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I know I cant be the only lesbian out here?



  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013

    2tails: I wish you nothing but luck and love in 2014!  I will pray that your partner comes back with a benign report and the two of you will be able to marry and live happily ever after!! 

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2013

    Thank you so much for the well wishes!! Here's to a happy AND more importantly HEALTHY 2014!!

  • Lovegolf
    Lovegolf Member Posts: 75
    edited December 2013

    Glad to see some action on this thread.  I am almost 5 years out from my DCIS. 

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2014

    Guess it's time to start posting on here again. No bad news from where I am, just want this place to be active for those who have just found it.

    It sucks that we have all found a need for this place but thankful its here. Was single and under 50 when I went through BiLat mastectomy, chemo, rads, and eventual hysterectomy. It's a tough thing to do.

    Happy New Year to all and hope that 2014  brings all here better health, more comfort and good luck.

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Good morning ladies!! I hope everyone enjoyed bringing in the new year. I know I did. Spent a quiet night at home with my partner (I guess I could call her my fiancée, lol) and a few very close friends all of whom stayed here for the night. We could barely stay awake but we kicked 2013 out on it's ass and I toasted with a great glass of scotch.

    Lovegolf, That is great being almost 5 years out. Are you taking any type of hormone therapy such as Tamoxifen or an AI? I started Tamoxifen at the end of October and so far so good. On a different note, my partner and I took up golf a few years ago. I love to play but I really stink at it.Loopy But I like getting out there being outside all day and being active. This past year however took away our golf season, something I do not plan on allowing again! Of course we need to wait and see what happens with my better half. Hopefully this beast will not take another golf season from us.

    I hope everyone is well!! Cheers!

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2014

    New Year's Eve was uneventful.  Spouse (still call her my partner) was fast asleep by 10:00 PM. Exciting. Haha Our dog Iya was so scared of the fireworks.  Got an MRI scheduled for Monday after my new (yay) oncologist ordered it.

    I hope everyone has a very happy and super healthy 2014!!

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Good morning ladies. Just wondering how everyone is doing. I know a few of you had some tests, mri's and other appointments and I hope all is well. My partner's pre-op appointment is today with surgery scheduled on Monday the 13th. We are doing ok but we are both on pins and needles.

    My nephews bought me a home brewing kit for Christmas, so I brewed my first batch of beer this past weekend. It was a lot of fun & I think I just discovered a new hobby as well as a great distraction from the chaos of our lives right now.


  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Hey 2Tails!  That is AWESOME!! I've heard alot about home brewing! Always wanted to try it!  Sounds like you got some awesome family!  I will continue praying for your partner!  

    I had my appt with my plastic surgeon yesterday.  She was great but shit just got real! My bilateral Mx is scheduled for Feb 18th. I had no clue the or schedule and dr's schedules were so full.  Yesterday my partner Mel broke down she cried and I was ok. Today she is ok but im freaking and feeling shaky and nervous.  I know i'm gonna be okay, I know I am going to make it through this..... 

  • Lovegolf
    Lovegolf Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2014

    I had hysterectomy before cancer so no need for meds.  Mere, breathe when in doubt breathe more....It is all so scarey in the beginning.  Let me know if you have any questions....1 suggestion make an appointment a day or two after you get home from surgery to go to salon and get your washed.  It may sound like a little thing, but clean hair will make you feel better and it is hard to wash it yourself .  Also give yourself permission to ask for help(I had a hard time with that ..had to have people carry my briefcase & computer for me) 

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    MereMere we will be thinking of you and your partner. This crap is hard and the treatments are barbaric. But we do what we need to do. Great advice Lovegolf. When I was going through radiation I got very very tired at the end. My boss was fantastic about it but she had to remind me that it was ok to take time off to recover. I am fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful caring people.

    I will keep you posted on how my home brew is doing! Loopy

  • bride
    bride Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2014

    Harumph!! NerdyI post "come out, come out" and then go have my first chemo and get beastly ill and you guys have a party with homebrew, golf, upcoming weddings and such things. It figures. None of my special pecan brownies for you lot till I get some of that home brewed beer and an invitation to the party.

    with tongue firmly in cheek,


  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Thanks Ladies!! 

    Bride- was wondering where you went... hope you are ok!! 

    Lovegolf- i am goin to get my hair cut before surgery to make it easy for my Mel to help me wash.  I will take your advice and go in as soon as I feel up to riding across town.  my hair guy has done my hair for 20 years and i know he will want to see me afterwards.  

    2tails- how's your partner doing? We are praying for her pre surgery nerves!  

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Bride you are too funny! Everyone is invited to the party. Lol. How are you doing now?

    Mere mere, my partner is doing good. We are both anxious about Monday but we also know that we can handle and deal with whatever comes our way. We have each other and if that fails there's always home brew, lol! Seriously, we are doing good and we will be ok no matter what happens.

    On a different note have any of you ladies been to Provincetown?

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Today is lumpectomy day for my partner. Good thoughts.

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    prayers for you both!!!

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Thank you!! Everything went fine. No surprises. She is doing great, a little pain but resting comfortably. Ice and Tylenol is doing the trick. Surgeon hopes to have results by Friday.

    Thank you for the prayers!! It helps.

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Hey Ladies!! How's everyone doing?  

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2014

    Doing well, thank you MereMere. How are you? Glad everything went well with your partner's lumpectomy, 2tails

    Partner just left this morning for a month long vacation. I'll miss her, but she needs the R&R more than anyone I know.  I'll keep myself busy until she gets back.  =) 

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    GM LADIES!! I know you all can appreciate this one... LoL


  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies. We're waiting for results...hopefully tomorrow. Mere it!

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Any news yet 2tails?  

    Mel and I had a breakdown last night. It was the most emotionally charged embrace and cry ever.  For months we both have avoided it, trying to be strong for the other! We are both affectionate but held back til last night.  Funny how after being with someone for years you learn how to read them and can feel how they are feeling without even talking.  At times I swear we can read each others thoughts.  

    How's everyone??

  • Kuchenhexe
    Kuchenhexe Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2014

    I didn't even think to look for a forum like this, figuring that non-heteronormative folks are welcome only if they don't make any noise about themselves.

    I'm a girl-slanted bi, in a monogamous relationship with another woman, seven years tomorrow. She's taking this a bit harder than I am, but I'm not going to lose this battle. She's too much to live for to give up.

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Kuchenhexe...welcome to the forum! This is a wonderful web site. I have posted a lot on other threads and forums and have talked about my partner and everyone has been nothing less than fabulous. This is a great community and I am happy you found it. I am sorry you are here though because it means that you are dealing with "the beast".

    Mere Mere, thank you for asking about my partner. The results are "benign" but from what Tam ( my partner) told me the surgeon wants to discuss an "atypical finding" that they will need to keep an eye on. I am speculating...and I probably shouldn't do that....but it sounds to me that there may have been either some hyperplasia or atypical hyperplasia. We will find out more on Monday, but today everything is benign! Sounds like you and Mel needed to get those emotions out. Your surgery is coming up and I am sure it gets more difficult as each day passes. I am praying for both of you and know that you have a whole community of women behind you to share, bitch and cry with. Tam and I have always had a "special connection" where one of us will be thinking something and a few minutes later the other will say something related to the thought ( not sure if that made sense if not I apologize) Happy.

    I bottled my first batch of home brew last weekend and started my second batch which is fermenting now. Second batch is an Irish stout. The first batch has another week of carbonating then another 2 weeks of conditioning...then time to try it! Can't wait! I am still learning the basics, but my next batch I am going to try to raise the alcohol content. The kits I am using yield about 3.5-3.75% alcohol and I want to raise it to around 5%.

    That's all for now...sorry it took so long for me to post but its been a crazy hectic week. How's everyone doing?

  • Kuchenhexe
    Kuchenhexe Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2014

    Home brewing beer? That sounds like fun. I'm a bit too picky about my beers to try it myself though. It has to be just right and I have to be in just the right mood for it.

    The beast shall be tamed, I'm a dirty fighter and this is no exception. I don't start fights, but I do tend to finish them beautifully. :D

    Fortunately the weekly bout of fatigue from chemo has passed, and in enough time to get all fancied up and go out on a date tonight. It's our 7 year anniversary, and we got a gift card for Red Lobster from her parents for christmas, so that's our destination.

    It's just an anniversary of being together, we're not able to be officially joined, at least not recognized by our state yet. I need to get hold of my divorce papers (I was married to a man way back in the day) so we can hop over to Iowa sometime and get a marriage license there just so we can say we have one. Is anyone else here lucky enough to live in one of the states where it's allowed or recognized?

    A few weeks back, I commented on Facebook to Janis Ian that her "Married In London" song, while one of my favorites, is now dated. Mixed feelings on that, mixed because I love the song, and quite happy that it's becoming obsolete at the same time. She replied back that she feels the same way, and isn't sure how to re-write it to keep up with the times. (Totally made my day, getting a comment from her directly).

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    I live in Maine and gay marriage became legal last year. We are getting married this year in September.

  • Lovegolf
    Lovegolf Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2014

    to answer question..yeah been to P'town 4 was great. It has been years. Should go back.

    Hang  in the ladies  this cancer shit is not for wimps.   Home brew sounds good.

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Ptown rocks, living in New England we are able to go just about yearly but I hate to say that the economy has taken its toll there too. Its always been expensive there and its even worse now. Not a lot of young people can afford to go so I have noticed an increase in the average age of guests and its right around my age and a little older. Loopy lol! People watching is always a hoot there.

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Anyone see the Grammy's last night?? I missed it but found this on my Facecrack Page!! Enjoy!!

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Well the video was removed.... Bummer!! Mel and I have discussed marriage if the law would allow.  We have a very deep and loving commitment to each other.  I have always wanted to be proposed to and have a small outdoor family wedding! I would ever wear a white dress! Those who are close to us would think I lost my mind but it's what I have always imagined it!! I am the "girly" one in the family!! 

    Kuchenhexe- Welcome!! Having a supportive partner is AMAZING!!  We have had more discrimination and "looks" around town then on this site!  I have never had anyone here say something mean or hateful towards me.  

    2tails- Mel and I are still praying for Tam and You!! Glad it was benign!!

  • 2tails
    2tails Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Tam is more girly than I am. She wears dresses...I do not. Our wedding is going to be small. A close friend will be doing the ceremony and we will have a few close friends and family there and take everyone to dinner after. Maybe drink a special wedding home brew of my creation LOL. Our story is quite comical. I knew when I first met her that she was "the one". She was more into her friends and partying (ah to be young again). I proposed after our first year together and she said no. Tam had this relationship 5 year rule. If we could make it to 5 years then its the real thing. I said ok...I will be here in 5 years and I will be here in 25 years. 17 years and many proposals later we are getting married and our relationship is stronger than ever. I don't know how I would have made it through last year without her.

    Tam had her follow up appointment and the official diagnosis is fibroadenoma with a small finding of flat epithelial atypia. Both benign findings but the flat epithelial atypical may increase her risk of breast cancer in the future. Take home point from the not miss her annual mammograms. We are over the moon that this chapter is closed.

    Next hurdle is me. Last October I had an abnormal screening mammogram of the left breast (the healthy one). I go back for the follow up diagnostic mammogram in April. My oncologist decided to put the screening mammogram on the treated breast on the same day. At least its all scheduled together. One day at a time and today is good.

    Best wishes and good thoughts to all. Cheers!