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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Oh, she is just beautiful, Elizabeth. Congratulations to you all! And 7-8-9-10......very cool!!

    Poor Cheryl, take an aspirin or a Tylenol and ice your arm with a  bag of frozen vegetables.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010
    Thanks Ruth I just took something and I'm heading off to bed with an ice pack, I think I need a good nights sleep, lets hope a don't have a hot flash night - that would be just my luckFrown
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Congrats  Elizabeth   Is she your first grandchild?

    I will be at the gym today and tomorrow but then I am off to Muskoka for a week visiting with my brothers and their families. So I will check back when I get home. Keep on moving Ladies.Undecided

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Welcome to Aubrey!!  Ruth - I need a recommendation.  When you say you do 1/2 hour of abs - is that a DVD?  I need something to target that area.  Off to get my tire repaired and then a bike ride.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Congrats Elizabeth; so happy to see you on here.

    Cheryl, those tetanus shots are indeed painful.  My son had one before he left to Argentina and he complained about it for three days.

    I went to spin class this morning and made it through; I think I am officially back at it.  Tomorrow going for a nice bike ride with my sister and my niece.  I love outdoor bike rides, but I only like them on trails-I get nervous around the cars in this area.

    Bobcat, I need the abs too.  I've come to the conclusion that they are something I need every single day.  I'll look to see what Ruth posts.

    Mumayan, where is Muskoka?  In Canada? Have a great time.

    Time to get a move on.  The house ain't gonna clean itself, darn it.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Hi! Did an hour of aerobics, 45 minutes of toning and that's all the exercise I will get this week except to walk around touring and up/down the steps at the baseball game (getting concessions Wink).

    ABS:of course, you know that I love THE FIRM, so here are a few tapes/DVDs that are specifically abs or abs/lower body and where you might find them.

    1. you can check their website www.firmdirect.comfor the ones they have currently available. The big 'thing' they are advertizing now is 'The Wave', you can look at their site and see what it is all about a lot easier than I can describe it. I have it and like it a lot. Included in the price of the set, and along with a 40 minutes toning/aerobics DVD and 30 minutes scuplt DVD, is a 10 minute 'Express Abs' and another 30 minute 'Rock Solid Abs' (which has a 20 minute option) and is very good. I also bought another DVD to use on the wave called, "Rock Solid Buns', also very good.

    2. two other of their older tapes (and you might have to look on if you want to order them separately are:

    *FIRM AbSculpt, 25 minutes, you can use with their 'Fanny Lifter' or any stool or step that is about 14 inches high. This one is very easy to follow (unlike some of the FIRM routines).

    * a really old one from the "Firm Parts" series called "Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs". I love this one (probably because it is all floor work, so I can lie down!!). You can use 5 pound ankle weights and another set of dumbells to some of the exercises if you want. 34 minutes, also very easy to follow.

    I have some others (and almost all FIRM workouts have abs included), but those are my favorite.

    Now, I need to wash clothes and pack. I'll check in once more tonight. Later! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Seems all I do is fly-bys these days.

    Congrats ebann - proud grandma!  Wow 7-8-9-10.

    Thanks hbcheryl - just as I was getting ready to make appt for a tetanus booster you remind this big baby of the pain!  That was not nice of you at all.

    Mum - have fun enough for all of us.

    Kim - housework causes BC (you really should check out the '...what caused our BC...' thread) so you may want to rethink doing housework.

    Ruth - enjoy.  I may look for the floor FIRM.  Isn't the WAVE some kind of contraption that you stand on and it rocks on the floor.  Not all black people have good rhythm and I would break my neck.  Embarassed

    So didn't make it to the gym.  Needed to shop to find a ballet/dance shoe,  to match a pair the other dancer has, to wear for a worship dance I'm learning for my trip to Nicaragua later this year.  At least my pedometer did register 2.25 miles today so it's something.

    Night my Sculptresses.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    No exercise for me today, woke up and my arm has a big red welt going around the bicep and it's on fire so called my docs office and they say come on in, seems I am having a reaction to the pertusis part of the vaccination and just to take tylenol or advil and use heat not ice - sorry Patoo, but the injection itself didn't hurtTongue out. We are off out to dinner downtown for Hannahs last night as a Cali girl and we'll probably go for a walk out on the pier, have fun on your vacation Ruth.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth:  Congrats!  What a wonderful gift; you have fun times ahead.

    Rode too hard on the exercise bike Tues, and paid for it with pain last night, so after dog training this am, I headed to work to restSmile  I wish I had my puppy's energy.  I am losing my best training buddy, as she is a teacher and must do all those tasks you are doing, Ruth, in prep for the school year.

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, WHAT trip to Nicaragua?? Now I will have to check in again tonight in case you stop back with more information!

    Cheryl, we just got a notice that school people could update their tetanus/pertussis and add whooping cough for a small fee (most of it being covered by the state of ND as so many kids AREN'T getting vaccinated that whooping cough is on the rise and adults can apparently be carriers). I just got my tetanus shot 5 years ago so was wavering as to whether I wanted to get this one now or not. Now I know the answer......NOT!!!!!! Those kids unvaccinated kids will just have to take their chances with me!

    OK, now I DO have to pack.....I am good at putting things off, aren't I?!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    In case you're still around - going on a 9-day missions trip to Nicaragua in November.  Was there once before about 7 years ago.  Also been to Paraguay.  Lots of work but so much fun.  Now get to packing and enjoy.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Wow, that sounds awesome. How big of a group?

    Patoo, I think you would also enjoy the AbSculpt I mentioned above. You only use the step or stool to sit on when you are doing some breathing exercises, and to put your feet on when you are doing some don't actually have to step on it Smile. It is a nice, kind of peaceful tape.

    Retrivier, you will have to get your teacher friend out, to relieve all the stress of getting ready for school!

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Ruth: enjoy your vacation. The location you describe in your earlier post sounds lovely.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Thank you. I will bring back a full report. Now, I REALLY will finish packing (as you can tell, I am the worst packer in the world!!). Have a great rest of the week. Much Love to All!!! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Ruth - have a great trip!! and thanks for the tips on ABS.  I am going on amazon right now to order that 25 minutes simple one.  I need to start easy and not get discouraged by more difficult moves.    Did the 20 mile bike yesterday and going to spin class this morning - mostly just to see my spin friends.  I prefer being outside when I can.  Patoo - your trip sounds so interesting.  Cheryl - hope the arm is feeling better and you enjoy Hannah's last night.  Kim - lets compare on the those abs tapes.  Have a good day all!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    I'm doing a Patto-style fly-by.  No exercise for me at all this week Frown - too busy running errands every night after work to gather stuff for the big cookout Saturday. Some relatives are flying in from Wisconsin for the cookout so we're going out to eat with them tonight so I'm being extra bad.  I'll have to get back on the exercise wagon after this weekend - I actually miss it!

    Cheryl - your vx reaction sounds like no fun - take care!  Patoo - your trip sounds wonderful and you're doing good as well. Innocent  Ruth - have fun!  Bobcat - 20 miles???  Now I really feel lazy!  

    I'll try to check in but l may have to catch up with everyone after this weekend!! I love doing this annual cookout, but it also drives me crazy getting ready for it.  But it's nice to be able to do it - 2 years ago we had to skip doing it for the first time in decades because of my treatments.  So as hectic as it is, I'm loving it.    

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Did my last workout this week today. Tomorrow I will be in the Northern Canadian forest so lake swimming or trail hiking will have to do.

    Ruth and Patoo have great trips. Patoo it is rainy season there so pack for the mud and mosquitos.Talk to you when I get back. Mum

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    I don't mean to skip anyone, but I'm short on time, so I'm only going to say congrats! to Elizabeth.  A  happy reason to be away from the boards!

    It's hotter 'n blazes here again, still, will it never end........ so I'm becoming very good friends with LS!

    Keep up the good work, everyone! and have a great weekend!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Argggh!  I have a cold AGAIN...this makes the third time it has come back in over two weeks.  Maybe it's the same virus, but MAN!  I'm tired of this.  Runny nose, sneezing...

    Did I read somewhere that Arimidex can cause allergy like symptoms?  Or is it just a plain old stubborn virus?  Too soon after rads to heal "normally?"  

    I want to be normal...alas, that ship sailed with my dx, didn't it?  So frustrating to keep getting set back like this.  This time it isn't really sick like when I cam down with bronchitis two weeks ago, but just sneezing, watery eyes, and generally feeling cruddy.  Maybe an allergy, but I usually don't get allergies like this...

    OK, I'm over it.  I did get my bike ride in today, which was nice at the time....

    If any of you have had this issue with arimidex-or after treatment "run down", let me know!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Thought I posted, got interrupted and now see I probably didn't (or didn't click 'submit').  So, I'm going to claim that I had an absolutely brilliant post and lost it (HA, you can't prove I didn't!)

    Anyway, did nothing today, nada, nada, nada.  Did so little even the pedometer only got to 1.6 miles but that would only be stop-and-go walking around today.  Having dinner with ex-coworkers tomorrow night (5 years ago company closed) so won't get anything done tomorrow either.  Saturday?  Hmmmmmmm, don't know but will try.

    Night all.

    Oh, and Kim, my 'brilliant' lost post had something to do with you taking it easy that maybe your body is telling you it's not yet ready to get back or find your new "norm".  Be good to yourself.

    Night all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Dazd - I used to have terrible fall allergies, but ever since chemo I haven't had them, so it certainly can jangle your system.  Maybe treatment has worked in reverse for you and you do have allergies noweven if you never had them before. Your symptoms certainly sound like what I used to go through. Or, as Patoo says, it may just be your body is still recovering.  Hang in there!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Nats, have a great weekend and a great dinner -- sounds like so much fun!  Ruth has probably left but in case you're reading, Ruth, hope you have a great weekend as well!

    Kim, I haven't gotten sick since dx/treatment, but treatment definitely wore me down to just about nothing -- I'm guessing it could be a combination of your body still recovering from all you've been through, a weakened immune system (are your white counts low?  mine still are 6 months after rads), and perhaps doing more than your body is ready for.   And/or maybe allergies -- my allergies haven't gone since chemo but my symptoms are different and more mild.  Have you tried allergy meds?  A phamacist might be able to help you figure out which would work best for you if that's what it is.  Like Patoo said, be good to yourself, and listen to your body. Even a couple of months ago I sometimes felt like I would ever get better but I'm feeling much better now.  You'll get there! 

    mum, I can't think of anything that would do my body and soul more good than hiking in the northern Canada forests and being on the lake.  I can almost smell the air and feel the peace.  Enjoy!!

    Cheryl, hope you're feeling better.  Ouch and more.  

    97 and 98 today and tomorrow (because it hasn't been hot enough this summer Tongue out ) so I'm heading out right now for the woods and some photography.  I'll probably do LS DVD later today inside where it's cool because when I have a camera in my hand I do too much stopping to get in a good walk, although I often cover a lot of ground.

    Stay cool, everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Thank you everyone I am feeling much better and the rash is almost gone.  I did get to a Zumba class last night, substitute instructor and she really gave us a workout and to think I almost blew off the class as when I got home there was a girl in turmoil as she couldn't get everything in her car so I told her to go say goodbye to her friends and then after my class I would help her and so we emptied the car and repacked and voila, managed to get everything in, her Mom got home from work at 8pm had a shower and they set off at 9.30pm and the only way I could have fitted in the car was to hang on the roof!!!!

    Mum your trip sounds wonderful, have a great time.  Kim, I'm sorry your cold is back or it could be allergies and don't forget your immune system has been compromised but I'm glad you are still able to feel well enough to ride your bike.  Nature you're going to hate me but we have had such a mild summer although they say we are going to heat up this weekend and the other night when we went out for dinner I had to wear a warm jacket.  Nats have a wonderful weekend at the cabin.  Patoo even if you mall walk on the weekend it counts and don't forget Ruth is on vacation so we can all be naughty this weekend as she won't yell at usInnocent.  Must get to work, have a great day all. 

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited August 2010

    Hello Ladies,

    I've been away from the boards for a while in an effort to reduce my anxiety levels (don't think it worked).   But I haven't been idle!  I really got into tennis this summer and have been playing almost every day.  It's been a very hot summer in NY so we mostly play indoors.  We are lucky to have a beautiful bike path nearby and my husband and I ride a couple of times a week.  Most of the path is in the woods so it's usually not too hot.  I've been on Arimidex for about three months now and am starting to have some pain and numbness in my fingers.  So far it hasn't interefered with my daily activities and I'm hoping it stays that way. 

    Nice to see you all doing well!  Enjoy the rest of the summer!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    cheryl, I don't hate you, but I do envy you!  I can't wait until jacket-wearing time!

    Walked and shot photos for about an hour, came home and did 30 minutes with Leslie, now I'm getting ready for 24 hours of family and my nephew starting as a freshman here at Purdue, he'll be moving into the dorms in the heat tomorrow.  I hope his dorm has AC!

    Later, Tartlettes!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Cheryl - glad the arm is getting better but riding on the roof would not have been good for you :)  Whoa - a jacket!  That's not in my vocabulary this summer.   Nats - your picnic with family sounds wonderful.  Eat a little extra for all of us!  Kathy - I am oh so jealous that you play tennis.  I have tried numerous times and don't seem to have that "chip" in my head.  My son played in high school and I loved watching him play.  We go to the US Open every year and this year going in the first week - it's so much fun!   Kim - I am sorry you are suffering with that cold but glad you are still riding the bike.  Can't hurt to get the juices flowing. Patoo - have a lovely evening with old friends tonight.

    I did about 15 miles on the bike this morning.  Had appointments and work that cut into my workout time.  Still felt good to get out there.  I have managed to keep the 5 pounds off that I lost when I was sick - don't know what that's about, but I'll take it.  I've ramped up the biking and think that helps.  I will ride the full 20 tomorrow and then SO and I are going NYC for the day and night.  I am so excited - we have a time share that we don't get to use often and I just wanted to get away with him alone for a couple days.  Don't care if we lie in bed and watch movies the whole time!!  But that said, planning to walk on the new High Line and catch some jazz at a club.  I will check in tomorrow before I leave.  Have a lovely night all Kiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Nature - forget to say, your walk in the woods sounds lovely.  Would love to see your photos - do you post them online? 

    Oh - today is my 2 year anniversary of double mastectomy.  Weird.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Bobcat, I don't know what to say about your anniversary, except that I hope it doesn't bring up too much that's unhappy.  2 years, at least you can say you're still here and doing so great!!!

    I do post my photos, see   My camera has been on its last legs for about a year (just after my dx) and I just got the new one so there are no recent photos on the nature blog (a few on my food blog, I could usually squeak 5 or 6 out of the camera before it died each time), but some of the old ones are fun (poke around under "blog archives,"  right column, you have to scroll down a bit to find it), and I hope to post at least a couple of new ones from my new camera soon! 

    Your biking inspires me... makes me want to get a bike and get out there.  There are some nice trails around here.  I was just enjoying biking again when I had a bad fall on one I borrowed from my niece, I got back on as soon as my knees recovered (some bad damage in one that finally did heal), but I hate that bike now (loose brake wires caused me to unexpectedly screech to a halt and go end over), and then I got my cancer dx, and I know, excuses, excuses, but I think I'd love to have a bike I didn't hate :)

    Congrats on the 5 # maintenance loss, and have a terrific time in NYC!!  Everyone is doing so many great things this weekend.  Have fun!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    Dog training with my best pal this am, then time for a chat after.  I am determined to get my bike tuned up after hearing of the biking stories.

    Today was the 12 yr anniv of my older sister's death from brain cancer.  Yesterday would have been her 60 th birthday.  I always call to check on my mom, and she was having an especially hard time yesterday.  I know this is off topic, but you gals are good for sharing and listening.

    Wiiped tonight.  

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Retrievermom: it must be tough on your mom to have a double reminder every year -- your sister's birthday one day and her anniversary on the following day.

    Haven't been on my bike for a couple of days. Today I had my three-month checkup at the med onc and I felt really tired afterward so didn't do any exercise. Yesterday my exercise took the form of a ramble around an outlet center. That also helped take my mind off my visit to the onc. Next week I need to have my six-month mammo and ultrasound. 

    I must see if I can find any nice bike trails around here. I usually drive about two miles away and cycle the same route near Long Island Sound. But I could do with a bit of diversion.