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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    My dog failed the very first exercise (out of 5) this morning, which earned us a big fat zero for the class.  I'm hoping for better work tomorrow.  The knee is killing me, so I can't warm him up for heeling the way I'd like, and he's taking advantage.  Still, great company, lovely park, perfect weather, and the chance to do an activity I love.

    Maybe going out to an Asian fusion restaurant tonight will help me forget the pain and humiliation?

    Best to all for a good evening. 


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, glad that's over with for you, hope you're feeling energetic again soon.  Those tests do take a lot out of you -- literally and figuratively.   I'll join your positive thoughts for good news on the polyp.

    retrievermom, sorry about your knee giving you so much trouble... isn't there anything that can help?  Chronic pain is so wearing on so many levels.  Asian fusion sounds like a perfect remedy! :)  And Mary, my heart goes out to your SIL; she's still probably in shock in addition to going through recovery.  As others have said, she's lucky to have you.

    I've had the fast food issues, too, especially since that's what got me through chemo (seemed like all I could eat was fast food burgers, mayo only, how bad was that?  BAD! and fruit). (and I was a vegetarian until a few years ago!).   It is hard when you're single, and especially when I come home tired.  I keep certain foods out of the house and freezer, and keep certain stuff ready to cook or eat as is (chopped veggies, cut up fruit and salad, cooked chicken/salmon to throw in salads, stuff like that) and make things ahead and freeze when I have the time and energy.  It all helps.   I did have a fish sandwich last week (you're right, Ruth, about the same calories and fat as a burger, but I can pretend!) -- but I allow myself the lapses and do the best I can the rest of the time. Looking at the fast food nutritional info of my favorite weaknesses has helped keep me away from those places, but it's frustrating when I'm tired and just want to grab something and I know the fridge is empty.  So, I'm better on diet than I am on exercise, but keep plugging away at both.

    OK, I'm just waiting for my family to show up, I'm all caught up on laundry and other stuff, so I'm spending some time catching up on email and being chatty cathy on the boards.  They'll keep me up past my normal bedtime of 9 PM tonight :) but are leaving tomorrow after lunch so I'll enjoy whatever time we have.

    Happy weekend!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
    Disaster(minor) last night as the Italian restaurant outdoor seating was full so headed to the Portuguese place.  Great setting but their food is tooooooooo salty and we shared the paella for two.  I am suffering from water retention today and could use a little cleanse from Patoo!!  Did my bike ride but haven't yet done the abs tape.   Love the talk about fast food.  When I was in chemo I absolutely craved BK fries - don't know why because everyone loves McD but I couldn't get enough of BK :) and the taco bell single soft taco - heaven.  Trying to do a better job now as I'm not really a fast food person but totally get it!  Nats - have fun at the cabin.  Nature - I too have had enough family for one summer.  This has been a wonderfully hot summer but I am looking forward to Fall this year.  I see on the trail the color of green has changed, leaves are starting to trickle down, the nights are cooler for sleeping.....all good.  Picking my son up from the airport tomorrow(he's been in London sightseeing with a friend all week) and heading to the Jersey shore.  Have to finish up my work for the night and plan on another bike ride in the AM.  Have a lovely weekend ladies Kiss(I am the kissy face!)
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, glad you are done with that, and you should take it easy today. I need that nutritionist cook too. Maybe if we pool all our moeny together, we could hire a flying nutritionist/cook who could spend a day a week with each of us (of course, preparing food enough to last for the week!). Maybe a person SHOULD do Jenny Craig or one of those programs where they send you all the food and you just eat it. ??

    Retriever, like Nature asked, is there something that can be done to help you with that knee? Would better shoes, or icing it, or anything at all help? The Asian restaurant would definitely make me feel better!

    It was foggy and rainy this morning, so did a 30 minute "Cardio Dance Party' DVD, then went to school, and ran some errands. During this time, the sun had come out and it got really hot and steamy. BUT I decided too go out for a short walk anyway. Well, I ran into my speedy  neighbor who joined me in what turned into a 45 minute fast walk. After 4 glasses of water and a cold shower, I STILL have sweat pouring off me!

    Have fun with your family, Nature, and at the cabin, Mary.

    Happy Friday to All! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    There is so much happening to everyone. I have been out of the loop & MIA. I thought I would be back everyday but I have been caring for the baby & Seleania. Seleania went to the ER she found out she has acute bladder infection. They gave her an iv of antibiotics.  She was in a lot of pain. So they gave her vicodin too. So when I got a call at 4am I rushed to the hospital to be with them & take Aubrey home. I live an hour away. So I watch Aubrey while Seleania & Joey slept. So my daughter has not been at her best right now. She has been pumping otherwise her breast get very uncomfortable. As I am sure some of us have experienced this. So I bottle feed her. Seleania is starting to feel much better. They think it was from the cathiter (sp?).

    I have gone to workout just not everyday. I have packed my food to take to my daughters while I watch Aubrey & such a delight too. I do love being a grandma & am glad I am available to care for her. What a blessing. Take care everyone. I will do my best to check in &  be accountable. I really need to do that. Happy Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    bobcat, shoulda called me last night - I would have gladly shared!  hope you get rid of that retention soon. 

    Haven't indulged fast food today because feeling what I guess are remnants of sedative.  headachy and was told no nsaids, tylenol, today.  it's not too bad so will just continue to be couch potato tonight as have busy day tomorrow and Sunday.

    Night friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Wat typing while you both were also.

    Ruth, the problem with Jenny Craig and the others is that once you stop you gain again.  I don't know what the food is like but it must be processed somehow anyway so that's not an answer.

    eBann, glad you are enjoying being a grandma.  Maybe just get out for a walk with baby - you probably would walk much more than you think.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Bobbi, have fun at the shore (that even is fun to type).

    Elizabeth, get out the stroller. Great way to get exercise and some weights with the pushing. And babies usually love some fresh air!

    Patoo, I suppose you are right about the Jenny Craig, but maybe it would be a 'jump start'. We might end up looking like Valerie Bertanili Cool........or on the flip side, like Kirstie Alley Frown!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Family is late, I kinda figured, they're moving the last of my niece's stuff into her apartment and she's the sweetest young woman in the world, and very bright -- and very disorganized.  They should be here soon, especially if they want me to be awake! :)

    ebann, I forgot to mention before, I love your new picture!  That's so great that you can pitch in and really help out.  You do sound happy! :)

    bobcat, I'm seeing some signs of fall, too, just no cool nights yet.  Can't wait to have windows open again!

    Patoo, rest, you deserve it... 

    Weight Watchers is supposed to be good because they don't provide food -- just teach you how to eat healthy -- a friend of mine went on it some years ago and I have to admit I was impressed with what a basically healthy approach it was. No fads, just good common sense, but the points assigned to foods can really help track how healthy you're eating. Of course at the time I was skinny and beyond all that :) 

    I hear  car doors slamming.  Have a good evening, everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Well girls I came in from a horrible day at work and felt blah, logged in and read all of your posts and thought "get off your fat behind and go to the gym" and so I went to my Body Pump class, then went and visited my friend and she gave me a slice of zucchini pieto bring home and so I had a nice dinner as well.

    Patoo by tomorrow you'll be up and at em. Oh Bobbie have fun at the shore, if you run into "The Situation" give his abs a pat for me...... I too think the food thing is all about the balance but it really is a pain to cook for one. Haha you east coasters, guess what, summer started in So Cal this week - I kid you not, finally sunshine at 8am no cloud cover, yipee.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Cheryl - that is funny about "The Situation".  Our beach house is in the town just south of where that is filmed.  It's a raucous place and lots of the teens around here go there to see the house and hope for a sighting as they are currently filming the 3rd season.  Very funny.  Our town is lots quieter and more family oriented :)  Too bad, though - just got a text and my son just wants me to pick him up at the airport today and return home.  I don't mind as he's looking for some quality time with me before returning to school.  So I am just home from my bike ride, will do abs and then off to the airport.  Have a great day everyone.  We are having some sort of quinoa dish tonight - yum.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    It is 'sultry' here again. Today I was smart enough to get up and walk early (and, thank goodness, did not run into my fast neighbor so I could go a little slower!). The rest of the day will be spent trying to get DS organized to go back to school (tomorrow). Men (or the ones I know anyway) are a little to laid back in their planning and organizational skills for me (probably because they have us women to keep them on track?!).  Later, Ladies! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Glorious day here today, got up early and went to Body Combat class and was able to do jumping jacks without my knees hurting and I'm going to get a massage this afternoon yeah....   Ruth glad you got your walk in early before it got too hot. Bobbi hope your son had fun in London, I took my goddaughter there and we were going down the list of all the places she wanted to see and half way through the day I realized we were doing the exact same tour from the Mary Kate & Asley Olson movie, hey she was 11 at the timeWink.  Have a great weekend everyone.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2010

    Got in my 4 mile walk today..even though the temperature was climbing higher and higher with each step...

    Always feel so much better afterwards though...

    Have a good one, my sistas...


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    Thanks for your kind words and encouragement.  I get stuck.  I exercise, I have increased pain.  I back off.  Even when I've had a p.t. person help.  Already wear ortho shoes.  I know I'm still battling post-rad low energy, too.  Darn it, but my dog did not perform well today, either.  I drowned my sorrows with a mocha frappe (but skipped the chicken enchiladas at the show grounds, so figure I'm even).

    Ebann:  How wonderful you can help with the grandbaby.  I hope your DD is feeling much better.  

    Ruth:  My DS got the plan-ahead gene from me.  Little prodding necessary, but sometimes I would like to be a little more needed.  Have fun getting ready for your son's return to school.  We still have a couple of weeks yet to go.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2010

    Cooking for one is a real pain. My solution, cook for two or four or however many, then freeze the rest in single portions, makes it much easier on the evenings you haven't got the energy to cook.

    But you have to be quick, before the hungry monster in you goes back for seconds...

    Off to the gym again this afternoon, had a long day in the car yesterday interspersed with pushing mum around the mall in her wheelchair in a search for yet another cardigan, I swear she eats them!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2010

    Just got in my 4 mile walk...gotta get in as much as I can before treatment begins...I know I won't be up to that many miles...but will shooting to still get out and walk!

    Have a great Sunday!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Family is gone after a very disorganized and confused 24 hours, but we had fun, too, including hanging outside a coffee shop in the village Friday night with 4 college freshman, listening to (bad) live music and people watching and just catching up. Population of W. Lafayette more than doubled this weekend, from less than 30,000 to more than 70,000 -- always a bit of a shock after a fairly quiet summer! :)

    Yesterday was my day off but today I was back out in the woods for another 45-minute walk.  Acorns everywhere suddenly, and the air feels sooo much better with some of that blasted humidity gone!

    Cheryl, loved the Mary Kate and Ashley movie story :)  bobcat, what did you end up making with the quinoa?  Tori, 4 miles is great!  retrievermom, I thought that post-treatment low-energy stuff would never let up, I wanted it gone yesterday! but it does get better (although I still get tired later in the day, but at least I'm not taking long naps every afternoon any more!). I hope you/drs. can sort out that knee trouble. 

    Our heat wave is FINALLY breaking, over 3 months of it, but now the next 10 days show only days in the 80's and nights in the 50's & 60's.  Woo hoo!!!!

    Enjoy the day, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi Sculptresses.  Logged 3.6 miles on pedometer yesterday, somehow as it was not any kind of organized exercise - but I'll take it.  Today I went over to the gym after church to run/workout in the pool only to find the pool closed for maintenance for the weekend.  Did I stay and workout on the machines anyway - of course not.  I'm a creature of habit and I had only planned on water exercises!  Then came home and popped the new FIRM AbSculpt DVD in and, wouldn't you know it, it wouldn't play!  Tried it in my laptop, still would not play.  Tried another DVD and it played so I got a bum FIRM DVD and have to send it back for a replacement.  Do you think maybe today was not my day for exercising.  Oh well, pedometer logged 1.68 miles.  Tomorrow the pool is supposed to be re-opened so I can do the class.

    Night friends.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Patoo: I had to read that twice, so you got a bum FIRM DVD ... instead of a FIRM bum DVD.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Okay, MaryNY, my brain does not cooperate after 10pm!  How about I got a bad FIRM DVD?  Or do you prefer a FIRM bad DVD?  You've now got me completely confused so let's just say I got (edit typo)  a DVD that I can't use - okay.  Actually I could probably go on for awhile trying to get it right but my eyes are closing.  So if you're still confused I'll try and explain better tomorrow.  Tongue out

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    LOL Patoo, I understood what you said. I just thought it was witty and wasn't sure if it was intentional. With all the mention of abs DVDs, I felt sure there must be ones for our bums too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    'bum' is slang for one's posterior Wink.......I'm going to type quickly as my computer has been strange and is now working off of someone else's wireless. Got the DS off to college today and then drowned my sorrows in Windex and End Dust, as I gave the whole house a thorough cleaning. It was 97 degrees, humid with a hot wind; so even with the AC going full blast, it was an icky, sticky job. For 'formal' exercise I could only muster a 35 minute FIRM cardio/toning tape called 'Hard Core Fushion'. Now I have to hit the hay as Back-To-School workshops start tomorrow morning bright and early! My room has no windows and no air conditioning, so I sure hope it cools off ASAP!  Night All! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Well - I didn't even leave the house yesterday.  Woke up to rain and my son had all kinds of packing to do so we just dug in and got it all together.  Watched some old movies and just hung out together.  Felt good having a day off.  Now I am off to bike and work and then meet him in Philadelphia to start the move in!!  Have a great day all - I will check in tonight.  Ruth - your classroom sounds a bit torturous - hope it cools off for you.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Ugh, Ruth, it sounds like the IN hot weather made a detour to ND.  Hope it cools down for you!  Hot classrooms are brutal.

    I woke up early for a work day (has not been happening for a long time!) so I did a brisk walk around the neighborhood.  Love it when I can get exercise done early in the morning!  I really need to add to my habits (weights and regular yoga/Tai chi) -- I feel lately like I've bumped up a level in energy and will be able to do that now.  Woo hoo!

    I didn't expect to feel great immediately after treatment ended, and I knew it would take maybe a fair amount of time, but now that I'm hitting that "feel better" stage where I have energy and joy back, it feels so blasted good! 

    Patoo, at least you don't have a bum bum :)  Your milage always impresses me.  I must order a pedometer!  I think it will be good motivation for me to do more. 

    Happy exercising, everyone! 

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2010

    Did my 4 mile walk this morning...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Lazy weekend for me up at the cabin.  We did rouse ourselves enough to walk to the local produce stand a mile down the road.  It's a tiny little stand in a local farmer's driveway.  I love it - no one mans the stand - it's all done by the honor system. They have the prices posted, you take your produce, and put your money in the money jar.  It's such a nice touch and something you certainly wouldn't see in a more urban area!  We bought fresh tomatoes and also fresh corn just picked a few hours earlier - yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    I did a 20 minutes Pilates workout this morning and have my workout clothes with me for after work.  I hope this pattern of either heat/humidity or torrential rains stops soon - I really miss my morning walks.  Nature I'm hoping that if the heat wave is broken for you in Indiana, maybe the cooler weather will float to DC in a day or so.  It's been a miserable weather year. Yell

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Believe it or not I nver knew bums = posterior.  I guess that's why MaryNY's message was cryptic to me LOL. 

    Seems I'm in a slump and find reasons not to workout.  tonight it is tooth pain.  I have a temp crown that I think is interfering with the tooth/gumline behind it but the discomfit also seems to be radiating back to my, long ago removed, wisdom tooth!  So just took some advil and now sitting here on the couch waiting for the pain to subside.  I'll get it back eventually as long as I stay here with you ladies.  So, Nature, bump up some of that energy level for me, okay?

    Nats, I'm a native NY'er and am continually surprised that stores here in NJ leave so much of their stock outdoors overnight - and it's still there the next day!  I've been out of NY for 25+ years and it still surprises me.  In some of the more urban areas in NY andn NJ, the minute the owner turned out the lights a truck would have been backed up and they would have been cleaned out.  I also see fruit and vegetable roadside stands here unmanned, although I doubt they leave the money jar.  I must say, I marvel at the honesty of people when I see it; there's so little in other areas of life. 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Patoo we  all get into slumps as long as they don't last too long. This weekend I caught a virus or something giving me a fever. So I will take a short break from the gym.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Mum, feel better. 

    Hers's a gigantic HUG!
