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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Oh, Sue, so sorry to hear all that.  I sure will be praying for you - that the swelling will go down (like Char said, these doctors can say no but we know Who can say yes - I love that mantra!!!) and that chemo will be side-effect free.  I'll be meeting with the PT for the first time on Friday - hopefully we won't have any torture stories to compare (I hope I'm joking.....?!)  Congratulations on finishing up rads - I know what a challenge it was for you and you handled it so gracefully and day and one step at a time.  Time for a couple of sayings from the pages on my fridge....  

    Courage doesn't deny the reality of a problem - it denies the power of it over me.

    Faith is walking to the edge of the light you have....and taking one more step.

    You've already shown you have incredible amounts of faith and courage.  Now.....  Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry.  Psalms 37:3-4.

    God's voice thunders in marvelous ways. He does great things beyond our understanding.  Job 37:5.

    Wish we could all give you a hug - hopefully knowing our thoughts and prayers are with you will comfort you and give you strength.

    love you - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Thank you Bev for your great words of encouragement.  You always know just what to say to give us a lift.

    By the way, are you enjoying your wonderful post surgery news and sharing that great testimony every chance you get?  That was such tremendous news.  I had a chance to witness to a 15 year old cancer fighter a few days ago and told her about you.  Her prognosis is grim (18-months) but she was so receptive to what the Lord had me share.  Keep it up girl!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Sue: As Bev has said, you have gone through so much. And you are being a great witness to those around you. It must be extremely frustrating to get mixed messages from doctors. It is like my eye doctor casually and almost with no thought saying to me...And of course you have cataracts but they are still quite small. I am like, what cataracts? And she proceeds to tell me not to worry as they are just babies and everyone gets them at my age. to think she could politely tell me that I am developing them and not mention it like, so how is the weather and your cataracts are staying small. Really? I know how you feel and then I think...God these are just tools and nothing more. Many have lost their compassion or fear that they dare show it. That's why I loved my doctor that did my stereo tactic biopsy. She not only hugged me when we met but she hugged me when I left. Thank God for people of compassion. 

    While a doctor tells you what probably will happen does not mean it will.  

    God bless you for sharing to a young girl that has cancer. God can use us in all walks of our life and by that which we are experiencing. By the way, I have a male colleague who a year ago last fall was told that he had about six months to live. He was diagnosed in his late thirties with advanced prostrate cancer. Rare but it happens. His former doctor never gave him a prostrate exam or ever asked him if he had a PSA test time. While he was in advanced stages and told to put his life in order, he told us and the doctor that he has a physician that is greater and more powerful and that he was not going to give up. By last spring his tumor had completely disappeared and the advanced stages were gone. His doctors were in complete shock but he was not. He continued to work the entire time and asked that people treat him the same as always. See his doctors live by science and statistics. We live by faith, hope and the power of God. All things are possible through God. It is only our lack of faith and the dependence on results that we can see that hinders and holds us back as well as Satan casting lots of doubts in our pathway. Don't trouble yourself with thoughts of tomorrow because God only guarantees us this,....right now. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Take it one day at a time.

    Okay...ending with a funny story. I was flashing at my school today. A woman that has the same Atypical Hyperplasia as I had has been struggling with going back in and having surgery. She was not happy with the answers given by her doctor in the same practice that I am in. I told her to get a second opinion and she did. But her concern was that she was having a partial mastectomy. So I pulled her aside to staff lounge, shut the door, lifted my top and showed her my breast. See...does this look mutilated. She laughed and said that it looked like a normal breast. I said it is a normal breast and if you ever tell anyone I flashed my breast to you I will bury you in my overcrowded equipment room where they never will find you. She and I laughed and laughed.

    Sleep well my sisters,


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Char, you are so right.  Thank you for the great words of encouragement and terrific story.  I'm also going to share the story of your friend with prostrate cancer with another gentleman (another unbeliever).  He practices something called Eckankar.  I had to look it up too, lol.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, my doctor left a message this morning that after talking with the radiation oncologist, they decided that my leg tumor may not be breast cancer but a recurrence of my endometrial cancer (5-years out from surgery).  Instead of doing chemo tomorrow, they want to give my body another week off from the rads and look for a chemo to treat that cancer.  I'll talk with her tomorrow at my appointment about treating both.  My breast tumors have responded well to all of the chemo's the last 6-months, just not the leg tumor that grew despite the chemo. 

    I'm feeling like a yoyo.  Both my oncologist and the radiation oncologist are very, very young and both have rather "downer" bedside manners.  In other words, they just don't seem to know how to encourage and be hopeful.  I have to psych myself up for every appointment, although my onc has surprised me the last few with a hug out of nowhere.  God still sits on the throne.  Sue

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited March 2014

    Char, that was a funny story! Thanks for sharing.

    Sue, maybe they have found the answer/treatment for your leg tumor! That would be awesome. Hang in there. You have what it takes to get through this.

    My RO appt tomorrow for planning. On to the next big thing!:)

    I hope you all have a wonderful week-end.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    KTF: Praying that your appointment goes well and you have a good feeling of how everything will go and that you come out confident that God has it all under control.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited March 2014

    Thanks, Char. Appt did go well. Will start rads in a week or two. I am totally confident in my Dr's and I know God is in control. I think the black cloud is starting to lift and I am feeling more like myself...

    Praying that you all find healing and have a pain-free week-end!

    You all are a blessing in my life that I thank God for, every day!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2014

    Thank you to everyone for the kind prayers and encouragement over the last week.  I got out of hospital today and am not much wiser than when I went in.  They did x-rays, heart echos and a ct scan, and could not see a trace of cancer anywhere.  I told some of my friends and they started to celebrate, but I had to explain to them that three months of ever increasing blood tumour markers counted for something.  My oncologist has asked for a second opinion from the head of orthopaedics who is now on annual leave for two weeks, and has also arranged for me to have a petscan at a Dublin hospital, which again will take two weeks.  

    I actually felt quite blessed this last week.  The senior palliative care nurse is also the go-to person for pain relief, and she spent a lot of time trying a variety of painkillers on me to find the right one.  I started on Oxycontin which I thought was the most wonderful drug ever.  I then discovered that it was so powerful that I nearly fell unconscious at 6pm, and slept through until 7am.  She then reduced the strength, and I still had problems with it.  I am now on something which I think is called Targon, I feel some pain but at least I can stay awake. I also asked the nurse exactly how strong or weak the Taxol would be when I eventually start it.  I want to be able to work as long as possible, as I am single and have a mortgage to pay.  Well, the nurse said she is certain there are benefits I am entitled to, and is arranging for a social worker to contact me  and see what can be done.

    I feel as though the world has given me a big hug this week.  Complete strangers have been very kind to me, people who I am certain don't like me have gone out of their way to help me, and Christians have been praying for me long distance as well as coming in and praying at my hospital bed.  I am grateful for the Lord being so kind to me, and to all of you ladies for your prayers.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Okay, I've now lost 3 posts...Satan obviously doesn't want me to post good news.  Debbie, so wonderful to hear your great news.  We'll pray that the tumor marker test is wrong.  All the other tests and scans trump the tumor marker test don't they?  lol.

    You have all been so wonderful letting me vent all week.  Your prayers have been wonderful as well getting me through a very difficult appointment today.  Well, wonders never cease.  My doctor was upbeat and happy.  Offered a hug.  Joked around and basically caught me off guard.  No need to have psyched myself up for this one.  She came up with the combination of Carboplatin (Paraplatin) and Paclitaxel (Taxol).  I've had taxotere before (Taxol's cousin). The nurse thought if I had any SE's, it would come from the Carboplatin.  I'll just have to be up on my anti-nausea pills.

    I did tell her I wasn't very happy with the rad/onc butting into my treatment plan when I asked her to butt out.  She had also scheduled me for the lung drain when I asked her not to before I could talk with my own doc.  I trust I got my message across.  She's not my doctor and it was unethical for her to do what she did.  Of course when I got home I had some shortness of breath, lol.  Oh  well.  If it gets bad, I can always call and schedule an appointment for the lung drain.

    So ladies, you all did well this week.  Your prayers and words of encouragement were so very much appreciated.  I'm so glad we can all end the week on a high note.  Enjoy one and all.  Blessings to each of you and my prayers go with you.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Debbie: First, I am glad you are home. I am sure all of these contradictions seem so confusing. (Higher tumor markers and no evidence of tumor. ) I will continue to keep you in prayer. I am glad to see that they have stepped up on tests and consults. Hopefully your pain meds are better regulated now.mkeepnus posted.

    Sue: It sure does make sense that your meds were treating something other than breast cancer. I remember them giving my dad meds for a muscular issue and they were not working. They finally discovered it was a pinched femur nerve. He went through a year of pain. I will continue to pray for you and that your doctors finally discover what actually is taking place.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Debbie - wow, what a week you've Char and Sue said, it sure is confusing to get contradictory information but it sounds like your doctors are going to keep working through till they get a good answer. We'll just keep praying about it all. 

    Sue (and Debbie) I don't know anything about Carboplatin but I had docetaxol and the only problem I had was diarrhea when I didn't take the steroids the doctor prescribed (thinking I felt good and didn't need them - didn't know that I'd have kept feeling good if I took them - a hard-learned lesson because I ended up with lots of bleeding and several weeks of pain - ugh). My doctor had said I wouldn't have SE but at the end of the treatments, I'd think that I had about 75% of my normal energy. I can tell you that didn't happen at all and I don't take credit for it - it's the answer to lots of prayers. So - we'll just be praying for you, too!

    Lucy, how are you (and your husband) doing? Hopefully you're enjoying your less-rigorous chemo schedule.

    I have to tell you a funny (not really haha, more sad and ridiculous) insurance story. My insurance has been incredible in covering just about everything through my treatment. Nearly every day I get an email letting me know that they've processed another claim and when I check the website, it's a 0 for the part I'm responsible for. Yay!  I made phone calls the day before my surgery, trying to be sure that all the ancillary services (lab, pathologist, etc.) would be in-network and covered. Well, you can probably guess where this is going - one of the first claims submitted was for the lab, which turned out to be out of the network. The bill was $4800 and insurance paid $122 - leaving me with $4600 to pay, according to the insurance website. Yikes!  I called the insurance company and she said it looked like an error so she'd reprocess it - whew! - then she called back a few days later to say nope, that's the correct outcome. Double yikes!  I called the lab (okay, here's the punch line) - the clerk said not to worry - when they get the payment, they'll appeal it but no matter what the outcome, they'll write it off and won't bill me (or at most will bill $300) because I live in Texas and their computer system isn't processing claims properly. Now..... that makes no sense at all to me - certainly doesn't seem like a very good way to do business - but no matter how many times I questioned her, she said that will be the outcome. She said if I really want to be sure, I can call back in a couple of weeks and by then it will be all closed out.  I'm holding my breath but wow, will that be something to praise God for working out if it happens the way they're saying it will. Isn't it neat that God not only has all our health and medical care under control, he takes care of the bureaucratic (and computer glitch!) stuff, too?!

    Char, I'm praying for you with your surgery coming up...and know that since you're a teacher, being away from work means double-work preparing for a sub while you're out.  Hope you get some time to take it easy and hang out with the pups!

    Terri - I'll be praying for you with the rads. I meet with the RO on April 1 and will see what she has to say....we may be able to compare notes and lotion ideas! 

    Have a blessed Sunday, all - so glad we're all in this together!

    love you - Bev

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    Friday ..I am  so happy for you  I will pray for a proper Dx regarding your pain. Taxol for most people is pretty easy ( i had 18 taxol treatments..with ovarian cancer, felt fine most of the time.......but bald..

    More later. 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Bev: What a bizarre but amazing story. God does work through everything even if it is some pretty unusual ways.

    Praying for everyone that God continues to meet all your needs. 

    Just trying to get through tomorrow and Wednesday and in will be able to work on sub plans. I looked at my school garden today and need to get in and clean it up now or it will be over run with weeds by the time I am mobile. The same for my home gardens. I picked up a boat load of branches but need to cut back my grasses. So much to do before surgery. 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Hello all.  Hope it's quiet because everyone is doing well.  Char am praying you're having a good week and seeing success day by day.  Becky praying for peace and success for you as well on your new treatment.  Let us know how you're doing!  Also glad to hear about the Taxol since I'll be starting the new treatment on Friday along with the Carboplatin.

    My leg lymphedema has been making me crazy.  Still wrapping and elevating both legs but can't seem to get the swelling down.  Doc had me try the diuretics too but still nothing.  Hoping I'm not coming down with something as I've had a bit of nausea the last few days.  Tomorrow I'm having another thorosentisis early so  glad to be getting that behind me again.  Prayers for clearing up the lungs and the new treatment are certainly welcome. 

    Grace and peace to everyone here and prayers for feeling His closeness moment by moment.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Been a while since I posted and today doing it on my phone so we will see how it goes. I Am not able to see everyone's posts while posting but did read several and it has been quiet. Bev so glad to hear from you and sounds like you are being blessed. Praise God in the Highest!!!

    Sue way to stand your ground with the docs. 

    Friday so with the tumor markers showing cells and the scans not is that a normal scenario?  It makes me confused about the marker tests. So much to consider. 

    I had some great news regarding insurance I wanted to share. I had a CTC blood test be denied from my ins and so I appealed it with a great letter from MO. They denied appeal. During this time I have been working with the nurses Onc and the study trial coordinator and they have all been awesome in helping me. Last week Thursday I had been on the phone with everyone sharing the appeal denial and when I was done I just spread my hands over it all and prayed then and gave it to God. I asked him to take care of it and I trusted He would make things right. I pulled it all together and set it aside. So when I was in yesterday having my treatment the coordinator came in to see me and said she had some good news. She said she was talking with her people on the clinical trial team and that I didn't need to do the second appeal because that test was sent in to the ins in error. She said they would be contacting the ins and letting them know. I had to smile and just be humbled by his act of Grace for me. I then told her that she was a messenger for an answer to my prayer. I shared with her what I did after we spoke on Thursday. She was amazed. What was really awesome is that we have had the centers Chaplin come by several times to visit us while there and he happened to be there to witness this and he felt so blessed to see God doing His works. What a powerful revelation. So blessed and so thankful. He never forgets to remind us and show us He is with us every step of the way. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    hello again.  im in the er looks like im going to  be admitted.  prayers welcome.  great news lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Oh Sue...what's going on?  Youre being lifted in payer.  Keep us posted.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014


    Sometimes this is easier said than done but it is so important as His word tells us so.  There has been something that God has put on my heart the past few weeks and so I am sharing it as much as possible.  I know He has asked me to do this and the more I have better I feel about everything.  

    "Trust and Believe and constantly Seek His Presence"!  

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited March 2014

    Sue, Prayers and good thoughts coming. Keep us posted. We are with you in Spirit!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    Going to chemo today, please Pray sisters!!. I have had neuropathy in my face again ..tingling numbness Pray onc will have wisdom on what to do.Snooze



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Praying for you and your day an answers...Blessings.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Sue and Becky - praying for you both today. May you feel God's comfort and peace surrounding you.  

    Lucy - great insurance story (and prayer reminder!) Hope mine turns out just as well in a couple of weeks.  

    God bless you, my sweet sisters!


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2014

    SpiritBlessing: What a great thing the Lord has done with the denial from the Insurance Company! Our God Rocks! :)

    I have my fourth and final Chemo tomorrow. Pray that it goes well and that the side effects are less than before or none at all. They seem to have changed with each treatment.

    Pray for wisdom with me as I need to get my financial stuff in order and my brain is not co-operating. The NP mentioned Chemo brain today after I told her that I am major stressed out. I am a certified Bookkeeper and I can't get my OWN finances in order, what is WRONG with me! Anyway, our God is our provider and prosperity. I just need direction and wisdom. So, if you could pray for this for me - that He would set the next stepping stone in place - scripture, revelation, a new thing.

    Thanks, Carren

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2014

    Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  --Matthew 11:28-29

    Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.  --2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

    My sisters, I lift each of you up before our Lord and petition Him who loves you beyond your wildest imagination, to grant you peace during these trying times.  Our God is Awesome!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    I wish you could truly know how much The a Holy Spirit has pressed upon my heart to pray for all of you so often throughout the day. 

    Sue and Becky: You know that God is right there with you. My prayers are with you. Sue, let us know what is happening. Becky, praying chemo goes okay and that your neuropathy issues stop.

    Carmen: You are most likely experiencing Chem brain as it is very common side effect. Praying God will help you focus and have clarity.

    Lucy: what a wonderful testimony about your bill being resolved. Thank you for sharing. God is taking care of everything...amen. He has it covered.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Sue & Becky - Praying all is well with you both.  Peace and comfort sisters in Christ!

    Carren - Praying for revelation, clarity & wisdom to work on your financial tasks.

    Patoo - Thank you so much!

    I don't care what it looks like, I'm healed!  I don't care what the doctors say, I'm healed!  Don't care what the MRI's or CT scans or any other test say, I'm healed by the blood of Jesus!  I'm delivered, I'm set free, I'm healed!  I receive His healing, I will not let one drop of His precious blood go to waste when He paid the price for me to be healed over 2000 years ago!!!

    Praying for us all Sister's in Christ!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Lucy, your name is perfect - you a truly a blessing to my spirit.  Thanks so much!

    Praying for you, Becky, Carren, Sue - and Char.....knee surgery is fast approaching!

    God bless you all, my sweet sisters!  Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Amen Lucy. We are only limited by our own faith. God has it covered. Man can say what he wants but God has already taken care of it. Thanks for your testimony. You continue to uplift us sister.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Ditto. Thank you for the reminder that in everything we are blessed indeed.

    I could use some prayer. I'm having some medication issues. Nothing that can't be corrected, but I am feeling quite miserable physically and emotionally, and will probably will for several weeks, if not months.
