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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950
    edited September 2014

    hello ladies. I am inspired and uplifted when reading thru some of this thread.  I am not new to bco but never seen this.  I am a Christian and was at church Everytime the doors open before stage 4 dx. Pain and sickness has made me miss so very much church. If I make it once every 3 months it's s blessing. My spirit is dry. Instead of running to God and resting in his loving arms I feel myself more and more running away from God. Guess I am stupidly mad at him. I still take in the word nearly daily and pray many many times a day but I feel disconnected from God. I frequent the stage 4 forums and love it but it also can be do depressing. Really can't read about all the terrible se and pain and death so often. I so need positive thoughts.  Hope it's ok I just jumped in. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Welcome PattyPeppermint, 

    You are not here by chance but because God knew that you have been wandering in the desert for too long and He wants to bring you through it. We are a loving group of Christian women who are all ages and dealing with various stages of BC. I am at risk and am on the watch list but I love these dear sweet sisters and pray with them and for them. We share our issues and lay it on God's operating table. We also share our daily blessings. You are welcome here. We are not a doom and gloom group as we know that no matter what the outcome, we are here to give honor and glory to God. This is our walk through our temporary home. Please let us know how we can best pray for you. For now I will ask God to bring back your loving relationship of father and child.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Patty/Peppermint you have found the right board. We will be praying for you to gain traction again on the right path. God has never left you and I am so happy to just know of the things to come to you now. I will also pray for peace and comfort to you on your continued journey. please let us also know what specifically we could pray as well. You will find some amazing women on the board and I know for me it was God who directed me here and it has been one of the many blessings on my journey. I too am stage IV my details are below on my profile. Have a blessed day and look forward to hearing more about you. 

    Monday I see the new gyno at the center for my annual. We also will be discussing the options for hysterectomy to be proactive in removing possible issues. They want me to have an ultrasound of my ovaries and everything else there so praying that is good. Have a very busy day with ultrasound, appt w/gyno blood draw appt w/onc port access and blood draw lunch infusion. Long day. 

    Have a blessed day Warriors...I am planning on a short hike today so we shall see if I can find someone to join me. DH doesn't like me going alone. 

    Love ya sisters...Lucy 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014


    I hope you find someone to go on a hike with you. I will be praying for all your testing on Monday and that while it be long that it go quickly. I know that you know that God has it all under control and He will guide you and your doctors in making the right decisions.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Welcome PattyPeppermint. First let me say I love your name! You are certainly welcome to jump in any time. I have missed church for the last three Sundays because of not feeling well and was visiting family two weeks prior to that so I have not been to my home church in five weeks. I definitely hear what you are saying. I know this thread is not church but I can say that there is power on this board because Jesus is among us and in the center of our prayers for each other here. There is strength and a bond here that is special. I just found this thread at the end of June and I feel part of the family already. I am very sorry for what you are dealing with. I am in constant awe of the strength and courage it takes to deal with your situation and many on here can relate as well. I know we have all gone through dry spells in our Christian walk. It is a hard place to be when the Lord seems to be MIA but we know that He is always there. Just keep reaching out to him and that dry spell will soon be gone with an intimacy with the Lord that will replace it. I see you have two young children. I know they must be a joy for you and your husband. I hope you can let us know how you are doing and hope to see more of you.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Well my chemo starts Monday...I am mostly glad to begin though a little anxious.  The only snag has been getting my neulasta.  (Insurance issues)  This morning as I was looking for some insurance info. a note that was in my handbag said "I've got this"  Isn't God amazing! 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Hello all.  I will write more later but must share this Divine appointment and mistake (mine, not the Lord's, lol).

    Lucy had given me the name of the man who her Bible study group is studying about angels.  His name is Chuck Metzler.  This morning during my prayer and study time, I went to look him up.  I clicked on the first link listed ( and started reading through it, looking for the study on angels.  I got to the bottom of the first page and saw an article about one of their co-founders and how she had beaten cancer  You can read through her blog back to the point where she talks about her cancer disappearing.

    I eventually went back to the original website to find the angels study only to realize I had the wrong name from the start.  I had clicked on the link for a "Chuck Missler" instead of the next one on "Chuck Metzler".  Had I not done that, I would have never come across the story of Nan Missler beating cancer!  After my horrendous week  I do believe God had a hand in directing me to that site wouldn't you agree? 



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    ZJ Prayers for Monday. I wasn't quite sure what that note meant. Did someone pay for your neulasta? Sounds like it, even though I don't know what that is. PTL!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Sue, yes I believe that was NOT a coincidence. I read quite a bit of her blog but didn't have time to read all of it. I have to fix dinner and it is late. I loved where she said her prayer was to see His handprint on everything and to give him glory in it all. I am so glad you "accidentally" found this. Well God wanted you to find it on purpose! You have been on my heart all day. I am glad you posted. I get worried about you when I don't see a post. I started reading in Job a few days ago. He lost everything and then gained everything. That message that Nan got was you will live and not die. That is the case for all of us who believe in Jesus. It is the timeline of that where the rubber meets the road and we have to put all of our faith in the Lord. When we feel awful we are so vulnerable to the enemy. That is where the battle is always upon us. I do hope you are feeling some better. Did you have your session with your OT and did that help? Know that I am constantly praying for you.

    I am still having stomach pains. I got all the blood work back online. I just looked through all of it and everything looks normal. I am not sure if I should be happy or sad. It said there was no evidence of inflammation of the bowel. I haven't got the results of the stool sample back yet. I am really curious about that. Not sure what my doctor will do if all of these initial tests come back normal. Not sure what I am going to do either. Another opinion perhaps. I still have more blood work that requires fasting. This poor guy had such a time with my veins that I thought I would give the arm a rest for a few days before going through this all over again.

    Hang in there. It is good to hear from you.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Hi ladies - especially PattyPeppermint (we're all old enough to immediately think of Charlie Brown and Snoopy, right?)  I hope you'll feel a part of our little family real soon - I think I can speak for each of us when I say that God brought us right here when we needed it most. I've repeated our little mantra lots of times on this thread - not sure if you saw it yet but it got me through lots of tests, waiting, uncertainty and times of fear:  I am God's His keeping....under His training...and for His time.  It's from John Morgan's book that a friend gave to me when I was first diagnosed - and God used it mightily to change my perspective about BC to focusing on "how can God be glorified?" (which of course, is our whole purpose in being here on earth!).  I'll sure be praying for you - that God will bring you back to the joy of your salvation!  I cling to Romans 5:3-4: We rejoice also in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance,character; and character, hope. 

    Nancy, hope you can make it to church tomorrow. Congratulations on your swan picture and opportunity to tell folks about your treatment. 

    Jean, I'll be praying for you with the first chemo. If you're like lots of us, the first round will be really easy....but of course, it's the unknown that can play with your mind.  You've got the Great Physician right there with you - nothing will surprise Him!

    Sue, still praying that you'll feel better each day - what a neat kiss from God you experienced from your "mistake"!  

    Lucy, praying for good outcomes and doctor visits on Monday. 

    Debbie, I'm so sorry you've had a rough couple of months - praying for you that the lymphedema will improve (God doesn't care that it usually remains once it's there, right? He can take care of it!).  I trimmed bushes on Friday and my arm was really tired afterward. I know that's one of the signs to be careful of - so I've been babying it ever since (and doing lots of extra massage!). My insurance denied the sleeve and gauntlet but after the surgeon wrote it up a little differently, they approved it (even though the lady at the medical supply store said they never would - thank you God!). It should be in next week - yay! 

    Char, hope you're getting into the routine of a new school year and your Fridays (or was it Thursdays and Fridays) will be better than you expected.  You're always such a blessing and encourager.  By the way, I'm up to running 2-1/2 miles every other day.  It sure feels great when I stop!  :)   

    Praying that we all have a blessed Sunday!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Good evening all.  First up a prayer request.  I'm sure Lucy will post but wanted to get the prayers going until she has time to do so. 

    Lucy's brother Tino was admitted to the hospital at 10 am today (Pacific time) with a mini-stroke.  Lucy is watching the kids until such time he is discharged and can return home.  Please pray for Tino and all of Lucy's family - they have been through so much of late!  Satan must believe this family is a real threat and is attacking hard as a result.  We love you Lucy - hang in there!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Lucy, praying for your brother Tino for a full recovery. I am praying for peace for the family and for strength for you as you already have so much you are dealing with with your DH and son and you. I pray that there would be no paralysis or no long term disability of any kind. Lord touch Tino from head to foot and heal your loved one. In Jesus name. Amen,



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Hello again all.

    Welcome Patty Peppermint.  So glad to have you join us and everyone is correct.  You are not here by chance but by Divine appointment.  I know you will come to love this thread as the rest of us have.  Welcome aboard!

    Debby, so glad you checked in and sorry to hear of your dilemma.  Just know you are being prayed for daily and we missed you!

    Nancy, congrats on your picture!  How neat.  I wish I could wave a magic wand to end your stomach issues.  Yes, you should celebrate the good results on your labs.  God has you in a holding pattern for a reason so hang in there.  This too shall pass!

    I've had several days of chaos here.  I spent Thursday night in the ER because my wound decided to start draining and they couldn't put in any more stitches.  What a mess.  I've also had a lot of shortness of breath since being discharged.  Let's see.....let's add a lot of swelling and pain from my lymphedema and you have a good picture of me physically.  Somehow my appointments got changed from Thursday to Friday so I have to call on Monday to find out what's up.  I'm hoping it's just a glitch because it also means meeting with the doctor - not a good sign if there's bad news involved.  It will mean a week of psyching myself up again to brace myself for bad news.  Makes me nervous!

    I know I've missed a few of you and some of my info but know that if it weren't for my prayer time over each of you, I'd be having a much rougher go of it.  For those of you who have missed church, I haven't been since mid-July.  That's when it's time for the church to come to you.  Remember that church is where you're planted and we have a good "church" right here.

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    This is the day that The Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it! 

    Oh praise The Lord with me. I got to spend hours this afternoon with the 7 month old grandbaby great fun! I don't think she stops moving except when sleeping. She made me laugh and cry, out of frustration over my mobility issues. Anyway, water therapy is a new love of mine. I enjoyed a couple classes this past week, more to come. 

    We are tucked in bed at my house, gonna enjoy good sleep tonight.

    Love across the miles,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Sue: I am so glad you found that internet site. And I believe nothing is by chance. God wanted you to see that site for a reason. Even when man says there is no more they can do that He can. I walked out of my doctor's office in June feeling quite discouraged about my knee. No one seemed to address it and my doctor basically said that his work was done. Praise God for my husband getting me in to see his PT group because they gave me hope. I almost did not go because I was scrambling to pack for our trip and did it to humor my husband. I know that God's hand was in it and He showed me that all things are possible to those who believe and trust Him.

    I can't tell you how often I stop and pray for you and others on this thread. Every morning on my drive to work and often each trip home at the end of my day. Often the Holy Spirit lays it on my heart at that moment and I am sure it is a time most needed. When I see all that you have been through my thoughts go to Job and I think that if God can put Job through all that he experienced and rewarded him greatly then He can do the same for you. I wish I knew why one person goes through all that they do but I know that as we mature in our faith our trails can be great to make us purer than gold.

    Job 23:10 But He knows he the way I take: when He hath tried me, I shall comeforth as gold.

    Pure gold is so easily bent and so soft that it can't be used to make jewelry so other metals must be added to make it strong. But God will bring you forth as gold. Soft, bending to His will and no doubt His faithful servant. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I hope you are having a good Sunday. Bev, I did make it to church today and I have a feeling you were praying that for me. I hadn't been there in the last five Sundays. Two of those I was at my mom's and sister's church and that feels like home as well. I did pretty well when I was there but I just need to get my strength back.

    I am having stomach pains as I type this but I did go down for prayer this morning at church and I just feel like the Lord is going to heal this one way or another.

    Lucy, I am thinking of you this morning and hoping for the best for Tino. You have a lot on your plate now with the possibility of surgery for you and your DH's issues and your sons. That is a lot to take it. I am praying for you and your family dear sister.

    Sue, I am so sorry for the week you have been through. It just has to get better. I am so glad that the Lord encouraged your heart through this blog you found. God works in such mysterious ways. I guess if we could predict what He was going to do in our lives there would not be the need to trust Him. I am praying that this week things will be looking up for you. I hope you get your apts straightened out.

    Char, I hope your year is going well. Are you still having to deal with an overload on Th & F? I sure hope not. Did you know another former PE teacher posted here a few days ago. Valsa is her username. She taught in NYC I believe she said.

    Bev, How are you doing?  So glad to hear you are doing great running. How is your fur baby with the broken leg doing? Yesterday I saw this dove in my backyard struggling. It looked like it possibly had injured it's wing. It kept trying to fly up to one of my feeders and it never quite made it. I just can't stand to see anything suffer like that. I was reading the paper and eating at the time. I looked down and then I don't know what happened but I do know I had prayed that God would do something for this bird. When I looked up a few minutes later it was gone. I am taking that as a good sign that it flew away.

    Deborah and Sharon I hope you are both doing well. I hope you got a contract on your house, Sharon.

    Anita, I am so glad that you are enjoying your water class so much. That's awesome. I hope you aren't sore from your fall.

    ZJ First chemo tomorrow, right? Praying for that.

    Angie, are you feeling better now? So thankful that your second round was not like the first.

    Mags and July chemo sisters, You can see the end in sight by now I imagine. Hang in there. You can do it!

    Debbie and Valsa, Blessing to you both.

    Pepper, I hope you are having a good day. I pray that you can feel closer to the Lord this week.

    I know I am forgetting someone and I was afraid if I scrolled back to another page I would lose this.

    Have a wonderful Sunday. Thank you all so much for your prayers. You all have mine!







  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    These pictures probably won't mean anything to anyone except Sue and me. Sue, these are for you and I hope they bring back happy memories.











  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Hi Ladies: praying everyone had a good Sunday. Did I tell you that I PM Glenfae a while ago and never heard back from her. I sure hope she came through her surgery.

    Nancy: I am so glad you got to church today. I sure prayed for you and that a God would allow you to feel well enough to go. I know God will shed some light on what is taking place with your stomach issues. Praise The boss took a look at my schedule and gave my new team mate two classes and I get a break on Thurssday. Friday is a full day for everyone but I will get two six week planning periods on Friday. I will be in about 10 weeks and the next will be the last six weeks of the year.  I did see that we have a new gal here and that she was a PE teacher as well. I look forward to talking to her.

    I am trying to train for my next race that I foolishly signed up for before getting injured in January. Anyway, it is a 10K or 6.2 miles. I did a practice run yesterday and it was rough breathing because of the humidity and high dew point but our weather has broke and it is more comfy today. I did run 6.2 miles yesterday but my knee is sore and of course swollen. There will be 10,000 runners for my event and probably another 5,000 for the 5K. I will try a light run tomorrow after work and again on Thursday with some biking in between. I have curriculum night on Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30. So it will be a busy week with school and training. If I survive my run, I will be back out training for my first 10 mile run November 9th.

    Prayers to you Nancy that you get some relief. Congrats on winning the photo contest too.

    Lucy: Prayers  for all your appointments and consults. Does your husband have a medial or lateral meniscus tear. Most are media. Mine was lateral due to a twist on impact. Hope you got your hike in too.

    Debbie in Ireland: Sending prayers and love your way. May God uplift you and give you strength to fight this fight. 

    Bev: you keep running girl. I am proud of you. Hope the pooch is doing okay from surgery.

    To those with tests and chemo coming thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Dear Sue: My pastor talked about the blessings to come often require preparation to receive them. I figure according to him you are way over due. Praying He continues to give you those kisses that let you know He has it all worked out.

    God bless,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2014

    Zirosenthal, praying for you as you prepare for your first
    chemo infusion on Monday. Welcome to
    this family of women! I have only been
    a part of the group since July, but they welcomed me with open arms, love and I
    know that God brought me to this thread.

    Sue, Just Wow! I
    agree no coincidence it was “accidently” on purpose. God’s purpose for you to go to the blog and
    then share with us. How are you

    Lucy, I am also praying for your brother in-law Tino. Prayers to your family for strength during
    this time. Specifically for endurance and
    for you and energy to step in and care for the children. Also praying for your
    upcoming doctor’s visits.

    Nancy, Congratulations
    on your swan picture and another opportunity to tell the reporter about what
    the picture means to you and your treatments.
    I am praying they include how this place minister to you. I am also PTL
    for your good test results and I continue to pray for your stomach issues. So glad
    you were able to get to church today.

    Jean, good to meet
    you virtually. I am praying for your
    chemo and that God prepares you as you prepare for post-chemo.

    Anita, Yes Praise
    the Lord O My Soul and all that is within me.
    Praise His Holy Name! Just couldn’t
    help it when I read your post. I am PTL that you were able to spend time with
    your granddaughter today. When I spend
    time with my grandchildren it just wipes some of the side effects, mind
    battles, etc. away. My grandson came to
    me today and just wanted to cuddle and we fell asleep reading and talking and
    it made me so happy. I know how wonderful it feels to just tuck in with the
    little ones. Wow, brings tears to my
    eyes as I write this post.

    Char, ditto. I think that we forget sometimes that when
    gold is in the purifying state it is mendable and bendable. That is where God wants us. Thanks of the

    Mags, so glad to see
    you post here J.

    Peppermint, praying
    for your request.

    I am on the upswing
    now from my last chemo. Thank you so much for your prayers. If I can ask for
    specific prayer that am able to eat and not lose weight and as always that I rest
    specifically that I rest when my body says stop. I am getting better at listening to my body,
    PTL. Fatigue was a bit more this
    round. I am still working so trying to
    juggle family, work and ministry. God
    has sent a lot of supporters to help lessen the load this road. I think others
    are realizing I can’t continue at the pace I was at and I have been vocal on
    that but yet waiting for the right timing.

    I pray that everyone
    has had a blessed Sunday.

    God Bless you my
    Sister’s in Christ,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Thank you, ladies, for your continuing prayers. Please know that I do pray for you as well. I have a special request, for one of the July ladies who is now hospitalized for the second or third time, they can't pin down the cause of infection but it seems to be spreading. 

    Angie, always delighted to see you, and isn't this a grand place to meet? You continue to be in my thoughts, and I know that the August ladies are thankful for you in that thread. 

    I'm doing better with SEs this time, but am plagued with a twitching eye that makes it hard to concentrate. I'm now 2/3 done with chemo, and next treatment I will meet with the RO to go over radiation details. That's going to be a real challenge for me. My chronic fatigue is not going to like having to go somewhere every day. I'm tired just thinking about it,

    Blessings to you all.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Life is certainly getting
    much busier with me working more hours at my paying job, home improvement
    projects that need to be done this Fall, and ministry. Thankfully, I am doing
    100% better than I was this time last year when I was going through

    I may go even longer periods
    of not posting. Sometimes I might pop in with a quick message. Either way,
    you’ll be in my prayers as I do read all the posts and pray as I read them. I
    appreciate all of you who regularly post to encourage us, this helps more than
    you may ever realize. And I’m thankful to God for bringing us together, and for
    bringing more to this group. This is truly a great blessing from God. As I read
    of those of you having hard times, my
    heart is tender and sensitive to the difficulties you’re dealing with. When
    times become so unbearably difficult, do not cease to cry out to God just as the suffering men
    and women did again and again in the Bible. Just as God helped those who sought
    and trusted Him, God will help you, sustain you, and comfort you through this
    time for His Glory.

    Recently, I shared my personal experience with my friends on Facebook and thought I'd share it here as well.
    May it encourage you to trust Christ even more with what you’re going
    through. With love in Christ, Deborah

    One year ago I was sitting in an infusion chair receiving my first dose of
    chemotherapy. As I reluctantly allowed the toxic solution into my body, the
    same verse that came to me when I was first diagnosed three months earlier, and
    also just before I was wheeled into the surgery for a double mastectomy six
    weeks later, clearly shouted "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup
    from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

    Prior to cancer, never had I considered using
    these words of Jesus as my own, never had I encountered a situation that I knew
    could be so difficult and painful, yet even as the words of Jesus resonated
    with me I was hesitant to make these words my own as I knew my situation wasn't
    even close to what Christ went through for me.

    However, Paul reminds believers that there will be times when we share in
    the sufferings of Christ so His glory will be revealed "The Spirit himself
    bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children,
    then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with
    him in order that we may also be glorified with him." Romans 8:17

    We are to rejoice and be glad, "But rejoice insofar as you share
    Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is
    revealed" 1 Peter 4:14.

    Furthermore, our sufferings are so Christ can comfort and bless us which
    then is used to comfort others. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
    Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in
    all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any
    affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For
    as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share
    abundantly in comfort too." 2 Corinthians 1:4-5

    Indeed, God has been most gracious and merciful to me and my family,
    blessing us far more than I could have imagined, and the opportunities to
    comfort others has been as it never was before cancer. My life in Christ is
    better, richer, and deeper as God has revealed more to me through this time.
    Now a year later, I'm exceedingly thankful to God for all He has done and what
    He continues to do. My life is in His hands and whether it includes days of no
    cancer or days with cancer, I will rest in God's promises, for I know they are
    true. To God be the Glory!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2014


    I love the scriptures you shared, and testimony.....I have see the Lord bring glory out of all my Trials, He is so faithful and He Reigns, no enemy can triumph over me (us) if he is OUR Refuge. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Nancy, thanks so much for the pictures.  Looks just like it did over 20-years ago.  FYI all, the church is my home churh in Naperville, IL.

    I will try to write more later.  Having a horrible day with the swelling and not being able to breath.  May have to do the ER again tonight if I can find someone to drive me.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I am praying right now for you to find someone who can take you to the ER if you feel like you need to do that. Lord Jesus, we ask that you would put a hedge of protection around Sue from any attacks on her. We ask that you would provide someone who could drive her to the ER if her breathing doesn't get any better. We ask for you to breathe healing into her lungs and her body. Take her in your arms Lord and comfort her right now. I pray this in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

    I will continue to pray for you Sue. Hang in there.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    oh, yes, Sue - praying for you right now. Hopefully you're feeling better already. May you feel God's arms around you and strength flowing into you. Please let us know how you're doing as soon as you can!

    Praying also for you, Jean and Mag, as you had chemo today. Lucy, hope all the tests and treatment went well. 

    Nancy, hope you're feeling much better.

    God bless you all, my sweet sisters - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I hope you feel like writing and letting us know how you are doing. Still praying for you. You have been on my heart all evening.

    Lucy, You have been on my heart as well. I hope you can let us know how your brother is doing when you have a chance.

    Mags, Do you have CFS? I have FMS and they are very much related. You had shared your concern about fatigue during radiation. That was a big concern that I had prior to my treatments as well. I made it through but I made a point to walk as much as I could. The Lord really did a miracle because I have a foot problem and just standing too much would really set it off. The Lord allowed me to walk all during treatment. I am a swimmer and that was my only form of exercise that I regularly did. Everyone reacts differently. I did have fatigue and I did have to change the way I usually did things but it wasn't horrible. I tried to rest when I needed to. I think the walking helped me so much and of course staying very close to the Lord and asking for strength every day of the treatments. If you are making it through chemo I imagine you will breeze through radiation.

    Jean, I am praying that you have no side effects for your first chemo.

    Bev, I see where you mentioned you ordered a compression sleeve. I was in PT at the time I got my first sleeve and my therapists helped me with my sleeve and showed me how to put it on. I have very long fingernails and I didn't realize how delicate these sleeves are. They suggested taking a new garden glove and using that to put on the sleeve so that is what I do. I have a denim patterned sleeve from Lymphedivas. I have had some problems with it snagging and the stitching coming out. I paid a fortune at this local place that told me my insurance would probably pay half. Well they paid some and certainly not half so good for you getting yours paid for. I ordered a second set from this same place and my insurance paid even less the second time. I ended up ordering online and bypassed insurance all together as they were much cheaper. I ordered a bag that you can put the sleeve and gauntlet in and then wash in the washing machine. I found some special soap for these as well. If you are interested in any of that I can look up the website where I got these things because I can't remember what it is now..

    I had a pretty good day yesterday and a little problem with stomach issues at night. I had a good day today but have had a little bit more problem tonight with digestive issues.

    One of my friends emailed me tonight and said maybe God doesn't want you to take the drug and trust Him without it. I don't know about that yet. My doctor and pharmacist doesn't think it is the drug but I am still thinking it is playing a part. I really thought yesterday that I was getting to the tail end of all of this but tonight I am not so sure. Sigh.

    Well it is way past my bedtime. Hope everyone has a restful sleep tonight.



  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I've been praying for you through the night. I trust God sustained you and provided help in your need.

    I'm also praying for those of you going through chemo.

    Lucy, praying for you as you well. 

    Nancy, you're still in my prayers. 

    Bev and Nancy, regarding compression sleeves and lymphedema prevention, I was told that I am low risk because I only had 3 lymph nodes removed. So I haven't done anything different except I've not had blood drawn from the arm on the side where the lymph nodes were removed. Nancy, I see you only had 3 lymph nodes removed. Bev, how many did you have removed? My friend Elissabeth had 23 removed (if I'm remembering correctly) so she definitely needs to take precautions. Regarding insurance paying- they will pay all if you have met your deductible and you have a prescription. Nancy, when you have a chance tell me what your doctor advised you about wearing a compression sleeve. 

    Bestock - it's truly the most wonderful thing to be a believer, to rest in Him, His faithfulness and promises. God is our refuge, protector, King, Priest, Savior, Conqueror, and so much more!!!! 

    Thank you all for love, prayers, and encouragement! 


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2014

    Dear Sue, joining the others in Prayer for YOU.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Sue, just want you to know I've also been lifting you up to the throne of grace. Praying that the morning finds you improved. And praying for all of you sisters in Christ.

    Nancy, I have both CFS and FMS, as well as arthritis and degenerative disc disease in my lumbar spine. I have no cartilage in my knees and my shoulders are full of bone spurs. I've had two surgeries on my left shoulder due to bone spurs slicing through the rotator cuff, and that's the side I had lymph nodes removed. Standing and walking is painful. But I decided I didn't want to be dependent on narcotics, so I live with it.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950
    edited September 2014

    thanks for the warm welcome .   Reading all your posts so getting to know you guys.  Thanks for the prayers.  Really need prayer for family. dh and  2ds's.  The oldest 12 is having a minor hard time.  At church camp this summer I thought he had given it to God but fear ( for me )  is def controlling him.  Thanks ladies.