thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Ade, how did Elowen do yesterday with her scans?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2018

    Nancy, my Booey cat was a "mean drunk" on catnip. She would roll in it then guard it from the other kitty, Kate by laying on top of it. Glad Cammie likes her tree. Will you share a pic of her on it please? LOVE your flower pics and the butterfly is lovely!

    Elowen's x-ray showed NO magnet so they went ahead on the MRI which is NORMAL! Praising the Lord! THANK YOU for praying!

    James planted our container garden and spends an hour every morning watering his plants. He did a little rock ring around each tree & bush and in the front planted some flowers which are now beautiful in the sunshine. Notice that every bloom has a butterfly! I shot a million pics - just couldn't stop they were so photogenic!

    Blessings upon your day, Sisters!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Praise God for no magnet. Poor little thing. Glad that is over for your family. What a nightmare!

    Ade, I LOVE your flowers and butterflies. Wow. They obviously love those flowers. How fun.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Okay Ade, per your request. Here is Cammie in her new cat tree. Luckily I took the pictures last night because if I had taken them today you might have seen that rope around her little neck. She did #2 on the floor today. She has been so faithful up until today. I was NOT happy but tried with every ounce of control I had to NOT get angry with her as the experts say this produces more anxiety and makes the matter worse. We had two play sessions today and she is knocked out tonight.





  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2018

    Is she part Siamese?

    Cats from that breed can be VERY stubborn with minds of their own. No wonder you're having these issues with her ;o).


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Lita, she is a Ragdoll which is a cross of Persian and Birmese. This breed is supposed to be very docile but she has been none of the typical characteristics of the breed. I had issues with her from day #1. She was a little hellion when she was a kitten. Most would have given up on her back then. She is 10 yrs old and has come a very long way in socialization. She came from a breeder which I found out later was known for breeding cats with behavior problems. The lady was a vet and a breeder. How could you go wrong? She is a wonderful cat in her adult years until this issue. I am still thinking there is something physical going on. I have to have her sedated when going to the vet so I am very reluctant to do this again since we just did this in June. The vet did not perform all the tests as he should have looking back on it. She has her shots in November and will be sedated again so I am really not sure what to do. Normally I would take her to the vet pronto but with the sedation issue I am waiting.

    Today another disappointment with her. My resuming swimming after the pool was closed for two weeks could be the trigger in a big schedule change for me and therefore for her too.

    Right when I thought I had her all figured out this is a big blow for sure.

    How are you doing? Still praying for you.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2018

    Nancy she's beautiful - and obviously loving her tree! I'm sorry she had a relapse, but maybe it will be a one time thing in her new Good Girl regime. Thank you for posting her pic.

    James took his second injection Wednesday with no side effects! Praise the Lord! He has 2 more samples left so we HOPE the nurse HAS put in the paperwork for getting it free for real this time so he can get his prescription started. Also hoping this med WORKS! He will have bloodwork in November to see.

    Blessings upon your day, Sisters!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    Nancy, Cammie is beautiful! Such a lovely cat.

    Ade, so happy to hear James is doing well on the new meds. That is a real answer to prayer. Will continue to pray the paperwork has gone through and worked as it should.

    Jo, Yay on the good news for Elowen!

    It is so good to read of all of the answers to prayer. I met with my onc yesterday and there is a "subtle" change noted in my PET scan in a couple of places. We are not changing anything yet, but need more monitoring and more prayers. I sense that a change is on the way... This morning I don't feel well, but it is probably from the flu shot.

    Happy Friday!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2018


    Our very first Bulldog, Tiffy, had "behavioral" issues, too. She'd climb up on the couch, look at us defiantly, and just SQUAT AND PEE!

    She absolutely knew what she was doing. We'd try not to make a big deal out of it, b'cuz that can make it worse, as you know. We had to ban her from the couch and crate her at night so she wouldn't pee all over the house - despite being potty trained!

    Our current Bulldog, Sofia, is an angel. No accidents, no aggressiveness, etc. God meant for us to have Tiffy first. She broke us in and has made us appreciate Sofia all the more. Sofia has been "immortalized" on the cover of my third, and last book, which takes place in the 1970's. (The book launch party is in November...hopefully I'll still be okay for that.) Tiffy was the model and inspiration for the first two Bulldog books, which take place in England in the early 1800's and chronicle the horrors of how they used these dogs in the dogfight pits and how this reprehensible practice was finally outlawed by Parliament. The first book in the trilogy was a finalist for the ASPCA Henry Bergh Award for Young Adult Fiction :o).


    Good luck with Cammie, she's a beautiful cat!

    As for me...LOTS of diarrhea on Gemzar (Imodium to the rescue!), and I've been SO TIRED these days. Lots to do, before the party and our trip to Arizona, so that's kind of bumming me out, but OUR LORD will sustain me and give me the strength and energy I need.

    Praying for all of you,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Dear ladies,

    Thank you for your nice comments. Cammie is beautiful and she won't let me touch her with a brush if you can only imagine that after seeing her. She has to be shaved when at the vet on her tummy and behind.

    I had to take Cammie to the vet at the last minute today. She had not urinated in her box since early on Wed morning and I was really concerned. They had a cancellation as I was talking to them otherwise I couldn't get in until Monday. Long story short and $450 later the vet thinks it is still a behavioral issue and the devastating blow was her bladder was pretty small meaning she had gone SOMEPLACE in my house. AT least she now has her shots and will wait for blood work but the vet really felt like it would come back normal. I guess cats can hold urine for quite a long time but if a male cat would do that it can be serious.

    I had a serviceman in on Tuesday and that could have been enough to rock her world in a bad way. My resuming swimming this week was another thing. Cammie hates change. So I would appreciate your prayers for both of us because I am feeling pretty beat down at this point.

    Ade, I used to tell people that what Cammie lacks in good behavior she makes up for in good looks! So glad to hear James is doing well on this second shot. Praying this nurse will follow through on the paperwork.

    Chris, praying for you as well and that these minor changes will prove to be nothing of concern.

    Lita, congrats on your book. That is awesome! Sofia is a beauty. Did you paint that picture of her? My first cat was so sweet so Cammie came in like a lion from day one. Believe me it was hard to take. I had my first cat for 16 yrs and then Cammie for 10. From my reading anything that rocks their world in a bad way and causes anxiety can show itself in litterbox issues. So I can't be as mad at her as I used to be before understanding how this all works. She really is a sweet cat believe it or not.

    Praying for your SE's. Thank goodness you can take Imodium.

    Have a good weekend everyone.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2018

    No, I didn't paint the book cover. The artist who painted it is Leslie Hoops-Wallace from Georgia. She did all of my books, and the chapter illustrations as well for the first two books.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Lita, she did a fine job!

    Dear sisters, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me when I got home from the vet. I was so disheartened knowing that Cammie more than likely had urinated somewhere in my house and I don't know where. That also means that the days there was nothing in the box it could have been someplace else. I was of course glad nothing serious was wrong and I don't have bloodwork results yet but nontheless the vet's opinion was still behavioral. Please pray with me that she can get back to using her box and get over whatever it was that disrupted her good behavior a few days ago. I know this probably seems like a small matter to most of you but this has been worse for me than going through cancer if you can imagine that. Thanks for listening.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2018

    No problem, Nancy...we understand. NO ONE wants to go on an "Easter Egg Hunt" and clean up hidden cat poop and pee, for heaven's sake.

    Well, my weekend plans have been scotched. Woke up this a.m. and had another lovely experience with explosive diarrhea. Thank goodness I was wearing Depends and it didn't seep out onto my bed sheets, but it still wasn't fun.

    Gonna have to ramp up to a stronger anti-diarrhea med b4 we leave for our trip at the end of the month. One of the ladies on another thread said that some chemos rip the heck out of you colon/digestive tract and actually damage the intestinal/colon wall. It took her a year on special meds to recover. Her SE's were much more of a nightmare than I realize it could ALWAYS be worse. I certainly hope I don't get to that point, but the longer St IV gals are on perpetual chemo, the worse it gets. My MO has said that I won't be going off chemo any time soon unless of course I'm ready to "throw in the towel" and go directly to hospice.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    Nancy, you have way more patience than I with your cat. Even though I love my animals, I don't think I could do what you are doing. I usually have 2 cats at a time, but after the last one died I decided this one would be my last. She is very sweet and we can tell she loves being the only cat in the house. But her attachment to me sometimes drives me crazy!

    Lita, you amaze me. I complain about the least little set-back and you are fighting tough with a great attitude. God bless you!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Good morning dear ladies of faith.

    Lita, my Easter egg hunt found my goodies in her boxes. Yes, two boxes in one room. She did #1 in one box and #2 in another. Breathing easier today. Whew! Praying your diarrhea is much, much better today. You are a trooper for sure!

    Chris, I don't know why I am going through this but I do believe the banner below with all of my heart. I am believing there is much hope for my cat. Most think I am either a crazy cat lady or out of my mind. One of my friends said I should write a book about Cammie. I will leave the book writing up to Lita. Another friend shakes her head and says I didn't know you needed to write a diary and be a psychologist to own a cat. She was a dog breeder back in the day. Praying for you.

    Debbie, how are you doing? We miss seeing your encouraging posts. Praying for you dear sister.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2018

    Yay Cammie! Keep up the good work. Lita hope your diarhea subsides. Wishing all here a blessed week. Prayer request....I misplaced my Tamoxifin, a new scrip for 90 pills. Please pray I find them. Need this drug. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2018

    Today is our 35th Born Again Birthday. What a special blessing it is for a husband and wife to come to salvation together. When we were saved we only knew the Charismatic church. We were taught that if you had enough faith and positive thoughts and words all would be bliss in our new life in Christ. Well - reading what God's WORD said changed all of that (thankfully!). (Jesus Himself said, "In this life you WILL have tribulation".) I look back on the years and see a lot of trials and tribulations including having the closest of family forsake me, spiritual leaders who caused heartbreaks, pretty much financial ruin through a "Christian brother" contractor who lied to and robbed us, not to mention near fatal heart attacks and cancer. No "speaking the Word or positive thoughts" would have prevented that - any of it. However we have a much greater treasure in that the Lord has taught us first hand about His faithfulness and love for us and He has drawn us closer to Himself through it all than we could ever hope for or imagine. THAT is what life is about - not that things should always go smoothly as WE planned, or that we are always happy. Instead He offers us His peace in the storms and assurance that He loves us no matter what and is doing His work in us making us more and more into the image of Christ everyday as we trust in Him. He refines us in the fires of life, and in that we learn Who He is. Along the way we see SO many blessings that far outweigh the trials and each is a sweet gift from the Lord for which we give thanks to Him. So we journey on not knowing what the future (on this earth) holds - but knowing and being confident of, WHO holds our future. It is my prayer that you know and love Him too, for He knew and loved you first. Blessings upon your day, Ade

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    Ade, Congratulations on your Born Again Birthday! I was saved at the feet of my kindergarten Sunday School Teacher when I was 5. I struggled a little as a teen (didn't we all!) and was Sanctified at the age of 16 when I realized God was not standing over me to condemn me but was beside me to love and help me. He has been with me ever since through all of my good times and bad. God does not send bad things, only good, but promises to stand with us through whatever this earth throws at us. I don't know how people live without Him. I join with you in praying for the love of God to rain down on everyone here. Chris

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2018

    Thanks for the uplifting post, Ade.

    Here are a few of my favorite verses that get me thru the tough times:

    "If we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory." Romans 8:17

    "Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Cor. 4:17

    "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Cor 2:9

    Praying for you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Jean, did you misplace the script or the new bottle? Praying you can find it asap!

    Ade, congratulations on your 35th born again birthday. That is truly a gift to celebrate! My parents came to the Lord together and it was a special gift. I was raised in a traditional church that did not preach salvation. Thankfully I did get the message of salvation right before my 21st birthday in Aug. 1972. I was the first in my family and then eventually all of my immediate family came to the Lord.

    Chris, thank God for Sunday school teachers who preach the Good news.

    Joanne, yes Cammie is a diva. I actually think just as people can be on the autistic spectrum I am starting to believe cats can be as well! She has some similar characteristics of some of my students that were on the spectrum. I am unable to give her pills so I will never know if she would benefit from some of those drugs they have for cats.

    Yes, I am glad she is not sick. However tonight I am wondering if I am. I have had bad stomach pains all evening.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Amen Lita. We must have posted at the same time. I believe many Christians are defeated because they have not understood that we are heirs of God and what all that means to us as believers. What will be waiting for us after this life will be so unbelievably fantastic that our human minds can't even comprehend it.

  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2018

    53 yrs old so hopefully that quaifies me for "middle aged" I am just looking to network with other christian women. Tired of other threads chastising women for bringing up faith issues. I live in Iowa. Found out today that one of my childhood heros Joni Erickson Tada was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. When I was a teenager reading her book was a life-changing book for me. Now in addition to being a quadriplegic she had breast cancer.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited September 2018

    Hey gkbuser! I follow this thread to! I had not idea about Joni! I did read were Billy Graham sister was just diagnosed to! This is a great thread with wonderful women! I rarely post but read here daily. It's truly uplifting!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Welcome GK. I remember some of the first ladies I met on this forum I believe were kindly asked to stop sharing their faith on another thread. There is no age limit here. We have had a 27 yr old on here for a time. I am sure sorry to hear about Joni. She has always been one of my heros as well. Feel free to join in. We love meeting new ladies but as we always say this was not quite the way we would like to meet people.

    Vargadoll, it is always nice to hear from ladies who I know follow this thread but don't post. Every so often they will pop in and I am glad you are appreciating the uplifting tone of this Christian thread. Feel free to post anytime.



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2018

    varga, thats hilarious! How many of the same threads are we on now? Lol.

    Bandwoman, thanks!

    Jo, I just found out. She ended up stopping chemo as it was causing lung side effects.

    I was on youtube trying to find christian yoga for cancer surviors and I saw it.

  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2018

    jo, that is amazing! I have never seen this, thanks for sharing. And the smile on her face the pure joy! Another one of my heroes as a teenager growing up was Corrie Ten Boom. Have you ever read The Hiding Place? She was such an inspiration to me. How these people shine in the midst of tribulation is amazing to me.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    gk, loved reading Corrie Ten Boom. I was fortunate to hear her at a youth rally when I was a teen. She is buried in the same cemetery as my brother in California and was an inspiration to me also during rough teen years after he died at 16.

    Jo, love the banner!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2018

    Jo, I will echo Chris. That is a great banner!