


  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone, I am hoping you all can help me find a good oncologist in the Arlington-Mansfield-Fort Worth area. I was diagnosed last month and have had a lumpectomy. Saw an Oncologist on Monday and just didn't feel comfortable there. I know I need radiation but waiting on oncotype to decide on chemo. I also have a call into my Surgeon but the nurse asked if I had a preference as to who they refer me to. I don't know anyone to ask so thought maybe you all could help me.

    Thank you

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    momtotenkids- I would say look into any of the Texas Oncology group. They are all amazing. If you are willing to drive to the Denton area Dr. Jolanta Chichon is mine and she is AMAZING!!!

  • damiana9
    damiana9 Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    My MO is Dr. Robin Young at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.  I love her! I also love all of the staff there.  I am getting radiation there also by Dr. Cavey- I like him too.  Their office is in FW on Magnolia.  They also have other offices around the area but I go into FW because I really love my MO.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Posts: 2,484
    edited February 2013

    Momtotenkids - I second the Texas Oncology recommendation.  But I saw your post about the office atmosphere.  Be forwarned at least with the large FW office.  It is at times a cattle call with the large waiting area but that might just be the time of day.  You can get a litte out of the main area.  I find the staff very friendly, helpful and they have never belittled anything I ask. They seem efficient and move along at a good pace.  I'm in the checkup phase, just finished my year from diagnosis. I like my oncologist, but at times wished I had gone with a friend's recommendation.  But then again he has not done anything out of line and it may just be a "grass is greener over there" kind of thing.  I wanted someone professional and not necessarily touchy/feely.  DH liked him but looking back I think he would have liked a "flying pig" if it made me happy.  I've been reading your saga on the 2013 thread and have almost posted to you a couple of times.  Glad you came on here.

    The other thing with Texas Oncology is there is most likely an office in Mansfield.  My radiation oncologist is there also.  Other than Damiana's group I really don't know of any other big groups.  Know a couple in mostly solo practices.  I just feel more comfortable in bigger groups.  They have a reputation to maintain.

    Hey Damiana - How you are doing now?  Good to hear from you. Right in the middle of rads I see.  Hopefully we can try another NT get together b4 too long.  I know Chrisrenee got to go.

    Channel 8 has something on breast cancer prevention coming on now on the 5 o'clock news.  Will have to see what it is about.  Just caught the teaser.  Oh, it just came on.  An enzyme that fuels BC.  Sounds better than estrogen suppression, yuck.

    Mom - Is there a Breast Health Navigator at your hospital?  If you don't have one Baylor's is open to anyone and I think the same thing is true for Harris.  Where does your surgeon work out of?  My BS had a couple of MO suggestions as did my gyne.  The navigator had no opinion but did seem to have business cards for anyone that might be suitable.  Most MO's can treat BC but I would want someone who did it a lot.  Open to PMs if you want.

  • New-girl
    New-girl Posts: 80
    edited February 2013

    I have a question for all of you who use Texas Oncology.  My BS as well as my MO are all in that group.  One of the things that bugs me terribly is the first thing they always ask is for my copay.  They are in two completely different offices but both have the same emphasis on the money. 

    I contrast that with all the other areas that I had to go through this journey and the rest were so friendly and accomodating about copays and deductibles.  I know my radiologist knew my deductible was 10k and she said pay a $100 and worry about the rest later.  Two weeks later when I first saw the BS, she made me pay her full amount of the visit before I even saw her even though by that time I had easily spent my deductible.  One week after my surgery the office called my husband and told him to make sure to bring a check for the amount they felt I would still owe for the deductible.  Took me over a month to get that money back because of course I was at a full 100% coverage at that point.

    First time I went to the MO same thing.  I admit that I was emotional and I took it out on the receptionist when the first thing she asked before I even filled out a form was my copay.  I asked why they couldn't at least say hello and she said some people sneak out before paying.  Seriously?  Anyway, I love my MO but have told him the office policies about money are so impersonal and demeaning.   

    Just very curious if other offices are run the same way.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    grt4- I was told not to pay until they have received payment from my insurance company. I think I went almost 4 mos before I paid anything and then I paid 400.00 at once, but I was prepared for that because of my out of pocket maximum. Even when I went in late January i didn't pay anything, but i know when I go in Feb. 22 i know i'm going to owe about 11.oo for my blood work. I think it really depends on the manager over that particular office. Working in a hospital we also ask for money up front because people do skip out on their bills. I am one of the people that asks for the money, I have been told that i should be ashamed of myself for asking for their money. As i have told numerous people that is my job and my bosses expect me to do that.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2013

    grt42btexan - I live way down in the Rio Grande Valley close to McAllen and 50  miles from Brownsville.  My DH and I are both cancer survivors and use the same MO in the Texas Oncology group.  We both love our MO and not once have we been asked to pay any money up front.  Even when our insurance starts over each year, we don't pay anything until all the charges have been through both our primary and secondary insurances.  Sounds like the office you are going to asks for money in advance.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Posts: 2,484
    edited February 2013

    grt42btexan - I expect because of the volume of business they do.  Though come to think of it my gyne asks for it up front but BS, internist and glaucoma doc is afterward.  But this is all co-pay I know is due anyway.  And I can see in certain circumstances considering the nature of their practice some people might just walk out in their grief/sorrow.  But I did go in one day in what was just about to be a terrific thunderstorm.  In fact the storm tore the roof off apt. building a few blocks away.  I took in my work netbook and some paperwork since I was early in attempt to beat the storm but I forgot my purse which was always locked in the car trunk.  Receptionist was like OK, just come back when you can to pay your co-pay which I did several days later when I was back in that area of town.

    When I had the wire loc for my LX the imaging center (now mind you I didn't have much choice in who to use HAHA) required the difference in insurance up front as well. But like you said getting a refund of my overpayment was more difficult.  They billed the credit card company that day but were SOOO slow in submitting the insurance claim.  I can see my claims online and watched them like a hawk. 

    Jo, I didn't have any deduc. left by the time I got to MO/RO so can't speak to that.  And since it is a PPO they take what the insurance pays them at least for routine appts.  Have had not had any imaging studies done there so can't say what that would be.  Most of my deduc. got satisfied with the surgical fees but don't think I had to prepay even hospital unless it was something nominal.  Thank God for credit cards.  We had a new one with no interest I think.  (Can you tell I don't keep the bills in the house??)  We stretched it to the time limit (6 months).  It was just a coincidence that DH decided to change companies.  And for the 1st time in many years we got a substantial income tax refund which I usually prefer not to do.  But of all years it came in handy last year.

    Chrisrenee - I did collections a lonnggg time ago.  I know how hard it is to ask for money.

  • New-girl
    New-girl Posts: 80
    edited February 2013

    I am glad all the other TO are not run the way they are at Medical City, Dallas.  I know I see a doctor in Plano and they have a large TO office there.  I have been curious to go in and ask them if they ask for the copay before you ever sign in.

    I totally understand collections as I worked in customer service for years.  I just think some of the receptionists and office personnel need to have some sensitivity training.  Yes it is a business but I will never forgot the kind ones that took time to make me feel like a human being.

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited February 2013

    Grt42btexan, I have found the same to be true. If I remember correctly though we have the same BS so I know what you mean.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    i think customer service will get people a lot further. I like to think I have pretty good customer service skills. I like to break everything down that way my patient understands where the dollar amount comes from. Just because I understand the math breakdown (deductible/ coinsurance amt and out of pocket maximum) doesn't mean that my patient does. I hate when people try to just BS their way just to get money. People like that makes me want to punch them. Smile

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited February 2013

    Chrisrenee7, Omg you are right regarding customer service! When I was going through radiation I attempted to understand the billing, explaining to the business office that although college educated I am still a layman regarding insurance. She was very rude and told me that either way I'm going to have to pay the bill and unless my insurance denies a claim then they don't need to go over anything with me. I couldn't believe that a cancer center would speak to a patient in active treatment that way(or anybody really)

  • damiana9
    damiana9 Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    luvmygoats- yes, I just started rads- they are kicking my butt!  After they are done I will be keeping my eye out for a get together in our area :)

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Posts: 2,484
    edited February 2013

    Are you doing the 33 or so rads or the shorter intense protocol?  Sorry to hear they are already as you say "kicking your butt".  Protein, rest as much as you can and lube, lube, lube. I'm sure you're well prepared for it.  I worked all through mine but then again I was not coming off chemo as you are.  Good thoughts coming your way.  Loving this weather.  BUT hearing bits of things about Tuesday maybe SNOW?.

  • New-girl
    New-girl Posts: 80
    edited February 2013

    Would love a get together soon.  Coming up on year anniversary and am surprised at the range of emotions I am feeling.  Thought that it would be a no big deal event but overwhelming at times.  I try to dwell on the people who made the process easier and showed compassion but the few that treated me terribly still bother me.  Hope the memories fade with time.

  • txmomof2
    txmomof2 Posts: 48
    edited February 2013

    I too am coming up on my one year anniversary and can't believe how emotional I am about it.  I guess too because I have to see the oncologist soon for my regular check-up and it always gives me anxiety.  Cancer is such a sneaky thing and can show up anywhere.  But I am surprised at my emotions.  I'm sure in time it will get better!

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the information! my Family Doctor has recommended Dr Lynch at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Arlington. I am researching her and also Dr. Robin Young. I will also look into Texas Oncology. Thanks so much for your suggestions! Now I just need to get through this CT on Monday and make sure nothing else is going on, get the results on my oncotype test, genetic testing and hormone levels from this current Doctor and then move on. I have an appointment to get the results in 2 weeks although she said she would call me the oncotype results by next weekend. Thinking I might go ahead and make an appointment for next week with a new Doctor. The stress of all of this is so hard. I know I am strong enough to handle this but it seems like everytime I think wwe are going forward something else comes up to set me back again. My stomach has been bothering me for quite awhile and of course now I have talked myself into thinking it's another type of cancer...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Posts: 2,484
    edited February 2013

    This is the hardest time just getting it all together.  I had a simple straightforward diagnosis with no real surprises from original biopsy.  But I had a hard time getting a surgical clearance.  Had to have a regular stress test then a nuclear stress test d/t hx of chest pain and heart irregularities.  Only found out the Friday b4 surgery on Tuesday that I was cleared.  It will all come together.  It all moves much slower than any of us want but it is the same for all of us and the docs seem all good with this.

    Take some deep breaths and enjoy your family. The chances are very slight your stomach problems are cancer but something that sure needs to get checked out.  Better to get it treated b4 moving on since your don't need more aggravation at this point.

    I would start making calls and feeling out when you can get a new pt appt.  No need to commit to anything.  Sometimes those are hard to work in which I'm sure you know.  I always find it helpful/self supporting to write out a script for those kinds of difficult phone calls.  Good luck feeling your way through.  I did use a TO office that was closer to where I was working at the time.  I had another recommendation for the office at Harris SW but it was just too far.  All things being equal, distance to travel and traffic is important too.  Just a thought to keep in mind.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    momtoten- Glad you were able to find an Onc. There are a lot of great ones,it's just a matter of getting the right one you gel with. keep us posted on everything.

    Emily- how are you doing? We all definitely need to get together again.

    I too understand about the many emotions of BC. I have my good days and my bads. Mostly good days though. I don't cry as much as I used to. I am coming up on my one year anniversary too 5/25. I can't believe it's been that long already. Craziness.

  • damiana9
    damiana9 Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Luvmygoats- I have 28 RAD treatments total, today I finished #9.  The exhaustion is getting better though, thankfully!

    momtoten- have you had consults with the new oncologists yet?  It's totally normal to convince yourself of new cancers- after all, you probably never really thought you would get BC, but here you are.  I was sure I had bone cancer because I had a really painful spot.  Thankfully it was nothing at all.

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    I had my CT done yesterday my OD called with the results a few hours later just to let me know everything looked fine. So I get to take a deep breathe and relax for a few more days. The lab doing the Oncotype also called yesterday and said they had not received my specimen yet but were expecting it that it day so my results would not be back until the end of next week. So I am hoping everything will be back when I meet with my original Oncologist next Wednesday. I will go see the other Doctor the following week if all my reports are in.I have a plan now so I am feeling better. I also need to find a therapist who works with cording. Any suggestions? My arm has already started cording and it is painful. 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Posts: 853
    edited February 2013

    Well, I am new to this whole cancer and chat room and blog thing but here goes:  

    Hi.  I'm Carolyn from Flower Mound, TX. and I am 3 weeks post lumpectomy with SNB and no lymph node involvement or spread of the cancer thru my body thank goodness.  My diagnosis is invasive, ductal carcinoma (tumor 3.4cm) with a strong family history of BC but negative for the BRCA testing.  I saw the Oncologist (Texas Oncology, Flower Mound) last week and started taking Tomoxifen Citrate (20mg.) on Thursday, Feb. 7.  Unfortunately I have the pre-existing conditions of GERD and IBS (GI problems that have been well-controlled for years) and by Saturday, Feb. 9, I was very sick with bad, bad, heartburn and headache.  I pressed on with the medicine and by yesterday, I was bed-bound with the same symptoms plus nausea and frequent trips to the bathroom and great fatigue with a bit of sadness.  Because I am only 52 and in peri-menopause, I have been told that there is no substitute for the Tomoxifen.  I did not take the drug last night and feel almost back to normal today.  I will see my Oncologist again next week to discuss whether I will need Chemo and Radiation or just Radiation and plan to take the drug again as a trial to see if the same thing happens.  What if I just cannot tolerate this medicine?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Posts: 2,484
    edited February 2013

    Carolyn - Sorry you are along for the ride none of us wanted. I don't have any answers for your Tamoxifen question.  Maybe someone from around here will be on to answer you.  I see you have posted on another Tamoxifen thread.  There are several other Tamoxifen specific threads that are more active and might get you somewhere quicker.  Go back to top through Active Threads and down to Hormonal Therapy.  Come back to chat.

    I, too, had never participated in anything like chat (and there is a chat room on here too).  I found BCO while I was out on leave last year.

    You can always call your MO (medical oncologist) and I would even though you have appt. next week.  They might suggest something and by next week at appt. you could know if it worked.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    Hi carolyn! We are practically neighbors (somewhat). So sorry you are here but glad you found us. Who is your oncologist? I'm assuming when you say perimenopausal you have not had a hysterectomy. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Are you able to maybe switch to femara or generic letrazole that is for patients who are menopausal. Which I am. I know I was pretty sick with mine for about a week until my system got used to. Did you have the oncotype study done? If so what was your score if you don't mind me asking. Mine was 7% recurrence if I took the letrazole or 14% if I didn't. You can also ask if there is anything else you might be able to take.

    Hope you have a good day.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2013

    Christy - Unfortunately, unless you are full blown menopausal you can't take Femara or Arimidex.  

    cmbernardi - Welcome to the group none of us wanted to be a member of.  Since you oncologist appt is coming soon and with the problems you are describing, I would stop taking Tamoxifen now and if you start feeling better, report to your doctor.  I also go to Texas Oncology in the Rio Grande Valley and I love the place.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Posts: 853
    edited February 2013

    Hello again to all of my new friends,

    I have not had a hysterectomy and I believe my MD drew blood for the oncotype study last week.  I still have minor periods so I was classified as peri-men. but the doc is also checking that status out too.  I think it would be best to stop the Tam. (poison pill) for now until next week.  I just talked to my RN Navigator and she agreed with me and also told me to find a good GI doc.  I have only lived here in North TX. for 3 months now so I will be searching for someoe good in the GI field if anyone has more suggestions.  I will also check other threads on this site as suggested.  Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback!  CB

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    Jo- that would make sense. I didn't know if they put peri and post menopausal in one group or separate. So I learned something today. I still like to think I know everything when it come to BC but I know I don't. Ha

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    Carolyn- I know of two in the Denton area that are amazing. Joseph Fletcher and Roy Joseph. You can't go wrong with either one. Hope that helps you.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Posts: 853
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the Denton MD referrals!

  • txmomof2
    txmomof2 Posts: 48
    edited February 2013

    Carolyn, I too have IBS, although it's been pretty much under control for the last several years.  I didn't have problems with Tamoxifen but I wonder if switching when you take it would make a difference?  I've heard from some women that take it in the morning and they feel nauseous all day and then switched to taking it at bed.  That's when I take mine.  Just an idea.