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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Wow everyone.  We're on a roll with our prayers.  Lucy, warfare prayer for your husband.  We've gotten you through, now it's his turn.  Mini, we all know someone either friends or family who are in the unbeliever's boat.  Nothing is too small for God to handle and this is one of His best in answering prayer.  Deivine prayers for you and your family.

    God has encouraged us with some miraculous answered prayers of late to remind us to "pray without ceasing".  I had a friend years ago that ended every letter with "praying as I go".  What a great reminder to us to not stop praying once we all get that "big one" answered.  This thread has been such a great inspiration and encouragement.  Keep it up ladies!

    I too need to ask....I finally got my radiation schedule.  I start tomorrow (Thurs).  It's going to be a hard one since I have to be on the table for 45-minutes.  Please pray that the doping up, pain meds work.  They were at about 80% last week but still not enough.  I'm pretty nervous about doing rads to begin with and then to have to lay quiet for that length of time makes me crazy.  Hope I can get through it without crying again :(.

    Thanks one and all.  I want to give a great report tomorrow that I too received a Divine answered prayer!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Thank you ladies. Bev - that is comforting. I just feel like I failed as a parent. I know in my heart and brain that we did our best to raise our sons to walk with the Lord, and he's an adult and makes his own decisions, but I'm still a mom. I'm clinging to the Train up a child in the way he should go... verses.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Okay friends.  Satan is really doing a number on me today.  Still pretty nervous about the radiation appointment tomorrow.  Get home and find my goofy upstairs neighbor has done it again!  I now have a flood in my bedroom because his doofus plumber cut through the wrong water line.  He managed to get my bed, all of my pillows, grandma's quilt and 1/2 of my pastor's library complete with a collection of Bibles, good and soaking wet.  All I wanted to do was come home, take a shower and veg out until church tonight.  Come home and get my heart good and ready for tomorrow.  I so feel like I'm under attack.  The meds are making the tears flow of course.

    I don't like bringing stupid things like this to thread but I so need to vent.  I'm going to go to church and hopefully get through without crying my way through services, lol.

    Thanks for your prayers.  It's all out war!!!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Awww Sue, it is not stupid so don't worry about that.  It is all out war and you are a "Warrior in Christ" wear His armor strong and you will get through this.  When I had to do my MRI I was feeling the same way and was so nervous.  I read through some of my favorite verses and just kept going over them in my head.  Granted I was able to listen to music and it was Christian music so I knew I had angels all about me.  Not to mention they let my DH come in and stand at the end and hold my foot and I know he was praying without ceasing through the testing.  Just stay focused and strong and know you are not alone.  Pray without ceasing for that 45 minutes and speak the word and you will get through.

    I am so sorry you had to deal with this situation upon returning home and don't get in that dark place and dwell on it...don't let the enemy win here.  I have not had rads so I don't know what you are allowed, will they let you listen to music?

    Praying for you my friend...God is good!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Bev: Happy Dance! Happy Dance! Yippee and Praise God!  Need I say more. 

    Lucy: so glad to hear that your counts are good. Got two sick pooches that are getting yogurt too. 

    Mini: As Deborah said, we all have those lost but God is great. Satan will do his best to hold on to the lost as best he can but In the end  God shall prevail. Continue to believe and pray as we will also will do. You also bless us with your words of encouragement.

    Love to all of you. I am prepping for my surgery in three weeks. Getting tests scheduled through workman's comp has been time consuming but everything seems to be moving along. 


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2014

    Sue - I'm so sorry about all that water getting into your place! I hope you were encouraged at church. I'm praying nothing is too terribly damaged from the water. I'm also praying you get some rest and sleep and that the radiation appointment goes well. May God give you peace and comfort.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Try #2.  The first one managed to disappear on me!

    Thanks so much for your prayers ladies.  Lucy you were right on and all I could think of was my beloved Phil. 4 when laying on the table today.  I didn't think an my goofy neighbor once today, lol.  It was so helpful - you too Deborahanne.  Your blessings and prayers really helped.  Also was able to get out in a 1/2 hour rather than an hour.  Woo hoo!  From here on I only have the short 10 minute appointments.  The downside is I did get sick about an hour after my appointment.  Took care of the lunch I had with the friend who gave me a ride today :(.

    Also, a question for those who have had rads.  I've had a feeling like I've got a pulled muscle in the area where they gave me the treatment.  Is this normal?  I know it's close to a lot of things like intestines, bladder, etc.  Just wondering.  I do get to see the read doctor tomorrow so I can ask her but thought I'd throw out the question to the group tonight.

    Blessings again one and all.  You are all terrific!  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Hang in there Sue. For some great reason, you are being put through all of this. I think this forum should be a place of rest, venting, prayer, etc. so do not ever feel bad about waking out. I am sorry about your issues with water damage. Ironic, how it lands on your Christian books, Bibles and special quilt. What's the chances. Satan is really disgusting.

    Lucy: could your husband possibly have a pinched nerve. This will cause muscle wasting. My dad had a pinched femoral nerve for over a year. He started losing strength in his thigh. They kept saying he had arthritis. It was his heart doctor who actually figured out that it was neurological. I will most definitely pray for him.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014


    Milehigh/Sue - So glad you're focus on Phil 4 worked for's pretty amazing.  Glad your time was less than expected.  Sounds like it will be easy peasy now...woo hoo!  Was the rads on your leg?

    Gardengal/Char - Finally looks like the neuologist we saw on Tuesday is saying it is a nerve issue and he will call us once he gets his tests back.  Thanks for the prayers.  

    As for me I had a message from my onc nurse with the CT scan results...she said the tumor on lung is smaller and that things are progressing nicely and the treatment is still working.  Praise God!!!  I really tried not to be nervous and let the enemy in to give me fear and doubt, he got in for a few minutes today as I was expecting the call today.  I am pretty happy and looking forward to the next 10 treatments which will wrap up this phase. Thank you all for your prayers.  I continue to pray for all you ladies.

    Bev....glad things are going well...

    Have a great restful sleep...Lucy

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Lucy: Even though we are believers, it is still in our nature to be concerned. I am so glad to hear your tumor is shrinking. Praise God! Please keep us posted on your hubby' s results.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Sue - I had some pain when I first started rads. They said it was likely from my surgery not the rads. It could be nerve irritation from the rads, or the way I had to lie on the table. It didn't last long. For most of my treatments I had no major issues.

    I'm praying for all you wonderful ladies. Stay strong.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Thank you GGal and Mini.  The 2nd rad. is now behind me and wasn't too bad. Had just a hair of pain while laying on the table (you're right there Mini).  Most of the residual side effects are from the tumor breaking up according to the resident, including the fatigue.  I liken it to detoxing.   Since the tumor is so big they're giving it a huge zap each time.

    So glad this week is over.  I finally got the bulk of the water mess cleaned up today and the mattress dried out.  Woo hoo.  I can sleep in my own bed tonight!

    Blessings everyone!


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    RE side effects with cytoxan and epirubicin....i had low white counts nausea, extreme fatigue, and just did not feel good, in bed 2 days after chemo. Better now. 1 week post. stil a bit weak with low white counts...

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Bestock - Are you having neulasta or neupogen shots after your chemo to help you counts?  How often are you having infusion?  Praying you continue to gain your strength.  Keep in touch with your MO to keep them posted on your se.

    MHG - glad you got most the mess cleaaned up.  So sorry you had to deal with that, like you sure didn't need it.

    Praying for all of you to have a wonderful Sunday.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    SpiritBlessing.....I had neulasta, still had low counts. I had that with ovarian cancer a lot--10 yrs ago--, my marrow just is not fast in recovering. I thought I had a fever all nite last nite, but am okay (slight cold) I have 3 weeks between chemos.

    Bless you all!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Praying for you Becky that your counts improve. Get plenty of rest and try to get rest. Your body needs that strength to combat this. Also asking God to I shorten your cold symptoms as well.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Becky, so glad to hear from you.  When I'm awake in the middle of the night (sometimes it's a few minutes sometimes it seems to last forever....), I always try to pray for everybody. I realized we hadn't heard from you in a while and I prayed anyway.  I have to admit, often I don't remember just what you all need but I mention your names anyway - knowing that God knows just what you need right then!

    I'm doing fine - now 10 days out from surgery and trying to cement my place as the crazy dog lady in the neighborhood. I take the three greyhounds in my right hand and wave my left arm above my head as I walk down the street - the doctor said I can't overdo so I figure I should try to do little exercises whenever I can. I'll call tomorrow about getting the one drain out - the one under my arms is still collecting alot but I'm hoping I can get that out on Friday when I meet with the PT and have my herceptin infusion. Deborah, thanks again for your wise words - everything you said about how surgery would go and how I'd feel was right on and took alot of the wonder/worry away for me.

    So glad you've gotten the mess in the house cleaned up, Sue - that nasty Satan to dump all those problems on you in the middle of rads. 

    Lucy (love the poster - thanks!) and Char - praying for you and your husbands.  Again, Satan just doesn't let up sometimes, does he? It would be nice to be able to focus on one person/situation at a time...

    Kathy (and you other northerners) - are you dug out yet? I talked to my old neighbor in PA yesterday and asked if there was snow on the ground...she just laughed and then texted me a picture of the winter wonderland.  We'd actually started getting alot of little green sprouts coming up but then had a 24-degree morning this week (very late for us in the Houston area) so we'll start all over again because when I walked around the yard yesterday, all the new shoots were gone. Drat!

    Well, have a wonderful week - knowing that nothing is going to happen that God can't end up using for good!

    love y'all - Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Bev - Glad to hear from you and to hear things are going well.  God is answering our prayers for sure.  Praise Him!!!

    I have my monthly appt with my MO tomorrow and reviewing the details of the CT scan last week.  Thank God the tumor is still shrinking.  They are also changing the protocol of my trial from every Monday to 3 weeks on and 1 week off.  So that is good but I need to find out what it all means in regards to the timeline.  The trial is for 6 months for treatment then go on to the targeted therapy and I am supposed to sign the docs all over again so I am curious if they will count the 3 1/2 months I have already done on this trial or if I have to start all over.  

    Well prayers being lifted for all you ladies...blessings abundant to all.  Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Praying for you today, Lucy - for peace and wisdom as you meet with the doctors.  So glad for your good news  about the tumor- and it seems like not having weekly treatments will be much easier and gentler for you.  Yay! 

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2014

    Hello Everyone,

    I haven't been on here much recently as I have had lots of things going wrong, and the pain in my leg was terrible.  Well, today my oncologist told me he is certain that even though radiotherapy destroyed the tumour in my leg last August, all that really happened was I made it angry.  He believes that the terrible pain I have is the tumour trying to grow again, and is taking me off Faslodex.  He has told me to come into hospital and stay as a patient for a week, during which time he will give me countless scans, tests and x-rays.  When all of this is completed he will start me on weekly Taxol, a more reduced dose than I had in 2010, plus Herceptin plus a new drug whose name I have forgotten already.  Apart from being upset that the cancer is so aggressive, I feel relieved that he is doing this for me.  The alternative would be for me to carry on working, taking a day off here and there to have a scan, and finally starting my treatment in three or four weeks.  

    I am going to take down everyone's name tonight and run through them in my prayers, as like Bev I cannot remember the individual issues and need something to prompt me.  Believe me, once you have had chemo you really understand about chemobrain.  

    Becky, just wanted to tell you to hang on in there, we are both in this together, and the Lord is holding our hands.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    Praying for you too, Friday Girl

    My onc said my tumor is more agressive....  now 

    and so it my new chemo...

    thanks for all the prayers. from all you my sisters hereSmile

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014


    After reading a few posts I felt the need to send on something comforting. 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2014

    I needed that.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Wow ladies, that's three of us with aggressive tumors.  My leg tumor is being radiated for pain.  I was reading something today that said if that's what they're radiating for, then they feel it's not treatable otherwise.  :(  I was kinda down on that one.  Let's pray that we prove all of these doctors and medical people wrong.  let's pray we can show how much bigger our God is over their diagnosis and medicines.

    I've got 3 down and two to go with the rads.  Day by day the pain gets a little bit better and I'm able to tolerate the table a little better.  Seems to be going faster each day.  Friday Girl and Becky, we're in this together and we WILL conquer all things through Him.  Thanks Lucy for the words of encouragement.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2014

    Thanks everyone for all your prayers.  I bought a new phone on Saturday, got it home and bought a few albums to go on it and managed to do something wrong to the internet access, so I won't be able to keep in touch whilst in hospital unless I meet a patient who is good at this sort of thing.  Anyway, wanted to say thanks to Lucy for the comforting message she put up.

    Sue, the tumour in my femur was discovered in May, and the pain started a few weeks after the petscan.  I was told that radiotherapy would stop the pain, and they put me on hormone treatment to try and control my estrogen.  I was told there may be radiotherapy pain for up to 6 weeks afterwards.  Well I was limping worse every day, but my tumour markers were so good that I was only seeing junior doctors on my monthly treatment days.  I was given Oxynorm to stop the pain and it did nothing.  Luckily I was called up for a check up at the hospital which gave me the rads (different to my oncology hospital) and they did a scan and discovered I had a spiral fracture where the tumour had been, and I had the rod put in my leg.  I came out of hospital and was walking with a stick and a slight limp because of stiffness from my muscles, but I didn't have pain until recently.  I spent last Thursday in Accident and Emergency because of the pain, but they could find no reason for it and made the appointment with my oncologist yesterday.  He said that there is nothing else it could be, that I am terribly unlucky and the cancer, even though blasted by rads, is so strong it came back after a few months.

    The doctor has assured me that once I start the treatment the pain will disappear.  I will be on weekly Taxol for 6 months and my hair will grow thinner but I won't be bald like the last time.  I will be on the new type of Herceptin and another drug (forgotten the name) which has very good results for people who are Her2Neu.  I feel very positive about this, and just wanted you to know Sue that what has happened to me is uncommon so don't expect that you will be forced to go through this too.  I have read on these threads of other women in my position who had rads on their legs years ago and have never looked back.

    Anyway, I woke up early and thought I would look in on the website before I get up to go to hospital.  I will be praying for everyone here.

    Bye for now, Debbie

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Sue, Becky and Debbie: Prayers to each of you. I should be asleep but decided to post and it was lost. Debbie prayers to you while in the hospital. Praise God they found out what was going on. Keep us posted when you are able.

    I will share this quote that I try to apply to my daily walk. Never accept a no from someone who was never empowered to give you a yes to begin with. Doctors are not empowered to heal you. They are simply the tools by which God performs His works. He could do it without them but He had a reason why he works through them. When you become distraught or you read things that undermine your hope remember that they do not have the answers but God does.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    GardenGal, I like that quote a lot our days and each breath is from our Father. and Praying for all of you esp Debbie Milehi, praying for you and thansk for the pix and quote, spiritblessing. 

    I keep singing the song. "You are my strength when I am weak, you are the Treasure that I seek, you are my all in all.....seeking You as a precious Jewel, Lord to give up I'd be a fool..."

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Debbie, you cannot know how wonderfully blessed I feel by reading your post.  I've re-read it several times.  Our stories are identical.  I got very little sleep last night, mostly from the shortness of breath that returned out of no where so I came to the computer and prayed over everyone here and their respective posts.  I do believe you, Becky and I are on a similar journey and we will have a terrific testimony to share when we get to the other side of these treatments.  My chemo with Eribulin starts on Friday.  Today I had #4 of 5 of the rads to the tumor in my pelvic muscle.  I've noticed the pain going down a hair, day by day.  I'm praying it will disappear completely over time and like the women you referenced, never to return.

    Char I love your quote. I'm going to make it my mantra!  To all of my wonderful sisters here, thank you so much for your ongoing encouragement, prayer and support.  This is such a wonderful group to turn to in our times of need.  Blessings.  Sue

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Oh my beautiful sisters. I am so sorry to hear about the trials you are experiencing. I am praying for you. I wish I had something profound to say, but all I can do is send yo my prayers and love.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Okay ladies, time for more encouragement!  I had my last of 5 radiation treatments today.  I start the next round of chemo on Friday.  The radiologist/onc. decided to come in when I was finished and did a complete 360 on what she told me two weeks ago about the lymphedema swelling going away after rads.  Today she said that when the tumor shrinks, it will open up room for more fluid to move around and I should expect to spend more time with the PT.  I was PO'd to say the least because this isn't anything close to what she told me initially.  I'm so sick of these people!!!!!!!  Of course my leg swelling has gotten worse since beginning rads.  She also told me that my pleural effusion has returned and was there with my last scans.  Looks like yet one more procedure to get through - just can't wait.

    Totally discouraged and I just need to vent.
