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Sign the Petition Against the new Mammography Guidelines



  • KassieLynn
    KassieLynn Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    For my mother,  Sandy P.  Dx at age 43 with no prior family history.  As of a week ago,  she was at stage ll,  but it seems to be progressing a little faster than what docs thought,  so until her next appt in a week,  we are uncertain of the exact stage she is in.  Waiting another 7 years for a mammorgram could have ended very badly for my mother. 

  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2009

    Cloud Schiermeyer  Dx January 2009 at age 51.  "Discovered" lump accidentally.  Annual film biopsy in Oct 2008 was all clear.  Did the film mammogram miss it?  I do not know, but if the new government recommendations were place, I would have had to wait until October 2010 for my next mammogram.

    Public Health insurance is expensive.  Is this a government move to reduce costs by "thinning the herd?"  I am outraged!  Please PM me for specific ways I can make my voice heard and protect the health and welfare of our nation's women.

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    NAE ~ Age 48, DCIS found July 2009.  Detected on annual routine mammogram.  No lump.  Multifocal in different quadrants of Rt. breast.  MX in Aug. 2009.

  • sandee107
    sandee107 Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2009

     Sandee Conti, dx @ age 52.  Found califications on a regular screening mammogram.  No lump, no family history. Mammo was normal the year before.  Had I waited two years for my next mammogram (as the new guideline suggests), I probably would have been dx at a later stage and probably a worse prognosis.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2009

    Christine, it has already been started! It is one of our main missions at that foundation. Started long before this murderous guidelines came out!

    We will need help getting the word out and helping changing minds!

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited November 2009

    celia--59 yrs old at time of dx

    I am completely opposed to the change in the age guidelines for doing mammograms.  There are far too many women diagnosed with breast cancer who are under the age of 50.

    I was 59 at the time of my diagnosis, so I do not fall into that younger age category. However, my breast cancer was not palpable, not found on UltraSound, and ONLY found by Mammogram, which is very often the case.  A majority of the women I have met in the breast cancer world, online and in real life, are under 50 at the time of diagnosis.

  • havehope
    havehope Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    SV ,dx age 44. Found the lump via self exam. 

  • linn56
    linn56 Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2009

    Lin Lahlum: diagnosed at age 53 by mammogram. No lump could be felt by either myself, gynecologist, or breast surgeon. Yet it was already 2 cm long and filled the ducts from chest wall to skin. Oncologist said mine would never have made a lump, that only a mammogram would have shown it. Previous mammogram with small calcifications was misread because my breasts were too dense.  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2009

    I am totally opposed to this new guideline

    even though I wasn't dx'ed until 58..

  • FanofSwimfan
    FanofSwimfan Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2009

    Robin Hoof-diagnosed Age 44. NO family history!

  • FanofSwimfan
    FanofSwimfan Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2009

    This is an OUTRAGE! I'm totally against this!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2009

    Debbie Greely, One year after losing my mother from

    heart trouble, found a lump growing in the shower. Dr

    didn't believe it was anything but a cyst. 49 then. if they

    take the test away till later, then will pay more for chemo. Now

    fighting to get help with bone cancer. IDC Stge 3 in six

    months after yearly. Please help us stay well.

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited November 2009

    Dotti Campbell age 59

     And what about the young ladies we've helped pick out PROM dresses after their mastectomies. And were does Susan Love, MD get off agreeing with this "task force" of bean counters, on NBC!?

    2GIRLSII Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2009

    My sister dx age 40 -masectomy. Cousin diagnosed age 45 -in lymph nodes..bilateral masectomy.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2009

    I am totally against this, Why are we doing these

    things. You need to take  care of of breast cancer

    and won't if you cut back!!!!!!!!

  • JourneyNC
    JourneyNC Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2009

    Dolores...diagnosed at 47 and had to argue for a biopsy when told by the Radiologist there was calcifications and to wait another six months for a digital mammogram.  I went ahead and had a Biopsy which found the cancer and was triple negative. The most aggressive kind. Glad I did not listen to the Radiologist since there is no immediate history of BC in nuclear family. We have to be our own advocates and this is the reason why!

  • Celtic_Spirit
    Celtic_Spirit Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2009

    Roberta N. - Diagnosed stage IIIA at age 48. I'm now 50. I probably would have been stage IV if I had waited for a mammogram until turning 50.

    My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40. She died on her 44th birthday, the same year that modern mammography began to be used.

  • Estelle67
    Estelle67 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Estelle Atney--> 42 y/o at dx-->found the lump myself during self-exam (which they're recommending NOT be taught to women)-->no family history

    2GIRLSII Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2009

    This is just sickening. All those years getting all to be more aware and catch things early and then this?? Something is seriously wrong in Washington. Now instead of exerting efforts to raise money for breast cancer, woman will need to be fighting this..wasting time to regain lost ground. I am very angered by this!

    2GIRLSII Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2009

    Telling women NOT to do self breast exams? Come on. Is this some plot to kill off many American women or something?? Is it a joke? Does Washington think Americans are this dumb??

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited November 2009

    Karen Wegner--Found lump 6 months after mammogram--Self Exam is important as well.  I was able to request a diagnostic mammogram, since I knew where the lump was.  

    I had mammograms every year since I was 30, found lump at 48. 

    Mother died of bc at age 58.

     This is a horrible idea and 3% matters when you or a member of your family is in that 3%.  Also,  this will disproportionately impact women of low means, if insurance or social support will no longer pay for mammograms for women under 50.  Low means women might unable to pay for their own mammogram, where high means women could pay for their own mammograms if they desired. The implications are Draconian to women's health.

    Tomorrow, Nov 17th 1 year since BLM.

  • TwillNW
    TwillNW Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Tricia Williams, diagnosed with IDC Stage IIa at age 48.  No family history.  Annual mammograms since age 40. 

  • Lindissima
    Lindissima Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2009

    I am opposed to the new proposed guidelines to limit screening for women under 50. 

    I was dx'ed @ 60 with IDC, no palpable lump.  My BC was found by a mammogram.

    How does it save money to have more women dx'ed @stage 4, or needing more aggressive mastectomies and reconstruction?  And how cruel and barbaric that saving money is the motivation behind these new guidelines.

    True, mammograms have their limits--new and better screening methods are needed yes, but until those are in place I will urge my nieces and all women I know to get their annual mammogram.

    Dr Weiss, you are my hero! 

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2009

    junie piping in--first boob issue at age 16 in 1963--surgery for huge benign fibroid fwd to age 52 and discovered lump all by myself in other breast.   Yearly mammos after age 40 that ins covered--but several biopsies between 16 and 52 in both breasts.   What's left of my boobs is a road map to hell and back.   No family history. 

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2009

    Renee Swartz  44 at DX.  Found tumor via self breast exam 5 months after clear mamo.

  • OtraVez
    OtraVez Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2009

    Adrienne -  IBC dx. age 44, found by self-exam. No family history. Nothing visible on mammogram or sonogram; dx. confiremd by punch biopsy in my GP's office.  Left mastectomy 3 years ago, with 10 lymph nodes involved - AFTER 3 months of chemo. The ABSENCE of mass on mammorgram helped confirmed the IBC.  Without the self-exam guidelines to raise my awareness, I'd be dead now. 

  • azjane
    azjane Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    I am stunned and sickened by this.  My mammo at age 48 two years ago, I believe without doubt saved my life.  It found the most agressive tumor on the scale (1.9 cm) in my left breast.  My doc then obtained BCBS (Wellpoint) pre-approved MRI for other breast which identified my additonal tumor there.  This claim was later repeatedly denied.  Had to appeal to California Medical Review Board after a year of fighting denial while sick.  Thanks for overturning CMRB! 

    So, instead of lumpectomy based on mammogram, with the MRI as well, I had a bilateral mastectomy and praise this decision as the best in my lifetime. 

    I had no risk factors except dense breasts, which I didn't know then there was as a heightened risk factor.

    Self exam and internist did not detect lumps. 

    This asinine "news" will kill women. 

    My plead to women in their forties, fifites....go to Mexico or some other country...they will screen and it won't be reported here.

  • laurie41
    laurie41 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2009

    Laurie Hanson    41 when I found the lump from a self exam. I couldn't believe when I saw the report. I have been angry ever since. I don't have a family history, so if I never checked myself or wait until I turned 50, I wouldn't be here. I just don't get it. There are alot of women who get dx in their 40's or younger. This is just screwed up.

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited November 2009

    Jeanne Flavin.  42.

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2009

    Even tho routine mammos did not help me (found my own lump at 60 which never did show up), I am opposed to these changes in guidelines for all those younger gals that have been helped, and for all those even younger who can and should still be helped, including my dear daughters-in-law and two precious granddaughters.