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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Ouch, Nature, nothing is more painful than teeth. I think you should ask for some of patoo's laughing almost makes it sound fun! Patoo, maybe you could get some 'gas to go' to help with the tetanus shot pain.

    I must be the only person in the world that never did adjust to/like the Sketchers. I always feel like I'm going to fall off them, or twist an ankle. Speaking of ankles, I think I might have sprained mine lugging stuff around with this house fixing up we are doing. It is red, swollen and hurts like heck. I'm icing it now, but did 90 minutes of the FIRM earlier (very unenthusiastically, I might add).

    Mary, I don't think I'd fit in a suitcase, but I could cut some holes for my feet in a garment bag and kind of slink along behind you.

    Happy Friday All! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Nats - thanks for the link.  I think when I say bareboating I meant the windjammer thing. I'm not the sailor in this family - I'm a great Maryann or Ginger or better yet a Mrs. Howell but I'll do whatever SO asks me to do as long as I don't fall overboard!!  I will forward your link to him as right now he's on the sight but I prefer an experienced crew ;) even though he's good.

    Sketchers.  I also felt like I'm falling off of them.  I also tried the FitFlop but they look so geriatric on me!

    We are just home after a day at the US Open - saw wonderful tennis.  Roger Federer won in three sets.  Watched Rafael Nadal drink water and relax at the practice courts for about half an hour - I'M NOT KIDDING!!   Saw Montfils practicing, Jancovic win and my favorite NY player James Blake won in 4 sets and he's retiring after this tournament - his fans were loud and wild.  NY tennis is absolutely crazy fun.  Had a lobster salad for lunch with a MARTINI Kiss  You heard me right.  But now home and dealing with hurricane Earl - have to get to the shore tomorrow and get the boat secure.  No exercise for me today except tons of walking and climbing up into the nosebleed seats.  Hope to get in a late cycle tomorrow in Earl's wind.  Have a good night all.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Hello everyone, well having a houseguest is cutting into my evening routine of playing on the computer so I'm being a bit rude (pretending I'm doing a bit of work...tee hee) firstly Patoo you probably forgot that I warned you all about the tetanus shot last month yikes I was sore for days and Nature I feel your pain hopefully the meds are kicking in. Okay Nats you're going to need a steamer trunk then both Ruth and I can stow away with you, it sure sounds like fun and all I would want to do is sit on deck with a good book oh and a nice young deckhand to fan me and bring cold drinksTongue out. Ruth you take care I hope your foot is okay, put it up and make your DH bring you a nice cup of tea. Bobbi sounds like you sure had a fun day isn't it amazing when you see a "real" athlete in action it is so impressive and all of you east coasters please be safe Earl looks massive.  Re those shoes, I don't have them but I've spent quite a bit of time in hospital cafeterias in the past few months and I swear 80 percent of the employees have them on so they must be good for people on their feet all day. Did spin class tonight, right now my legs are feeling okay but we'll see how I feel in the morning, Bobbi I didn't feel quite as claustrophobic tonight. I always tell new people at Combat to give it 4 or 5 times so I'm going to take my own advice, speaking of which I did Combat last night and Step on tuesday.  I feel really rude running in the house, changing clothes and then running off to the gym but I warned my friend beforehand that this is my new normal. Nite all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Gee, everyone, be careful!  We have Patoo's tetanus shot, Nature's teeth, and now Ruth's ankle!  I think we all need to join Bobcat with that lobster salad and martini - how sophisticated is that!  Cool  Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the US Open.  At least none of the sets went on forever like that Wimbledon match this year. And as for the sailing trip, at Island Windjammer you can help with the sails and stuff if you want, but you can also sit on the deck and relax if you want, which will be my choice!  We just got our boarding passes yesterday - it's getting real!  Ruth - the Nats player that was in the center of the big fight the other night - Nyger Morgan - he's a former Canadian minor league hockey player, so he comes by that fighting tendency naturally! Surprised  Cheryl - good for you for putting time for yourself and your exercise first.  I was talking to dh the other night about the biggest difference for me is that exercise time is now the priority, not something that I try to fit into the rest of my life.  I schedule appointments, meetings with friends, etc. around my exercise times, not the other way around.  And like you, when visitors come, I spend time with them, but I also make sure I get my exercise time in. We all know the studies on how important exercise is to us as b/c survivors, and good for us for putting ourselves first on this one!

    After work yesterday I did a 10 minute warm up on the elliptical, then a solid 45 minute weight training workout. And did the 20 minute Pilates DVD this morning. I've been doing the Pilates daily for a couple of weeks now since it's too hot and sticky to walk in the morning, and I can really feel a difference in my core muscles.  

    Off to the cabin for the long weekend! 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010
    So looks like this long weekend will be celebrated on both sides of our boarder. I was told by my DD that I have to go wedding dress shopping with her and her best friends.That will be my workout for the weekend but today I will hit the gym. My wallet is already complaining about sore muscles.Yell
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010
    Yes, Mum, except we're celebrating Labor Day and you're celebrating Labour Day!  Laughing  Have fun dress shopping! 
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Yes, hb, I did forget, or you know you don't really believe it until it happens to you.  I've been sick for 2 days now and just flying by to check-in.  No formal exercise today although I did go to the supermarket and so my pedometer has logged 4,000 steps.  My arm is still red and sore and I feel miserable but I will try and get my steps up when I go upstairs before too long.  Tomorrow will be going to a giant craft fair at the Jersey Shore so should get in lots of steps. 

    I also did not like the Sketchers but the Dr Scholls has a little less 'curve' and I had no problem with them.

    Night Sculptresses.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Patoo a day out at the shore craft shopping will make you feel better and wouldn't it be funny if you ran into Bobcat cause she was going to the shore as well, but being a west coaster I don't know how big the shore is - it may be 5 miles or 50 miles Embarassed.  Mum half my life I celebrated Labour Day and now I celebrate Labor Day, I've been here 30 years but sometimes when I spell I still do it the correct wayLaughing.

    Tonight I did a Body Pump class, lots of lunges and squats with weights and my legs are feeling okay after that spin class.  Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    I took asprin and iced my ankle all night, so it felt a little better this am. Did a 30 minute 'Cardio Party' DVD (just walked in place when I was supposed to bounce), 15 minutes on the treadmill, went to the opening football game for our high school team (looks to be a long, sad season; lost 34-0 to a team we match up to on paper), then did 15 minutes of toning while watching the end of the Twins game (they won 4-3). Now am icing the anke again. Hopefully, I will be off my feet a little bit this weekend anyway!

    Patoo, hope your shot soreness is wearing off; I am FOR SURE not getting my tetanus shot redone early!!!

    Bobbi, the tennis, lobster and martini all sounds wonderful! I talked to my NC sister in Raleigh and they didn't even get a drop of rain from Earl (they are really dry so were actually hoping for some moisture). I hope Earl will leave your boat alone!

    Mum, did you find a dress that doesn't quite break the budget? When does the actual wedding take place?

    Mary, a hockey player....that explains everything; what we say up here is, "I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out!"

    Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Oh Ruth you poor girl, you appear to be ADDICTED to exercise, you need to be resting not walking insead of bouncing.  This weekend you need to sit and watch as much baseball as you possibly can with your foot elevated. I do love going to pro hockey games it's so fast, those guys can sure move and there is always a brawl, I don't think they can play without fighting.  Sorry about the game loss hope the kids don't get too dejected.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    Hi everyone workout this morning and did a great a class called step muscle. I really enjoyed the workout. Going to workout tomorrow as well. Then off to see my granddaughter Mickaella. They live about 2 hours away. Looking forward to that. My exercise body I think is going through a midlife crisis. She got a tattoo on her thigh and then got her nose pierced. Just out of the blue. Just is not her kind of  behavior. I have no issue about tattoos I have one and want a few more. As far as the nose pierced that is fine too. She is just exploring her life. Do women go through midlife crisis like men do?

    Nature: so sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope it does get better and that medication at least helps. Nothing is more frustrating when the meds don't work.

    Ruth: so sorry to hear about your ankle. It seems like you are taking good care of it.

    Bobbie: your cruise sounds wonderful. I can't wait till I go on mine. That is not till next year. An Alaskan one.

    Patoo: I know what those tetanus shots are like. Keep moving your arm. Hope it feels better soon.

    Mum: good luck with the dress shopping. You will have to post a picture of you in your dress when you get it.

    Night everyone, Blessings along the way, Elizabeth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    I think we are all kind of addicted to exercise, or to the commitment to exercise anyway. And that is a good kind of addiction, even if we seem a little crazy to other people at times. I am up too late watching Craig Ferguson on the Late, Late Show, but before I sign off wanted to say how much I enjoy hanging out with you all. It's always a highlight of my day to check in here!! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Glorious, glorious day here!  53 overnight, only 60 now, I'm lovin' it!

    Tooth update:  after being told first by the dentist to watch for increased swelling, which could block my throat and cut off my airway and be fatal (because an abscessed tooth and pain wasn't enough to worry about) Undecided, my pharmacist told me to stop taking my antibiotic immediately if I developed diarrhea, because it could be a sign of potential permanent colon damage.  Because, as I mentioned, an abscessed tooth and pain wasn't enough to worry about.

    Good news: swelling went down (still there & tender but much better), but today I woke up with diarrhea... called my pharmacist to confirm that I shouldn't take any more antibio. and he again said it was unlikely but possible to develop permanent colon damage and I shouldn't take it.  So I left a message for my dentist, who took 2 hours to call me back but I was so grateful he did, he confirmed that I did the right thing to stop taking the antibio. and has called in a script for another one... I know it kinda sounds like small potatoes but it was nerve-wracking, I was worried about going until Tuesday with no meds. Me+teeth problems=anxiety

    Extraction is Wed., I'm heavy into denial and not thinking about it, ommmmmmmm.... and yes, Patoo, I love nitrous oxide too :)

    Elizabeth, I don't know that I went through a mid-life crisis, it was more a mid-life contemplative kind of thing when I was in my late 40's and watching a dear friend die, I ended up changing my life quite a bit... I suspect women do that kind of thing on a  more introspective level than men.  Although I do now jokingly call the VW convertible I've been driving the last several months my mid-life crisis car.  Wink

    Had all the windows open overnight, blankets piled on, I love it! And I feel tons better, I'm getting out for a long walk today in the cool, wonderful weather! and going to Global Fest, an international festival near campus that's gone on for years, booths, items for sale, food, music, fun.  

    Mary, you're going to find a lot of extra luggage on your sail, I'm sure you won't be surprised when we all pop out!

    Sounds like everyone has some great things lined up for the weekend, enjoy, relax, have fun!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    PS, Ruth, take care of that ankle!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Gee, Nature, I don't think that things that could be fatal are small potatoes! Good Gracious, Tuesday won't come soon enough!

    It is beautiful today here too; low 70s, sunny, no wind. I slept in (with the blankets on), did 45 minutes of pure toning (no bouncing), DH & I delivered Meals On Wheels for our church & then walked down to the college football stadium (15 minute fast walk), watched the home team win 54-52 in triple overtime, walked home & for 15 extra minutes just because it was so nice out. Ankle still kind of tender but not too bad.

    Night All! Ruth

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited September 2010

    Ohh nature Grrl.... so sorry about your tooth!  

    My mom is doing well and is doing her PT like she is suppose to .  Thanks for your concern!  

    Went for a long walk today with a co-worker it was great.  Have a great rest of the weekend!


  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2010

    Hi girls-

    A long time ago I told you about the TART buses here in Lake Tahoe.  I finally got the pic size shrunk enough to make it my avatar, so here it is.  We are official tarts!

    Mum, have fun wedding dress shopping!  What a great thing to be doing.

    Ruth, I don't think I would like the Sketchers either; I have big flat feet and bad ankles to begin with.  Hope your ankle is better and back to school life slows down a bit (does it ever?)

    Balsie, good to hear that your mom is doing better.

    Nats, a cruise sounds fun!  I hear about the Nationals all the time because of the SS (I can't remember his name) pitcher.

    Nature, I agree with Ruth, Tuesday can't come soon enough.  Sending healing prayers and thoughts your way.  That must be absolutely miserable, but it's so good you are on it and very aware of the issues. 

    Bobbi, the tennis sounds like so much fun to watch.  I've never been into it, but I think the sport looks like so much fun. 

    Patoo, hope the tetanus aftermath is gone.  Maybe I told you, but when my muscle-y, 6'6" younger son got a tetanus shot, he winced around for a week.  It must really hurt because he usually never complains about anything.

    EBAnn, I have seen the tattoo-ing and so on with friends of mine as they get close to 50.  One friend, another 6 foot gal like me, lost a bunch of weight and then turned around and got DD implants (?!?!?) and three tattoos, one huge one on her back!  I don't get it, but sometimes people like to just cut loose like that.  A second life or something.

    Hi to everyone I missed.

    I'm in Tahoe again and it is really pretty.  Today we are going to an area in the Gold Mining country high in the Sierras, complete with old mining stores, hiking trails with numerous lakes, and great views.  I'll snap lots of pics.  The good effects of no drinking and no sugar continue; I'm glad I elminated them because I have noticed a tiny bit of joint issue/stiffness and I still get a slight headache about 4 hours after arimidex, but nothing compared to how it was prior.

    Hope everyone is having a fun Labor Day!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Kim, love the TART picture :)  Enjoy Tahoe and the Sierras.  There's nothing like hiking in the mountains...

    balsie, glad your mom is doing well.  And Ruth, glad your ankle is better!

    I woke up CHILLY this morning, my toes were cold, it felt so good! (to not be hot!) but I did bundle up a little.  Another perfect day. 

    I'm on z-pac or c-pac or something for antibiotics now, glad to still be attacking that abscess!  Feels mostly OK so I'm enjoying the days until the extraction! Tongue out

    I tried on tons of different toning shoes before I landed on a pair that worked for me.  Spent a lot of time walking the aisles of the store to make sure I had what I wanted.  If you don't like one brand, try another... they do vary a lot.  I really like my Avias but I need to get out of the woods and on the pavement so they can work!

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited September 2010

    I've been reading but haven't posted here for a few days since I couldn't match all the exercise you were doing. But yesterday I walked three miles and later in the day, I cycled eight miles along the bike route I discovered last weekend.

    Today, spurred on by the cooler weather and remembing that Bobcat did 20 miles a day last weekend, I planned to cycle another trail. It was along a very flat trail and I took my time and had a few rests along the way but I really had to push myself for the last few miles but I was determined to finish the 15 mile roundtrip. Now I want the equivalent of a pedometer for my bike.

    It's supposed to get hot here again over the next few days so I'll probably take it easy.

    This is a photo of today's trail.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Oh MaryNY, that is just beautiful, thank you!! And Kim, thank you for our beautiful TART logo Cool!! Between walking to and from my dad's and just walking, I got in an hour. Also I cleaned the house & did some more shoveling out of the basement.

    Here is a funny story for my fellow baseball fans: when I got to my dad's today I turned on his TV & said, "Let's watch some Twins baseball." What was on was an old timers game which was preceeding the 'real' game (it's their 50th Anniversary so they are doing a lot of fun promotions). Most of the old timers are rather worse for wear and after watching a few plays, my dad says, "That's no major league game that we are watching!" Ha! He still is more on the ball (so to speak) than I sometimes think.

    I'm going in to work tomorrow even though it's a vacation day. I am already behind and we just started. Argh!!

    Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Mary what a beautiful picture, and Kim that is so appropriate for us one day I'm going to have to learn how to upload pics.  Did my Combat class yesterday morning and today did Step and both classes were absolutely jam packed and lots of new people, then today after class DeAnn (instructor) was speaking to mother/daughter who had tried class, well apparently mother was just going to walk on treadmill but saw me go into the room and said "oh if she does it I can do it",  I took it as a compliment cause I knew what she meant, when I first started I was intimidated by all the pretty young things but I got over it.  Sorry you have to work tomorrow Ruth, I'm going to a get together of women from a club I used to belong to back in the 80's my friend from Australia has organized the outing as she was a founding member of the old group and she's kept in touch with everyone - I'll bet we've all aged a bitSmile

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    hb, if they are not exercising as much as you have I bet you were the best-shaped one in the group.  Hope you had fun.  Regarding the Jersey Shore - it's a little over 125 miles of shoreline.  NJ is very long!   We were there for about 4 hours, not including a lunch break and didn't see all of the crafters.  Still, with the stop and go walking only logges about 5300 steps Saturday.

    Yesterday after church went to the gym and ran in the pool for an hour and also did upper boddy water weights.  Then came home andhad lunch finishing off with DQ.  Had to then walk that off and so got in a little over 10,000 steps.  Having lunch with some friends today so think I'll break here in a few minutes and take a quick walk; maybe the body will still be burning calories so I can battle the food that I'm sure to eat.

    Thanks for the wishes about my arm.  Still have a huge knot and it still feels warm.  Not too much pain anymore.

    Hope everyone on this side of the world is enjoying the holiday weekend and end of summer weather.  Not looking forward to winter snow and ice.

  • Zipmum
    Zipmum Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2010

    Trying to get moving again.  My summer membership at the pool is over and I am considering long term membership to keep up my movement.   I am going to post my exercise log this week so that even for the very sluggish of us all... if I can do it so can you.  lol.  I welcome any suggestions.  so far my thoughts are for Zumba, treadmill and yoga... what do you think.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Morning Zipmum - my thoughts are whatever will keep you moving - go for it.  If you are not gung-ho about your routine you won't stay with it.  I enjoy water aerobics and walking outside so that is what I do most.  Occasionally I will do the torture elliptical but since I don't like it I'm not consistent.  I don't mind the stat bike but if I don't do it before I do the aqua classes I'm not motivated to do it afterward.  My treadmill has been inactive this summer because I prefer to walk outside but during the winter it will probably be put to more use. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    If they had a Zumba class here I would try it, because it actually sounds fun. Zip, if having a gym membership will keep you exercising; then, for sure, renew it! I would say to come on here every day, whether you exercise or not, and confess all (that makes me exercise!!). And even if you don't feel like doing anything and just, BLAH, go through the motions, that's OK. The important thing is that you are moving. There are also tons of good exercise tapes/DVDs you can pop in for the days you can't/don't feel like/don't have time to go out. Walmart/Target etc. have quite a few, or check out and type in exercise DVDs and/or tapes and look through what they have. Oh, and I think Yoga or Pilates are wonderful (also you can get them on DVDs if a class doesn't fit into your schedule), and I don't like walking on the treadmill but do so in the winter some when I can't get outside or if I want to multi-task and watch something on TV and exercise at the same time.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Raining like crazy here; did 30 minutes each of treadmill, upper toning and lower body toning. Still have a worksheet to type up and fingernails to polish. Later! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    Evening tarts, just love the logo. Yay! Well did my workouts this weekend and workout with my buddy Tracy along side with our wonderful trainer Jim. He did a good job today, he let me and Tracy choose our exercise so we did free weights, abdominal, & legs. Definatly will feel it in the morning. My plan is to workout on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Well it is time for bed. I am tired.

    Zip come in everyday. It is great cause it makes you accountable for what you are doing. I love it here. The ladies are great and provide a lot of support. We tell it all here. I have a trainer and he is wonderful. He pushes me which I truly need. I do do the treadmill. I walk on it for 3 min and then run on it for 2 min and I do this for 30 min. I do weighs along with lots of  lunges and squats. I think you just need to find something that is good for you. I do the treadmill cause it is really hot here in AZ. I have done Zumba but it is so fast and I have a hard time being coordinated. I do take a pure step strength class at my gym and I  love that. I do that on Tue and Fri mornings. I wish you the best and your making the right move. Proud of you!

    Blessings Everyone, Elizabeth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010
    Took the weekend off so its back to the gym this morning for me.Yell
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    zip, welcome, and to echo what's already been said:  do what you enjoy!

    MaryNY, nice trail!

    I had a good day or so before the tooth pain came back, even with pain meds... no sleep, so I hurt and I'm exhausted.  And trying to get a week's worth of work done in 4 hours.  Looking forward to getting this sucker out tomorrow!

    A couple of walks over the weekend in between bouts of pain but yesterday I was too zapped to move much.  Hope to get a walk in today because I know it might be a day or two before I get back out.

    Have a good day, everyone!  See you on the flip side! Smile

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Zip.  Mary, love the pic.  Glad to catch up on all the posts.  We arrived home late last night from the Jersey shore.  Patoo - we are in Seaside Park.  Where was the craft fair?  Earl was nothing but a wind event and all the preparation was not needed but better safe than sorry.  The rest of the weekend was beautiful and sunny.  Lots of sailing and I did the 20 mile bike route down there all 3 days.  On Sunday got SO to do it with me on our tandem.  About 10 years ago, a friend gave us a mountain bike tandem and we just love that bike.  It's a great way to exercise together and we are quite a sight - I must say.  A middle aged couple in goofy helmets and sneakers but we can move that thing.  We got passed by a "Lance" about 10 miles into the ride and I tapped on SO's shoulder and we took off like crazy and hung just on his back tire for about 2 miles and then really kicked it in and passed him!!  In about another 1/2 mile he passed us and we almost passed out from the exertion.  We had to stop and take a water and breathing break but made us feel so good.  He was probably just toying with us old geezers but we had fun!  Home late last night and biked and abbed this morning.  Now getting ready to watch more tennis Kiss on television.  All the news of sore ankles, infected teeth - be careful everyone....  My picture is dreadfully old from last summer.  I took a new one with my skype camera and can't remember how to upload it to BC sight. Anyone have any suggestions?  Have a good night.  Like Ruth, I love hanging out with you all!!