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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    Betty, NED means no evidence of disease.

    No one posts when they have a good time with a drug, only a bad one, so it may be hard for you to find someone that is SE free (side effect). Why don't you start a thread to ask?

    I can't remember how to get a signature line.......Undecided chemo brain and I didn't even have chemo!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    And there it IS!!!!

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2010

    welcome Betty,

    mrs, nice i will be praying as you start your treatment.

    maranatha, don't let the femara wear on you. i have the joint pain. and the osteo. 

    but each day is good. i do everything i use to. and i am glad that the femara gives all of us

    a better chance of it not returning. since you didn't have to go thru chemo, that will help your

    chances of the osteo. i take boniva once a month.  the doc said the other day that one hip is gaining in bone mass.

    so since you prayed over the pill bottle, know just let God be in control and try not to let it wear on your mind. either you have the joint pain and other side effects or not. you will see it thru just like you did the breast cancer.

    i only have one and half years left on femara. and each mile stone, is precious to our Lord.

    so lots of hugs, and God bless to all my dear sisters 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2010

    Hi all - I've been reading and praying just not posting. This is a great group of women! Thanks for your faithfulness and encouragement. Special thanks to JO for this quote and {{hugs}} to all.

    Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2010

    Yesterday at church, the song leader said he had an old chorus going through his head all week and he wanted the church to sing it during the service, not too many remembered it but I did and it will help me get through this week.

    He's able, He's able, I know He is able, I know my Lord is able to carry me through.

    He's able, He's able, I know He is able, I know my Lord is able to carry me through.

    He healed the broken hearted, and set the captive free. He made the lame to walk again and He caused the blind to see.

    He's able, He's able, I know He is able, I know my Lord is able to carry me through.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Jesus is the Great Physician!  He doesn't give us any difficulty that He doesn't also provide the grace to carry us through.  I know that side effects are scary, and I've had my share, but the Lord is faithful to me each and every day with the grace to help me through each trial.  The ladies on this thread have been such an encouragement and help as well.  I love the verse from Isaiah 41:10 and have memorized it so I can repeat it to myself whenever fear takes hold - "Fear not, for I am with you.  Be not dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you. I will up uphold you with My righteous right hand."  Isn't that a great verse?  I have endured a bi-lateral mastectomy, chemo, radiation, hysterectomy, lymphedema and Arimidex (four months now), and I can say that God has been truly faithful to me.  He has preserved my life.  My tumors had a greater than 80% chance of having spread to my lymph nodes and not one cancer cell was found in the 13 that were removed.  I praise Him for each new day.  I have days where I complain, whine, cry, and get discouraged like everyone else, but I'm continually reminded that God controls my life and loves me.  What a blessing to know Him.  He is good - all the time.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited August 2010

    Patoo, I looked at your bio and saw we have the same birthday (mine was 1950 though) and are both Dedicated Believers in the Lord Jesus...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wanted to say HI, I need to do a bio of me too..

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Oh, but 1949 was the better year.  Innocent  hehehe - just kidding!  HI back to ya.

    Ivt.... - I've heard that and a wonderful way to get through the week.

    Rocket - and all the time He is good.

    We serve an AWESOME GOD!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited August 2010

    I repeated myself to Patoo in personal note

    (can I use chemo brain for an excusea after 5 yrs//)Foot in mouth

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2010

    I didn't take chemo and was on tamox for only 6 months and I use chemo-brain by association all the time for memory lapses. Even though I 'officially' joined the club in 2007, I have been around the local support group since my first abnormal mammo requiring biopsy since 2005.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Well in that case, I didn't have chemo either but think I will just claim it anyway as well.  It's probably contagious through cyberspace anyway and so we caught it from those who had to suffer through it.  It's all part of our being cyber-sisters!

    Got your PM bestock.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2010

    thanks for comments

    I am so glad I have an excuse. I have been or Arimidex for about 1.5 yrs that may be my excuse...too, besides making me wrinkled early  UndecidedI do have some memory problems., I cannot find a lot of pix I had of my grands..I still have them on CD though.And I lost some fingernail polish around the house(and I am a good housekeeper) and think I am relatively organized.???

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Hi Ladies . . .

    Just wanted to report on my first chemo treatment. I had A/C yesterday and so far very little nausea, no vomiting at all.  I was able to eat well too.  The anti-nausea meds are doing the trick, I think.  We prayed over the bag of chemo liquids before they were injected.  I was so peaceful the whole time, chatting away with my hubby and bff. As I had a bit of trouble shutting my mind down to sleep, I kept trying to return to thankful prayers.  Hoping the smooth ride continues in the days ahead.

    Hope you are all having a blessed day!

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2010

    Good to hear from you Mrs. Nice!  So far so good!  For me, the fatigue hit about the 3rd day--hope it doesn't get you too bad, but if it does, don't try to fight it--just go with it!  When I'm up in the wee hours of the morning I use that time for prayer also.  And I grab my hubby's smart phone and read the Bible that he has loaded on there.  Now that I'm sleeping better I miss that alone time with God!  It seems that I felt His presence so strongly then.



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2010

    Good to hear Mrs. Nice. I'm two days out from my first FEC and also so far so good.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2010

    Hi Mrs. Nice and LadyinBama,

    Glad to hear your good reports.  Like Tina, the 3rd day was the most difficult for me too.  I just planned to rest as much as possible on that day and for a couple of days afterward.  I'm thankful you have had no nausea.  The meds are very good at controlling it.  Keeping you in prayer.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Sending up prayers for all my sisters.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Hi Ladies . . .

    Gosh nearly a week has gone by with no action here.  Is everyone okay??

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2010

    Hi MrsNice, how are you doing a week from first tx? LadyInBama, still hanging in there?

    I'm almost 3 months PFC (post final chemo) and hair's about a half-inch long. Got my first hair cut yesterday. Just a trim around the ears and the nape of my neck.  Physically recovered and getting stronger. Walking daily and also starting a yoga class tomorrow.  Next week there's a Yoga Heals for BC survivors I'm signed up for, driving to Madison with another survivor/ Christian sister. 

    Here's the link FYI, don't know if they have anything like this where you ladies are:

    Take care sisters, you are in my prayers daily!  {{hugs}}

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Hey Badger,

    Doing okay.  Days 3-5 were the worst of it.  Nausea and fatigue big time (but thankfully no vomiting).  I've not needed a nap the last 2 days, but haven't done much either.  Today I went for a short walk, did some dishes and made my own food (I have been SO spoiled and enjoying every minute of it!).

    I think there is a yoga class at the hospital where I'm being treated.  Not quite ready for the bendies yet though!

    Hugs and prayers!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2010

    I'm still doing good. Had some bad, weird pain yesterday in my hips and legs, which I guess is a delayed reaction to the Neulasta shot? It was exactly a week after the shot that the pain hit. But I don't really know what else it could be, it was unlike any pain I've ever had. Other than that, all's well. 2nd chemo on Tuesday.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2010

    Good morning my Christian sisters and welcome to all who are new!

    I used to post much more frequently but of late have just pulled into myself and didn't do much.  No wonder I feel bad!

    I went to a new doctor (a woman) who is testing me for everything.  As I have aged, I have accepted a lot of "aches and pains" to the aging process but I thought what if there is something wrong witih you that can be fixed.  Well, my blood work came back and it wasn't a pretty picture.  My diabetes is way, way, way out of control.  My blood pressure is sky high and don't even ask about my cholesterol!  On a strict diet and blood sugar numbers are coming down slowly.  Please, please pray I can continue to finally do what I am supposed to be doing.

    I do "Let Go and Let God" but I keep taking it back.  Patience was never one of my virtues and little has changed.  I am going to keep trying and stop "waiting for the other shoe to drop."

    The Lord is awesome - afterall, He brought all of your wonderful women into my life to support, encourage me; to renew my faith in Jesus, and to find comfort and peace.

    Although words cannot express my gratitude, thank you.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2010
    JO, you didn't really want to go if I remember correctly...right? Or is that another JO I know...Undecided
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2010

    Kathleen, I am trying to stop waiting for the other shoe as well. Not easy I know! I also know that you can do this. The way you pulled yourself out of all the crap from last summer was amazing! You go girlfriend!

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    JO - Well, I have to say that it's a good thing you didn't go on your trip.  I was telling my DH about you and how your daughter was pushing for you and DH to travel.  We felt so bad that they were not really thinking of your health as a priority over a vacation.  So I guess God took care of that situation, didn't He now?!

    Kathleen - hello there!  Glad to see you've come back out of yourself.  I totally understand the habit of "going within" - I forget too that it's not really a very good place for me to be.  This thread has been wonderful!f

    Barbe -  how's the house/move going?  Hope you are feeling strong and up to the task!

    Blessings for the day everyone!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2010

    God knows what he's doing, that's for sure!

    I am pacing myself on packing by packing some boxes each day. That's the easy part! It's the basement crawl space and the garage that's going to kill us. I had to read my DH the riot act and warn him that if I hurt myself packing I won't be able to work and then we don't get to keep the pretty new (used) house! I think he's getting the idea....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2010

    We have been blessed with baby Zachary last night, delivered by emergency C-section on my daughter. He is  healthy 7 lbs 14 oz and just perfect, of course! All are doing well....thank God!

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2010

    Major congrats to you Barbe on the house and the precious new life.

     I saw an ultrasound picture of my new on the way grandbaby this week.  New life is so very precious.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2010

    Congrats Barbe!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2010

    Barbe ... big-time congratualtions - I love the name Zachery.  I bet he is so cute! 

    Mary ... you are so right - new life is a miracle.

    sweet baby