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  • TXAllie
    TXAllie Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2012

    Hello Texas Ladies

    I am from San Antonio.. This is my 1st day on here. I've been battling my Stage 4 cancer now for almost 5 years. I had only had mets on my bones and 1 spot on my lung but 2 weeks ago on my routine scans they found 2 spots on my liver. Until now treatment has been really tolerable. But I just started Halaven. I'm having lots of nausea and very good chance that i'm gonna lose my hair. So I decided that maybe it would help talking to other women who are going thru the same thing (or almost the same thing).

    Looking forward to getting to know y'all

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Allie! 

    I also am stage 4- sorry to hear bout your liver. Theres awesome support on the stage 4 boards as well.

     Anyone wanna get an early lunch brunch on the 10th??? I see my dr in San Antonio. He's out on topperwein but i can meet up pretty much anywhere :) 10:30ish works best for me!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited March 2012

    Jana - My surgery will be at Rio Grande Regional Hosp in McAllen.  Even though there are some great plastic surgeons in SA, it is too far for me to travel.

    Welcome Allie!  You have found a great group of Texas sisters.  texasrose is right - the stage 4 boards are awesome.  I am not stage 4 but everyonce in a while a topic will pique my interest and I will open it to see what it is all about.  Once I find it is for stage 4 gals I respect them and do not post.   

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2012

    Jo please say hello to the other Sherry for me and tell her I'm thinking of her. Thank you for updating us all!

    Allie, I'm not stage 4 either, so I cannot help in that area other than give a fellow Texan support any time you need it -  as all the other wonderful women on this forum will do. 

    When I was diagnosed in Jan, my online email group I cofounded back in 1996 all took up a collection and deposited in to my Paypal account with the note: "Cancer don't mess with a Texas girl, you can't win!" My friends are right!

    You are in my prayers :-)


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Allie, I'm here in San Antonio too, if you need help in the evenings or weekend give me a holler. I'm on facebook, gina velasquez.  

    Jo, my work as been nuts, I emailed Sherry last Monday thinking that was her sugery.  I emailed her yesterday, I can't believe I missed seeing her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So mad at myself.  She said she is going home today.  I'm going to take her up on her offer to take the historic tour and go see her too!

    Texasrose (although I know your name lol, and gon't call me SAgina - gotcha laughing didn't I?) April 10?

  • TXAllie
    TXAllie Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2012

    Thank You SAgina. I will find you on facebook. I think it's really going to help meeting all of y'all. It's good to know other women who know what i'm going through.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2012

    Jo....totally understand about distance. I chose to use doctors in SA rather than travel back to New Orleans. Too bad you, Sherry and I were not able to use the same hospital and have surgery at the same time.

    Lunch April 10?


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited March 2012

    Speaking of Sherry - Here is an update.  She is home from the hospital and sounds just wonderful.  I talked to her about 1 1/2 ago.  She said she is in some pain and took some pain meds.  If she is feeling up to it, she will post tomorrow.

    Jana - That would be something else wouldn't it?  Somehow I think the nurses would have their hands full - LOL! 

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    I can do lunch on April 10th!

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2012

    Thank you for the update Jo, I will pray for her speedy recovery and as little pain as possible!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2012

    Hey everyone I am back.  I just have not felt like being on the computer.  Surgery went well and my PS is very pleased.  I am still having quiet a bit of pain and think my rt side may not be draining like it is suppose to.  I will call the PS in the morning and see if I need to be concerned or just stick with my Monday appt.  Jo thanks for keeping everyone updated for me.  I've been trying to nap and have done so so with that as I have had lot's of phone calls.  For the most part I am feeling very good just pain, but I am taking my drugs.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited March 2012

    Sherry - So glad to have you back home and resting.

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2012

    Welcome back other Sherry! I pray and hope for your pain to go away quickly!!!

    Cheri "with a C"  Laughing 

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited March 2012

    Hope you feel much, much better soon!

  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited March 2012

    Sherry - glad everything went well, hope you start draining better!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442
    edited March 2012

    Stacy/Violet so sorry I have not gotten back with sooner, yes I would like to meet up with ya'll.  You can PM me with a day and time, hopefully soon.

     Lately I have been working hard in prepairing for our Relay for Life.  Also, last Monday when the storms came though, a little twister made an apearance in our neighborhood.  Luckly we did not have structual damage but it took out our fence plus the fences of the five houses around us.  Blew out our bedroom windows, luckly I had heavy drapes so glass did not go everywhere just on the bed and around the windows, shreaded my homemade roman shades I spent a lot of time on 12 years ago when we moved in.  They needed to be replaced.  My DH just got home when it and thankfully was not injured in any way.  I will post a picture later.  It could have been worse and all that was damaged can be replaced.  We thought it was a micro burst but our neighbor accross the street saw it and saw it jump over our house and mess up our tree in front before going back up.  All total it happend in less than a min.

    Sherry so glad you are up and around.  I biting at the bit to come see you soon.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    edited April 2012

    Yup gina that did get me laughing LOL

    Yeah april 10th- thats my next dr appointment up there. Where would be the best place for lunch???

    We actually were there friday and saturday- let the kids play hookey and go to the zoo, best to do it now while it isnt scorching outside!  We did the riverwalk but that was brutal on my feet-  (literally a whole day walking) i ended up taking off my shoes and walking the river bare foot LOL- we got ripped off seeing this dinos exhibit in the mall (near the old fashioned ice cream place) for all 4 of us it was nearly $40 and it was NO WHERE near as good as the exhibit the witte had 2 yrs ago... More money less quality go figure! Ojos picados!

    Sherry did you get to call your dr? how are you doing?

    Wow walker- glad to hear that you made it through with no serious damage! 

  • Jodycat
    Jodycat Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2012

    I'm in Houston too, though I spend most weekends in Galveston.

    I'm taking femara, but my hair is getting thicker and has got some waves. I credit biotin.

    I grew up moving from one coast to another, and then moved to England for some time. After that I lived in Princeton. I now live in West University, which isn't very different except that the people here are much nicer!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2012

    I am so excited right now!!!!  I am having lunch with Ceeztheday on Saturday on South Padre Island.  We have been sending PMs but have not had the time to get together.  We have very similar jobs and for both of us the quiet time is just around the corner.  Can't wait to finally meet her face to face.  Heck, we only live about an hour apart.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2012

    Hey all I got one of my two drains out today, yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Nurse said to take it easy with that arm today but tomorrow start using it more as I had given into it because it hurt so bad.  I hope to get the other drain out later this week. Not sure when I can start driving again, but I hope soon.  I hate having to depend on people for stuff and during the week DH works long hours.  But I am resting and taking care of myself.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2012

    Sherry - So good to hear you are going well.  Hope you can start driving real soon.  How long do you have to be out of work?  Hope you have lots of things to do to keep you occupied.

  • tisthyme
    tisthyme Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2012

    Hi all y'all Texans! I am in the Corpus Christi area, anyone else around here?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2012

    Welcome tisthyme - I am not all that far from you.  I am in the Rio Grande Valley in a small town called Donna which is between Harlingen and McAllen.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Hi tisthyme! I'm in SA not too far from you!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2012

    Jo my PS said to plan on 4 to 6 weeks depending on how I am feeling.  I made arrangements for vollunteers to cover our phones for 5 weeks so I'll see.  I have pushed myself through all of this went back a couple of days after both lumptecomies and worked through rads.  Used up all my vacation time on medical so I'm going to rest this time around and not push it since they gave me plenty of time from the sick pool.

    tisthyme I live in Gonzales which is 2 1/2 hours from Corpus.  I used to live in Rockport and still enjoy going back to visit.

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited April 2012

    Jodycat- Glad to see someone else from Houston- West U.!!!! I live near the kiddie pool. I'll be starting chemo as soon as I find out what the chemo cocktail is.  Love our neighborhood because it's so close to everything!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2012

    Sherry - I did the same thing you did and worked through treatment.  Was off for a week after the lumpectomy and worked everyday of rads.  Not going to do that this time.  My job has slowed down and my assistant manager is trained well enough to cover the office.  She knows all she has to do is call and I will talk her through just about anything.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2012

    Hope all in the DFW area are ok tonight.  Only rain, lightning and thunder for us.  Thank goodness no fatalities so far.

    Prayers for all.


  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited April 2012

    Yes ditto what Trish said - hope everyone is safe!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2012

    Hope everyone is safe in the Dallas area.  We are currently getting hammered with rain here.