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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010


  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Patoo: does your pedometer count aerobic steps as well as standard steps? I notice that some days that the aerobic steps don't register at all and other days they do. Not sure if it depends on the first few minutes usage in the day. For example this afternoon I did 8,000 steps but it did shows 0 aerobic steps even though I was walking at a reasonable pace. Today was a good day for walking as it's been nice and cool though with a tendency to shower. This is the first time I've walked so far in a single walk in weeks.

    Now I'm going to get off my bum and do the other 2,000 steps so I can say I did 10,000 steps.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    MaryNY, I usually don't pay attention to the aerobic steps so not sure when they kick in but I do believe that it is way before 8,000 steps (because I rarely get there).  I know it registers, but I just only look at steps and miles.  It also registers "kcal" but I don't pay attention to that either.  Sorry. 

    I've registered 1.44 miles today, doing nothing, but think I will go upstairs early and walk in front of the TV.  Need to start doing that more (it's actually the way I originally started exercising).

    Night all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
    Patoo - you are right to stay with us.  You will get your exercise mojo back - we've all lost it from time to time.  I agree with you about the merchants that leave out their wares.  I travel through central NJ daily and always marvel at the amount of stuff left out overnight.  I also buy from the honor system farm stands on the way to and from work.  Great produce and it always inspires me to add a bit more to the jar.  Mum - more hugs from me.  Got my son semi moved in tonight and he's now on his way back home.  Wednesday is mattress delivery and IKEA run.  Ruth - is your son within driving distance to you?  Nils is only 90 minutes from me with the added bonus that I had all my cancer treatments and surgery at his university's hospital.  I got/get to see him everytime I had/have an appointment - it worked for us because he is my only.  Cooler here in PA tonight - about 70 degrees with showers and the same for tomorrow.  Our flowers are loving it and so are the cats.  Have a good night all Kiss
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Hi All! Had a long day of school stuff; was there from 7:30-4:00, then did some school supplies shopping, then went to a Back-to-School picnic at my principal's house, then came home & called parents until 9:00. We will not talk about calories, and only did the Ab Scupt tape because it was late and I was tired.

    Patoo and Mum, hope you are both feeling better. Yes, patoo, you must keep moving your bum (now that you know what that means Smile)!!

    Bobbi, yes, DS is in driving distance. He will often come over on the weekend for part of a day anyway (to do his laundry, and have me buy him groceries, ha!), which makes me happy as he is my one and only too and I am inordinately fond of him!!!!

    Nature, doesn't it feel tremendous to just feel NORMAL! Good job with the steps, MaryNY!

    It did cool off today and is suppose to stay cooler for a couple days. My cats are mad at me because I wasn't home to let them out to play. The party is over for them too. Good Night, Oh Tartly Ones! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Hi everyone a little better on the exercise. DD is doing better. Aubrey is thriving & changing everyday. Taking my meals with me that works out so nice. I would love to take Aubrey for a walk but it is 114 outside. Not exactly the greatest weather to be taking a newborn out in. I appreciate the suggestions. Come this fall though there will be lots of walking. Sounds like everyone is doing great. Mum feel better. Tonight was workout with Jim. Oh he sure does know how to work it too. Smile Tomorrow I will  be at  phx baptist hospital on the committe for the Susan G Komen race 10/10/10 here in AZ. Thank goodness it is in October.

    Please also keep my DIL in your prayers. They found a 13x13cm tumor in her uterus. They think it is cancerous. They will be doing surgery. She is only 21. Thank you!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited August 2010

    Ebann:  Just catching up and thinking of your young DIL and family.  Good to hear you DD is better.  The weather has broken here; hope some cool breezes reach your way.

    Back home after the weekend in Idaho and playing catch up.  Exercised my arms picking plums off my loaded tree, since the dogs eat the ones that have fallen, leading to clean-up adventures no one wants.  

    I envy you that your DS's will be within driving distance.  My only will be out there with you, Patoo, in a couple of weeks.  I will miss the guitar music.  The shouting during soccer games not so much.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Did my Body Combat class tonight, it was so packed you had to be careful not to kick the person behind you and yesterday did Body Step.

    (((Mum))) feel better (((Patoo))) we all get the blahs every now and again you'll bounce back. Retrievermom I am so envious of the plum tree I loooooove plums. Elizabeth sounds like you are enjoying being a grandma and my heart goes out to your DIL. Nats how is your SIL doing? We now have the super hot weather and it's fabulous, the end of August and summer has begun for us woohoo (feel free to bop me in the head if in a few days I'm moaning cause it's too hot) but it is so nice to be able to eat dinner outdoors, mind you the mosquitos have arrived as well!!!! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, dental pain, ow.  I hope it's better today and fixed soon!   I didn't sleep well last night so I'm a little short on energy today but I'm happy to share what I have!   Mum, hope you're feeling better as well.  Elizabeth, I'm sorry to hear about your DIL and will keep her in my thoughts.  That's just too young to have to deal with this disease.

    Nats, I love those honor-system places... thanks for reminding me one of the nice things about smaller communitys.  However, even here in sleepy IN, I don't think merchants would be happy with the results if they left merchandise out overnight like they do in NJ!  That amazes me. 

    Cheryl, have you heard from your goddaughter?  Hope she's adjusting well to college and having a great time! 

    I barely got up in time to get to work so I didn't get a morning walk -- but the weather is SO much better these last few days (windows open!  50's at night!) that I plan to walk outside this afternoon or evening.  Loving it!  I hope everyone gets this great weather soon if you haven't already!

    Happy Tuesday, Tartlettes!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth sending out prayers for your DIL .At such a young age its terrible.

    My fever broke but need another day to reenergize.Tomorrow back to the gym. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth - you and your family have certainly had far more than your fair share of health issues. Holding good thoughts for your DIL. Patoo - you get a couple more days of exercise break, then our voices will start with a vengeance!  Laughing Retriever - LOL'd when I read about the mess of cleaning up when the dogs get to the fallen plums before you do!  Ruth - hang in there - winter break has to be coming soon, right?  Tongue out

    My SIL is doing OK, all considering.  She's up and about, and is now at that stage where she can't wait to get the *&%&* drains out. I certainly remember that feeling well!  She goes Thursday for her first post-surgery check, so I'm hoping she'll get at least one or two out (she has 3).

    Did 15 minutes step work and 30 minutes elliptical last night.  The heat broke a bit, so I did a 26 minute walk outside this morning - no deer, but a lovely V of Canada geese flew overhead - they always remind me of when my extended family gets together - lots of noisy (but joyous) gabbing!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    lost my last post - must say it was a brilliant one!   Oh well, trying to recreate.

    Ebann, please keep us updated about your DIL.  So young - will keep her in prayer.

    Got in emergency dental appt today and have infection so I'm on antibiotic for a week.  She popped the swelling to release the pus (sorry TMI) so it feels better.

    MaryNY, thanks for your tip last night.  I went upstairs early and just walked, jumped, skipped, hopped, did the slide, etc. in front of the TV before bed.  After 45 minutes I got the pedometer over 10,000 steps - YAY!  Getting off here in a few to do the same tonight (or try anyway).  Only 5600 steps to go.

    Nats, hope your geese keep flying north, we have more than enough of them here in NJ. 

    Night friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth, glad your DD is doing better. Yes, don't take the baby out until it cools off!! I will keep your DIL in my prayers.

    Retriver, hope you are able to keep the dogs and plums apart!

    Youch, patoo, glad you could get into the dentist & get going on antibiotics. I think teeth things hurt more than just about anything because the pain nerves are RIGHT NEXT to the BRAIN (which I 'noticed' when I had a dry socket after a wisdom tooth extraction!!!).

    I was at school until 6:00, rushed home, changed, walked 45 minutes, stopped & watched a little baseball with my dad, then walked another 30 minutes. It was nice with a cool breeze so I wanted to take advantage of the weather. One more day of 'drive you crazy' workshops and then the kids.

    Good Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Nature yes Hannah and I facebook every night and she has 13 blisters on her feet so training is going wellLaughing  The other night I spent two hours online trying to get her a netflix subscription so she can download movies on to her computer so after faffing around I finally got fed up and called them and of course then their site worked but tonight she called me as she couldn't redeem as they wanted a credit card aghhhhh but it is all sorted out now. Ohhhh Patoo you poor thing, but now you know why you were feeling so yukky and hopefully now you're on antibiotics you'll start to feel better. Hope you get a good bunch of kids Ruth and I can't believe they make the poor kids start school on a thursday.

    Two classes for me tonight I did both Body Step and Zumba, I was going to pss on the zumba class but there was a substitute instructor so I thought oh well why not and it was fun, then came home and made a zucchini pie for my dinner yummmm.  Nite all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Patoo-- the voices got to you - over 10,000!  Glad you're feeling better from the tooth issues.  And yes, I'll encourage the geese to keep flying and skip right over NJ.  Ruth - agree it does seem weird to start school on Thursday just to do 2 days then the weekend.  I guess they need to get that mandated number of days for each year somehow.  Cheryl - you continue to inspire with all your classes.  Good for you.

    SIL got her biopsy results yesterday - Stage IIIa.  She's understandably devastated, especially because after her initial biopsy, the doctors kept reassuring her that they were pretty sure it was only Stage I or at worst Stage II and they felt there would be no node involvement.  As you can imagine, she was really blindsided when they told her the results. The good news is that they got clear margins on everything. And she'd just had a clear mammo 6 months prior.  I get so angry at this disease sometimes.  

    Did 15 minutes elliptical and 30 minutes weight training last night.  No workout this morning - I went to the local lab to get a Lyme Disease test as a follow up to the spider bite fiasco -the infectious disease doctor just wants to make sure.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010 is hanging up a lot lately on me; this is the second time I've lost a post today.  As someone else said, I can't recreate the brilliance of my other post Laughing but to summarize:

    Patoo, glad you're better!  Have you heard back on your polyp yet?

    Cheryl, zuchinni pie, yum... care to share the recipe?  Glad you & Hannah are in touch!

    Got in a nice walk yesterday afternoon although I made the mistake of going to a wet area and entering Mosquito City.  Kept me moving pretty fast!

    79 today, 77 yesterday, I know the heat will be back (after all, it's still August) but I'm loving this while it's here!

    I'm forgetting something but oh well!

    Happy Wednesday, everyone! (copy post before I click "preview" in case I lose it again....)

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Natsfan: so sorry to hear about your SIL. Just makes you wonder how she could have a clear mammo six months ago and then this. In my case I had a clear mammo eight months prior to my diagnosis. When I had my lumpectomy neither the BS or I expected that there would be node involvment. I just presume that they missed it on the previous mammo. It's hard to accept that the doctors are often as much in the dark about this disease as we are and can only make educated guesses which are sometimes wrong.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    I am taking a lunch break and checking in; I get so mad about this disease ALL of the time!! I found a big lump myself 6 months after a clear mammo. My radiologist went back and looked at that mammo after I was diagnosed, went over it with a fine-toothed comb, and there was NOTHING at all suspicious about it. So....grrrr! Even at Stage 3, what you are still going for is CURE, so that is the good thing to hang onto during treatments. OK, back to work, it is still beautiful here but is suppose to be 90 on Friday Cry (those are not tears but sweat dripping off my face). Later! Ruth
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Wow - lots of us had clear mammos prior to dx.  Count me in that group as well.  I had a clear mammo, then 6 months later, bam!  I found a lump and ended up with multi-focal tumors and node involvement. 

    Like you, Ruth, I got all my previous clear mammo films records and took them with me to Hopkins for their experts to read over.  And like you, Hopkins radiologists found nothing suspicious either, even when they knew right where to look. I did feel a bit better then - at least it wasn't a case of someone missing something on that "clear" mammo.  There really was nothing to see on it. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hey Sculptresses, got over 10,000 steps last night again.  It's really not bad when you're watching TV.  Weather not great here so will try again tonight although I'm really tired.  Been having horrible cramping in toes, calves, different parts of legs below knee, waking me up 3-4 times a night the last few nights.  Really hurts and only happens at night when I move my feet or legs - wakes me up to tears! 

    Nats, so sorry about y our SIL.  Glad she has you for comfort.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    This topic of not seeing cancer in mammos shortly before lumps are found kind of flies in the face of what "they" (I haven't figure out who "they" are) say, that cancer can take years to grow... makes me think that so-called theory might be wrong. I've certainly never seen anything to back it up, I just hear references to this nebulous "they." 

    I know of one women that I saw regularly when I was going through treatment, who was diagnosed when I was; they found her lump and by the time she got back for a biopsy (2 weeks), there were 2 more lumps that weren't there before.  Scary stuff. Hate it.

    Can't believe you're getting all that heat, Ruth, although it looks like we might have it for a day or so beginning Sunday.  But still in the low 60's (instead of 70's) at night, and that's good!

    Ouch, Patoo, that's how I get cramps, too -- fortunately hasn't been as issue much for awhile.  I think it's one of those A SE's that my body adjusted to.  Assuming, of course, that they're an SE of A. 

    10000 steps is great. My problem is by the time I get done with dinner, my eyelids are ready to slam shut.  My staying up last Friday past 10PM surprised my whole family (and me!).  But I have energy most of the day so I'm not complaining!

    Saw my radiation oncologist today for a 60-month follow-up; she's one of my favorite docs and always gives very thorough breast exams.  She gave me the all-clear, lookin' great! which I was expecting but it was still a relief to hear.  Done with drs until my mammo. late fall.  Yay!

    I got a river walk in today, nice breeze, no bugs.   Oh, found out my heart rate is down more (it was 95-105 during most of treatment and into summer, very unnerving), I attribute it to exercise, as pathetic as mine is.   It works!

    Enjoy the evening, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Nature, no exercise is pathetic so take that comment back!

    Yes, I think the cramps is a SE of A and wonder how long for it to subside.  They are bringing me to tears in the middle of the night and I'm moody during the day because of missing sleep.  Aaaarrrrrrgh!  So took a melatonin a few minutes ago and hopefully will join you by 10pm.  Maybe I'll do my steps at 9 to get them, or as many as I can muster, in.

    Night sisters.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Oh, about the mammos and BC growth.  I had ILC which - isn't that the slow-growing one whereas IDC is fast?  That's what I think I was told, so maybe that's the difference.  I was told mine took about 8 years to get to it's 1.2cm size and it was never seen in a mammo. 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Hi everyone, thank you so much for the prayers I really appreciate them. My DIL Shoshannah has ovarian cancer they were the size of grapefruits. She also had a tumor behind her uterus that cause pressure on her upper and lower organs. They found cancerous nodes on her uterus. The put in a port on her side. They will start chemo next week every three weeks. So she so wanted a family. My heart truly goes out to her and my son Robert. I have spent most my days at the hospital. It is so hard to see that my daughter had a beautiful baby girl at age 21. We are so blessed and my DIL is 21 and cannot have children now. So heart breaking. I have still not made it to exercise with all that is going on. I have not gained or lost so that is good. Thank you all again for listening to my family woes what a year this has been.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Oh, Elizabeth, your DIL must be devastated.  I feel young at 58 but it's so hard for me to see the truly younger women with cancer -- but 21 is just plain heartbreaking.  Thoughts and prayers to her and the family.  I wish her strength and love to get her through this and share your sadness.

    This isn't something she wants to hear now, so please don't pass it on... but I was reminded once when I found out I couldn't have children that motherhood is in the heart, not the uterus... perhaps someday she'll be able to look at other ways to have children and still find the love and joy she wants.

    Warm hug to you and everyone. 

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth: it must be so difficult for you and your family at the moment. With all you've gone through with breast cancer, you will be a great source of support for you DIL. Glad to hear they are starting treatment so soon, but it must be very hard for her to process everything as it's all happening so quickly.

    Naturegirl: one has to wonder about the whole process of diagnosis. One the doctors find one lump, is it that they really look to find anything else. I've had a tense few days. On Friday I went for my followup mammogram and ultrasound. It's been six months since my last mammo and one year since surgery. So they found something suspicious in the other breast. I'm wondering if this was something they would have ordinarily ignored but focused on in my case because of my history. The suspicious area was at the site of one of the three MRI-guided biopsies I had last year after a tumor was diagnosed in my left breast. On Friday, the doctor said the area around one of the clips was hyperechoic and recommended a biopsy. I had the biopsy yesterday and got the results today. It was benign. They think it's just scar tissue from the MRI-guided biopsy last year. I bled so much externally and internally after that biopsy and developed a giant hematoma so it's not surprising. I'm so relieved this evening that I really pigged out on food and followed that a short while ago with not one, but two, sundaes from Carvel. Pathetic.

    About the cramps. I find that if I stretch my legs in the morning (while still in bed) by pushing down into my heels and flexing my ankles this seems to prevent the tendency to get leg cramps on waking. I find that my natural tendency is to stretch the legs and extend my ankles pointing the toes away from my body. I need to consciously do the opposite to prevent cramps.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    MaryNY, you totally deserve the two sundaes!!! Such a nervous time, with a happy conclusion needs celebration! Now, be good tomorrow Wink

    Elizabeth, so sorry about your DIL. So young to be faced with all this. Do they live near you? She will have many thoughts and prayers from us all! And as Nature so beautifully said, motherhood is in the heart, once she gets through with treatment, there will still be options for children in her life and heart.

    Patoo, my feet are being very crampy too. Right now, I'm sitting with can cold pop can under the arch of my foot (towel in between the foot and can). Do you need new shoes? Mine hurt because I have been so much more on my feet the last few days getting ready for school. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I share your pain...literally. Definitely take something to help you sleep! I plan to.

    Worked at school again until 6:00. First day with kids is tomorrow, so I'm as ready as I can be. Came home and walked 45 minutes & did a 30 minute FIRM Sculpt DVD.

    Hugs to All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Nats I was so sorry to hear of SILs results but glad to hear of clear margins, I am so the opposite of everyone I had an ultrasound 4 years ago because of something they saw and after my diagnosis 2 years ago I actually got original paperwork and it said "watch" but no doctor said anything to me and I never ever felt a lump, surgeon made me feel like an idiot when I told him I couldn't feel it and then second opinion doctor said only he'd seen the mri dvd and knew where it was he would have been hard done by to feel it. MaryNY you deserve the sundaes and everything else you've eaten as I'm sure you've worried off a few pounds this week. Bobbi, got any money left after your trip to Ikea.... Ruth you should soak your feet in epsom salts for a few nights till you get used to being back on them all day. Elizabeth I simply can't imagine how your family is feeling, ovarian is such a beast it is truly silent I lost one of my closest friends to it but she was a 60 year old woman, your DIL is in my prayers.

    I did manage to get up early and go to my aquacise class this morning and moan moan the pool was too warm, I think it was just that the air was warmer and maybe I was hot flashing like I say moan moan and then tonight I did Body Combat.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Ohhh Nats I'm watching Top Chef and they're at your baseball stadium - nice.........