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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Barbe, ditto what JO et al have said.  The enemy will do all he can to pull you away from your faith.  satan uses confusion; it's all he knows. 

    Cake, sorry about your friend.   You can probably get much more information over on the ILC thread but I'm guessing that if she opts for lumpectomy then the surgical results may be better if they have to remove a smaller tumor?  Please let her know that there are a whole bunch of people praying for her strength through all of this.

    Found this online: it's an update on Joni Earickson Tada's treatment for BC.  What an inspiration she is and has been for so many. 

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010

    "The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of. Our attention would have been on God." -C.S. Lewis

    Happy Monday!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    Love it JO! Thanks for posting it....


  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2010

    Love that one too! 

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2010

    Thanks Jo, I needed that today.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Excellent JO!   Thanks for the reminder.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited August 2010

    Wow patoo!  I had NO IDEA that Joni had breast cancer!  What a trooper she is.  I wish I could be half the inpiration to anyone as she has been to so many!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    cake, I agree.  one of the reasons I have little patience with people who constantly complain about every little thing.  Yes, many things do stress us out and what is major to one is minor to others - I get it - but some folk are not happy unless they are complaining.  Let them live one day in Joni's body.

    JO, I've been a little down and think I prayed that this morning - it certainly gave me a better day.  (and those around me LOL)

    I praise the Lord.  We serve an AWESOME GOD.

  • mrsnjband
    mrsnjband Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2010

    Hi Everyone,

    I am 56 years old & a Christian and my husband is a minister. I have two grown sons, both married. I have 2 beautiful granddaughters by our youngest son. Oldest son just married last summer.  

    I have not questioned God about having gotten breast cancer.  It is only through His grace and many prayers that I made it through on the other side.  Chemo, surgery & rads were very hard on this poor body.  While I don't know why, this time last year I just wasn't doing very well.  But then God touched me, while I still have side effects from treatment, I am so much better now. 

    Your friend in Christ. NJ

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Welcome Norma Jane to the club no-one wants to join.  You are in good company with the greatest set of Christian women.  Our Lord has special plans for you, as He does for each of us and that is why He touched you.  I also have not asked God, "why me" because I chose to say "why not me". One day it will all be revealed to us - "I Can Only Imagine".


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited August 2010

    I haven't asked why me either,  haven't thought about it. But I have seen where God prepared the way for me to be where I am today. I had been on a health kick and was in about the best shape of my life, which helped me come through surgery with flying colors. I had just married for the second time after being a widow for 7 years, so I have a wonderful, supportive husband to be here with me through this. The radiologist said my cancer could easily have been overlooked because it was "subtle" on the mammogram film, but she just had a "gut" feeling about it. I could go on and on about how God's hand has been in this whole thing. Thank you God!!

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2010

    Jo i am so glad you are okay.  its wonderful to be back on. it has a been a busy summer.

    my dad died 2 wks ago. we didn't get to go to the funeral. but i am so glad he knew the Lord.

    we are thinking about making a move come next spring. to s.d. if you would all keep us in your prayers.  my check up was good. ned so i so thank my Lord for his grace.

    i turn 51 today, i am so glad for each year he gives me. i love to read your post they are so uplifting and its wonderful to have you as my sisters. God bless each of you.


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    A praise report for today -

    I had a lot of anxiety/nausea this morning in anticipation of my port placement.  I don't usually have this so I wasn't entirely sure how to handle it.  I ended up taking an Ativan, and told the nurse when I checked in that I was a bit nervous and he was very sympathetic.  As he was putting in my IV (I hate that process), I just closed my eyes and prayed for the Lord's peace to fill me, repeating it like a mantra or chant.  By the time I was on the table getting prepped, the nausea was gone, and the nurse hadn't even given me anything yet.

    Blessings, ladies!  God is good!

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for sharing that with us MrsNice!  God is good--all the time! Laughing
  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2010

    Laurie, I'm so sorry about the loss of your dad! Frown  I'm sure it's comforting to know that he knew the Lord.

    Congrats on being NED, that's a great birthday present!  I will pray for you this morning.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    Geez JO, I will certanly have him in my prayers! I was hosptialized for a week last summer after a routine kidney stone surgery irrirated an un-known kidney defect! I was on morphine every 4 hours with Torredol in-between,  for a week until the pain of the spasm sub-sided! I hope your vacation is uneventful!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    First it wouldn't post, then it posted twice! Doi!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Prayers continuing JO, for DH and an uneventful (except good ones) on your vacation.  Will also keep your dad in prayer.

    Laurie, so sorry about your dad, but I am elated that he sits now with the Lord - how awesome is that!

    MrsNice - that was God answering your prayer.  Sometimes He answers quickly, sometimes not, but always at the right time.

    Hey Barbe, TMarina. 

    You are all very inspiring.  I just have to get back to the point where I bask in the glory of God and not in the foolishness of man.  It used to be so easy for me to let everything just roll off my back but office politics and youngsters (25-39 yo) sense of entitlement is getting to me.  Come Lord Jesus, come.

    Night all.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    JO, you know and I know that if something happens in Florida, it was for a reason....perhaps a doc down there, or the hospital...

    I'm praying for his pain, that he doesn't suffer again until it is taken out! It must be hard to watch him in so much pain...Cry

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2010

    Hi JO.  I'll be praying for your DH too and for a wonderfully refreshing vacation.  Try to enjoy yourself and not worry too much.  The Lord will be with you the entire time.

    I agree with Patoo.  You ladies are very inspiring and comforting.  You are my online family who understand all the struggles that go along with bc.  I can talk with you about my frustrations, hurts, fears and faith.  I feel accepted and loved. 

    After my hyst/ooph, my mom called me.  She asked me how I was recovering from my surgery (which I thought was the easiest surgery I'd ever had), and then she said, "Now you're an IT".  I said, "What?"  She replied, "You're an IT, neither male nor female."  I was incredulous!  I said, "Mom, not having breasts, ovaries or a uterus does not negate my gender.  I'm genetically female and always will be!"  I couldn't believe she had called me an IT.  I felt so hurt and by my mom no less.  Well I have forgiven her careless comment and am moving forward after I had a major meltdown later that evening with my husband.  While we were laying in bed getting ready to pray, I completely fell apart sobbing.  Other events of the day contributed to my poor mood, but the only thing that escaped from my lips between sobs to my DH as I lay there with my flat chest was, "You're sleeping with a boy!"

    Well I can laugh about it now, but a week and a half ago it wasn't very funny to me.  Thankfully God's love for me is all-encompassing and isn't measured by my circumstance but rather by His Son's death on the cross.  I'm so thankful to be redeemed!

    Hope you all have a blessed weekend!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Only one word, Rocket - WOW!   So sorry you had to go through that.  People think they are being witty at the worst possible times. 

    But, God loves you, and so do we.  HUGS.

  • maranatha
    maranatha Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2010

    Hi!  My name is Betty and I live in Alaska.  Just got my diagnosis last May.  Found it on a mammogram so caught it early.  Just stage one and didn't go into my lymph nodes.  So thankful.  I had surgery on June 11 and then radiation therapy the end of July and into August.  I did not have to have chemo.  There was no place to treat me here in my town so I had to travel to Seattle, Washington and I went to Swedish Hospital.  Everyone treated me so well but it added to our out of pocket expense with lodging and rental car and food. 

    My concern now is the hormone therapy they want me to be on for the next five years of my life. I have to take Femara.  The cancer was estrogen receptive.  The side effects sound awful, especially bone loss as my oncologist was concerned and made me have a bone density test and it came back with osteoporosis already in my spine.  I don't need to lose any more bone.  He put me on fosomax to help take care of that. And lots of calcium and vitamin D.  But as I started the Femara this morning I laid my hands on the bottle of pills and prayed that God would not allow any side effects, no bone loss, no joint pain, no blood clots.  And I am trusting Him that that is how it will be.  I am also leaving myself in the Lord's hands that the cancer will never come back.  Like the other ladies sharing, I know God has a purpose for letting me go through this but I just don't know what it is.  Perhaps I will be able to share with someone later and help them.  I know I talked to alot of people about God while I have been undergoing treatment.  

    I'm glad I found this forum.  I know I will find comfort and strength here.  Bless you all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Hi Betty.  You have joined a club that no one wanted to be invited but we know God's plans are not always ours.  I like your attitude and leaving yourself in the hands of the Lord is the best possible place.  Also visit the Femara thread because there you will receive support from those who are on that as well and can motivate one another.  Also, if you care to, join us on the prayer thread as it is extremely inspiring.

    We are glad you found us as well, as your presence will also strengthen and comfort us.

    Hugs and blessings.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    Hi Betty -

    I loved your note about praying over your medicine.  I hadn't thought of that, but a friend of ours whose wife (also a dear friend to me) passed last year after a recurrence (at almost the 10-year mark) said that he would go to every chemo treatment with her, and ask the nurse to put the IV bag of chemo solution in his hands, and he would pray over it every time.  He recommended my DH do the same, and he will.  My first chemo is next Wednesday, September 1st.

    So glad you found us.  I know what you mean about not knowing what God has in store.  His timing is not ours, and His plan is a mystery to us until we are ready to know it.  My 75-year-old neighbor whose DH passed several years ago from pancreatic cancer said she didn't  know why they had to go through that, but several years later she understood because she had so many opportunities to comfort other families going through the same thing.

    Blessings everyone!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010

    House update. We got the mortgage at 1/2 the rate we're paying now!!!! We have two offers on the house for the exact same money. Guy #1 has to sell his house so he was given till tonight at 7:30 to firm up his offer (his risk). If he passes, guy #2 doesn't have a house to sell, just wants to do a home inspection (we've already passed one). This has to be completed by Thursday. So we should know by Thursday who gets our house! Woo hoo!

    Worst thing is guy #2 doesn't like what the home inspection says. We know it needs a roof and even left a quote on the table. In fact, because it needed a new roof is why we're moving! Can't afford a new roof, all our equity was in the home and we had to sell to get it out!

    I'd rather re-decorate than clean....Laughing

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2010

    Barbe it seems you found the open window!  I also would rather re-decorate than clean, but just the thought of packing everything up gets me back to needing to clean. I used my tax refund money to put the new roof on my house this year as well as my new washing machine. My credit score is soooooo bad, I can't afford to buy a new dog house!

    I will be leaving my job on Friday, this week I was able to get the paperwork signed to start insurance with my hubby's company on Sept 1, so I will have 3 days of duplicate coverage but no lapse in coverage. I will be using part of my severance package to purchase a new range and possibly new flooring for my kitchen. Please keep praying for God's guidance in what he wants me to do next.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    We serve an AWESOME GOD.  Prayer works!

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2010

    Jo what part of Florida are you coming to?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2010

    Wow, that's some trip and a bummer that the reason you wanted to go has been postponed.  You are a greater trouper than me.  Any trip over 4 hours and I'm looking for the nearest airpost (okay, I might consider a train).  Of course, sometimes flying is not convenient either.  Can you talk your daughter into having another couple join them instead?  Seems it's not the healthiest trip for you or DH at this time (or fly and meet them?)  I'm guessing that you want to spend the time with them also, so you won't back out?

  • maranatha
    maranatha Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2010

    Thanks for all your responses.  I feel I am among friends, although as said, who wants to be a part of this club?  Your suggestion that I go to the Femara thread doesn't help me at all.  The women there all talk about their horrible side effects.  I don't want to hear that.  Please, is there anyone who has had NO side effects at all?  I'm only on day three but so far no side effects for me.  Like I said, I am praying over that bottle of pills and trusting the Lord that I won't have any side effects.  Can anyone tell me how I can put that information on the bottom of my posting?  Jo-5 wrote something about NED.  What does NED stand for?  Thanks - Betty