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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Hello Tartlett Sister, Well things have been busy for this grandma. Baby Aubrey is such a good baby. Helping my daughter and her husband out. Taking care of Aubrey so they can sleep, cleaning up the house and making meals. My daughter in the beginning was mom I want to figure it all out on my own. I am going to need my space. So I have held back and just waiting for the calls. She has needed me 4 days out of the 5. So off this grandma goes to help her daughter and son in law out. I just love it. Though if this is going to continue I need to pack my own food and find ways to exercise. I have not exercised all week. I am hopefully starting tomorrow. My friend Tracy is picking me up and we are going to the gym. Yeah! Have missed it there. They are saying come Elizabeth and use me as much as you want! I love being a grandma so grandma has to exercise just to keep up with it all. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Take care and blessings along the way.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    retrievermom, sending a long warm hug.  Your sister was so young.  Hugs for your mom, too; I can't even imagine how difficult it is to lose a child.    {{{{{{{retrievermom}}}}}}}

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    I have a million things to do before family gets here around noon but I'm going for a walk first anyway.

    Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Hi All Tart Ones-

    Thanks for letting me whine about cold/allergy-it indeed was an allergy, because it is completely gone.

    Retrievermom, thinking about you this morning; you are being a great daughter to your mom helping her through her loss (and yours as well.)  No wonder you are wiped my "rads" sister!  Hope today brings you sunshine.

    NatureGrrl have fun with company today and good for you walking!  MaryNY let us know if you "found a new path"'s always fun when you explore on a bike.  I'm like you; I get comfort from the tried and true paths I take for exercise, but sometimes we need to try on the new.  I haven't had my first "after" appointment yet for bc check, but I can imagine it would/will be a wipe out experience.  Bobcat, same thing...I can imagine going along with life and then all of the sudden it occurs to you "hey this is the anniversary of my BMX..." I would guess you get thrown back in time for a bit.

    That's why exercise is so good!  It is us preparing our bodies for the present and future in spite of the past.  

    Today's exercise will be hard core gardening.  I have a nice little farm out back in a regular old city lot.  I have peaches and french prunes that need to be picked, all kinds of tomatoes, basil, eggplants, purple snap beans and cukes.  There is rose deadheading to be done, watering, etc. etc.  After that there is tomato sauce to be made, peaches to be peeled, lemoned and sliced for future use (and of course eaten fresh) and eggplant to be roasted.  Every year I wonder why I do this stuff, but every year I do it again.  If you want to see my garden you can go to my blog

    I need to post more pics, but it's a hobby, what can I say!

    I am so chatty this morning I could write forever, but for now I'll say hi to all I missed and get out there and enjoy the day!  As they sing in church "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad!"



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
    Retrievermom - hugs to you and your mom.  Kim - your garden sounds wonderful and delicious.  All the things I love.   I will have to check out everyone's online photos next week.  Just did my 20 miles on the bike - we are heading to the big apple Kiss
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Kim, glad you're better.  I love your garden! Yum, yum, yum, on all you're doing today, too!  I had a farmhouse for 18 years and a big garden and I canned and froze and preserved... and like you, sometimes I wondered why, but then in winter when I opened up a jar of something, I remembered!  I really miss growing my own food.  I'll come help you put up if you'll give me one or two of your peaches... cheap labor, right?

    I got in a quick walk, really muggy and mosquito-y today, rushed home to finish getting ready for family (cleaning and baking), and found out they're going to be gone most of today/this evening with campus activity, and are leaving first thing tomorrow to camp.  Oh well!   That's what I get for relying on my brother to tell me plans... my SIL is much better about that!

    I'm going to use my free time for some R&R and curl up with a book for awhile.

    Enjoy, everyone...

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Question for those who use pedometers:  I had one but can't find it; it probably got lost in one of my moves.  I was never thrilled with it anyway because I couldn't seem to get it calibrated right.

    So, did you get a "good" one from an outdoor-sporting goods shop, or did you go to a box store and pick one there?  

    Have you checked your calibration against a known course (like a track or one-mile route you know is measured right)?

    Thanks for any advice!

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    NatureGrrl: I use an Omron pedometer which I bought on sale at Amazon. I calibrated mine by using the method they suggested walking a certain number of steps, measured the distance and divided by the number of steps. I find it to be pretty accurate and have checked it against a known route. What I like too is that is still works if I am carrying it clipped to the top of my purse. I don't need to have it attached to my body. 

    The model I have is the Omron HJ-112. Follow that link to see reviews on Amazon. Walmart has it listed for a lower price. This is the only pedometer that I have experience of. Maybe others will be able to give other recommendations. There is a slightly more expensive Omron model which allows you to upload your exercise to your computer. I don't think I'd make use of that function but it sounds like a nice idea.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010
    Quick reply, thanks, MaryNY!!  It does look nicer than what I had and has great reviews.  My old one was calibrated the same way but it never seemed to check against a longer route.  It may have been user error (Undecided) but it was a cheap-o so who knows.  I appreciate the recommendation!
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Retrievemom - HUGS for you and your mom.  This is a tough time.

    Bobcat, I know you're having fun.  NY can be a great place once you figure out how to walk with the 'natives'.  I'm a transplanted NYer but come across as the usual tourist because I'm just amazed at the speed and energy when I go to the city.

    NatureGirl, I also have the Omron but it's the HJ-113.  No it doesn't upload anything and I calibrated like ManyNY, according to the instructions.  I think I picket it up on eBay but it may have been on Amazon.  Anycase, I love it.  I've had the cheapie ones and not only don't I believe they calibrated correctly but they were also loud.  I hated the clicking when I walked, especially since I also keep it on at work.  The Omron is quiet.  I also think that even if you calibrated it off a little, it keeps your information and over time that is what counts (or what I tell myself anyway).  So it would be your mileage, your steps, your calories.

    Didn't do any formal exercise today.  Went to help watch a group of girls, ages 3-14, at a pool party so tht has me whipped.  Pedometer only logged 1.28 miles.  Will try again tomorrow to get some movement in. 

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    NatureGirl: One thing that annoys me about the Omron pedometer is that when replacing the battery, it loses all the information that you've keyed in, so you have to start over. I keep my stride length written down in the little leaflet that comes with it.

    Patoo, do you keep the pedometer on you all day (as I do) so it logs up every little bit of walking or do you just put it on when you are going for a serious walk? 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    I put it on first thing when I dress in the morning and take it off last thing at night.  I want every step counted - even a bathroom break!  Not gonna give up an inch. I'm even trying to figure out how to get it to register when I move around on the couch.  Laughing

    I haven't had to replace the battery yet but also haven't keyed in anything other than calibrating when I first got it. 

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    When you figure out hot to register it when you move on the couch, let me know.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010
    I want couch time, too!  Does turning pages of a book count? Smile
  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Yeah, I even feel the pedometer should record the walking I do in my dreams.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    That's the spirit, MaryNY! :)

    Part of my family is at a nearby state park, camping in no shade, 90+ out, heat index around 100... they invited me to join but I declined.  I think they're crazy :)  

    Instead I'm staying in the AC, relaxing after a 2 miler with LS.  I may be a wimp but I lived without AC for 18 years and know how brutal the heat is, and I have no desire to go through that this summer!

    Stay cool!  Weekend travelers, hope you all had terrific times!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Had a nice day here today with breezes and low humidity.  Did I get out and walk - of course not.  But I did just get up and do about 15-20 mins upper body weights which felt really good. 

    Checked my pedometer up, down, turned it around, and still could not figure out how to count sitting movements. 

    Nature, the only way I camp is if the tent has indoor plumbing, tiled or carpet floor and a four poster bed!   Also helps if there is a sign on the outside saying I'm in the Marriott, Embassy Suites, Hilton, or some 4+* tent with wood and concrete walls. 

    Let's try and kick it uo a notch this week my Sculptresses.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Retrievermom sending both you and your Mom a (((HUG))). Hope everyone had a great weekend - especially you Bobcat I'm envious of a weekend in NY, sounds wonderful. I haven't been anywhere just one of those crazy, busy weekends but I did do my Combat class yesterday and Step class today. Kim your garden looks absolutely wonderful I still have to go and water and feed my plants, my herbs are wilting and begging for water so I need to get to them before the sun goes down. Nature hope you got to spend a little time with your family, more fool them to camp in the heat I'm with you, I'd rather be on the couch with a book (how are liking Burn?). Elizabeth you are so good to everyone in your family but don't forget to take care of you. Patoo have you thought about trying bicycle movements while you are sitting to see if your pedometer registers - hey anything is worth a try....Laughing

  • Zipmum
    Zipmum Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2010

    Walked 26 laps in the pool with my son who was swimming laps.  Loved it!  I thought and prayed for all of sisters who have taken a stand against BC.  Hoping to do a lot more in the coming months.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Retrievermom sending both you and your Mom a (((HUG))). Hope everyone had a great weekend - especially you Bobcat I'm envious of a weekend in NY, sounds wonderful. I haven't been anywhere just one of those crazy, busy weekends but I did do my Combat class yesterday and Step class today. Kim your garden looks absolutely wonderful I still have to go and water and feed my plants, my herbs are wilting and begging for water so I need to get to them before the sun goes down. Nature hope you got to spend a little time with your family, more fool them to camp in the heat I'm with you, I'd rather be on the couch with a book (how are liking Burn?). Elizabeth you are so good to everyone in your family but don't forget to take care of you. Patoo have you thought about trying bicycle movements while you are sitting to see if your pedometer registers - hey anything is worth a try....Laughing

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Zipmum, I also love walking and running in the pool.  And I'm jealous that your son was there with you - how cool is that!

    HB - the good news - that works; the bad news - that's work!  I actually think it's worse than the torture elliptical!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010
    Too funny Patoo, at least now you don't have to go to the gym for tortureCool.  Welcome Zipmum we were posting at the exact same time, the water exercise is wonderful and getting to spend the time with your son makes it all the more pleasurable.  Now I really have to get off this board and go and water and feed my poor plants.
  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited August 2010

    Tomorrow I finish round 2 of 6 chemo (CMF). Surgeries have healed and I've been getting back to my regular exercise routine. Before my dx I was jogging 2 miles per day and doing some yoga-type stretching. I've been working back up to what I could do. Lately, I walk 5 min, then jog 25 min, then walk at least 10 to 20 more min, then stretch. I am so happy to be able to exercise again. (Chemo will end in Nov. then I'm on to rads and tamoxifen.)

    Happy Monday! Best wishes to all for a fantastic week ahead!!!! ~Beans

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Hello Everyone! I have just been reading all the posts; and wow, we are a busy group. I had fun on my vacation and walked a lot with all the touring, but of course, ate way too much also.  (Bobbi, I found the 5 pounds you lost....they were in Door County, Wisconsin, and I brought them home with me Surprised!!). It's a beautiful area; woods with great walking/biking paths, incredible scenery, being on Lake Michigan is pretty much like being at the ocean as far as the beauty of the shoreline, big yachts, beaches go. Quaint towns, good shopping and restaurants...our only problem is we really didn't give ourselves enough time, as round trip it was a 1,600 mile drive; so spent way to much time on the road. Hope everyone had fun with all their weekend plans, I have to seriously start getting ready for school, and seriously get back on track with the diet/exercise plan. I will check in again AFTER I exercise today. Ruth

    Now, here is the Maor League Baseball update for Mary: We went to the Twins game on Sunday afternoon. Got there a couple hours early so that we could snoop around the whole park. Wow!! It is really quite incredible (I would be scared to sit in the uppermost chairs as they are so high up and have such steep steps, but what a view they have). We were on the third base line and in row 13, so pretty much right on the field. We went right down to the first row and DH could lean down and touch the field. Great game, Twins won 4-2. No hitter through the 7th (at which point the manager pulled the starter to the boos of the crowd; but he had missed a few rotation because of a sore arm and had gone over his pitch coun)t. Saw a big home run, couple crutical double plays, a stolen base, all the components you like to see in a game. We were in the sun the whole game, so luckily the weather had cooled off & there was scattered cloud cover.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Welcome back everyone!  Hope you all had great weekends.  We had a blast in NYC.  Didn't do much except walk, eat and people watch but oh so relaxing to get away.  Checked out the new High Line in the West Village(a restored elevated rail line transformed into a beautiful park) - even had a picnic lunch there yesterday before heading home.

    Ruth - sorry to have sent those 5 pounds all the way to Wisconsin and now they're living in Idaho!  You must send them on their way and knowing you, they'll have a short stay Wink.  I did spin class this morning for 45 minutes and then came home to jump on my bike for the 20-miler.  I am whipped tonight but feel really good about it.  My Firm Ab Sculpt tape just arrived with the mail and tomorrow morning is the start of my daily ab program after the bike ride.  Kim - I got it from amazon.  I'm psyched that it's just 25 mintues and I hope to start seeing results soon.  Beans - great job!!! helps rid the body of those chemo poisons.  Good luck.  Patoo - I'm picturing you cycling your legs while watching Jersey Shore - lol!  Welcome Zipmum.  I love walking/running in the pool but I use the Aquajogger flotation belt - gives a little resistance and keeps my head out of the water.  I agree with Patoo - let's punch it up a notch this week if we can.  I love this board Kiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Bobbi, the 5 pounds and I are in North Dakota, but I'd gladly send them to Idaho Laughing!! Did a 45 minute toning tape & walked over and saw my dad this afternoon. Since we are talking abs, I will try to get in a little specific ab work tonight. I am interested in hearing your review of the tape, Bobbi.
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    North Dakota - I knew that!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi.  Did 60 min aqua aerobics which included upper body with weights.  Fun.  Then ran an additional 20 mins in the pool.  Now if I can only get my eating habits back to something resembling healthy. 

    I ordered the FIRM  AbsSculpt tape on Amazon.  Should be here in a few days.  Now just have to put it into the DVD and not collect dust. 

    Having a colonoscopy on Friday so after drinking 2 liters of a cleanser on Thursday I should be down a few pounds Friday afternoon?  Does that happen?

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Patoo: I had my first ever colonoscopy last year in the middle of chemotherapy. The onc insisted as I had some rectal bleeding which turned out to be a chemo SE. Anyway, yes you will lose some pounds. The prep is nasty, but you will feel just great once it's over and do eat lightly for the day or so afterward. Someone told me that the preparation is one of the most efficient methods of detoxing.

    My Wii Balance Board started beeping at me this morning. I'm now officially obese - I reached a BMI of 30. Each week my goal is to lose two pounds and for the last few weeks, I've been steadily gaining. I'm blaming the Tamoxifen. Also if this hot, humid weather would just end, I might do more exercise. Today I only walked 4,000 steps.