Sign the Petition Against the new Mammography Guidelines



  • Omarsmom7
    Omarsmom7 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Rhonda Carson,  Dx 10/05/09  age 45 found lump myself with breast self exam.  It would be completely insane to change the guidelines.  We already have too many YOUNG women dying of BC.  If there is a change, it should be that we start mammos earlier, at 30, and follow-ups every 6 mos.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited November 2009

    Christy George....age family history

  • wvgirl
    wvgirl Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Carla Thorn-Diagnosis idc stage 2B at age 43. I found my lump after doing self breast exam. Had a mammo in March found lump in Oct. Size was 2 1/2 cm Did not show on mammo.NO Family History either

    With this new Government guidelines I would  be dead

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2009

    Too many of us...way too young. I wish they could hear me. I propose MANDATORY mamm's for anyone 30yo  with high risk. Why go backwards? Let's go forward and save lives!!! Look at the stats here at bc.ofg. We have lost too many young ladies!

    Love when you can, Cry when you have to, be who you must, that's the part of the plan.- Dan Fogelberg
  • Duffymom
    Duffymom Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2009

    Kathy Duffy - IDC age 49, stage IIIB, now 52 and stage IV. Also Triple Neg. No family history of breast cancer.

  • unklezwifeonty
    unklezwifeonty Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    .... IDC age 37, stage IIB. TNBC. Lump would have been detected by regular mammo if standard practice.

  • mejustme09
    mejustme09 Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2009

    >>41 diagnosed with Mammogram!!! NO family history

  • DebZaz
    DebZaz Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Debbie Zander - dx @ 49, mets @54

    Also for my sister Lynn who was dx @ 49 also and died in 2008 of bone mets.

    Early detection!

  • Gitane
    Gitane Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2009

    If mammography does not work on dense breasts, then replace it with MRI. Doing nothing at all for women under 50 makes no sense.

  • kl2260
    kl2260 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2009

    Kendra Lerner

    dx at 48 from lesion seen on routine mammo -- no palpable lump, no family history or other risk factors

    ILC Stage IIb

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2009

    PLEASE DO  BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE- LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! BREAST CANCER DOES NOT AGE DISCRIMINATE.   I have friends as young as 32 with stage 3- inflammatory BC. Get your clinical and mamm exams, please!

  • KRMC
    KRMC Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    KRMC- had calcifications, cant feel those dudes...DCIS so mammos are necessary and I found out at 48 yrs old.

  • Lunalin
    Lunalin Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009

    Found my own lump at age 52. It was 5 cm and I'm sure it would have been alot smaller 2 yrs. earlier. Maybe chemo could have been avoided.

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2009

    Sandy Bennett...diagnosed at age 48 after finding mass in breast in self breast exam.

  • sadmom
    sadmom Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    I couldn't believe it when I read these new screening guidelines tonight!  Just got back from being with my daughter through her third chemo treatment, age 31, diagnosed 3 months ago, caught on a mammogram.  She was having annual mammograms because of my history, diagnosed 20 years ago at age 34.  If not for my history, she would not have had a mammogram and this would not have been caught early stage because she did not feel a lump!  These new guidelines are absurd! 
    Diane C. - diagnosed at 34, no family history, found on a mammogram
    Kristin C. - diagnosed at 30, no family history other than her mother, found on a routine mammogram.  Tested negative for BRAC1 & BRAC 2.

  • KinAZ
    KinAZ Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2009

    Karen Stuart  age 50  3 lumps found in mammogram, onco said the largest had been there a long time...up to 10 yrs

    on behalf of my cousins wife  Bonnie Chambers... dx 1988  age 29  died from mets 1994 age35 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2009

    Genia Barnette

    Diagnosed at 48 with an aggressive form of BC and a mass over 10 cms.   I don't think I could have made it two more years with this kind of cancer that had already infiltrated my lymph nodes (5 nodes).  NO history of BC in my family, BRCA neg.....I lived with an inaccurate sense of security that I wouldn't get breast cancer.  Now in remission!

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2009

    I have to add the membership of may be alot smaller if it weren't for early detection. In St. Louis, 60,000 people and over 3000 surviviors walk to promote early detection and research- how can you go against those numbers? One more thing...imagine if those of us dx'd under 50 thought we we're safe because we were under 50? Most of us would not be here to push those behind us... Be an advocate for mamms and bse, please!

    Love when you can, Cry when you have to, be who you must, that's the part of the plan.- Dan Fogelberg

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2009

    Maybe someone should post a list of all our "Angels".  Many who were in their 30's.

  • stephanieb
    stephanieb Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    For my sister in law, Marsha Bevins Milward, who passed at age 31.  She had to fight for her mammogram when she was dx'ed in her mid twenties. 

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2009

    The No Surrender Breast Cancer Foundation started the



    Anyone can add their voice to our mission.

    It was started in honor of Ferne Dixon who I met here at BCO. We had the same type tumor, but because mine was found at age 39 and hers after 40, I am here to honor her memory and fight for all young women, ESPECIALLY AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN who are more likely to be diagnosed young with TNBC.

    Gina Maisano, first dx, age 39 TNBC

    Second Dx, age 45, ILC with + nodes and extranodal extension.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    Laura Jambrosic

    NO family history of Her2..Brca neg...

    DX age 40... Her2+ Hormone 100% neg...

    If not for mamo...  and self exam.. I would have died.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2009

    Gina- you rock! What can we do? We need a voice and I think you are it.

    Please let me know who I need to contact or whatever. I was only 42, but had a lump. We know of many that had no lumps or outward signs, dx before 50 and are still alive to tell their story. What can we do? I am not placing this on you, but know you may have an idea. How can we have come so far and have falllen so far back?

  • 123Donna
    123Donna Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Diagnosed at age 49 by a mammogram, no family history or risk factors.  My mammogram helped save my life!  Donna Stauffer

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    I PERSONALLY will be watching this tomorrow.. and I will be CHEERING for you Dr Weiss....

    God Bless you tomorrow....

    LADIES... ALL TUNE IN TOMORROW and WRITE IN to to support our cause..

    I wish I was not just LITTLE ME... I have this HUGE voice.. but have no idea how to use it..


    Ladies... WRITE IN TO GMA in the morning... after you watch Dr. Weiss.... SUPPORT OUR CAUSE!

    I have NO IDEA what Dr. Love will say.. but I KNOW.. when I was DX... and read her book... I pretty much thought I was going to DIE.

    I want to see what she says tomorrow. I KNOW others love her... and her books...

    I will be watching...

    Dr Weiss....Good Luck and THANK YOU!

    Laura Jambrosic

  • Diana63
    Diana63 Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2009

    Diana Parker Ohio,dx age 44 2007, IDC Stage 3 lymph node involvement 4 out of 9, now age 46. My left breast became swollen and red, went in for mamo & ultra sound. No family history of BC not high risk. My daughters obgyn will give her a baseline mamo at age 30, I went with her to her last appointment to make sure of it.

  • who_me1
    who_me1 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    who_me I was dx 2 days after my 44th birthday. I had been getting a mammogram every year since i was 35.Please save a life!

  • tamlyn110
    tamlyn110 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2009

    Tammy BiaLowas - diagnosed at age 41

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890
    edited November 2009

    I'm not in favor of changing the current guideline, which allows women the choice to follow it or not.  I'm afraid that if the guideline gets changed, the healthcare benefits will be cut for the 40-50 age women who want, and possibly need, annual screenings.

    Self-exams having no value?  Well, that's how my cancer was detected, so I think I'll keep recommending them to every woman I talk to regardless of that moronic guideline. 

  • yogissimo
    yogissimo Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    these guidelines are simply outrageous! I am a breast cancer survivor who found my tumor through self exam 7 years ago.... moveover, I teach yoga to cancer patients and the vast majority of women I see with breast cancer diagnosis are UNDER 50 and have had no family history.  I cannot but believe this 'study' was underwritten by insurers looking to minimize expenses... self exam and mammograms are what we got right now and as always, it's the poor who will be affected... sign me up for whatever is needed to fight this fight!