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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2014

    Sue/Milehighgirl - praying the rads works quickly so you can have better use of your leg.  I have a friend who had rads for a few months and it went really well for her.  She had it on her breast and she was very red like a sunburn after the first few sessions.  She lost a little hair but not a lot just thinned a bit.  She didn't feel the fatigue that is always associated with it.  She went through it fine.

    Saltyjack/Bev - Hope all is well...prayers still going up for you.

    ADJ/Anita - Praying for you for strength and comfort.

    Bestock - praying for you also for strength and comfort.  Let us know how the chemo cockail works for you.  Did your MO tell you what side effects you might experience?  Usually they give you a printout with some details of the drugs.

    Read this and wanted to share:  When I am sick, I will call the elders of the church to pray over me and anoint me with oil in the name of The Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make me well, The Lord will raise me up!  James 5:14,15

    Has anyone here had this done?  I have a couple of times and I am planning to on Sunday as well.  I have a CT scan scheduled for Monday.  Praise God!!!

    God is so good...Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    HI all - well, I don't think I'm particularly strong or brave but I've had so little pain and problems after surgery, I just know it's lots and lots of answered prayers - thank you all so much!

    Lucy, during prayer time at my church, the pastor always offers to anoint anybody who needs healing - he has a tiny jar of oil near the altar and just touches a drop to your hand as he prays. I went up there once when I was first diagnosed and once when I was having a really tough time - it was very comforting and I felt God's presence. Of course, it wasn't a bolt of lightning but I was blessed!

    Becky and Sue, praying for you, sweet sisters.  The Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.  Isaiah 30:18.  He hears our prayers and will His perfect time and in His way.  Remember the mantra that's kept me going through this whole journey:

    I am here: by God's appointment; in His keeping; under His direction; for His time. 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Thank you Lucy and Bev for  your kind words of encouragement.  They help so much!  Bev, so glad you're not experiencing any SE's.  Praying the same for the rads for me..... that office didn't call today to make the appointment Sad.  Lucy I was singing that song yesterday, lol.  God is so good, He's so good to me!

    Blessings one and all.  Sue

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    dear all 

    Cytoxan and the (ebil) one i forgot the name...were gross....after chemo ...I was afraid because my body swelled up 7 pounds (I thought Kidney problems..but only steriod pre meds..then the next day my friend took me to dr for blood boosting shot (thankfully the swelling was just premeds)all the 2nd day(go figure) I have been nauseous ;;; I needed my anti nausea meds (they work if you take them,Emoji(go figure)

     I just hate taking drugs) I started taking them I felt better, but slept almost two whole days. I feel a bit better, I am just trusting the Lord, HE is the I AM

    Today I even ate 2 pancakes.

    Love you all enjoy -there is always something to rejoice about....every day of this life HE his giving us.

    thanks BES

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Hmmm...funny that you said that Sue, because I was humming that song as well the other day. He is so good. Praying for you girl that all will go well. Remember Bev's quote....By His appointment. It is in God's time and not in ours so there is a reason for the appointment to be delayed and it is not by mistake but in the perfect planning of God. As I told Bev, we are all God's children and He has a purpose and a plan for each one of us. I know it is not often the plan that I would have chosen but he has reason for what we think is detours in our life.

    I ran today....despite my discomfort. I find comfort in it because I commune a lot with God while I do it. I met with my ortho doctor yesterday. I taught his kids and have great respect for him as a parent and as a doctor. He will be preforming surgery on my knee at the end of the month. I am eager to proceed and move on but again, God is the one holding the reigns so I will attempt to heed my own advise and wait for God's time.

    Becky: Prayers are with you and guided wisdom for your doctors to proceed the best way possible for your situation.When in situations that look bleak, I try to reflect on all the things I have learned from them like how so many things that I once thought important are insignificant. How important it is to stop and help others in need over my own and how it takes my mind off my own issues. How precious life is and that I am sorry that I took it for granted in my youth. How important it is to listen to others rather than focus on myself. I helps me to put things into perspective and to keep on keeping on.God gave me a glorious year last year and I am truly blessed for it but now He has taken me off my path and placed me on His. For what reason, only He knows, but I am sure He will reveal it to me in His own time.

    I will leave with a lovely story that happened this week in class. While waiting for my fourth graders to arrive to the gym for class, I had a CD on with some of my favorite non Christian songs. I was playing Carrie Underwood's song, "Temporary Home". If you never heard it, go to YouTube and watch her video. It is guaranteed to bring a tear to your least it does to me. One of my girls heard it as I was going over to shut it off and asked me if I liked Carrie Underwood and I said yes because she tries to get across good messages. I told her and the others that this song makes me both sad and glad and the kids started to ask about why. I told them that it made me think of all those that I loved that are no longer with me but how this earth is just a temporary place and that there something better beyond. Kids started talking about grandparents and loved ones that have passed on and before I could even start teaching, God was allowing to witness to them about Heaven. Something that is not always possible in a public school. Praise God for opening doors.

    Love in Christ,

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    love your support all of you

    and the story about carrie underwood song..Char!..

    my hubby and grand!!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Hi Ladies...not sure if anyone is awake and on the board at this time but I am in the hospital and thought I would ask for prayer.  I actually had a really good couple of weeks and have felt great and did some  exercise this morning.  We helped my daughter pack to move yesterday and today helped unpack her kitchen. Came home rested and changed to get ready for bed and noticed by breast where my limpectomy was done was red and warm to the touch. So of course I called the cancer center and the oncall MO recommended income in to get it checked. Said it sounds like it could be a bacteria infection and because I don't see my reg MO until Monday it was best to have it looked at. 

    So here I lay ready to have them take a look. I did have a bacteria infection 3 weeks after my surgery back in October and it looks similar. Of course my BP is elevated and it is always normal. 

    Just wanted some support and some extra prayer. I will keep you posted. 

    Love and Blessings to you all...Lucy

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2014


    I am home from 5 nights in the hospitol, cellulitis of my lymphadema leg.  Bless your heart.  I love your scripture reference, and actually, January 2003 I had a red, warm, feverish tissue expander that sent me to surgery.  I feel like I have an idea how you are feeling. May our Heavenly Father send His spirit to cover you with His healing Word. And get some sleep!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Blessings Anita...ER doc say cellulitis seems to be the culprit. I also had it 3 weeks after my lumpectomy so I asked if it is possible that I would be susceptible to it and she said maybe. So just came back from ultrasound to make sure there wasn't any abscesses. Waiting to hear and to hear what my WBC and RBC are.  DH and I have been praying since before we left the house (3 hrs ago...ugh). 

    So praying they say antibiotics will be enough to do the trick. But it's looking like I won't have my treatment on Monday and that I am not happy about. 

    It's all in our Great Physicians mighty hands. 

    More to come...

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Well seems the little abscess they saw is too small to drain so antibiotics will be ordered for the fix. Thank you Lord for taking such good care of me. The ER doc says 10 days should do the trick. So looks like I will miss one treatment for sure I hope not two. 

    Anita, did you get put on antibiotics as well?  If yes, for how long?  How do we get cellulitis?  I am going to ask the ER doc when she comes back. I don't want to get this again being as I have had it twice now. 

    Praise God in the Highest!!!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Lucy so sorry you have to go in for this but so glad they have figured out what it is and it's small.  Hooray!  Praying you'll be home quickly and the healing will be fast.

    Great encouragement Anita.

    Super picture Becky.  Now that should keep you going!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Morning Ladies,

    All is well, got home at 4.and went straight to bed. They have me some IV antibiotics for 30 min before we left and I have a prescription to pick up to keep it going for. 10 days. 

    A little setback and glad I caught it early...Praise God! 

    Probably won't have my treatment tomorrow but should still do the CT scan. 

    Thank you do much Anita for being there for me. It meant a lot. 

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2014

    Lucy-glad you are doing better now and are at home! I said a prayer as I read your note just now...sorry I couldn't pray in real time. I will pray that all goes well with you and that you only miss one treatment. God must know you need a little break!

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2014

    Lucy Lucy , 

    So glad you are home .  Get your rest and have some yogurt!  Sounds like you are in good hands, medically.  A decade ago, we somehow did not get a culture on my wound drainage early enough or we would have gone right to a script for levaquin and skipped a week of inpatient vancomycin.  May you be quickly healed.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Oh, Lucy, you've been such a warrior princess so far....sorry for this little setback/slowdown but like Kathy said, God must know you need a break this week. Praying that you'll feel better soon, the infection/cellulitis is quickly resolved and you have great peace and calm about how next you'll proceed.

    It was such a blessing to be at church today - so many folks were fussing over me after my surgery and I'm just praising God for feeling so good.  Of course, I'm very ready to find out the pathology results (should be Tuesday) to see whether rads or reconstruction is next.....but I just keep telling myself that God has this whole thing figured out perfectly and whatever His plan is will work for good. I think I already said it - but it was so comforting when my pastor reminded me a couple of weeks ago that not everything that happens to us is good - but God will use it for good.

    Sue, Debbie, Kate, Char and Anita - praying for you sweet friends.  Remember our mantra - you're right where God wants you to His appointment, in His keeping, under His direction and for His time.

    love y'all - Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2014

    thanks, Bev.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Thank you ladies for your prayers and please keep them coming this week.  Don't how these infections go and treatment just going off of what they said in the ER.  My counts were really good.  

    Anita - So how much yogurt should I be eating?  These pills are 500mg and I have to take them 4 times a day.

    Bev - thanks for your words of encouragement.  I don't know how this infection happened I don't undestand it.  I have been doiing really great and the past 2 weeks I have felt strong and like my old normal self.  Had a busy weekend, did a great workout on the bike treadmill hand weights.  Helped my daughter pack on Friday as they were moving then on Saturday helped her unpack the kitchen and just felt really good.  Came home and rested for a bit then changed my clothes to my jammies and noticed the redness and it was warm to the touch.  

    So I go in on Monday for my treatment so I also had a CT scan scheduled for tomorrow does anyone know if they would cancel a CT scan due to this infection?  It sure would be nice to know to save me a 2 hour trip.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2014

    Ok, does everybody know about lactinex?  We can replace all the good bacteria lost in our guts due to antibiotics by taking lactinex  or eating a wagon load of yogurt.  Years back when I was nursing our youngest, and we both were on meds for strept ,  he went from having about 20 dirty diapers one day to just 3 the next ,all thanks to probiotics.  I am serious.  Check with your pharmacist or MO.  And God bless you all.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Anita - I just made a note for my MO tomorrow.  Is it a pill or drink?  Also, anyone with tips on cellulitis would be helpful.  Can i put a cool cloth on it to help the redness go away?  It is kind off itching just a tad so is that good or bad?

    I am so not happy about this...God has a plan and I trust he will get me through it.  A for maybe He thought I needed a break...I just had one 2 weeks ago and I felt good.  So does being active make it worse?

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014


    So sorry to have not been on earlier. Will keep you lifted in prayer. Yogurt helps replace good bacteria in the gut. Have a bunch each day. You might also consider a probiotic after you stop the antibiotic in ten days. 

    Cellulitis is usually a strep or staph infection often occurring at the sight of surgery or from a wound or puncture.

    The nephew that I raised got hit with a lacrosse ball while making a save in goal. He got hit in the same place at practice. I found him in bed at 3pm one Sunday saying he was sick and his leg hurt. It was hot and red. White counts were elevated and they put him on IV drip and course of antibiotics. They actually sent him to a surgeon and he had to open it and clean it out. It looked like a hallowed tennis ball on his shin. I had to pack it each day so that it would close shut and not refill with fluids. 

    Left untreated, it can spread into your bloodstream so you were wise in seeking medical treatment.

    Anita:: Praying for you as well.

    Thank you Bev for words of encouragement. Praying you will get good news upon your return check up.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Make sure you read the yogurt label. All yogurts are not created equally. Get one with lots of active cultures. Plain is best with fruits, nuts, chia, etc. added for flavor. Flavored ones have lots of sugar; especially the fruit on the bottom types. 

    Just a note to add - I admire all of the wonderful ladies here. You inspire me and give me so much hope.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Evening Ladies,

    Just wanted to thank you for your prayers first of all.  Things went very well and all day I was being kissed and blessed by God.  My counts were the highest they have ever been so the onc said...thumbs up on treatment.  I was so happy and all went well with the CT scan so praying for positive results so I can give glory to our Father.  

    mini - my nutritionist stopped by to see me today while in treatment and said the same thing.  Plain yogurt with fruit or get the probiotics that is liquid form with no dairy at all.

    So its been a long day so hitting the bed early tonight.  Thanks again for all your thoughts and support and prayers.  Praying for all of you for peace, comfort and healing.  Have a restful sleep everyone...good night.  Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    PATH REPORT SHOWS NO LIVE CANCER CELLS!!!!  Yep, sorry, I'm shouting - praising God and thanking everybody for all the prayers, support and caring!  I met with the MO today and will see the surgeon tomorrow but at this point, the plan is to continue with herceptin for another 9 months then Arimidex for 5 years. My husband wants to hear from the surgeon that I won't need rads so I'll wait till tomorrow to hear that then call the PS - hopefully schedule reconstruction for early May.  

    So glad for your good news - and positive spirit, Lucy!  One of God's warrior princesses, for sure!

    Praying for you, Sue, Debbie, Char, and Becky.  I agree, Mini - this is a good place to be!  God is so good....all the time!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Yeah Bev!  What wonderful news!!  We will all surely praise God today - all day - for giving each of  us a lift through this awesome answered prayer.  So glad your folks are there to share in this as well!  SmileThumbsUp


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited March 2014

    Awesome news Bev!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    CONGRATS Salty Jack. I hope to have the same results in May!

    Say a prayer for my son and his family. He's announced that he is now an athiest and I can't take my grandson to church any more. It breaks my heart.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Oh, mini - I know the feeling and will be praying. I'm convinced (and have told my husband all along) that I have BC so that he'll see God's power through it all. That hasn't happened yet - but I'm just praying and trying to be patient.  When I talked to my pastor about it, he said (and hopefully this will comfort you - it sure helps me in my prayers and waiting)....just remember that God loves him more than you do and wants him to be saved even more than you.  So - our job is to pray and God's job is to take it from there.  That waiting is so easy, isn't it?  :)

    Do not be anxious in anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Phil. 4:6-7.

    God bless and keep you all, my sweet friends - Bev

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2014

    Great news, Bev! I'm praising God with you!

    Lucy, I'm so glad to hear you are also doing better!!! 

    Mini, I'm so sorry to hear about your son. Many of us here have unbelieving spouses and children. My husband, and one son and daughter-in-law are unbelievers. It breaks my heart as well.  Let's all be praying for salvation for our loved ones. "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:16b

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    HALELUJAH Bev...that is FANTASTIC news!!!  We are absolutely rejoicing with you. I am so happy for you and your family.  What a blessing you received, God is so good!!!

    I too have both our kids who do not believe. My son is better at allowing me to share my faith and prayers with him and for him and his family, my daughter not so much. I have not been able to take any if my 3 grand daughters to church. I do believe as well that my BC will also be the opportunity to open doors for this. 

    I would also like to ask for prayer for my DH Steve who is dealing with what we believe now is a neurological issue. He is in pain most of the time and has lost some muscle tissue on the side of his stomach and it has gone down his thigh now. We met with a new specialist today and pray we find out more of what it is and what to do about it. This has gone on for 4 yrs now so we really need a breakthrough. Thank you ladies...have a wonderful evening and praying for everyone to have a restful sleep and a great rest of the week with minimal SE's and strong positive outlook. Had a friend send this to me today:

    "Christ our Lord prefers that which is called impossible to demonstrate His sovereignty. Oftentimes, circumstances such as these are required to remove all doubts of His presence."


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2014

    Awesome news Bev! 

    Praying for you Mini. I will pray that your son becomes willing to let you take your grandson to church. I know it must hurt to not be able to do that! How old is your grandson?