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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    MaryNY, I probably would've added a pizza to those sundaes,  congrats on the good results!! I'm sure you were a wreck; I think we can all relate to how awful waiting was and what a relief the news was.

    79 for a high today, I slipped in a short morning walk (heaven!!  57 out!!!) and will take one this evening as well.

    Tart On, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, one thing about the legs, I sleep with my feet elevated just a bit on a little pillow and that seems to help.

    Just a couple weeks ago I went to a party given by a lady friend who is celebrating her first year of  post-treatment life after treatment for ovarian cancer. It's a tough one, but there are survivor stories even there.

    Have a great day all! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth - I'm so sorry about your DIL. Twenty-one is way too young to have to deal with this crap. Add my thoughts to the virtual bouquet from the gals here.

    I also get terrible leg cramps - stretching my legs with an emphasis on pushing out the heels does seem to help.  They seem to be worse sometimes than others, but I haven't yet figured out a pattern to see if it's related to particular foods or drinks, sleep, exercise, etc.  

    No walk for me this morning - too tired after the late night at the ballpark last night.  But I'm just about to head out to the workout room for a good after work exercise session now.

    Tomorrow's Friday - hooray!!!Cool

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010

    Elizabeth - so sorry about your DIL - hugs to all your family.

    Patoo - I too have dealt with leg cramps as in they are so bad they wake me up at night.  Back in April, I had one so bad that it tore my left calf muscle.  Doctor could not explain or comprehend.  I ended up wearing those support stockings for about 6 weeks.  My only remedy is drinking LOTS of water all day and throughout the night.  I get up anyway for the bathroom and hot flashes so that's not a problem for me.  Also, potassium is great for leg cramps - I know this from my running days(which are long over) but that's why runners and bikers eat lots of bananas.  Don't know if its the A now or what but still get them. 

    The IKEA run last night was fun - spent way too much money but dropped off my son and his many boxes about 8:30 and he spent the night and today assembling his purchases and setting up his room.  He's so into decorating and having things just right.  New bed, dressers, bookshelves with wicker baskets, lamps, grey window shades, black rug - I tell you the boy is a real stitch Kiss.  He'll be living in this house for at least the next two years and all this stuff will be able to move with him after grad school.  I can't wait to see the finished product.

    I have been keeping up with my morning 20-mile bike and ab sculpt tape.  I make a little mark on the dvd box to keep track of how many times I am doing it to stay motivated.  So far, down 8 pounds and the ride has gone from 95 minutes when I started about 6 weeks ago to 82 minutes.  Soooo, I must be getting stronger.  This is the first thing since BC that has really motivated me.  After the surgeries and chemo and then the menopause and arimidex - well, it's just been a struggle.  SO came home after a 5 day trip and said he can see a difference.  Even if he's fibbing, I'll take it.  Retiever, my knees kill if I run or walk.  Still dealing with major wrist pain - I'm sure it's the A.  Make sure your shoes are supportive.

    Sounds like everyone is busy with getting back to school and routines.  Cheryl, glad Hannah is settling in and you get to facebook with her.  FB scares the daylights out of me!!   Hugs to all who are helping others.  Weather in PA has been glorious this week but looking for another heat wave next week.  We are heading to the shore tomorrow after work and then next week a day at the US Open tennis.  Good night all Kiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Top  of the evening Sculptresses!  Read all your posts but can't remember half of what I read, or I should say I can remember just don't remember who said what - can I blame it on Arimidex?  Blame everything else on it so why not that too? 

    I do think the cramps come as SE of Arimidex.  I have gotten back to increasing my water intake, bananas, and tonic water for the quinine.  Hopefully that will help.  I see my PC doc Tuesday and will ask her about it if it persists.  It's not problematic if it's only occasional but when it's every night you are supposed to get med help.  We'll see.  Mine do not actually wake me up until I turn over and twist my feet, even a little, and then it wakes me up as it turns into a cramp.  Stretching, flexing in or out all seem to make the cramp worse.

    Went for a walk after work and now see my pedometer logged 12,316 steps today (5.05 miles).  Now if I stop eating the calories I walk off I might catch up with bobcat.  I've been stuck at the same weight for a couple of months now. 

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Good job, Bobbi on your fast (er), 'sculptation in progress' body!

    Patoo, 12,000 steps when your legs hurt is pretty awesome!

    First day of school for the kids; a really fun and BUSY day! When I got home I walked for 45 minutes, watched some baseball with my dad & then did my 15 min. RS tape. Luckily we have to post our exercises, otherwise I would have taken a nap Surprised!

    Keep moving and grooving! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Ruth - I forgot - what age do you teach?  Bobcat - I'm really impressed! It's so nice to feel like moving again, isn't it?  There were times during active treatment when I thought I'd never be able to exercise again.  Patoo- 12,000?  Wow!

    Did 15 minutes step work last night and 30 minutes elliptical.  Did a 25 minute walk this morning.  We also are enjoying glorious weather finally!  We were going to stay home this weekend, but all the forecasts call for beautiful weather this weekend, so we couldn't resist going up to the cabin.  I'm hoping to get a good hike in on Saturday - it's just been too hot to hike till now.

    I'm being very good today - there's a baby shower for a co-worker in an hour and everyone brought totally yummy food.  I brought in my food and helped set up.  I'll stop in for the surprise, but I'm going to suddenly have something I have to do back at my desk so I can avoid temptation. I know that once I start to put stuff on my plate, even with the best of intentions, I'll rack up a lot of calories in a short time.  There's about 20 people coming, I think I can slip out unnoticed. Innocent

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2010

    Got in my 4 mile walk...

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    ToriGirl - great!

    Nats - I know what you mean.  Co-worker retiring after 30 years here and there has been food everyday this week.  She's in open cube 2 from me so no way to get away from the food so it's a good thing I'm giving the pedometer a workout.  Will walk again tonight (today has been my worst eating day so far).  Her last day is Monday so hopefully I will be back to daytime sanity.

    Ruth, the leg cramping probllem only happens at night.  On another thread it was suggested that maybe it's restless leg syndrome(?) Arimidex SE.   I thought RLS was just kicking about - shows you how much I pay attention.  Have to go research that because those cramps are driving me to drink - well, almost, since I've been out of wine for 2 weeks now!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Have a nice gin and tonic; the quinine in the tonic will be good for your legs, the gin will be good for everything else Laughing!

    I teach middle school special education and have a 7th grade advisee group I met with every day. So, I am never bored on the job! It's 4:30 and I don't have ONE WORD written in my lesson plan book for next week, so I better get back to work.

    Later, Ruth

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010

    Hi all-

    Wow.  A sobering amount of posts since I was on here last.  Mary/Nats, I am so sorry about your SIL. What a horrific blow.  EBAnn, so sorry for your DIL, that is also just horrific.

    NatureGrrl brings up an excellent slow is slow?  What do "they" mean when they say it is slow going.  I will say that unless I had an MRI to determine the extent of my DCIS, I would have NOT found my 4mm tumor that was hanging out right by my chest wall.  The radiologist found ONE calcification-that's right, ONE-on the initial mammo, which led to 2.5cm of high grade DCIS which led to the tiny IDC.  My point being that much of this is in the reading of the mammos, right?  There is so much shadowing, overlap, dense tissue...I don't know how they even see anything in there.  The only thing that gives me reassurance is that they FIND this stuff right now.  We need a better solution, a cure, techniques, something.  

    Mum, I hope you are completely well; Patoo, make sure you take good care of that tooth and watch it carefully.  

    I love that you are a special education teacher Ruth, just makes me love you that much more. Teachers are THE best.

    Everyone else, hello.  I need to think, process and pray about these posts.  I'll get back on regularly scheduled fitness programming in a bit.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Only 8pm and my eyes are closing.  Remember in my "younger" days I was just getting ready for a nap before a night out - HA!  Days long gone!  Ruth, I like the gin and tonic idea but don't have any gin so the tonic will have to do.  LOL.  Think I can get a buzz off that? 

    10303 steps today - I like counting steps. 

    Night everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    I saw someone wearing a tee shirt that said, "You know you are old when 'Happy Hour' means a nap Tongue out. I must be there.....although ONE gin and tonic, and THEN a nap sounds nice to me, so maybe I'm not totally over the hill yet!

    Did 30 minutes upper & 30 of lower body toning. DH has decided (after hints from me for at least a year) that NOW is the time to clean out all the junk in the basement, paint the den etc. NOT perfect timing for me with school just starting, but don't want to discourage him or it will be another year! It was 97 degrees here today....crazy, extreme weather everywhere, I think.

    Happy Weekend All! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Ruth, it takes a special person to work in special ed -- you have my admiration!   97 in ND?? That's just crazy!

    I don't often have the leg cramps any more but I do sometimes get a cramp in the muscles around my rib cage -- front and back -- anyone else have that?  It's not nearly as painful as leg cramps can be but still means I have to stop and work the muscle out.  I'm doing more stretching lately and I think that's helping.

    Restless leg syndrome is a different sensation than cramping but may well be yet another SE of A -- does it ever end?

    I read around awhile.  In summary:

    "Many different factors can promote cramping, including low blood levels of calcium, magnesium, or vitamin E. Circulation disorders, anemia (a low level of blood cells), and improper functioning of the thyroid gland can also cause leg cramps. Other causes include dehydration, heat stroke, inactivity, and strenuous exercise. Cramps can also occur for no apparent reason." 

    There are also a number of conditions/diseases that can contribute to leg cramps, and also age is a factor... So the A may be feeding into one or more of those, or it could be a separate issue (my leg cramps were a problem when my thryroid was under-functioning, so maybe that was part of my problem?), or it simply could be the A and there's no easy solution.  Who knows!!   Always something, eh?

    bobcat, doesn't it feel great when you can see those markers of progress? Congrats!

    Kim, good to see you back, and yes, we need a cure. 

    Nats, (I know you're already gone but) have a terrific hike!!

    Patoo, I'm ordering my pedometer as soon as I'm done here.  I'll probably get a good laugh out of my steps for the day :) but it'll help motivate me!

    I had a fantastic walk yesterday, in the 60's the whole 90 minutes I was out, much of it was brisk walking but I took my camera, too, and had fun with that.  Heat is headed back up for a few days but I'll get out this afternoon for awhile anyway.  

    Later, everyone -- enjoy the day!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    PS  when I was at the Celery Bog yesterday I noticed some other runners & walkers who were kind of slunched (is that a word?) over -- immediately made me throw my own shoulders back.  I know supposedly as we age we get more round-shouldered if we aren't attentive.  The reminder was good for me so I thought I'd mention it in case it helps someone else, although I'm guessing most of you have great posture!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2010
    Great reminder Naturgrrl will remember to throw my shoulders back when i run on the treadmill. Yes ladies I have progressed to running.Tongue out And it feels great.
  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2010

    Got in my 4mile walk this morning...

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    I cycled for an hour today. I discovered a new trail. It was a nice change from my usual route which is mostly on the road.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Woo hoo, mum!!  Way to go!!

    Tori, you're going great!

    (opps, missed Mary) -- I love varying my route, although the familiar is nice, too.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2010


    Friday 4 mile walk and "bone" workout-jumping jacks (try not to wet myself is the bigger exercise there), basketball moves, hopping in and out of a "ladder" on the ground...

    Today 4 miler and gardening extravaganza.  Another 50 pounds of tomatoes. No kidding.  

    It's been almost a month and not a drop of alcohol and no sweets (cakes, cookies, scones, good stuff...sob...)  I have been eating about 5 meals a day.  In the past week the only "meat" I had was boneless skinless chicken thighs stir fried with zucchini and green peppers, garlic.  I had sockeye salmon twice.  Veggie lasagna which I made from kale/whole milk ricotta/parsley-carmelized onions, mushrooms and basil-my own tomato sauce and wwheat noodles with whole milk mozzarela and parmesan.  MMMMM good.  Made a millet casserole with eggs and veg as well.

    I feel pretty darn good, better than I felt with the headaches at the beginning of the big Arimidex. I have stopped craving wine, which surprises me.  And I lost so far a total of 3 pounds.

    Going for a bike ride with DH in the morning; the trick will be to get him out of bed.  Should "fool around" with him tonight; where is Lakewoman when I need her?!?!?!  (TMI guys?)

    OK that is my update.



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Hi everyone, Hanging in there! Yay to that!

    MaryNy yay to good results. That is what we like to hear.

    NatureGirl the weather there sounds so wonderful. I wish it was that way here. High today is 100, humidity is 36. Good ole AZ.

    Ruth I taught kindergarten. I have not taught now for 5 years. Thinking about going back in some field with children again. It does take someone special to do special ed.

    Patoo I think it is great that you keep track of your walking steps. I wish I would just remember to put mine on. LOL

    Nats good for you for not winning into temptation. That is awesome!!

    Kim that is awesome that you are able to cut out all the sweets and other food in your new lifestyle of eating. It makes a big difference. I know it has for me.

    Well for me I have started back on exercise. I have only lost 3 pds and striving for more next month. Thought I was not going to lose any with the rate I was going. Plan to workout my 5 days a week again. I really do miss it. Making a new schedule for my life now that it has changed quite a bit in the last couple of months. Most importantly is to make time for me. Thinking about applying for a PT job at the church. They are hiring a Admin Asst for the children's ministry. I have wanted a little something to do and able to make a little bit of income for myself. We will see how that turns out.

    Have a great day! (((hugs)))

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Sounds like the job would be a good fit for you, Elizabeth.

    Nature, I used to get 'zaps' around my rib cage all the time (still do but rarely), it's the nerves growing back (according to my doctor, and that can take years). Sounds like you can get cramps in your legs if you exercise, and you can get cramps in your legs if you don't exercise......

    Nice today but suppose to heat up again tomorrow, so I tracked down my fast neighbor & went for an hour long hilly walk, which felt great.

    Cheryl , where are you? I've missed your updates the last few days.

    Have a great night all! Ruth

  • MsConduct19
    MsConduct19 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2010

    the most frustrating part of all this: i've worked out with a trainer for the past two years and haven't done a thing since mid-june when all the surgeries and scans were being performed. my oncologist doesn't want me to play hockey because she is afraid i might get hurt. well, i'm not one to follow doctors orders to a "T", so i went to hockey practice the past two weeks. figure, if i'm not too tired and wiped out, i'll continue. i will be playing down a level anyway, which means beginning players and no one who has a wicked slap shot (my port should be safe). i also bought some free weights so i can do some lifting at home and do some of the exercises my trainer taught me. and once school starts, i'm sure i'll be getting in a lot of walking too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Nature, thanks for the info about the cramps.  I had googled and found the same info.  2 weeks ago I had stopped all supplements and only took A for a week leading up to my colonoscopy.  Then drinking nothing but the prep solution for 18 hours - I wonder if all that may have contributed to Vitamin deficiencies, lack of electrolytes, dehydration, etc. causing cramping because of many of the symptoms in the info you posted above.  Started all my supplements this past week and started advil the last 2 nights and the cramps seem to have subsided.  So, who knows.  I tend to not blame everything on A even if it is the culprit.

    Elizabeth - praying you get the job.  Sounds like it could be a winner.

    Who else is up there - I forget - but thinking about you all.

    Only 2850 steps on pedometer today but did 60 min water aerobics class and ran another 30 minutes in pool this morning.  Seriously thinking about ordering another pedometer and seeing if I can wrap it to be waterproof so I can use it in the pool.  Yeah, I know, I'm getting a little carried away but I love this gadget and would love to see it go over 10,000 from my pool work.  (Okay, so I need a life!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010
    Could there be water proof pedometers? If not; you chould invent one, make your fortune, and share it with us Cool!
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    ARGH!  I'm sure it was user error, but my post disappeared.  And I'm short on time because I have to go to a board retreat today.  So in short:

    congrats on the weight loss, Kim and Elizabeth; good luck on the job, Elizabeth; Ruth, thanks for pointing out the nerve issue, it makes sense that nerves besides fingers and toes would be affected; welcome, MsConduct; Kim, not TMI, hope you and DH are having a great weekend ;)   And Patoo, I think working out in water counts for extra, so make sure your new pedometer reflects that!

    It shot right up to 90 yesterday so I didn't get out but I did have a great visit with my college-freshmen nephew.  He was made for college, he's really enjoying it, doesn't hurt that he's working with the Purdue women's volleyball team and surrounded by women 5 days a week :)

    I did a DVD walk this morning before my shower, 92 today but cool down again by the weekend, hurrah!

    Rush rush rush... have a great day, everyone!  At least you won't be at a board (boring) retreat! :)

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Off to workout with my trainer Jim. Yay!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Major house reshuffling here. We are 'offically' cleaning out, painting and putting tile down in the den, but as stuff comes out of there, everything else is getting shifted around/sorted/tossed/rearranged. It will be good when it's done, but a major headache now. Got up & did 2 30 FIRM DVDs; one weights, one pilates, went to church & a benefit potluck (no, I was not good!), and have been doing house stuff ever since. No rest for the wicked!!!! Later! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    "No rest for the wicked" is my motto! :)

    Retreat was much better than I expected.  That was gratifying.

    Elizabeth, give Jim a hug from me :))))

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    Work work work....moving things here and there Ruth. Once it is done though you will love it!

    NatureGrrl, glad you enjoyed the retreat. I did give Jim a hug. I actually missed him. Amazing

    Well I made it to class and did a good workout with Jim. He worked me good. I did not tell him about the margarita I had on friday or he really would of done me in for that. I see Jim again tomorrow. My body did pretty good since it has not been as active the last couple of weeks. I really needed that workout. Have a great day tomorrow!