautiful, we have cloud cover in the morning so really condusive for the morning walkers then it burns off at lunchtime and we have sunny afternoons, now if you move 10 miles inland its really hot but by the beach it is lovely.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    It's always nicer by the water!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Agree and this week we have the surfing open going on and the beach and downtown is packed but it is so much fun to go down and "people watch"

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010


  • kap24
    kap24 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2010

    Good morning Ladies

     Forgive me if this question has been asked and answered but I just saw this discussion.

     I'm curious if anyone does push-ups. I have been working out regularly since diagnosis and treatment back in 2006. I read the reports on weight lifting and lymphedema.

    I am constantly concerned about getting lymphedema and was wondering if doing push-ups is too stressful for the bc arm. Any thoughts???

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Kap - you may want to post your question on the LE thread.  There are some wonderful very knowledgeable ladies who can give you advice, and there are lots of threads there about exercise.  There are also links to great LE education sites that discuss exercise and LE. 

    From your sig, it looks like you had a full ALND, so you are at a greater risk than ladies who had only a SNB or no nodes removed.  Those of us who already have LE tend to be very cautious - I lift weights regularly, but am doing a program designed by my LE therapist to gradually strengthen the arm.  I started out very slowly with low weights and fewer reps.  I have increased gradually, but am not back to where I was before dx, and I don't know if I'll ever get back there.  I do not do pushups anymore, even modified ones, and tend to avoid yoga poses like downward dog that stress the arm.  To me, the benefits of those particular exercises are not worth the risk of aggravating my LE. 

    The big thing is to be aware of the symptoms of LE and be aware of your arm.  Watch for swellings, a heavy feeling, etc. If you experience any of those, STOP!  I know, hard for those of us who are used to pushing through discomfort in our workout programs. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    I do push ups all the time; mostly the ones where you're on your knees and not too many reps at a time. Also I do light weights (just 3, 5, 8 pounds). I was so freaked out about that stupid lymphedema that I was terrified of doing any weights until my doctor told me that it was more than OK, it was good; you actually BUILD UP your lymph system through exercise, including weights, pushups etc. Of course; start slowly, don't overdo it, if something feels wrong quit, etc. etc.

    I think most of us here, even those with LE, do upper body work of some sorts. Am I right, girls? Any other thoughts?

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited August 2010

    ive had a masectomy like two weeks ago, and i want to start working out, when can i start?

    dont have full arm mvt yet, my chest feels tight

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    red - don't do any upper body until you are released by your surgeon.  Lots of healing going on in there.  But that said, I was out walking like crazy just a week after my mastectomy without problems.  Just listen to your body.   Same advice for Kap and the LE issues.  I agree and do what Ruth does,  puchups on my knees(not too many), light weights and my doc also agreed that light upper body exercise is good for the lymph system.  Cheryl - thanks for the kick in SIL's butt!!  You're the best.  Well it's a hot sultry day here in PA - we had a storm overnight that did nothing but raise the humidity.  I am off to bike along the river and heading to the beach tomorrow for some relief, I hope.  Good job Patoo on the 4 miles and yes, the humidity counts for more :) at least in my book!

  • kap24
    kap24 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2010


     thanks for the replies. I guess this whole subject is 1 big question mark. I'm the kind that looks for concrete answers and more often than not there is no yes or no.

     I appreciate everyones opinion

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Speaking of which, I did my 30 weight training program last night.  As everyone says, building upper body strength is very important to prevent/manage LE - just don't overdo it and listen to the arm. This emphasis on upper body weight training is a marked change from just a few years ago when women who had LE or were at risk after having ALND were told to never lift anything over 6 pound ever again for the rest of their lives. 

    Further checking in with exercise, I did my 30 minute gentle yoga this morning.

    Cheryl - the beach sounds wonderful right about now.  Ruth - ND sounds like when I was in Vermont - on one of my morning walks (I dutifully took a 40 minute walk every morning) I was thinking how lovely it would be to move there, then my eye fell on a fire hydrant that had one of those long flags attached so that the snowplows can see where the hydrants are when they're buried in the snow.  No thank you!!!  That was enough for me to squelch any thought of moving to any further north!

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Nats, I used to cross-country ski on Mt. Hood in Oregon, and I never got over seeing the stakes that marked how high the snow was... the trails I walked in summer would be 12 FEET below where I was skiing!  Amazing!

    90 minutes away in Portland, it would be 50 degrees with daffs blooming.

    Loved it!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    30 minutes 'Jiggle Free Buns" (ha, ha, ha) and 30 minutes Pilates DVD.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Red, the American Cancer Society has (or at least had) a very good booklet called 'Exercises to Do After Breast Surgery'. If you have an ACS office near you, maybe you could get one, or maybe your surgeon might have a copy, or you could order one on the ACS website. If you can't find it, and would like to look at it, you could PM me your address and I will send you a copy because I made extras.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    red, wait until you are released by your surgeon but don't forget to do the finger crawl up the wall exercises to get your range of motion going, I was relentless doing that and when I was released to go back to exercise, I think it was 18 days after surgery, I only did recumbent bike and then a week later I started back at my step class but kept my hands on hips and then started tai chi and light yoga stretches but absolutely no down dogs as I also have arthritis in my wrists.

    Kap I do push ups on my knees these days BUT I listen to my body if I don't feel right I stop (sometimes after combat my arms are tired) , I still do planks but they are forearms and toes but I can't hold like I used to.  When I do my weight class the bar is weighted and I just use 5lb weights each side of the bar and I use 5lb and 3lb hand weights.  In the big boy weight room I don't go over 20lbs each side on the machines, which is a 1/3 or what I did before mastectomy, Nats has given you great advice to check over on the LE thread.

    Have a great day everyone, I'm off for my annual check up at PCPs office.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Kap I understand the LE fear.  I use light weights at the gym but have not played any golf since my surgery. I am scared that my crazy golf swing might induce LE.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    I did the two mile LS today -- woo hoo!   Look out, hymil, another few years and I might move out from the rear of the pack :)

    I don't do weights yet -- on my list but I keep forgetting to start them (weak excuse, huh) and this week I'm having serious wrist pain so it won't start for another few days, anyway.  But I understand the LE concerns, and also understand that weights can help with LE, and anything I can to do make myself better/prevent problems, I want to do!

    Only "feels like" 92 here today, real temp 88, that's progress!  85 and less humid tomorrow... ahhhhh....

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2010

    I have a love-hate relationship with Prevention magazine.  Love the covers with all the "hope" but hate all the advertising.  I feel like it's 'bait-and-switch'.  Anyway, that being said, I found some weight exercises that I think I'm going to like (I do NOT have LE - so it may not be appropriate for those who do).  Anyway it is a list of exercises to do with a kettlebell.  However, being cheap, I thought I would try those they listed with a dumbbell first and I think they work just fine.  If you're interested, it starts on page 106 of the September issue.

    I go to the gym three days a week, but just tried a few of these at home and I think I can feel them already.  I know I need to incorporate more strength training into my routine, since I have been focusing mostly on cardio.  We'll see how this works.  I'm down 15 pounds since May 24 (the day after my 52nd birthday), have 5 more pounds to go and think I'm stuck.  Hope this breaks the plateau.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    Spent 30 mins on the exercise bike this am with elevated heart rate; much easier to do now, and my friend and I are getting into a routine.  Dog lesson later this morning, so lots of movement today.  Now it's off to the airport to pick up DH, who is coming home from a conference in PA.

    I thought we were getting a break in the heat wave, but it didn't last (tho it snowed in the mountains).  Took DS out to dinner last night, then came home and chatted about college life until late.  Found a cheap-ish flight to DC for the fall so I can go see my elderly mom and extended fam.  

    I want jiggle-free arms again!  

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Hi all-

    I'm are all exercising and I am ending my 8th day of being a big baby with Bronchitis (that's a BBB by the way...)

    Nats, so cool your DH is a Redlands grad!  I have seen those signs on campus, but never heard the chant.  My son has tried to Skype me from Argentina but we haven't made Skype chat yet.  He emailed and said he loves it.

    NatureGrrl-I went to college in Eugene and grew up in mom lives in Vancouver WA now.  Skiied Mt. Hood a few times, it is so beautiful.

    I am hoping that I can start back on the exercise routine soon.  This stuff hit me hard, and I'm not really blaming Arimidex, but I do think that it, combined with rads, and all the fun stuff that goes with bc lowered my immune system.  Darn it all!  Oh well, it could be much worse and I am slowly getting better.  I'm used to getting over this stuff much quicker.

    Sunshine, I agree with your thoughts on Prevention.  I think they just recycle a bunch of stuff.  Good for you on the weight loss!

    I know that we are all on the right path here!  Movement, fitness, fun equals good results!  I can't wait until I'm back on here posting exercise.  I miss it!



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Still having motivation issues but logged 2.2 miles today.  Will get to gym after work tomorrow (can't come into the house) and then will chase after friend's 3 children in the park on Saturday (3, 5 and 8 ys) to give her a break (she also has a 1 year old who will stay home) That should give me lots of exercise, especially since it is supposed to be humid out.

    Night all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    wimped out today only lasted 30 min on the machines.But it was better than nothing.Tomorrow is another day.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    I know it's supposed to be my night off but went to the gym and did upper body workout in the weight room for 30 minutes and then followed up with a zumba class.  Has anyone heard from Elizabeth (ebann)? haven't seen her for days, hope all is okay.  Kim you just need to lay low and let your body recover, just think about all you've been through and all the stress, your body needs to rest and you need to rebuild your strength.  Ruth my goddaughter is going to Kansas in a week, she is starting to panic and tonight we sat down and she started making lists - all I can say is I hope that her roommate also uses the floor as a wardrobe!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Cheryl, I'm trusting that your appointment went fine.? I have been wondering about Elizabeth too & hoping that everything is OK. ELIZABETH, check in if you are reading this! Maybe it would be better if the roommate doesn't use the floor as a wardrobe, but had a good sense of humor about someone who does! Has she talked to the new roommate yet? Driving out to Kansas or flying?
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Yes had the usual poke and probe, got a tetnus/pertusses  shot, he's put all the paperwork in and I have to go back for bloodwork but my 3 month ago bloodwork looked aokay. 

    She is driving to Kansas with her Mom, if there is room in the car I'm going but I can tell you there will be no room as the garage is full of the stuff she's taking and her clothes aren't packed yet, she's a California girl - got to have her car.  Oh and I hope she learns that drawers actually close, she opens a drawer rummages through it and just leaves it open, bless her heart, her life is about to change but she's a great kid she's doing kinesology and tonight I told her how disappointed I was that she chose out of state as I was looking forward to being her "massage dummy" but she assured me she'd practice on me when she comes home on break - yeah like I'll even see her thenFrown 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    I've been wondering about Elizabeth too, hope all is well.  Elizabeth, even if you don't feel like posting, know we're thinking of you!

    Kim, your first job is to get well, so keep taking care of yourself and being gentle with yourself!  (I actually lived in Vancouver, not Portland, but everyone mixes it up with Vancouver BC so I just got used to saying "Portland."  Beautiful area!).

    Retriever, snow, cool!  Even if the heat is still there at least you can look at the mountains and dream, right? :)

    Patoo, those kids should wear  you out! But in a fun way.  I know the heat makes it hard for me to have motivation.  I'm always so amazed and impressed with how you do it anyway, even with lack of motivation -- keep plugging away -- it'll come back.   Oh, and I'm really glad to hear your jiggle arms are better -- gives me hope that I'm not stuck with mine!

    Cheryl, it sounds like you're very important to your goddaughter so I'm thinking she'll  keep that promise.  Does she text?  Do you?  My niece goes to Purdue less than a mile from where I'm living and the best (and sometimes only) way she stays in touch is texting.  I don't text much but if it helps keep my niece in my life I'll do it! 

    And exercise... it's gorgeous here today, only 73 now, I've already been to the woods for a morning walk, 45 minutes, lovely, lovely!  Heaven to be outside!  Windows are open and everything -- woo hoo!  Heat will be back by Sunday (of course -- we just aren't getting any normal weather this summer!!) but I intend to enjoy this while it's here!

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Cheryl, I hope you can squish in the car on top of all the clothes! It's fun to be able to see where they will be. Yeah, you'll probably have to take up texting, because that is THE way kids communicate. Nature, we have the same forecast; nice today and back to humidity I walked for an hour & did 15 toning with Richard. In 5 minutes, I go get the hair colored & cut, and then we are going to a bigger town about 100 miles away and meeting some friends for a sem-pro baseball game. An annual tradition with these friends. Mary, you would enjoy it because it is good quality ball & there's lots of fun promos between innings & fireworks after the game tonight. HAPPY FRIDAY! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Ruth sounds like a fun day. Enjoy!

    Been a good girl this week went to the gym even when I  didn't want to. This weekend will be visiting with my Canadian  BCO sisters in Niagra.Have a great weekend TARTS