thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited September 2018

    I'm always reading along! I love the banners and pictures that are shared but most of all the faith! I occasionally have time to actually post. Today I do! The grandkids were here later than normal last night and all those tedious little nighttime chores or overlooked. I got up early and tried to get everything done before church before I knew it was 5 minutes past time for me to leave! I was a few minutes late but they hadn't closed the door yet. It just was one of those hectic mornings. My Sundays are usually peaceful and I could have easily skip church this morning. When my pastor got to the pulpit this morning he said I want to thank you all for being here. You all had choices and you chose to be here. You chose to be here with your faith family on this Sunday morning. All of a sudden I didn't care that I was late! I was right where I was meant to be!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Hershey, how is your LE coming along? I am sure you and Joanne could identify with the patience needed to deal with the swelling that just doesn't seem to go away. I know God allows us to go through things not to make us miserable but to build our faith muscles to bring us from glory to glory. I pray God will give you an abundance of hope today for your present and your future.

    Varga, glad you made it to church even though it may have not been your usual promptness. God never closes his doors on His children, late or otherwise. Glad you had some time to post. Are things drying out in NC? We are having a Convoy of Hope trailer truck at our church in a couple of weeks to pack kits for the storm victims. I would love to take part in that but will be on the road coming home from visiting my Mom downstate.

    Enjoy your Sunday dear sisters. I take Sunday's being a day of rest literally and usually have a long nap in the afternoon. I am usually going 100 mph during the week but my Sunday afternoons are for me to unwind and I do. Hope you can relax and unwind as well.



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2018

    hi ladies, we were also a little bit late for church this morning. I can only tell you the devil must be super busy on Sunday mornings. But everytime I feel like he's working to keep me out of church it makes me all the more determined to go. Even if I put on a pair of jeans I wasn't real happy with today but you know what? I went! 😊 We will not let the devil keep us out of church! On another note we've been really busy with my daughters marching band and it is so fun. They travel to local competitions. We don't have to go too far which is nice. But I love watching the marching bands and cheering. Also going to football games and watching them do the halftime program. I hope you all have a blessed day

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    GK, glad you made it to church. Yes, I am certain the enemy works overtime on Sunday mornings to discourage us from going to church by putting up all sorts of road blocks.

    I am a retired band director so it warms my heart to hear of parents supporting their kids music endeavors. Good for you!!!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    We attended the church that is affiliated with out GD's preschool this morning to watch them sing and celebrate. It was different but I am still thankful for church. I did miss the choir...

    gkbuser, my youngest son was in the marching band and we loved going to games and competitions, so I know how you feel. I miss them! Our daughter was the athletic trainer for a high school and we sometimes went to football games just to support her as an adult even moving the chains as they needed the help. Her school now doesn't have a football team and is too far away for us to just attend games (an hour one way!) but she doesn't miss football at all. Says she has her Friday nights back!

    Enjoy your naps everyone!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Chris, I am sure your GD loved having you there. Did she sing in this service?

    I love the idea that the Lord fights for us. When we have done all we can do then I believe that is when the Lord comes in and does what we cannot. Our job is to wait, pray and trust that He will answer. He will always answer according to His will and not ours. That is the part we sometimes don't fully grasp with our hearts even though we have heard Thy will be done a million times.

    Have a restful night dear sisters.




  • kat17
    kat17 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2018

    Thanks Bandwoman, just what I needed to read before bed

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Thank you Kat17. That is the whole point of these banners.

    As we are getting into our Thanksgiving holiday season it is good to remind ourselves that we need to be in that spirit every day of the year. There is something about going to God first with a grateful heart that opens ourselves up to His presence in a deeper way. They say that courage is doing something in spite of the fear. I think that we need to be thankful and express that to God in spite of our feelings. There is something very powerful about literally counting your blessings during times when you certainly don't feel like doing that. There is a release in that I cannot explain but very real.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2018

    I heard this very simple "thank you" recently.

    "Dear Lord, Thank you for my comfortable, warm bed, and thank you for the dry roof over my head. I also thank you for the food on my table that keeps my body strong and able. Amen."

    Even in the midst of our suffering, we often don't know how fortunate we are.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Lita, I am praying you will be able to enjoy your book launch party in November. That is just next month.

    Our pastor who travels the world preaching just recently mentioned that some of the places he visits that materially are way worse off than in the US the people seem to be happier in their circumstances than we in the US are.

    Joanne, the lyrics to that song ditto what my pastor was saying too. I am sponsoring a little girl in Ethiopia and every time I pray for her it reminds me of how much I have and how little she and her family have. It is hard to understand why I was born in what would be deemed wealth and she was born in poverty.

    I know this prayer request may seem very trivial to what many of you are going through but I am going to ask if you have time to say a prayer for Cammie my cat. I have a tech person coming tomorrow afternoon and that person will be definitely be invading her personal space as my computer room is in Cammie's litter box room and where I feed her. After carefully tracking her litterbox habits the last several months this type of interruption could mean four days of an out of the box experience. She has not had one of those since Sept. 9 and we have been on a very good roll.

    I thought I could deal with this installation of a new modem myself but I have SO many devices connected to my wifi network which could be big issues if I ran into problems so I finally gave in and called the tech person to come.

    I am watching the Cubs in the Wild card game tonight trying to hang on for dear life. It is do or die tonight.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Teka, we must have been posting the same time. Just now saw your post. Love the hydrangea pic. I hope you had a great time on your mini vacation. I bet it is beautiful up there this time of year. I planted a hydrangea this spring and the poor thing is limping along. I can only hope it will one year look like that one! Thanks for posting. Glad you are feeling better.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2018

    Teach Me To Love

    Teach me to love, just like a child.

    Remind me every day to smile,

    To trust You as I take each step,

    Erase old wounds and passed regrets

    Teach me to swallow pride and greed,

    And trust You'll supply all my needs.

    Show me how to schedule my day,

    To learn from You and to always pray.

    For Mercy and grace are hearts and believe.

    Childlike faith will grow and become....

    A reflection of Jesus, my Savior, God's son.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Debbie, I am agreeing with you in that prayer. That could be a prayer for each one of us for sure.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2018

    A Prayer Of  Thanks

    While freely we receive Your gifts,

    We strive to freely give

    To friends and strangers, far and near,

    In the vast world were we live.

    Heart gifts, wisdom, joy and love,

    Fruitful seasons which we share,

    All good gifts are graced by You

    And remind us that you care.

    You giveth power for us to give,

    Your grace will see us through.

    The gifts we give to others , Lord,

    All serve to honor You.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Amen Debbie.

    My tech guys came out to install some new equipment and Cammie did just fine and did not have an out of box experience the morning after. Thank you Jesus!

    Have a good evening dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2018

    Thanking the Lord with you Nancy that Cammie weathered the tech guy storm. (I have to laugh at the term "out of box experience"! So she's NOT thinking outside the box - or thankfully anything ELSE!!!) YAAAY!!!

    Love the hydrangeas, poems and songs, ladies! There is always something to bring a smile on here, and we are blessed in encouraging one another.

    In the ongoing saga of my husband's much needed medication - oh where do I start! His 2 heart attacks & surgeries were a YEAR ago July - and he STILL doesn't have the medication we have been fighting for! He didn't even start the samples from the doctor's office until August of this year. (The cardiologist thought he'd been on it this whole time.) The nurse told us to meet her at the once a month local clinic (their office is 3 hours away) and she would give us a couple more samples. We waited an hour and James went back to the secretary who said she had told the nurse but would remind her again. Patients came and went this whole time and nurse saw us but pretended not to. When we finally were called back she said, "OH! Was I supposed to bring those today?" She had just told James the following week she would bring them. This was the 2nd time this happened. The first time we traveled an hour to get them, the secretary went back and came out to us to say the nurse said they were out of them. (She has just said prior that there were plenty of them!) We drove an hour back home. Then when James told his cardiologist in August he has had no meds (Dr. thought he had been on them since January) he was pretty mad. He called nurse in and then she said the secretary never told her we were there and that she DID have the samples! OK...after this last visit to the local clinic (where she forgot them) nurse told us to come back the following week to the other cardiologist's clinic and she would send the samples with them. Well guess what...yep...she forgot again! So we leave for Ohio for 2 weeks next Friday - with no medication.

    This med is over $1,500 a month! We were assured we qualify for assistance which nurse was SUPPOSED to have been applying for since January - but has no updates on the application statuses at all. Hmmm. Finally I went online myself and downloaded an application from the pharmaceutical company myself. I filled out our part and when we went to the local clinic we had the doctor sign it and nurse filled out their part of it - incorrectly! The company called her last week but she failed to do her part and they called again this week to remind her - all the time holding up our application still longer.

    I am having a bit of a hard time having a Christian attitude toward this woman as she is telling lies to us and the cardiologist and preventing my husband, who nearly died, from getting his medicine. I am forced to write a letter to the cardiologist about his nurse. Please pray we say the right words, that the doctor GETS the letter (will mark PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL on it), and realizes 'the problem' in his office. I DON'T think he will be happy!

    I apologize for what may seem like a rant - but I/we really need prayers on this - it is important. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!

    Blessings upon your day!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, hooray for Cammie! Her angels must have been prodding her all the way.

    Ade, I am amazed at your saga. You should not feel at all hesitant about writing the Dr. as it reflects on him and I am sure affects other patients too. Know you are bathed in prayer for this situation.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Ade, I pray that this is you walking through as God makes a way for James to get this needed med. As far as I am concerned you have had the patience of Job during this whole fiasco and I say you certainly had every reason to write that letter. I would be having an out of mind experience going through what you have!

    Yes, Ade and Chris I know something was happening in the spirit world to calm Cammie as she endured two guys invading her space. Today she decided she would use both boxes. She really likes to mix it up just to keep me on my toes. As soon as I think I have her figured out then I haven't.

    Have a good day dear sisters. We are in for many rainy days back to back if the weather persons are correct. I got out with my camera yesterday knowing it might be the last of the nice days before I leave for my Mom's. While walking in the woods I kept hearing sounds that sounded like an elephant. LOL I could be losing it which is highly possible after enduring months of the Cammie saga! Maybe I shouldn't repeat that to anyone. Oh well. After I hit submit it is out thereLoopy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    The two words that seem fleeting at times are hope and trust. I pray today that every one of us can experience an extra dose of both of these things. When we keep our eyes on Him and NOT on our problems that is the fastest way to experience both of these.





  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2018

    Hold My Hand

    Oh, hold my hard, dear Savior,

    When heartache come my way.

    For when I have Thee near me,

    There dawns a brighter day.

    Oh, hold my hand, dear Savior,

    When shadows cross the sky,

    For  when I'm close beside Thee,

    My thirst is satisfied.

    Oh, Hold my hand, dear Savior,

    That I'll not loss my way,

    For Thou, my gentle Jesus,

    The fullest price dids't  pay.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Good morning dear ladies of faith,

    Debbie and everyone, this banner is for you.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, glad Cammie is behaving. Ade I pray God breaks through and James gets his meds. May God give all here strength, provision and hope in your individual situations. My hubby and I are trying to salvage,some assets in our daughter and son in law's business that is on the verge of bankruptcy. Please pray for this. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Jean, I am sorry to hear about your family members huge financial challenges. Praying that assets can be salvaged and that God will work in this situation.

    Dear have heard many people talking about making a grand entrance. I made quite an exit but it was NOT grand. I go to a very large church and after the service there is a sort of bottleneck with many people trying to exit at the same time. I am always a bit uneasy when exiting the auditorium because I can easily lose my balance in these types of situations. Today as I was in this bottleneck this man fell in front of me and knocked me down. Luckily the domino effect did not continue as I remember looking behind me and a young man who looked like he had just had his foot amputated was behind me in a wheel chair but a little distance away. Thank God I didn't end up running into him and hurting him. I don't think anything is broken but I have several areas that are hurting. I am leaving for my Mom's on Wed and my prayer would be that there will be nothing from this fall that will prevent me from going. Her 93rd birthday is this week and I really don't want to miss being there for that. The man that knocked me down must have made a fast get away so hopefully he is okay.

    In all the situations I find myself in when out shooting with my camera I never expected to fall right inside of my own church. Shocked

    Have a restful night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    I kind of feel like this cat. I am doing fine but I hurt everywhere. I said to my neighbor how do you ice your rear end!

    Joanne, I hope nothing more shows up because plenty showed up yesterday. I thought I would have a black eye because the whole side of my face hurt and felt numb but I lucked out. I am SO very fortunate because this could have been horrible if I had hit one of the seats which was only a few feet away. I feel very fortunate that at least I don't think I broke anything at this point. I leave for my three hour drive to my Mom's tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to stand it.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your fall (or knock-down!) Hope you feel well tomorrow. Give your mom a hug from all of us!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2018

    Aw sorry Nancy! I pray you're on the mend and soreness dissipates for your trip. Give your mom a warm birthday hug from all of us!!!

    We had a WHOPPER thunder storm Friday night! Thunder, loads of lightning and big hail! Lightning struck the tower on the mountain behind us and knocked out the internet. We called and they said they'd have it fixed mid-morning Saturday. We JUST NOW got it fixed! (Tuesday afternoon) I was sweating bullets as I had SOOO many backlogged orders to fill before the post office closed at 3:30 today. But I made it JUST in time! Praying for favor with my customers for the late shipping now....but SO thankful to be up & running once more! Where we live we need internet for music (Pandora) and TV plus computers so all of that was silent for 3 days. Wow - you should try it. You don't realize how disconnected you feel with no communication other than a cell phone.

    We leave for Ohio for 2 weeks starting Friday so I won't be here much, if at all. Love seeing the kids & families but dreading the fatigue that goes with it.

    I'm praying for you all - with love,


  • kat17
    kat17 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, sorry about your fall...but love your sense of humor

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Good evening dear ladies,

    Thank you for your prayers and encouragement and hugs for my Mom. I have been flying around trying to get things done before leaving tomorrow. On the way to get my allergy shot which is a ways out of town I ran into rain so hardly I could hardly see and then in a few minutes the sun was in my eyes. Strange weather for sure.

    Joanne, I may have to get some Epsom salt when at my Mom's. I didn't have any on hand but I have used that in the past and it does help.

    Ade, so sorry you were without internet when your business relies on having it. I am glad you got it back in time to ship to your customers. Praying you have a really good trip. Praying for strength knowing how difficult this is for you and James. I have been praying for the prescription fiasco and I hope this has a good ending for you both.

    Thank you ladies. You are a great support and I appreciate all of you so much.

    I will write when I can but when I am visiting at my Mom's facility there is no internet and my cell is not linked with my email so I can only write when staying at her house.

    I will still read but may not have as much time to post as I usually do.

    Take care dear sisters and have a good night.



  • EdithMary
    EdithMary Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2018

    Hello, friends! My name is Edith Mary, I am 64 years old, I have 3 married daughters and 17 grandchildren. My husband and I have been married for over 43 years, and are still incredibly close: we met at university. We have had our struggles as a family through the years, but God is faithful: all of my daughters and their husband are faithful, and my oldest daughter is married to an Orthodox priest (they have 8 children, 6 natural and 2 adopted). I am not afraid of death, though the prognosis does look fairly good for me (I am stage 2a). But I HATE medical intervention. I have been putting off seeing the dentist about an abcess as I am terrified of the idea of root canal, but I really need to have this seen to before I see the oncologist on Oct 24, as I suspect that it will delay radiation, etc. (I had surgery three weeks ago, a lumpectomy). Anyway, I would appreciate your prayers for my fears, that I can get things in order for what I will need to go through!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    EdithMary, welcome to this site although I am sorry you have to be here.

    As far as your dental work, I am the biggest dental chicken on the planet, but the benefits of a root canal far outweigh the pain and the fear. My last root canal was surprisingly easy so I will be praying for this for you.