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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Wow -everyone one has been so busy!!  Ruth - I work for our local Rec dept and we have a very active Therapeutic Rec program and work closely with a lot of the school special ed programs.  Very difficult but gratifying work according to my co-workers.  Nature - I also get the rib cramps - I notice them especially during yoga class when doing forward fold type moves - something about those types of poses is almost guaranteed to bring one on. My breast surgeon said something similar about the nerves.  I'm hoping that they'll lessen as time goes on.  Mum - running!!??!!  Wow - that's great.  Mary - agreed on how finding a new route can perk you up. Dazed - you are an inspiration with your healthy eating.  You and Elizabeth - I'm so impressed by anyone who can do weight loss while on AIs.  MsConduct - maybe you can let your onc know how important hockey is to you and get permission to do it.  I can't remember being on any physical restrictions when I had a port, but of course I never contemplated hockey!  And you probably already know to take the weights slowly and easily and build up gradually since you've had nodes removed.  

    We did our hike Saturday - 5 miles through the Catoctins. It was the first weekend we've had non-humid weather and it felt wonderful.  Yesterday was a Nats walk - back to being hot again - amazingly enough it was too hot to even drink beer, so I just had water.  And they won for a change so that was great!  Did my 20 minutes Pilates this morning.

    Can't wait for next weekend's three-day holiday (Labor Day here in the US).  Have a great Monday everyone!

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2010

    I am not a big poster, but I do read a lot of the topics.  Sitting here now downing my protein shake. Had a good free weight workout this morning along with some of the machines and a little cardio on the treadmill.  Up my weights today and I'm feeling it now, but it is a good feeling.  Can't wait to tell the DH that I am now doing the seated leg press at 170 lbs. X 12 reps. X 3 sets.  He's a butt guy. Got the seated row up to 70 lbs and it will stay there for a while.  We have to be careful with the upper body of course and I have gradually increased my weights for the arms.  I'm finally getting that under arm "batwing" under control.  I have been off Femara now for over a week after 5 years.  It may be my imagination, but I do seem to have more energy the last few days.  Today is my 55th birthday and after being a 3 X survivor during my 40's (42, 48, 49) I've become determined to enjoy each day to the fullest.   Wishing everyone the best day possible.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010

    Happy Birthday Rita! You have a lot to celebrate between the advances in your weights and finishing Femara, not to mention being a five-year survivor. Well done!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
    Happy Birthday Rita!!  Wow - you are done with AI's - I can't wait for that day as most of us on here feel the same way.  And you are a survivor - hugs to you.  Everyone sounds so busy and I love reading this board - gives me great motivation to stay on track.  We had a lovely weekend at the shore - lots of sailing and SO found a bike frame out for garbage.  He put on new tires and chain, tuned it up, bought me a bell and a basket!!  I now have great wheels at the beach too to keep up my cycling obsession.  I did 20 each day and got out again this morning.  Didn't have time for abs but plan on those before supper tonight.  My son is home until Wednesday and then he's heading back to school for good.  The fall routine is upon us.  Can hardly believe it's September Kiss
  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2010
    bobcat: When you say 20 each day, do you mean 20 miles/day? I have a bit of catching up to do. Maybe if I got a bell and basket I'd do better Wink. Been meaning to buy a basket for a long time as I have no way to carry anything. I had one in the basement for my old thrift store bike but it won't fit over the handlebars of this bike.
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Happy Birthday Rita.  5-year survivor - thanks for posting as you are an inspiration to all of us.  I'm impressed also by your workout - keep up the good work and once and a while let us know how you are doing.  I have also seen improvement in my batwings - makes me happy.

    Yesterday, Sunday, was a slow day - only a little over 5,000 steps.  Today I've only logged about 4400 steps but I did a 60 min aqua aerobic class and then additional 20 mins upper body/running in water.  Haven't had a chance to "invent" my waterproof pedometer yet. 

    Night all.

  • Giselle7
    Giselle7 Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2010

    Hello Ladies - I am just about 5 weeks out from my exchange after bilateral MX in Feb. I have been an aerobic and weight lifting gal for close to 20 years. I'm 53 and am chomping at the bit to get started with an exercise program again. In the last 2 weeks and have been walking roughly 3 miles at a 4 mile an hour clip. Slowly getting into squats and leg work but I am really afraid to do any arm work, except for bi and triceps. I wanted to ask your opinions in matters of upper arm and shoulder work. I would love to start using very light weight for lateral raises and maybe chest presses??? Any comments would be very much appreciated. 

    FYI - While walking, I was uncomfortable with the sweat that was building around and between my foobs. I have very thin skin and need to be careful not to allow the area to stay damp. Low and behold, I found a bra liner by Pambra's. It is placed under the breasts and comes up between them as well. It works great! The liner really kept my skin dry to prevent any chaffing or irritation. I definitely recommend it. Smile

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi Giselle7 - I don't have much to say except that we "superwomen" have to learn to take care of ourselves and that means you are only 5 weeks out - please, please, please give yourself time to heal.   You are doing the aerobics and lower body but it is the upper-body that took the brunt of this onslaught.   Patience, sweetie, patience.  HUGS.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2010

    Hello everyone I've been absent for a few days as I have a friend here from Australia and I've been playing tour guide and then my girlfriend who I was a bridesmaid for 32 years ago made a flying visit down from Northern California so, even though I've been playing I haven't missed a single class.

    Happy Birthday Rita great to have you join us and Giselle7 like Patoo says take care of you and I would check with your Dr and ask his opinion see if he clears you and at first you could use a band so there is no weight just resistance.

    This is for Bobcat - OMG you crazy girl, you must have the hardest butt and your quads must be in incredible shape, you see I did the spin class last thursday and here it is monday and my quads still hurt and my sciatic nerve ow ow ow (I think from standing up) and I honestly thought that my heart would burst out through my throat, but I DID IT and I'm going back next thursday, oh and in my saturday morning class I was holding my butt and Dave our cute policeman instructor said "what's wrong with you" and I said "my butt hurts" he then replied "you want me to come and hold it" well the whole class erupted oohhs and aaahhs but I calmly replied "hey he's allowed to have a grandma complex" Innocent poor boy it's going to take a while to live that one down....

    Did Body Combat tonight, our Eduardo has been on vacation for the past week so it was great to have him back.  Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2010

    Cheryl, sounds like you have been having fun! I have been teaching all day and working on the house stuff all night. Last night I laid tile in the den until 10:30 pm (don't be too impressed, it is the stick on tile, although it is still a pain because the corners in our house are not at all square!!), finished it off tonight & then dragged myself through 30 minutes each of "Cardio Dance Party" & "Rock Solid Abs". I still need to type up a worksheet before I go to bed.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RIta! Sounds like you have a great exercise routine going!

    Welcome, Giselle, it's terrific that you have an exercise program. I will have to look for those bra liners. I hate that sweaty, sticky feeling. About the upper body; eventuall you will be able to do everything you could do before, but you do want to take it slowly. Talk to you doctor (or if you can, a physical therapist, as I didn't find doctors to be very helpful in that area). Also, check this site out for tips:

    I think I need to find a Jim, or Eduardo, or cute policeman to exercise with me and/or hold my butt Laughing!

    Have a great night, my awesome athletic friends! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2010

    What a day! Busy as always...what does one do with their time. I workout with Jim yesterday and today. It was such a good feeling. Nature gave him a hug and told who it was from and he just looked at me strangely. LOL I really missed not being there. So glad to be back on track. Oh what a feeling. Tomorrow I am working out on the treadmill and doing some abdomials. Probably be there for an hour. DIL is home now. Still dealing with some pain. Faithfully on pain meds. She starts chemo in 3 weeks. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it.

    Have a great evening

  • Giselle7
    Giselle7 Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2010

    patoo, hbcheryl and ruthbru - Thank you very much for your comments. Let's get one thing out of the way. My doctor runs from my exercise questions! From the beginning of this process he has remained as vague as possible. Probably worried about law suites. It's a copout in my opinion. I have only wanted guidance and parameters to get my life back. He's a great PS but totally lacks in this area. I've done the research myself and have been to the site you mentioned ruthbru. The thing is that we were fit coming into BC and that should give us some sort of a "shortcut" to get back to our "new normal". That's what I'm calling it. My New Normal! I purposely kept my smaller size breasts with no cleavage because I did not want any real body changes to deal with...other than the obvious. My thin skin wouldn't have allowed for it anyway. What about ab crunches? A few maybe??? What have been your experiences?

    ruthbru - The liners are a cotton fill. They came 3 to a pack and are machine washable. Great invention. I would post a picture but can't get on the forum yet.

    Thank again ladies! Smile 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2010

    Rita - Happy Birthday from me too - babies born in 1955 rule!!  Wink  (I'll be 55 on 12/24!)  Thanks for posting - it's nice to know there is life after Femara.  Bobcat - you're just leaving us all in the dust - very impressive!  If Dave tried to hold your butt he'd probably hurt himself it's so rock hard!  Giselle - as Patoo and everyone says, take it easy with the upper body at first as it's taken the brunt of this whole thing.  If you can get your doctor to refer you to a PT, that would be great.  Cheryl - sounds like you've been having fun with your Aussie friend.  That's one country that's definitely on my bucket list. Elizabeth - hugs to your DIL.  

    Did 15 minutes step work and 30 minutes elliptical last night, and 20 minutes Pilates this morning.  Code Red air here today so no outdoor walks yet - I really miss my morning walks.  Frown  DH and I have dubbed September an "all hands on deck" workout/diet/wellness month.  We have a dream trip planned for the first week of October (sailing through the Grenadines in the Caribbean for a week) and we want to be ready to swim, snorkel, hike, climb volcanoes, etc.  We've talked for years about wanting to do a trip like this someday - going through b/c made us realize that there may not always be a "someday" where we're able to do these things, so we're throwing caution and our wallets to the wind and going for it.  

    Have a great Tuesday everyone! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2010

    Wow, it doesn't pay to be away a few days, so much to catch up on!

    On rib cage nerves:  I didn't have a mast.; just a lumpectomy (bunch of lymph nodes out too), and my rib muscle cramps can be on either side... so is it from surgery or nerve damage from chemo? It doesn't really matter but it's one of those fairly minor odd things I can't help wondering about. 

    Mary, your hike sounds great.  And yes, looking forward to a longer weekend here!  And, oh, your trip sounds fantastic.  Enjoy every second! Sailing, hiking, swimming in the ocean... sounds wonderful. I agree, it's time to seize the day.  Every day is time to seize the day!

    Rita, belated Happy Birthday! and congrats your multiple survivorship.  You're an inspiration!  (oh, and I can't wait to see my batwings go away!  UGH! when I was young I swore that would never happen to me, Yeah, right Undecided). 

    bobcat,you inspire me, too.  I used to ride my bike to work (I worked in a greenhouse, so it didn't matter if I arrived sweaty because I would get that way anyway) and it was terrific exercise.  A great way to really get in shape!   Do you ride an expensive bike?  I can't afford much but I'm not sure I want to just go to a box store and get their cheapie, either... anyone have suggestions on what to look for and what's reasonable to pay for a decent bike?  I haven't had a bike in so many years and they've changed so much (used to just be the 10-speed racing type bikes) that I don't know where to start.

    Giselle, welcome... I know what you mean about physicians/others seeming hesitant to recommend things.  You might check with area clubs/YMCA/etc. to see if they have anyone who has experience working with BC women -- they'd be tuned into what is good for you and what isn't, how to help avoid lymphedema, etc. A PT is a great idea, too, and/or maybe someone who specializes in lymphedema and can help you with that side of things so you don't get it.  Certainly starting out very slow and very light with upper body stuff is in order at the least.

    Cheryl, you've been having fun!  and good for you for keeping up with your classes.  I need an Eduardo to keep me motivated Wink

    Elizabeth... or a Jim!  Bet these guys have no idea how much they're talked about (and smiled about)!  And of course, more hugs and prayers for you DIL.  FWIW, I know of a 14-year-old girl who had ovarian cancer; she had a really tough battle but she's a 15 year survivor now.    Big hugs to your DIL.

    OK, exercise:  we're back in the muggy 90's so I haven't been outside (may not be code red here but it's still no fun to be out in this).  Marching along with LS! inside... boring!! No offense, Leslie, your DVD's are great, but I just like like to work out outside.   It's supposed to cool down drastically beginning Friday (highs in the 70's) -- let's hope!

    Thanks for being there, everyone!  Enjoy your day!

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2010

    Thanks to all for my birthday wishes!   Just in from the 4 mile adventure on the treadmill.  Nothing on the TVs at the gym but soaps.  Hadn't watched any in years and it is nice to know those people age too- and some not so well.  DH got me an iPod for the b/day and has downloaded some butt-kicking songs on it- got me thru those last few minutes- Britney's "Womanizer" has a nice beat and its easy to treadmill to- : ).  

    NatsFan- 1955 was a very good year--- and I'm jealous of that dream trip.   Just get crazy and enjoy.  Our dream trip is a vacation to Ireland and Scotland.  No plans quite yet, just dreaming.

    Enjoy the rest of the day all of ya'll Superwomen !!!!! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2010
    We all need a Dave, Jim or Eduardo to cup our buns.  Mine still are not firm but underlying that layer of fat I'm working on buns of steel.  Mary - are you taking a "moorings" vacation?  We've talked about bare boating for years but just not enough time or $$'s yet.  I also want to take a cycling vacation in Italy - another dream...  Ruth - you are my ND sister - laying tile, painting, do-it-yourself.  Mary - I do mean 20 miles - we have a great rail to trail here that is as easy or hard as you want it to be.  Patto - I want a waterproof pedometer too - could be your lottery!!  Giselle - welcome and I echo everyone - go for the lower body and ease into the upper.  I can now do upper body even though there is numbness and sometimes residual pain but I noticed that if I do too much pec work it distorts the implants.  Does that make sense to anyone?  The nerve damage and regrowth can take years.  Nature - outside it is.  Ladies - goodnight Kiss
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi everyone.  Can't respond to everyone as have some work to do tonight but I do like the thought expressed about BC making a difference in doing what you want now rather than waiting - tomorrow is not promised, as we find out every time one of our sisters becomes an angel.  Seize the day as soon as you can if at all possible.

    Just walked today but it was humid so cut it short.  I agree that LS is fund but I also prefer to walk outside.  Have 8,000 steps on pedometer so will try and go up early and walk the last 2000 during the news.

    Night friends.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited September 2010

    Too hot and humid to do anything here today. Patoo I'm impressed that you still managed 8,000 steps in the heat. And bobcat, I'm really impressed that you did 20 miles each day over the weekend. I'm going to do more cycling once it cools down in September.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hi All, I'm finally sitting down after a long day. Slept terrible last night (nothing bad, just too many beginning of school and 'lets add a house project on top of it' stuff on my mind), so got up early, touched up some tile & did a 30 minutes pilates DVD. School all day, visited my dad, back to school for an open house, finally home where I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes (already dark out & this way I could also watch the Twins game on TV....they won 4-3).

    Mary, your dream vacation sounds lovely (but what? no baseball? Surprised) And yes, we should do the big things if we can, and also enjoy all the little things, and I'm grateful that I'm waking up early worrying about getting meetings scheduled instead of something worse!!

    Nature, I think the zaps are surgery related more than anything, or maybe radiation.

    Giselle, I think you can do whatever abs you want without worry. None of my 'cancer' people (surgeon, oncologist, radiologist) gave me any good exercise advice. I was very frustrated and too scared of lymphodema to do much upper body at all. Finally (after about a year), I talked to my family physican, who gave me some answers. (Keep in mind I was farther out, and whatever you do, you want to do slowly.) He said that building up your arm strength (and everyone will define what that means for themselves) is actually good for, and can help to build up the lymph system. He also said that it's OK if your arm feels a little sore; just as any muscles would feel when you haven't used them for awhile, and you can stress them A LITTLE.  Hearing that was such a relief to me! Start really, really slowly; when I wanted to increase a weight, I would just use the heavier weight for a few reps, and go back to the lighter one etc and build up very carefully. Ever since surgery my arm has always felt a little achy & numb, but I've accepted that as my new normal. I'm sure it would feel worse/look worse/be less usable if I didn't keep it moving. That's just what I've found has worked for me (as you can tell, I am very leery of telling anybody else what they should do when I'm not sure!!).

    Good Night All! Ruth

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited September 2010

    Oh My ...I have not posted in a very long time.  So busy.... My mom fell and broke her hip so that was an ordeal with surgery and then getting her into a facility with PT.  Not to mention getting ready for my new 3rd graders, WOW  but I have been working out though it all.  My favorite is still kettlebells.  Hope all is well with everybody! 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hi Balsie, sorry about you mom & hope she is doing better. We started with kids the 26th, so we are in the thick of all the crazy beginning of the school year stuff! Glad you are getting in the exercise along with everything else. Back to work for me!! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Balsie - I'm so sorry about your mom!  How is she doing now?  You and Ruth with the school bells ringing!  (Do schools even have school bells anymore?) 

    Bobcat - our trip is not a bareboat - I know basic boating skills and seamanship, but I don't know how to sail. Frown This trip is on a small sailboat with only 6 cabins:  It's owned by some people who loved the old Windjammer cruises, and when Windjammer folded, they bought this small ship and offer these sailing cruises.  It has the same Windjammer casualness, but isn't quite as bawdy as some of those old Windjammer cruises could get. Surprised 

    Ruth - how are your Twins enjoying Matt Capps? He was the Nats closer and our only All Star till we traded him to you for Ramos.  I really like his attitude - he's a good guy.  He was very close to his dad who sadly died last winter, and he takes a lot of his inspiration from his dad's life and words. 

    Patoo, you sound like me being tired of this hot weather and wanting to get outside.  You've been so good with your 10,000 steps daily.  Hopefully Earl won't come too close to you in NJ.

    The forecast here for the Labor Day weekend is wonderful - highs only in the 70's!  We're going to the cabin, and I told my dh that we were crazy if we don't do a lot of hiking this weekend.  We have a project of eventually hiking all of the Maryland part of the Appalachian Trail, so I think we can knock off a few more sections this weekend.  

    Happy September everyone!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited September 2010

    Hi All:

    I'm having my surgery on 9/20 so I went and bought myself a pair of Skechers shape up sneakers. I love them. Been walking daily for 25-30 minutes to build up my stamina for surgery. I'm going to try to locate some pec muscle exercises that I can do prior to surgery. going for dmx with TE's.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hi Jan, you are very smart to be exercising pre-surgery. I think going into any sort of surgery in good shape really does help you bounce back quicker and easier. Keep us up on your progress.

    Nats, I just looked at the website about your cruise. Wow, does that look fun. Can I come with? Pretty Please? I see on the sports that your baseball team just got into a big fight! Yikes!! All the Twins players really look like they like each other and are having lots of fun (won in 10 tonight).  Often when the local station is interviewing one of the stars of the game, another player will sneak up and throw a shaving cream pie in his face! The manager really looks for team players; and if you aren't one, you are out of there, no matter how good you are.

    No official exercise for me tonight. I had a CPR Recertification class after school until 6 pm. When I got home DH was actually willing to go through and sort some of the piles, so......I had to seize the opportunity. I did get quite a bit of movement in hauling things about, dragging things out to the trash etc.

    Thursday tomorrow already!! Have a great day, all! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    balsie, good to see you back, but sorry about your mom.... very stressful for all involved. 

    I have what I believe is an impacted tooth Cry  you have no idea how much I hate going to the dentist, my anxiety is hitting the roof, and I'm "ommmmmmm"-ing and taking deep breaths as much as I can.  Pain yesterday pre-empted exercise.  Off to dentist.  It'll be fine, I'm just a baby about this stuff.

    Will be back posting when I feel better!  keep up the great work, everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010
    So Jan do you really think those shoes are worth buying?I heard that if you wear them everyday as  you do your errands etc it is like an extra workout.What do you think.? Maybe we shaould all splurge on a pair.Undecided
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Abcessed tooth, swollen jaw, pain, pain, pain.  I'm home with meds and getting it extracted next week.  I just want the pain and swelling to go away! Until the pain is better, no exercise for me -- every step seems to jar my tooth.  OWWWW!!!  Cry

    I don't have Sketchers because I found them too heavy but I do have a pair of Avias that are supposed to do the same thing with your muscles.  They do make me notice the muscles in my legs and butt when I wear them on a hard surface (on a mulchy woodland path, not so much) so I think there're a good workout for walkers.  Jury is still out on whether the shoes actually tone you more/better or if you just exercise more/better.   I haven't been able to find any research, just claims.  Either way, I like them a lot for walking.  I think several women here have those kind of toning shoes.

    I popped my meds a few minutes ago, I'm going to bed to try to sleep through some of the pain, and hopefully when I wake up the pain will be better!

    Signing off. Have a great day!

    added:  pouring down rain, a gray day is just what I need and like for cozying up inside, and tomorrow and through the weekend, 70's!!  I can't wait to get back out there!  Enjoy your hikes, Nats, and take photos to share?

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited September 2010

    I love my new Sketchers. It's been quite HOT here to walk outside so I walk 30 minutes on the house. 

    Take it slow with them though, they do work. Start your routine with 20-25 minutes a day and work your way up. I'm at about 30 minutes a day now.

    Happy Walking!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Nature - you poor thing!  Hopefully the meds will kick in and the pain will be at least bearable till you can get the tooth extracted.  Ruth - you absolutely can come on the cruise!!  I'll pop you in my suitcase - as long as you can fit into a carry on rolly. Tongue out Jan - good for you for doing what you can before surgery - it will really help your recovery. 

    Mum, I have the Sketchers as well and really like them - I got them after a bunch of gals here recommended them.  I'm not sure that they really tone you, but I notice have a lot fewer knee, hip and other lower joint aches than I used to get from walking on hard surfaces.  As Nature says, they're only for hard surfaces (and probably treadmills although I haven't used mine on a treadmill) and not for cross training or hiking on natural surfaces. 

    Forty-five straight minutes on the elliptical last night - woohoo!!  And did my 20 minutes Pilates this morning.   

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Nature, I hear you on the dental issue.  Had deep peridontal cleaning on right yesterday and the only thing that got me there was knowing I was going to get laughing gas (nitrous oxide).  Will have it again next week for the left side.  It's the only time I insist on it now - used to have it with any kind of dental work, even a cleaning!  Hey, I get sick before I get high from alcohol so that is my only way to experience what, I guess, addicts feel.  Whee-O, can't wait until next week.  I always tell everyone I could not work in a dental office because I'd be sending everyone home, telling them I would "close-up".  Probably find me the next moring in the chair still smiling (and probably dead!) with the mask over my face.

    Well, just a quick fly-by as I'm also feeling under the weather today.  Had tetanus shot Tuesday and when I told the nurse it didn't hurt like I was led to believe, she said with a big smile "it doesn't hurt going in".  Well, 2 days later I have a big knot, sore arm and low-grade fever. 

    Yesterday went to pool and ran for 45 mins.  That was about it for yesterday.  Today I'm just going home, having some soup and hitting the bed.

    Re Sketchers, I have the same type 'toning' shoe that I love but it's by (hu oh, brain freeze) ummmmm, Dr Scholls.  I have both the toning sneakers and toning sandals but wear the sneakers more often.  I personally think they work but it's very unscientific!

    Have a great evening all.