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I know I cant be the only lesbian out here?



  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Virginiab, glad someone else saw it, after I picked my jaw up off the floor I almost started cheering but I wasn't in the company of people that were even paying attention to the speech. You are just a little further north than I am, hope the weather is ok for you. JJ, you guys are getting slammed weather wise. I think maybe the heated riding gear would work on snowmobiles too as long as they have a 12v battery. You really should read the speech if you get a chance if you don't have time to watch it. I hope you guys stay safe and warm in the bad weather and don't get cabin feever. Kris

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    It's difficult working two jobs to be able to do anything, but reading/watching that inauguration speech is a priority for me so I'm hoping I can do it this weekend. I want to hear him say what he said about us.

    Yeah, the weather's been pretty bad the last few days but I don't know what the big fuss is about - for goodness sakes, it's Ohio in the winter, it's gonna be this way, LOL!

    Off to work... hope everyone has the best day they can.

    JJ (who thinks perhaps she cracked a rib and is NOT amused...)

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    JJ, not much amussing about a cracked rib other than the amount of pain it can cause. Guess that isn't amussing its just amazing. Did you do it inside a building or outside on the ice? No one listens to me, told everyone to be safe. I'm knocking on wood as I write this, soon as I start preaching crap will happen to me. Take care of the rib and be carefull about pneumonia, when it hurts to breathe sometimes you don't inhale as deeply. No more down hill skiing or snowboarding. Now is about the time that we need Anne or Lovegolf to pipe in and talk about the fairly warm weather in their part of the country. Keep the dreams of spring alive cause it will be here eventually. Kris

  • elliejdan
    elliejdan Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2013

    Hey all im newly dx and headed for a port placement this am. Glad to se some recent posts

  • outfield
    outfield Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2013

    elliejdan, sorry you're joining us.  I think that's a good decision about the port.  Makes chemo easier, but also if you seriously sick like I did, it's very quick and easy IV access.  

    I didn't see the speech but heard excerpts.  Now if only congress . . .

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    You know, Kris, I am really concerned about this rib. I guess six times with cancer will do that to you. It's been bad for about two weeks now plus I still have this nagging little cough and get short of breath waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too easily. I haven't told anyone in my "real" life about it but have made an appt with my onc for Tuesday just to rule out the thing that I will not write down. I hate hate hate this part of this disease, you're always wondering when the hammer is going to fall and really give you your death sentence. Sorry to be morbid. :(

    Elliejdan, welcome to the group! How did the port placement go? Are you doing ok?

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    elliejdan, Hope the port placement went well and your dealing with the discomfort ok. It really is a good decision to have the port even if you don't get sick. Makes all the procedures much faster and easeir.  JJ, Hang in there with the rib/respritory worries. Glad you made an appointment and are getting things checked out. If you can attribute the rib pain to something you did (fall, bump, yanking on something with that arm) its my guess that its due to treatment and the blockers. Feel free to PM me if there is anything you want to talk about that is in the "unmentionable zone", those of us with lobular are kind of playing with a different set of rules than those diagnosed with ductal. Outfield, Nice to here from you. JJ and I can keep the troops entertained for only so long. I know congress has to go along for anything to happen but since it has been said so publicly I hope that it will make it harder for the current administration to throw us under the bus in a concession deal or at least make one homophobe think twice about using the government to justify their discrimination.                                  

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    Yeah, my appt is for Tuesday. I'm already trying to talk myself out of going. That just because it looks like it could be a duck and quacks like it could be a duck and walks like it could be a duck, it could be that my eyesight is bad and it's really a goose and not the big bad scary duck that I think it might be.

    Tomorrow I have an appt with yet another physical therapist. My physical condition is at an all-time low and I am afraid for my future should this continue. I work out and work out and don't grow stronger, I grow weaker. The spinal guy I saw a few weeks ago said it was "deconditioning". Duh? Really? So this new physical therapist specializes in strength training and sports medicine, hopefully he can help me out and give me a specific program to follow in my workout sessions. I am thankful for good insurance.

    Where did the weekend go? Hope yours was a good one. I had my chorus rehearsal today, which always lifts my spirits. Today I delivered the concert CDs from our last performance and I just love how everyone is always so excited to get them and it makes me feel good when they tell me they appreciate the time I put into it. My chosen family, that's who they are.


  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    JJ, Go to the doctor and I hope your oncologist sends you to your GP and they do an xray to check for a fracture and also pneumonia from the flu going around. Is deconditioning the orthopedic/nuerologists version of over training or what happens to you when your body has been treated like its inside a POW camp from the inside out for a year? I hope the new physical therapist can find the way your metabolism is working best and show you how you can maximize your work out without going overboard. I ate a ton of soy protein before diagnosis every day in order to keep my protein consumption up. Can't do that now so I'm eating alot more meat and eggs than I did 2 years ago. Its a quality of life thing with me, never was the nice quiet, calm, sedate person that the oncologist would like me to be and my life requires protein. Ohio geese must be different than Missouri geese. The ducks are nice or scared here and the geese are really mean and agressive. You have something that will give you that smile factor all year round, Chorus. I'm going on about riding and you haven't said a word about singing. Glad you were distracted and felt good today and the folks appreciated your extra time and effort. So far we have Cooka (anne) canoeing, you singing in a chorus and making cd's for everyone, me on the motorcycle, and my guess is that Lovegolf likes to play golf unless the dog in the photo is named golf. Lovegolf correct me here. Outfield and Ellejdan we need to know what makes you smile when you have free time. Any one else is welcome to chime in with their thing that makes them tick. Weekend was ok. Went out Friday night and had a good time. Everyone be careful but not so much that you don't have some fun.

  • Lovegolf
    Lovegolf Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2013

    Have to find my golf swing it is the last thing I have to get back.  Yes weather here this week close to 80.  We cry freezing if it is 40 degrees. 

  • cooka
    cooka Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2013

    Hi All,

    Sorry to hear about your pneumonia JJ, hope all goes well on Tuesday.  As for my weather Kris, I went to San Diego for an ocean race this weekend and there was so much fog they made us move it back inside the bay.  It was a nine-miler, and they figured if the field was too stretched out they would have people paddling off into the fog never to be seen again:) It was very cool to be out on the ocean in my little boat with the fog though, I kind of wish we could have continued...sure beats paddling in the storm drain here in Phoenix! Thanks for keeping this thread active, I'll try to pipe up more often.

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Hey JJ. I hope the doctor visit goes well today and your onc doesn't think its what you are worried about. Then I hope you get the shortness of breath and the pain from the rib taken care of. Will be thinking of you tomorrow with everything I got crossed for luck and will check to see if youve posted tomorrow evening. Lovegolf, you can have my old golf swing. I haven't been able to play since neck fussion surgery in 03. I really never had the patiesence for the game though played it alot when I was younger. We use to go to the course on off days, rent carts and play golf polo with a pool shot being the way you had to putt. Was much less stressful. I hope you get your swing worked out and get back to being able to wack that ball straight and with distance. Anne, paddling a canoe in the ocean sounds cool and add fog into it I bet it was kind of dream like. You should get you one of those really small cameras that take video and attach it to your helmet, I think there is alot of people that would have liked to been there with you on that one. So how did you do? You said it was a race. Ellejdan, how is it going? I know my port was sore for the entire time it was in but most only have a couple of days of pain. Have you started Chemo yet? Got a schedule of treatment? Let us know how your doing and whats going on. There isn't a thing they are going to do to you that one of us hasn't already experienced, it sucks and its scary but we know most of the tricks to getting through it (usually learned mine in the middle of crap or after it was over). It was 74 degrees here today, yes it was freaky and now it is storming with the possibility of tornado watch later this morning. Did ride the bike today even though it was really windy too, so I'm happy untill the rain stops. Everyone have a good tuesday and send JJ some good vibes. Kris

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    Hi all,

    Excuse the shortness of this. Typing on phone sucks.

    Saw onc this morning.

    Xray and bone scan tomorrow.

    Back to work,


  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    What did the onc say? Give you anything for shortness of breath? You doing ok? Hope the rest of your day picks up and your singing while your being annoyed by typing on the phone. Kris

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    He says that xray and bone scan will tell us much more and treatment depends on results

    So xray and bone scan in the morning and will know results Thursday and go from there.

    No singing today but did go out to dinner with my son and that was nice.

    I am more than a little scared here. Hope it is nothing!!!!

    Take care all... see you tomorroJJ

  • cooka
    cooka Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2013

    Thoughts are with you JJ, hope all comes out OK!

  • elliejdan
    elliejdan Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2013

    all went well with the port yay!!!!  chemo this am. first one yikes. will check back in later. love the sight and love too all

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    JJ. Dam this shyt! Even if it isn't anything cancer involved its got you scared. I'm glad you went out to dinner with your son, hope you got in some good conversation and food.I hope its arimidex weakening your bones and they can try to undue that to an extent. Youve already been through more of the crap than I and its not fair. I was trying to insert some stupid pictures to make you smile but cant get the technology to work so I'll have to type it. While you are waiting for your test picture yourself in Anne's canoe paddling on the calm ocean, its foggy so there isn't much to look at and the fog cuts the travel of noise, you have your ipod with you and you are listening to your favorite recordings from your group, just floating in the cool fog. Now I'm too calm. Hope it helps. Let us know if you wiggle any info out of the techs or when you get done. We will wait for the results with you. Kris

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Ellejdan, glad the port went in ok and you are scheduled for chemo in the morning. Drink lots of water and eat whatever you want. Which chemo they gotcha doing and how far apart? Let us know how your day went. the first one is scary then you get to the point you about run the place when you go in there. Kris

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    At hospital now, they suspect another pulmonary embolism. What fun. CT scan with angiogram.

    More later, sucks to type on a tiny keyboard.


  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited January 2013

    Ok, I am home and done. What a day.

    Just got the test results in my email. Here's what the bone scan partially says: Focal increased tracer uptake are demonstrated in the right posterior lateral 10th rib. The finding(s) are suspicious of metastasis. There is no recent CT or other radiographic images available to correlate. There is also small focus of increased uptake in the right distal femur adjacent to the knee, which could represent degenerative changes or metastases.

    And yet... when the onc called me this afternoon he said that although the bone scan showed some uptake in a couple of places he didn't think it was mets because of nothing looking suspicious on the CT scan or the xray and he thinks that I've simply given that rib a simple fracture that will just need to heal.

    Now I don't know what to believe... his advice is just to let things be as they are and if I get another painful spot then we'll investigate further. He said that they could do a biopsy on the rib but that he really didn't think it was mets and it would be very painful to do a biopsy.



  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    JJ. Woman, am I glad to see what you wrote. I go along with your doc. If you cracked a rib the uptake is from it working to heal itself and the knee thing because you said you already had bad knees its doing the same thing your rib is doing. If it were me I would keep track of whats going on but I have a tendency to agree with your onc. One of the reasons they haven't been scanning me that much is that I kind of beat the crud out of my body and there are going to be hot spots just due to healing. Do they still think you have a PE? That could certainly cause you to be short of breath and interfere with your workout. I know that none of us can be 100% sure on any of this stuff but if I got a scan and the places that I know I've banged were showing that I wouldn't think about it much.Thats my opinion. Glad your done with it for awhile. Kris

  • Lovegolf
    Lovegolf Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2013

    For what is worth a few  months after my BMX I had a chest xray. The report said there was  aspot on lung so had to have PET scan.  I was a wreak.  They did full body PET. Lung spot was nothing...when they got to my knees even when they were doing scan I told them they were beat up.  All that to say, if you have bad knee it could more than likely be what is showing up.  It is so scarely.  If we cough to much we wonder if there is lung mets.  Hang in there and pay attention to your body.  

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited February 2013

    I am sooooooooooooooo tired and cannot type but wanted to know that I ♥ every single one of you.

    Will write more tomorrow. Must go to bed,


  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2013

    Lovegolf thanks for adding your experience in, it means alot more if its from someone thats been there. JJ, glad you love us (whats not to love) and that you are getting some sleep. Not much going on here other than its really freaking cold. Hope everyone is warm and safe tonight. Kris

  • Lovegolf
    Lovegolf Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2013

    JJ   Let us know what else you hear. I know how much one of the treads here helped me when I was going through it all.  Paying it forward is no problem.  Even years after getting to the other side this cancer thing still affects you.  You know you had it. You know it came it you unseen.   Fight on ladies

  • JustJean
    JustJean Member Posts: 170
    edited February 2013

    I am so tired of fighting. I know it doesn't say it in my signature but this is my 6th time with cancer. I'm so tired of all of it - the uncertainty, the fear, the people who don't "get" it, working 3 jobs to try to survive. I'm so tired.

    Must be post-test blues. Wish I could go to bed, have another hour to work.

    On a good note (if I can get my laughter back by then) there should be a good time had at the Womyn's Variety Show here tomorrow night. My chorus will have a table and although I got stuck arranging it all, it'll still be fun if I can stop this maudlin madness.


  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2013

    I know you have to be pooped after this last scare. I do remember you writing that you have been through several rounds of CA and have no idea what you had to do to get through those, not sure I would have been able to do it. I do think that there is a little let down after the tests because your adrenaline isn't so hi right now but you do have alot on your plate. I know it has taken alot of time for me to make others take over some of the stuff that I would volunteer for. I had to sit down and just take my personality out of the picture, look at it as if this was anyone else under the same circumstances would I expect them to do the things that others are willing to expect me to do. The answer was usually no. See if there are some areas in your life that you can let others take care of, you can still burn the CD's but have everyone come pick them up or provide a self addressed stamped envelope so you can mail them. Small things like that might free up enough rest time or time for you to do nothing. Hope you do get some rest. We are all glad that your going to be around alot longer. Kris

  • cooka
    cooka Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2013

    Stopping by to say hello, JJ I hope you get some hard-earned rest this weekend and hangin' with the "womyn" lifts your spirits!

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2013

    Elleijdan, if your chemo was like mine then youv'e probably experienced the coming off the steriods moment and are feeling the worst part of it today. If not then I'm glad. Let us know how you are doing. Comparing notes can give you an idea what to expect and how to cope with the side effects. Rest up, drink and eat every chance you get. Kris