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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Praying in earnest Barbe. 

    JO, twin, thanks for posting that.  You are such a great inspiration.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    HELP! First roadblock on the move: the mortgage company will only give us 65-70% of the home value on a mortgage! That leaves us $40,000 short! Do we persevere, get a second mortgage, look around, what??? Or, is this God closing and door and for us to push on would be us "climbing out the window"? Do we take this as a sign to not progress on the move or what? HELP!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2010

    Barbe you need to trust God and put out the proverbial fleece to test the waters. You may try to apply for additional funding but if it is turned down, that might be your answer.

    My job will be ending in 2 weeks and I am trying not to worry about what will happen. I am getting a settlement from the company based on the years of service so I won't have to look for a job seriously for several months. My husband now is making twice what I make and we could make it on his income, just not quite as comfortable as we have been living, but we have lived on less. Pray that the right doors open for me if I am to continue to work. I sent out an application and resume this week to the county office for a position at the library. The application window is closed tomorrow so I think they will be hiring soon.

    Give a prayer for the truckers. Monday afternoon there was a serious accident south of Charlotte on South I-77, my husband was traveling North just before the accident happened, he didn't see the actual accident but saw the results of the accident. He said that he was shaken seeing the tanker in flames and knew that the driver had died because the truck was laying on the left side.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    I am willing to leave it all in God's hands as my DH and I talked about it yesterday, but that was our first financial attempt. So we want to try some more places. Is that "crawling through the window"? I was worried it was a sign to stop, but my DH said maybe God wanted to know if we really wanted to move. Good point!

    Sheila, you are so marketable that once your focus is off the ending of your one job and you get a bit of a break, you'll find something. You will interview differently once you are off too. You'll probably come off as more relaxed.....but good luck as always!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    HI Ladies, I'm new to this thread. I have been a Christian for 30 years.  I'm now turning 50 on Monday 8/23.  I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 31 years, also a strong believer.  We have two children, Sarah age 26 and Michael age 23.  Michael just got married this year.  I was diagnosed with BC a week before his wedding.  It rocked my world to say the least, but I prayed that at his wedding the focus would be on him and his lovely Christian bride.  I cried only two tears during the service and didn't cry at all during the mother and son dance.  I thought sure that I would as I tend to be really emotional, especially at weddings not to mention my son's wedding.  My daughter is also a believer and I know that I have been blessed beyond measure.  My husband and I have had our share of suffering in the 31 years we've been married, and the BC turned our world upside down, but we do trust the Lord and that His plans for us are for good.  It's difficult to explain that to unbelievers.  They always assume you are in denial.  Believe me, I'm NOT!

    It's been great reading the earlier posts on this thread.  I'm excited to find you faithful women who love Jesus and are works in progress, just like me.  God is good - all the time!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited August 2010

    Hi, just found this forum. I just turned 53, am married to my second husband for 10 months. I was widowed from my first husband 8 years ago. No children, but 2 stepsons from first marriage who are now in their late 20s and 30; and a stepson, 13, and stepdaughter, 15 now. I was diagnosed in late May, a total surprise as there is no breast cancer in my family. I guess I was a "lapsed" Christian, not that I didn't believe and I have always prayed daily, but had not been active in a church until I met my current husband. I joined his church, which is a very small church with a terrific pastor. I'm really enjoying it. I'm glad to have found a forum with other women my age who look to God for daily guidance.


  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010

    Hello -- I just noticed this thread for the first time. I joined back in 2005, but only come by now to visit the lymphedema threads.

    I am 48 and a Christian, and it's so nice to see this thread.

    Barbe-- If you like, send me a PM about your loan situation. I've been doing mortgages for 25+ years and could possibly offer advice.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    Inspie, I'm in Canada and the loan rules aer probably different where you are. A prayer or two would be appreciated though!

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    Hello ladies,

    Looks like the housing/mortgage topic is popular this week.  We applied for a loan mod for our mortgage and line-of-equity a few months ago.  They came back yesterday with a 3-month trial plan, and the total payments are HIGHER than they originally were.  HELLO bank - we're struggling with the payment we have - how are we supposed to pay more?  We're not sure what we'll do - find the money (borrow from parents), sell the house and walk away, or declare bankruptcy.  UGH.  Can't I just have cancer and not have to worry about money too?

    Barbe - I don't think it would hurt to seek additional/alternative financing, and like JO said, if that door is closed too, then you'll be more certain.

    Welcome to the new ladies!  Hope everyone has a blessed day!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010
    On my way to work today I was behind a truck with advertising on it....Bankfighters! A mortgage company that would go get you what you needed. I called them...I'll keep y'all posted. If that wasn't a sign from God to keep going forward, I don't know what it was. If it was His idea of a joke, the jokes on Him cause I'll need His help to bail me out later!  Innocent
  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,735
    edited August 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    I just found this thread too.  I am 48 (for a few more months) and have been married for 28 years.  I have 2 grown children, no grandkids.  My son-in-law is a Lutheran pastor.  My daughter met him at church.  He was in my SS class I taught when we first moved here.  I was raised going to church and it is what you questions.  I have felt very blessed, and moved to tears, reading some wonderful threads here from the prayers, to the grateful one, to songs to get you through a hard time.  It is a wonderful and comforting place to be when you feel lost and alone at times and be reminded that you are definitely not alone.

    PS.....I have been a mortgage loan processor since 1995.  Odd so many of us are in this crazy business!  I've heard that stress can cause cancer....wonder if there is any truth to that?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2010

    Barbe, that seems like a sign to me too!  Good Luck!!

    welcome to the new ladies and {{hugs}} all around, my prayers are with you sisters

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010

    Barbe, didn't realize you were in Canada!  Definitely can send prayer. Be careful of those mortgage companies that promise you things-- they can make things worse. I hope it works out for you!

    Bc in Colorado--I hear you on the stress.  I do some of it all--processing. closing, underwriting and compliance. The past 2years have been horrible with all the changes. Let's take deep breaths before going to work : )

    I live in Maryland, and will celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary in October. I have a 28  year old stepson (whole other cause for stress, LOL) and when I'm not at the bank working the day job, I write Christian and "sweet" romance fiction as a side job.

    It's nice to meet you all.

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010

    Mrs, Nice--that's not nice what they did to your loan mod!  We don't do them here, but I have not heard of any of them causing a higher payment!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    I have an oncology follow up appointment today at 1:30 EST.  I'd appreciate prayer for anxiety.  I have memorized several verses, Isaiah 41:10 being my favorite.  I know it's just a follow up appointment, but I do get anxious every time.  Going to the doctor never used to bother me before BC, but now I always have that fear in the back of my mind, since I'm finished with all my treatments except Arimidex, that it might return.  Thank you for starting this thread.  It's so nice to know that there are others who love the Lord and care for one another as sisters.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Thanks Jo.  Just knowing that someone is praying helps me to feel more peaceful about it.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2010

    Barbe, will be praying for you--for peace and direction.  Keep us posted on how its all going!

    Mrs. Nice, will pray for you too!

    Rocket, will be praying for you too today!  Remember Jesus will be right there in the room with you!

    Jo, thanks for sharing your story with us!  And thanks for sharing your wisdom with us :)

    God is Good!

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010

    I get the same way now, Rocket, for any doc appt.  They never used to bother me, but I get super anxious even to have a dental cleaning or a skin problem looked at.

    Annual m'grams send my blood pressure right through the roof. 

    I'm praying for a peaceful visit for you : )

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    Rocket, think of us all in your back pocket. So be gentle when you sit down!

    When my son (now 29) started school, he was kind of "nervous". So I blew down his shirt and asked him if he could feel that. He said yes! I said that's love. Whenever you need to feel me during the day, just open the neck of your shirt and let a bit of love out. He clapped his hand at his neck over his shirt and got on the bus!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2010

    Jo, I love Bodie and Brock's books. I started reading their zion series probably about 15 yrs ago (actually reading them backwards chronologically because of the way they were written) and have a collection of them. I haven't gotten to read any of the AD chronicles series yet. they are on the top of my reading list when I get the time off from work next month.

    Rocket we will all be with you for your doctor's appointment.

    Barbe I will pray for direction regarding the mortgage. I love the story about your son and feel the love, it reminds me of a commercial I saw the other day where a mother kissed her daughter's palm before putting her on the bus and at lunch she opened her hand and kissed where her mom kissed.


  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010
    Also love the blowing love in the shirt storyLaughing
  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Thank you all my new friends for praying for my appointment.  It went pretty well.  My blood counts were still a bit low, but I had surgery (hyst/ooph) last week so that's to be expected.  Barbe I loved what you said about how you would calm your son when he was nervous.  It's funny, but I had forgotten that when my kids were little, I used to kiss one of their palms and have them hold it to their cheek whenever they needed a kiss from me during the day.  It helped me a great deal to know that you all were praying.  Thank you so much!

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010
    Just stopping by to say hello and Happy Friday.Laughing
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Me too - hi all.  HUGS!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Beautiful devotion JO, and so very true!  Thanks for sharing it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    I saw a book that tells of God's "Secrets" and I am curious but afraid. It says the writer explains "The Secret" book, but I don't want to buy something and have it screw me up. Has anyone read it? (Not The Secret, but the book ABOUT The Secret?)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    Thanks JO, I need that!

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010
    I agree with Jo.Laughing
  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2010

    Hello my dear sisters!  I am so sorry I have not been online to check in so often.  Life is so crazy around here.  But I truly think of you guys often.

    IMBT--I am so sorry for the loss of your dad.  Many "Jesus hugs" wrapping around you now.

    Barbe--I LOVED the "love" story and I'm going to do that to my 9 yo son :):)

     Hey JO, how ya doin?!

    I actually jumped online today because I have to look up "lobular" breast long time friend who has 11 (yes 11!) kids just found out she has lobular breasat cancer!  She's only about 48.  I just called her and talked with her awhile about the Lord (she is a very strong Christian and the one who is usually encouraging others).  She has a 7 cm tumor and they want to do chemo before surgery. 

    I had ductal cancer, but I told her to make sure she checks out her you think she could just get masectomies first and then if there is cancer in the lymph nodes then do chemo?  She really doesnt want to do the chemo first and surgery after route. I know some people on these sites did it that way.  I'm just wondering if there is any other option to do it differently.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Hey Barbe, I also agree with JO.  The Bible is the authoritative and living word of God and sufficient of it's own.  It is complete.  The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Scripture.  I have several different versions, my favorite being the New King James version, but I memorized a bunch of Scriptures from the King James version.  It amazes me how the Lord will use the Scriptures to teach me the things that I most need to hear at just the right time.  He awes me.