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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    MaryNY and Ruth, thank you. 

    And Ruth, your quote reinforces what I believed:  that it's not just the estrogen link. 

    I also think that those who exercise tend to live healthier lifestyles overall but there are so many variables in all this.  Still... how can exercise (except in rare cases) be bad!!

    MaryNY, I know those 2 hour naps.  I can't tell you how many times in the last 6 months I came home from work, sat down to relax/read a few minutes, and woke up 2 hours later!  The good news is, although I've still had some 20-minute "power naps," I haven't had a 2 hour nap in about a month.  It gets better!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Nature your family has been through so much these past few years, I am so pleased to hear that your SIL has options.

    Did a Body Step class today and then have worked in my garden all afternoon - pulling weeds!!!!  I have neglected it for a few weeks and it has repaid me with weeds, and then I got fed up pulling so I flooded the area then the water splashed up all over me and I had mud from top to toe, I certainly looked a sight but it was so nice outside that spraying myself with the hose was refreshing.  I know what you mean about the naps, I did that on friday night, came home from work and put my head down for 10 minutes - 2 hours later I woke up, oh well.  I am off to shower and get ready to go out to dinner and a movie with friends. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Nature your family has been through so much these past few years, I am so pleased to hear that your SIL has options.

    Did a Body Step class today and then have worked in my garden all afternoon - pulling weeds!!!!  I have neglected it for a few weeks and it has repaid me with weeds, and then I got fed up pulling so I flooded the area then the water splashed up all over me and I had mud from top to toe, I certainly looked a sight but it was so nice outside that spraying myself with the hose was refreshing.  I know what you mean about the naps, I did that on friday night, came home from work and put my head down for 10 minutes - 2 hours later I woke up, oh well.  I am off to shower and get ready to go out to dinner and a movie with friends. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    I did the Extreme Sport of "starting to get my room at school ready for fall". We 'offically' start the 23rd, but I like to have things in place long before then. And since my room has no windows and no AC, it is better if I go when there is nobody else around to see me (in as few clothes as possible), or smell me either. Our janitors vision of cleaning consists of dragging everything to the middle of the room and stacking it up (and that is about all!), so spent quite a bit of time dragging file cabinets, tables, storage units back to their original spots, and then climbing on top of tables and chairs sticking up posters. Did that for about 2 hours (getting somewhat banged up in the process), came home, did 30 minutes of abs, and that is all for today! Really hot and humid here today & sounds like it will last for awhile. Makes me tired just being so hot. Those naps sound lovely!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    After church this morning came home, relaxed a little and then went out for a walk.  Logged 3.25 miles today.  That's all I did but it was a weekend with a lots of movement so I'm okay with it.

    It is such a treat to come to this thread and see all the encouragement and love expressed to those going through trying times and those who need that extra push (read voices).  You ladies are all amazing.  Thanks for being you!

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Ok, today was officially the start of the better me. It was actually a notable day anyway as I had my lumpectomy exactly one year ago on 8/8/09. So I think this is a good time for me to turn over a new leaf. I did my 40-minute bike ride this morning. Then I went mall-walking late in the day after my two-hour nap. Mall walking is not so good when one is open to being distracted by the stores, so that walk was very much stop and start. Once the mall closed at 6PM, I took to the streets around that area. It had cooled down somewhat and on any other day, I would have given up quickly but I was determined to do a total of 10,000 steps (4.5 miles) and I did. So I feel very proud of myself tonight. Thank you for all the encouragement.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Gawd, I just looked up at my sig...I'm ahead of myself. I was convinced that I had my lumpectomy on 8/8. It was actually on 8/10

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hey MaryNY - you get to celebrate again tomorrow!  Have to say you did good yesterday and I'm going to join you in recommitting to making a better me.  Back later.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Wow - busy weekend for everyone.  Nature - I'm so sorry about your SIL.  It sounds like she does have some options, but it's rough.  Kim - thank you for expressing all of our feelings so eloquently.  Agreed about being tired of cancer - my dear SIL was just dx with b/c last week.  My SIL is in SoCal, so Cheryl has been invaluable in recommending resources - thanks Cheryl. Lago - good for you for doing everything you can before surgery to work out - it will definitely help your recovery to go into surgery as strong as you can.  Dawn - it takes a while to get going again - take it easy, but do get out there.  I did the gym during chemo while I could, except one time when my white count dropped badly. You can always take disinfectant wipes to wipe off equipment before you use it.  Bobcat - caught in traffic in DC??  I'm shocked - we never have bad traffic here!  Wink  Retriever - hope that knee has stopped barking at you. Hymil - we have a balky PC as well - we finally bit the bullet and got a new one after a couple of years of fighting our old one.  It's being delivered this week - can't wait!  Ruth - sounds like a great night at the ballpark, and you sure got yourself a heckuva workout getting your room ready for school.  Real - good for you for getting out - I'm always impressed by anyone who even tries to work out during active treatment.  Mary - you go girl!!  Patoo - you're so good with your miles every day. 

    Busy weekend at the cabin - we're having our annual cookout (30+ people) up there this coming Saturday so we spent the weekend cleaning inside and out.  Very physically demanding - I was exhausted.  I did my 30 minutes yoga this morning - I needed to stretch out my aching muscles.Tongue out  I'm off to the store now to start getting stuff for the party.

    Enjoy the rest of Monday everyone!.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    It is HOT here. Got up early; walked for an hour, toned for an hour, and worked at school for 3 hours (yes, I have way too much 'stuff') until I couldn't stand it any more. The reason I'm working so hard is that Thursday am, DH & I are going to Door County, WI for a long weekend with some friends (Door County is on a pennisula jutting out into Lake Michigan. It is suppose to have beautiful scenery and have some fun 'touristy' things to do.) Mary, we will take in a Twins game Sunday on our way home...seats on the third base line.  Fun! Anyway, I'm trying to get the exercise and school stuff done before I I can have 4 days of badness......I will turn over my new leaf next week Tongue out! Ruth
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Yep, hotter 'n blazes here, too, 94 last time I looked.  Didn't get up early (I'm taking a couple of vacation days to play), went to Indianpolis to do some camera shopping -- and if you knew what a photography geek I am you'd know that means I had a fun day!   I was so jazzed up over isolating my camera choices down to two that I came home, popped in a DVD, and walked like crazy!  Thank you, Leslie!  Felt great.  I need to get out  more; I have so little social interaction because I'm in a town where I no longer know very many people (away long enough for those ties to fade/move) so it's usually work then back to my mom's house, which, as you can imagine, isn't the happiest place for me, but my cat and I curl up in my room and that's good... kind of pathetic that just a trip to go camera shopping felt like such a great outing.  wow, stream of consciousness blabber!  :) 

    Mary, you wouldn't mind if a few more of us showed up at your cabin, would you? :)  Ruth, many of our area schools are starting this/next week... so early and still so hot!  Enjoy Door County, you lucky duck!   And enjoy every minute of your badness!

    Y'all rock!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hey Nature, I'll take the long way around and pick you up on my way.  Don't tell Mary - we'll surprise her and tell her the voices made us come out to make sure she didn't over-eat.  Or we can crash on Ruth in Wisconsin.  You pick  Laughing

    Did 60 min water aerobics and then ran another 30 mins in the pool.  Also logged 1.4 miles on pedometer today.

    Good going Sculptresses.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Oh and Nats - sorry your SIL has joined the sisterhood.  This disease is so not fun.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Logged 2.5 miles on the pedometer today. Going to do some stretches (gentle) in front of the TV now. Need to start getting up earlier so I can get out there before it gets too hot. This weather is killing me. Ruth and the rest of you make me feel tired just reading all you accomplished today.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hey MaryNY, 2.5 miles is nothing to be sneezed at - that's an accomplishment, so be proud!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    I was at a training seminar both days this weekend, and with an hour's drive each way, did not get any exercise in. But I did get to rest my knee.  Met my friends for dog training this morning.  Really wiped today, but I'm going to the rec center again early tomorrow am to ride the bike.  Loved your post, Ruth, about the benefits of exercise and its relation to recurrence.

    The seminar-presenter was very motivating---like you all are.  It has been cooler here in the evenings, making sleeping with windows open and fans running so much nicer.

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Mary, also sorry about your SIL. SH*T! We do not want anyone else in our club!! Glad that Cheryl has been able to help her navigate the system. It is a small world, indeed.

    MaryNY, 2.5 miles is GREAT in this miserable weather! Drink lots of water!

    Nature, enjoy your play days. (I'm sitting here with a cat on my lap too...we will need the abbreviation of DC for dear cat Smile.)

    Retriever, we want to all come down to Utah and sleep with the windows open!! Remind me of how hot I was when I'm complaining of the weather this winter.

    Good Night, Ladies! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Body Combat class tonight and it was a great workout, I know that my legs are going to feel it tomorrow as we did lots of squats.

    Hey Nats I want to go to the cabin as well and I am a champion burger maker, this according to the kids that come over to swim and eat!!!! We've just had 20 plus girls and boys here, it is so bittersweet some of these girls I've know since they were 1st graders and now they are beautiful young women heading out into the world, some are staying local but they are scattering, oh and Nature they don't text any more, they all have smartphones and they facebook on their phone, me I'm lucky to remember to turn on my cell phoneCool .Okay Bobcat I'm going to show my ignorance here, when you go to the shore are you going to New Jersey? If so, how far is it for you? Ruth can't remember if it was here or our humor thread where you wanted to know about good movies, well I saw one last night, it only came out this week called "Flipped" it was directed by Rob Reiner and it was excellent.  Goodnight girls.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    I'll be ready, Patoo!  Now to decide... water or cabin in woods?  hmmmm.... Wink

    Mary, I forgot to say, yes, I'm really sorry about your SIL... every new dx hurts.  I'm really glad that Cheryl can help.  What a great network we have here!

    MaryNY, the hardest thing for me on this thread is not comparing myself with everyone who does so much vigorous exercise... I'm still just plodding along but starting to see progress.  2.5 miles is actually great, so you should be proud, especially in the heat.  Give yourself a pat on the back!

    I want windows open at night again, too! Maybe by September... And I added Flipped to my Netflix list...

    Another 90+ day here, storms on the way, I'll be doing an exercise DVD today... after I plunk down a big chunk of money for my new camera.  Can't wait!

    Make it a good one, everyone!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Good Morning All-

    Patoo, I love the new title of Sculptresses!  I'm getting ready to walk 2 miles to my weight lifting class and then walk the 2 miles back.  My re-intro to exercise after being out for 10 days.  Man, it's HARD to get motivated to go back!  

    Cheryl, I know what you mean about electronic devices.  I skyped my son in Argentina, it was really great, but he is having too much fun over there!  The study part of this study abroad thing better kick in soon! Wink

    Thirty days down of my AI and so far no weird side effects except for a headache every now and then.  I'm hoping it's due to the exercise and me cutting down on bad diet stuff.  I do know I need to start drinking way more water; Ruth, you are the BEST motivator. should hire you; this is the kind of information that needs to be on this site!  That's why I love y'all!

    OK I just realized I'd better put on my shoes and get going.  Have an exercise-kind-o-day!




  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Ruth - I've been in Door County (I have a lot of Wisconsin relatives) - it was beautiful out there. And I want a full report on the new Twins ballpark!  Nature, Patoo, Cheryl and others - we have plenty of room at the cabin so we'll look for you on Saturday.  Wink  Mary, sounds like you're going to join Patoo as one of our pedometer girls.  My friend I was visiting in Vermont swears by hers.  Maybe I need to look into getting one.  Retriever - open windows!!!  OK - you guys go to the cabin - I'm heading over to Retriever's house!

    Thanks for all the good wishes for my newly dx SIL. We all know exactly how she's feeling now - you remember that terrible feeling in that first my-whole-world-just-turned-upside-down phase.  I keep reassuring her that once she gets a game plan in place, it really does get better. Her dh is a great guy, so I know she'll have good support during this time.  

    No formal exercise for me - I was hitting stores last night getting stuff for the party, so just call it Power Shopping Workout. We have a Nats game tonight - the first time I've been able to see our pitching phenom Strasburg live, so I'm looking forward to it.  What I'm not looking forward to is the heat - it's in the 90's and humid.  Yuk.  Scarily enough, it just may be too hot to even enjoy a beer - in this heat I do better with plain water.  Heresy, I know!  Frown 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Whoa!!   I leave for a few days and there are so many posts to read - you ladies are busy!!  This is my home base too so I have to read everything.  Welcome to Dawn, Mary and lago - did I miss anyone??  lago - I went to the Y everyday following my chemo and did a spin class.  I was tired and didn't feel great but working up a sweat helped push the drugs through my system.  Bonus - I got a two hour nap :)  Mary - please get yourself a helmet.  I'll glom onto Patoo's scolding(with love) but I cycle now that I can't run too much and actually find the helmet keeps my head cool on hot days because the wind flows through the openings.

    Got home from the shore last night - Yes, the New Jersey shore.  It's just beautiful down there.  Toured a house that my friends are building to resell - $4.5 million dollars!!  Oh my - it was lovely.  Stopped and bought my lottery tickets on the way home tonight.  So, had two great rides on Saturday and Sunday - love looking at all the homes.  Then a lovely sail on Sunday afternoon.  We took our boat across the bay to a waterfront, outdoor restaurant and sat outside listening to music, eating oysters and dare I say, drinking!!  Just one but cold and delicious.  Yesterday was helping my mom with laser surgery and finances so no exercise and today had to catch up with my own work.  I will go out tomorrow early and have a long ride along the river.  Have a lovely night everyone Kiss

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Woke up this morning with a very painful back.  Took some extra strength liquid advil  went back to bed an hour later got up felt much better.  Even found my way to the gym today but just took it easy on the machines. Tomorrow is another day.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Bobcat: will take your advice on the helmet. Your sailing across the bay to dinner on Sunday sounds wonderful. Those of us who live near water are so lucky.

    I was signed up for a yoga class at Gilda's Club today but it was cancelled at the last minute. Instead of that I sat in their library and read for an hour. This evening I did a 40 minute bike ride. I feel I could do so much more if the weather was cooler as I feel overheated rather than tired afterward. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Did water aerobics 60 mins then ran in water for another 15 mins.  Pedometer logged 1.24 miles.  No water class tomorrow so plan on going to the gym and working on machines for a bit and do some walking.  I'm just thrilled to get something in each day and this thread is great because we are not competing against one another - just good motivation.  Thanks all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    MaryNY I would suggest hydrating before you go riding but if you're like me it would make you stop every 10 mins looking for a bathroom.  Do you have a bag attached to your bike that maybe you can put in a gel ice-pack to rub on your forehead and wrists while your ride?  Hopefully someone else will have more helpful advice.  Meanwhile, hang in there.

    I used to ride my bike along the shore from Coney Island to the Verazanno Bridge (but that was 20 years ago!)  Loved it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    I think we should all go sailing with Bobbi!! That just sounded perfectly lovely! Mums, I peeked on the Canada thread, and it sounds like you guys had a good time at your reunion. Drink, drink, drink in this heat (the water, not the beer Wink). I did my "Sweat At School" workout this morning (worked in my room) and then it was so hot to go outside, so cobbled together 4 different DVDs to get in another hour of toning, and an hour of aerobics. It's hard work getting ready for four days of badness!! We are each just competing with our ownselves, but it is sure nice to have a cheering section! Much Love, Ruth
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Hi everyone, I have missed you! I have been carrying for my daughter. She has been on bed rest. She was dilated to 2 cm and they did not want her to have the baby yet. She is doing well now and had the baby last night. Her name is Aubrey Cadence Love Partee, She is 7lbs born 8/9/10 at 8:36pm. I am a happy grandma. She is so adorable. Here is a picture on facebook of my precious granddaughter.!/photo.php?pid=31005365&id=1018740167

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Congrats ebann on your new granddaughter. Born on 8/9/10 - she has to be special being born on such a date!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Oh Elizabeth we missed you.  Congratulations, she is beautiful and she's a lucky baby 7lbs born on 8-9-10.

    Did Body Step class tonight an it was really hard, I don't know why I just dragged, did the whole hour but was sure glad when it was over.  I am still suffering the after effects of that stupid tetanus shot my arm is still hot and my bicep is as sore as all heck I probably should take something for the pain instead of just moaning and complaining.