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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Quinoa is such a great food. It's a wonderful substitute for rice or potatoes with the added-bonus that it's high in protein and cooks very quickly. I get it either at Trader Joes or Wholefoods (where they have it in the self-service bulk bins). I haven't ever seen it in the supermarket, but yours may have it if they have a health food section.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
     I am going to give that quinoa a try - we have a health food store in our town that should carry it.  OK - quickly as I'm off to work and then a couple hours with my step-grandaughter.  She's 2 1/2 and oh so fun.  Did the 20 mile bike and the Ab Sculpt including the stretching and cool down.  It does feel good to end gently.  Have a good day all Kiss
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    I'm also going to check on quinoa - ever since my Vermont trip where they had so much good vegetarian food, I've really tried to cut down on my meat, so that sounds perfect.  Not sure dh will agree!  Surprised  Dazd - thanks for asking about the spider bite.  It's healed over, but the area is still red and itchy - I had a great time at the party showing it off - people were quite impressed.  Laughing  Ruth - LOL at the "unhealth" store!  Bean - congrats on the weight loss! I know how hard that is - I'd lost 55 pounds prior to dx, but then chemo gave me 20+ of them back.  Frown  I'm just glad I'd done the big weight loss prior to chemo - I can't imagine weighing 20+ pounds more than my high weight!!  Yuk.  

    Did a 30 minute elliptical after work - was tired after 20, but then 2 co-workers walked in to work out, so that inspired me (the workout room is at work) to finish my last 10 minutes in style.  Did the 20 minutes Pilates again today as I've kind of gotten away from ab work - I think all the talk about the new ab tape made me realize I need to get back into that. 

    SIL has her bmx tomorrow morning.  She's doing remarkably well, considering.  I told her that after tomorrow she's officially a Survivor. I also sent her the same t-shirt that someone gave me right after my bmx -it has a pink ribbon on it and says "Cancer can take my ta-tas, but it can't take my sexy."  It was such a perfect shirt when I received it - it just made me realize that even though I'd had a bmx, I could still be sexy!   Wink

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Nats - just checking in before bed.  Love and hugs to your SIL.  We've all been there.  You ladies rock and we can't do it without each other.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Hug to your SIL from me too, Mary. Crappy Club but really nice members.

    I worked at school today. One of the teachers came in and said that the Salvation Army had a lot of kids books & games for a quarter! So another gal & I went over and each bought a bunch of things for a total of 5 dollars each. I also bought two old Denise Austin 30 minute toning tapes; one arms and one thighs. I did them both; they were very good, but I wouldn't recommend buying tapes at the Salvation Army (even for a quarter) because as I was ejecting the thighs, the tape totally unraveled! Yell Also walked over and watched some of the Twins games with my dad. Speaking of's a great day to be a fan of the Minnesota Pro Sports teams; the Twins are on top of their division, having fun, playing great AND Brett Farve is coming back to play for the Vikings. Happiness reigns in the Upper Midwest!

    Good Night All! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Just wanted to add that we are all living proof that cancer can't take away SEXY! Smile
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Well I did manage to get up early this morning and go to my aquacise class and then tonight went to Body Combat and now my shoulder is sore from too much punching so I'm going to take an Aleve and go to bed.

    Ruth at least you got 25 cents worth of fun out of your purchase.  Mary hugs to your SIL and to you as well, and I second Ruth - crappy club but fabulous membersKiss

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010
    Good Morning All-
    The quick story on the nutritionist.  You may remember me complaining about the sudden, bad bout of bronchitis I had, plus what I thought was the cold/allergy all within a few weeks.  I suspected it had something to do with Arimidex, but I also was recently out of rads.  I chalked it up to all the recovery, which is still true.
    With the blessing of my onc, I went to a nutritionist who had unraveled a big problem for my closest friend.  She was on over 10 meds, overweight, etc. etc and health problems seemed to be getting worse.  Without the detail, the nutritionist evaluated all of these meds, the contraindications combined my friend's health issues and diet.  The nutritionist led my friend to the correct speciality docs and treatments, which led to discovering some serious, but treatable, conditions. 
    I have always been what I thought was a good eater, fresh fruits, veg, etc. but with all my little vices stuck in-wine, champagne, and sugary treats like candy, cookies, etc. I felt entitled to them because I work hard on the exercise front.  During the bronchitis/allergy thing, I knew something was out of whack, more than the normal "cold" or "virus".  So I thought I would give the nutritionist a try.
    The nutritionist evaluated a week food journal I gave her, plus my lifestyle, the Arimidex and breast cancer issues.  She clearly explained that my body is reacting to the Arimidex as a big toxin.  She completely understands and supports my need to take it, but she said that in circumstances like these, my body needs all the help it can get to adjust.  I had written that I have a  “few glasses of wine a week” and “refined carbs and sweets a few times a week”.  She said that right now, those "treats" are enough added problem for my body's immune system to tip the scales.  She also noted that I don’t get enough quality protein, not enough water, and not enough greens.
    This woman understands that we tarts are human beings and it isn’t easy to cut out every fun thing in our lives, especially after we have gone through a tough time.  For the short term, however, she told me that if I ate a very clean diet and completely cut out the wine (my only alcohol vice) and refined carbs/sweets, doubled my water intake, and got more quality protein (beans/rice, fish, etc.), I would feel remarkably better and the side effects would decrease.  I decided that I had come this far and was taking a powerful drug to hold down the cancer fort, so I could help out the body as well.  It’s been exactly one week, and I have to tell you I feel drastically different.
    I haven’t had any wine, a habit I was getting back into over the past month since rads stopped.  And of course, what I “reported” as a few glasses a week, was really a couple glasses a night.  I was relying on cookies, scones, toast, etc. for snacks.  I justified that because I work out faithfully…it’s my treat, right?  But I changed that up. I haven't had a drop of wine. No sweets. I started eating egg whites with salsa for breakfast, buckwheat groats (instead of breakfast cereal) kale, walnuts, fish last week.  I reached for a peach or Asian pear when I wanted a cookie.  I filled a big pitcher of water and made sure I drank the whole thing throughout the day.  Oh, and I upped my vitamin d3 to 4000 mg a day (my levels are just a bit low and the onc wants them higher.)
    I’m here to tell you I can’t believe the difference.  My sinus/allergy issue is completely gone.  I don’t get the headache I would get at noon every day.  I am not nearly as tired at the end of the day.  I wake up feeling much better. 
    This is all the advice we constantly hear, but I was quite surprised at the difference it made in just one week.  She gave me a recipe for a smoothie that contains some unusual ingredients, but it is an afternoon pick me up like you wouldn’t believe.  If any of you are interested in the recipe PM me and I’ll send it off to you.
    In short, I’m converted!  It’s worth it, for me at least, to give up the stuff and have this feeling.  I will keep you posted as to future benefits if you are interested.  Oh, and the best thing…I dropped two pounds this week as a result! 
    OK, I’m hopping off the bandwagon now!  I hope all of you are having a great Thursday.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Good Morning All-

    The quick story on the nutritionist.  You may remember me complaining about the sudden, bad bout of bronichitis I had, plus what I thought was the cold/allergy all within a few weeks.  I suspected it had something to do with Arimidex, but I had just completed rads, so I chalked it up to recovery (which is valid.)  With the blessing of my onc, I went to a nutritionist who had unraveled underlying health problems for my closest friend.  She was on over 10 meds, overweight, etc. and was getting sicker.  The nutritionist did a thorough evaluation of all her meds, contraindications, her diet, her diagonsed health issues, blood work.  Before she even came up with the diet plan, she recommended she visit a couple specialists to rule out certain problems-which my friend did indeed have.  I was impressed.

    I have always been a decent eater, fresh fruits, vegs, etc.  But I have lots of vices-wine, champagne, sugary treats, candy, cookies, pastry, etc.  I felt entitled to them because I work hard on the exercise front.  During the bronchitis/allergy thing, I knew something was out of whack beyond a regular cold or virus.

    The nutritionist evaluated a week food journal I gave her, plus my lifestyle, blood work, bone density scans, Arimidex and breast cancer.  She explained my body is reacting to the Arimidex as if it is a toxin.  She completely understands and supports my need to take it, but she said that in circumstances like these, my body needs help to adapt.  Since she knew I had "a few glasses of wine a week" and "refined carbs", she said that to assist the body, those had to go.  She also noted I don't get enough quality protein, not enough water, and not enough green vegetables.

    This woman understands we tarts are human beings and it isn't easy to cut out every fun thing in our lives, especially after we have gone through a tough time.  For the short term, however, she told me if I ate a clean diet and cut out wine/refined carbs, doubled my water intake, and got more quality protein and vegetables, I would feel remarkably better.  I decided that I had come this far, and was taking a powerful drug to hold down the cancer fort, so I might as well help the body as much as I could.  It's been exactly one week, and I feel drastically better.

    I haven't had any wine or sweets, I started eating egg whites and fish, whole grains, kale, walnuts and drank a 70 plus oz pitcher of filtered water every day.  I can not believe the difference in how I feel and I must say I am converted for now. The best part is I dropped two pounds in the week.

    I'll keep you posted if it doesn't bore you to tears.  In the meantime, every one get your exercise, your veggies and your water in today!  OK, I'm off the bandwagon now Wink



  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Kim, it's as if you've allowed us all to see your nutritionist by proxy. Everything she said sounds like very sound advice. Will try and remember it. Do you always keep a food diary or was it just in anticipation of the visit to the nutritionist?

    Ruth, wish I could eject my thighs Laughing. Anyway, I'm hanging in the library today and maybe once I finish this, I'll go and check out some abs dvd as they seem to be all the rage with the rest of you. My Wii screamed at me again this morning. Obviously my 45 minute bike ride last night wasn't enough to counteract all the junk I ate including some gingerbread men and a huge sickly sweet muffin.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Kim, thank you for posting!  You verify what I've heard nutritionists say for years, and what Diane Dyer talks about in her book (and on this website), and is also presented in the book, Anti-Cancer:  a New Way of Life.  A clean, healthy diet is simple but not always easy to do -- but once you get into it, it's really not hard.

    I'll quickly add my 2 cents, that when I was vegan, I not only felt great and kept a really good weight and had great energy, but I also enjoyed food more.  We get so used to all the additive and refined junk that we lose track of what food can really taste like. 

    Oh, and I'll add my recommendation to quinoa, I love it, but I'm a fan of most whole grains. 

    As long as we're talking nutrition, here's a fun website I found, it analyzes foods in a number of ways, a great reference.  Even has an anti-inflammatory category, although it doesn't list that detail for all foods.

    Mary, thinking of your SIL today and sending warm hugs for everyone.  Keep us posted.

    Crazy week here, but I got in some nice outdoor walks before the heat returned, so that was good.  Back to DVD's today. 

    Sorry to be rushed, but it's been that kind of week.

    Enjoy your day!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Kim - thanks for posting. Those are all things we know we should do, but after being through so much, it's easy to want to treat ourselves.  I think it's an incremental process for most of us as we try to shift into healthier patterns.  I do have to say that since I've been trying to eat more vegetarian food and less processed food since I got back from Vermont, I do feel better.  But I'm not sure yet about giving up my wine!  Wink

    Did half an hour on the elliptical last evening, and 20 minutes Pilates today.  

    No word about SIL yet, but she's still in surgery now.  She called last night - she was scared, of course, but ready to go in and start fighting this thing.  I remember how hard it was walking into the hospital feeling perfectly fine, knowing that when you leave you're going to be hurting, and it's going to be a long time before you feel good again. She said much the same thing last night.

    Have a great Thursday, everyone!  

    [edited to correct spelling!]

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    PS, Kim, there's a great recipe on the blog for kale and walnut pesto if you're looking for new ideas!

    Mary, I agree, it's easier to change diet and most other habits by steps.  More hugs for your SIL.... The good news is, once she's out of surgery, she's into the healing part of the process.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Just got word - SIL out of surgery and in recovery. All went well. Thanks for all the kind wishes - I'll pass them along to her.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Good to hear Nats!  I remember coming to and thinking "cancer is OUT of me now!".  I keep thinking that every single day...A prayer for her!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    When I came to, apparently I mumbled to my dh: "Someone stole second base."  I have no memory of saying it, but he and the nurses agree that was the first thing out of my mouth. Gee, can you tell I'm a baseball fan? Wink


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Well started my diet for today - colonoscopy cocktail.  I could tolerate the taste as it's not as bad as in the past but don't like the feeling of nausea.  Also a little headachy but that may be be stress because I don't want to drink it.  I can guarantee there will be no exercise today except couch-to-bathroom and back.  Wonder what my pedometer will register after those trips. 

    Okay, time for another 8 oz swig - ohhhhh, phooey!  May be back later.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Mary, glad it went well for your SIL.  Love you second base story, too!

    Patoo:  Tongue out  I hate those preps.  I hope everything goes well.  At least you'll be logging some extra steps tonight!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    After the last bout of knee/leg pain, I've been concentrating on my dog training and laying off the other exercise.  Drove up to Idaho Falls today for a show and hit Utah's one thunderstorm of the year.  My DH asked about walking last night, and has assured me he will walk with me when I resume upon return home.

    During the drive, I heard an interesting panel discussion on avastin on the Diane Rehm show,  I imagine it is accessible on her website.

    Kim:  What does the nutritionist consider healthy proteins?  I think those diet suggestions are great.  I have about eliminated bread and white rice, and have really been reaching for the fruit lately.  I wish I could eject my thighs, too.  While my DS has been home, I've been cooking to fill him up (which isn't easy), rather than keeping low-fat.  I can't believe what a 20 year old male who is working outdoors all day can eat!

    Nats:  Sending good wishes to your SIL.   It's a scary time.  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Nats - glad to hear you SIL is out and safe.  I also hear the Nationals won today!!  I'm a secret sports radio listener when not on npr - my Dad would be proud. 

    I agree those young sons can eat you out of house and home.  Mine is currently on this crazy 5 meal per day thing with everything weighed and measured.  He asked me to buy quinoa - how coincidental we were just talking about that.  I ordered 5 pounds from nutsonline - should be here tomorrow.  He returns to school on Wednesday and has been great about preparing his own food all summer - I just foot the bill :)  Some great recipes for quinoa that I'm anxious to try.  We've also cut out the bread and white pasta but I love the whole grain pasta at least once a week.  I'm currently consuming tons of tomatoes, beets, jalapenos....  SO makes an eggbeater omelet every morning with onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and little feta.  Hard to give up cheese.

    Ruth - I'd like to eject my thighs too!! - very funny.  Patoo - good luck tonight and tomorrow.

    Did a spin class this morning, ab class and then 20 mile bike.  Putting little check marks on the Abs DVD to keep track of my progress.  SO wants to walk to the local Italian restaurant for dinner al fresco tonight - I'll try to be good.  Have a good night all Kiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Hi All!

    Mary, glad SIL's surgery went OK. It will be such a blessing for her to have you as her mentor. As wonderful as family and friends can be, there is nothing more helpful than to have someone who has 'been there, done that' to go to during this time.

    Patoo, hope you are surviving the prep.......I can't imagine people who do stuff like that for weight control, yuck!!

    SIGH! Food is my big downfall. I only have about 4 drinks a month (at most), so I think I'm OK there. But I know I eat way too many sweets, processed food etc. I don't even want to be a strict, 'never eat anything unless it tastes like cardboard' person, but I do need to up the water, fruits & veggies and at least cut down on the processed food and sweets.  I imagine having a fish sandwich instead of a Big Mac at noon today doesn't exactly count as healthy food even though it has the word 'fish' in it?! Cry (DS invited me for lunch, his choice of restaurant....he is also getting ready to go back to school.)

    When I was at Walmart today, I came across a Denise Austin DVD called 'Body Makeover Mix', since I liked my (short lived) Salvation Army tapes, I bought it and did it tonight. It has 3 separate 15 minute workouts; upper body (need whatever weights would be 'medium' to you), lower body (need a chair), and ab/core training (light weights). It was good; had some different exercises I haven't seen before and she explained the form you should have while doing them.  

    Good Night Tarts! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Mary so glad to hear that surgery went well for SIL please send her big hug from me, she's lucky to have you in her corner. Kim thanks for sharing the info, it really is what we all know, it's just so darned hard to do, I very rarely have a drink and two wow might as well have had two bottles but I do like my sweets. I have been neglecting the water so thanks to you I drank 3 12oz glasses at work today. Patoo I hope you have an early appointment so then you can have a cup of coffee and get rid of that darned headache. Ruth don't you know "the cheap comes out expensive" so 25 cents begat the new tape which now needs the weights, blah, blah, blah and LOL second base, you know that would be an interesting book "What nurses hear as you are coming out of anesthesia"...Stopped by "Sprouts" market after the gym tonight and found quinoa in bulk, I'll be honest I never even considered looking in the bulk bins but I also found gingerbread granola so I got myself a scoop of that for breakfast. Retrievermom hope you are able to get back to your walking soon, do your legs/knees hurt when you are working the dogs?.  Nature thanks for that info I'm always looking for different recipes.

    Did a Zumba class tonight, one of the girls from my combat class said looking through the window it looks like we are all dancing and having fun and we are but I think in honor of Bobcat next Thursday night I'm going to give spin another try.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    The DVD was $10.00. I already have a bunch of weights, (and a chair too Wink), it wasn't overly expensive. I am going to have to adjust my going to bed schedule now that school is going to, hoo.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Holy Cow, I must have clicked something to make the text so big on my post, and I can't figure out how to make it smaller. Sorry if it looks like I was shouting. I have been playing around with the computer and can't figure out how to make the font smaller, any suggestions?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    The DVD wa $10.00. I already have a bunch of weights (and a chair Wink) it wasn't overly expensive.

    As you can see from my 2 deleted posts, my computer is all messed up...... or is it me?  I need to start getting to bed earlier!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Glad to hear you only had to spend $10 and you need to get back into the habit of going to bed earlier as your summer is almost over and you have to go back to school next week, at least you'll have empathy for your bleary eyed, yawning students.....Smile

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    (((mary))  (((Patoo)))

    Just got back from my holiday lots of hiking and swimming.Today its back to the gym.Have a great day everyone.Smile

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Got up early (I love days off!) and got outside for a good long walk, 45 minutes, fairly brisk because I was trying to outrun mosquitoes! :)

    I've lost another 5#, I'm one happy camper!  That makes a total of 10 since I ended treatment last Feb., very slow weight loss, but it seems to be speeding up a bit, and I'll take it, fast or slow!  Getting more regular (if often not long) exercise has helped, I'm sure, as have all the good summer veggies and fruits. I needed the encouragement -- I often feel like I'm not doing enough and it's not doing any good -- this kind of thing inspires me to keep going and keep improving.

    mum, hope you enjoyed every second of the hiking and swimming, and welcome back!

    retrievermom, I heard parts of that show also (I love her show but I forget to listen at work);  it was interesting to hear the various viewpoints and also how the one dr. often danced around answering questions directly.  But the most interesting thing for me was something I didn't know (maybe most people do):  that oncologists receive a markup on the drugs (chemo, etc) they use.  I know the vast majority of drs are going to be ethical; I certainly trust mine to be so.  And I know they have to make a living -- but still, I found that practice very disturbing.   Talk about the potential for influence.  There has to be a better way for drs to get the compensation they deserve.  For anyone interested, you can listen at  The show is about the FDA drug approval process and specifically about Avastin and the proposed withdrawal of it.  Complicated issue.  I feel for the stage IV women who need all the options they can find (especially as my own SIL is in that category, although with ovarian instead of breast cancer) but understand more now about the potential withdrawal of this drug -- not sure I agree, but at least I understand more.

    93 here again today -- anyone else looking forward to fall's cooler weather? :)

    Family coming in again tonight for about 14 hours -- I love seeing everyone but this constant in and out all fall is going to get crazy!

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Hi Ladies - talked to my MIL last night - SIL is doing as well as can be expected - they were still not sure if she was going to come home today or tomorrow. 

    Patoo - hope all went well this morning and you're now munching on solid food to your heart's content.  

    I did 45 minutes weight training last night and it felt really good.  I did 20 minutes elliptical this morning.  We're off to the cabin this weekend.  Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi Sculptresses - all went well; one polyp found which is on it's merry way to lab.  I'm not worried (just not my nature to worry about anything).

    Ruth, I echo your sentiments about the eating.  I just can't seem to control it.  Probably being single and not liking, or being able to cook well, is the biggest problem.  I actually can cook some things pretty well but they are not healthy choices.  It's just easier to swing by a place and pick up something, unhealthy of course, to eat.  I need to win the mega-lottery (but gotta be in it, to win it!) so I can hire a cook who has a doctorate in nutrition. 

    Only had some soup since coming home; trying to keep from going for KFC or Popeye's or McD or fried fish and DQ or whatever.   Maybe Chinese, no MSG?  Taco Bell?  I know, making some of you hungry but misery...  Sorry

    This is getting long so will just say I did come home from the procedure, take a short nap, watch a little TV and then went out to walk a little.  It was too hot and I needed to keep it short today anyway so have logged only 1.7 miles today.   Don't have the strength to do much else.

    Everyone enjoy your weekend.